Alpha's Cruel Addiction

Chapter 99 I Am Duchess Mavez

"Truly, you know nothing of a lady's heart," Elena chided her older brother whilst jutting him out of the way with her hips. She had grown up by this man's side and could read his temperament like the back of her hand. That was the only way she could make herself useful in this world where sons were preferred over daughters.

"I don't need your help—" Everest began.

"Ophelia?" Elena calmly interupted, her voice readily lowering everyone's defense. She smiled at the silence, for it was better than shouts for her to leave.

A second passed and Elena saw Everest's accusing glare. Elena was glad she came at the right time, for her brother was losing his patience. She had never seen him this bothered before. He was always calm and composed, in control of everything. Seeing this humored Elena, making her even more intrigued by Ophelia.

"My irritating brother can leave," Elena teased from outside the door. "Before my party tonight, why don't we have a ladies' spa day?"

Another round of silence.

Elena was worried her plan was failing. Then, she heard it. The slow unlock of the door. Elena shooed Everest away, who scowled at her behavior. He roughly seized her by the wrists with a warning glower. She met his indignation with an unfazed smile of her own.

'I have it handled.' Confidence was written all over her face.

Ophelia opened her door in time to see Everest storm off. She nervously glanced down the hallways. Suddenly, he came to a stop. She froze in fear, worried she had offended him. Instead, he sharply turned around, offered her a wry smile, then left. Her heart skidded like rocks across a pond, wondering why he was this friendly to her.

"I-I do not want to take up your busy schedule," Ophelia murmured to the Princess. "P-please excuse me."


Ophelia's head snapped up to Elena who stared her down. Elena's face held no malice. She bore no ill-intent. That much was clear. Elena's attention swept across Ophelia's slightly red eyes.

"You've been crying."

Even Janette overlooked that. Her head snapped to the lady. The puffiness was barely there, but Ophelia's gaze was rimmed pink. She was stiff with shock, her hands lingering on the door.

"Boy problems?" Elena mused. "Tell me about it."

"Y-you wouldn't understand."

"Oh please," Elena humored. "With a brother like mine, I'd rather have boy problems."

Ophelia was confused. Everest seemed like the perfect brother. Elena's mouth elegantly twisted into a smile as she offered her hand.

"You could use a spa day. Come, let's undergo my usual treatment together, so you'll be glowing at the dance tonight. I'll make you the star of the ball," Elena eloquently explained.

Ophelia was reluctant, but glanced at Elena's appearance. 

Elena's skin was pale, but not in an unnatural manner like most vampires. In fact, Elena was glowing with glamor and grace, her makeup perfect, her complexion glowing brighter than pearls. There was not a single flaw in sight. Elena was perfect in every way from her bright blond hair to her red-as-apple eyes.

Ophelia could never compare to the magnificence of a vampire. At tonight's ball filled with aristocracy, the majority of whom hailed from the supernaturals, Ophelia would stick out like a sore thumb. Her human appearance would never live up to those people. She would embarrass Killorn the minute she walked in.

"I-I haven't even selected a dress," Ophelia reluctantly said.

"Really?" Elena sharply gasped. "Oh my, that is my fault, I invited you too late!"

Ophelia's eyes went wide when she saw the rubies and pearls adorning the priceless dress. She understood immediately that this wasn't just something the Princess would've ordered on a whim. Was the royal family really that rich?


"Take it," Elena insisted, pressing it into her hand.

"I-I'd stand out too much," Ophelia whispered, whilst nervously glancing at the maids who were equally as shocked by the proclamation of the expensive gown.

"Ophelia," Elena said in a firm voice. "You are Duchess Mavez and no longer some random heiress hidden by House Eves since birth. I know the rumors about your sickly nature and that's why you seldom were present in high society. But you're not that girl anymore—you're meant to stand out now."

Ophelia swallowed. Just how much did Elena know about her?

"Ophelia," Elena calmly asserted. "You are now Duchess Mavez, wife to the most ruthless wolf, Alpha Mavez."

Ophelia stiffened.

"Your husband is related to the royal family by blood. Your husband leads the strongest pack in the world. He commands the soldiers in the palace and he trains the strongest of warriors."

Ophelia was dizzy of Killorn's accomplishments, for she was once again aware that she could never measure up to his status.

"And you?" Elena sharply declared. "You are his wife, the woman that will soon birth his heirs. You are the wife he chose, the one he married, and the Luna of his enormous pack. One day, you will lead high society—no, you'll rule it. Everyone except the royal family will have to bow to you."

Ophelia's breath hitched. She had never thought of it that way.

"So, Duchess Mavez," Elena turned to her with a pointed stare. "Will you continue to let people walk all over you? The very people that mistreat you, gossip behind your back are behind you for a reason. No one should dare to walk in front of you."

Ophelia tensed. She was beginning to realize just the exact power her name and status held.

"If there is one thing you'll remember from today, it is not your flaws, your stammer, no, never let it be that. My one and only advice for you is to repeat to yourself one phrase and never forget it."

Ophelia swallowed hard.

Elena jutted her jaws out in the manner that Ophelia should have done so the day she met her. She placed the dress's hangers into Ophelia's hand, sauntered forward, curled a finger under Ophelia's chin, and forced her to lift her head.

"I am Duchess Mavez and everyone else will never measure up to my worth," Elena coldly said.

Ophelia's eyes widened at the statement.

"Repeat it."

Ophelia didn't think she could. She was met with Elena's pointed stare, which almost seemed to judge her on the spot. 

"I-I a-am—"




Ophelia swallowed hard. She breathed through her nose, held it, then released it through her mouth. She cleared her mind, gripped the red gown in her hand and  looked Princess Elena of Helios Empire straight in the eyes.

Ophelia opened her mouth and uttered words that she'd one day go by. "I am Duchess Mavez and no one will ever measure up to my worth."

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