When Ophelia returned, she saw Killorn at the entrance. He was taking off his coat and handing it to the butler with an irritated expression. Beetle incentive spoke beside him, almost in exasperation. Layla took one look at him and tried to flee, but Beetle already caught a whiff of her. Without warning, he chased past Ophelia, instantly catching Killorn's attention.

"Ophelia." Killorn crossed the distance between them in three strides. He caught her by the waist and brought her closer. Burying his face into her neck, he took in a deep breath and sighed in relief.

Ophelia was immediately skittish by his affection. He pressed his lips to her skin, his mouth warm and wet. Her heart skipped as he tentatively kissed every spot he could before nuzzling against her.

"I missed you, my sweet."

Ophelia was dizzy at these words. What was there to miss? She gripped his upperarm for support. She felt his muscles through her fingertips as she nervously turned her head, but it was impossible. He rested against her shoulders, his large figure hunched over her for her. His hair tickled her and she let out a burst of nervous laughter.

"Tell me you missed me too," he demanded in a quiet, almost sulking nature.

"O-of course I'd miss you," she shyly admitted, stepping closer to his natural warmth. She always loved how protective she felt in his arms.

"Then why weren't you in the castle?" his voice lowered dangerously. "Where did you go?"

"I-I went with Layla…" 

"To where?"

lightsΝοvel "I-is everything alright?" Ophelia mumbled. "Y-you sound mad."

Killorn squeezed her hips. "Not at you."

Killorn rose to his full height and let out a small sigh. He always loved how soft she was. He felt like a child eager to hug his teddy bear whenever she was around. It was impossible to not fall for her charms, especially when she wasn't aware of how he felt around her. My god, there was nothing he didn't love about his dear wife. She was the embodiment of perfection in his eyes.

"Your ready-made dresses are here, come and try them on before the ball. The seamstress came by today for your measurements, but you weren't here. Don't wander too far tomorrow."


Immediately, Killorn froze. "What?"

Ophelia bit her bottom lips. She shamefully glanced up at him. "I-I feel like a b-bird trapped in a cage w-waiting for my owner to return."

Killorn didn't understand where all of this was coming from. "You're free to go as you please within the grounds of my estate within the empire. No one is keeping you in place, Ophelia."

Ophelia swallowed hard. Was it just her imagination then? She felt Everest's words coming back to haunt her. 'If you were my wife… if it were me, I'd never leave you alone, Ophelia.'

Ophelia glanced to the floor. "I-it's just, you're never here with me. We barely see each other and w-when we do, all we do is…"

The words died in Ophelia's throat. 

"All we do?" Killorn repeated. "Did you not want to? You could've told me, Ophelia."

Ophelia couldn't find it in herself to continue. She sounded like she was whining. He had given her everything she could imagine, except his time and attention. Killorn fulfilled the duties of a husband and she was complaining? The role of a wife was to give birth to his heirs. Nothing more. She should've felt lucky that he tended to this part well.


"Nevermind," Ophelia murmured. "I don't m-mind."


"I-I didn't mean to, i-it's fine." Ophelia grabbed him by the wrist and leaned up.

"Ophelia, we can talk it out," Killorn insisted, but she shook her head.

"I-I was in the wrong," Ophelia confessed, pressing her lips to his.

Killorn stiffened under her touch, just as a lone tear slipped down her face. He had barely registered it before she pressed herself against his body, her heart falling by the second. 

Killorn yielded to her without qualms. He captured her by the waist and hoisted her into their room, the surprise no longer needed. She'll just get two presents tomorrow. As the doors closed shut behind him, Killorn lowered Ophelia onto the bed, believing that was what she wished for. As he undressed her and himself, she did nothing, but close her eyes, as if accepting this was her fate for eternal life. When he kissed her again, when his fingers brought her to ecstasy, she made a small noise, drawing her grip on his shoulder. 

"M-my lord…!" she cried out, tears falling freely from her face and sliding down her cheeks. 

Killorn brought her to the doors of pleasure, but no amount of warmth would fill the icy hole in her chest. They did it for however long Ophelia could stay up for. And when her body collapsed in exhaustion, he cleaned and held her the entire night, completely not aware that the wife he embraced so tightly in his grasp was beginning to slip away. 

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