Ankoku Kishi Monogatari (WN)

Chapter 28: Leaving the Rox Kingdom

The zombies have been eradicated. As a result, the kingdom regained its liveliness.

Currently, I'm walking alone in the main street.

Along the way, I hear the people in my surrounding praising Reiji.

As a matter of fact, Reiji is being praised for his exploits in trying to save this kingdom.

I saw Reiji’s last magic; it was amazing.

And then, I recall that time.

I return to the above ground after destroying Zarxis’s magic formation. But then, I was surprised when I found out that Mizuouji Chiyuki and Todoroki Naomi waiting at the entrance. But then, I could slip out easily since it seems their attention was toward the sky.

A while after I left them, the sky suddenly turned bright. When I looked toward the sky, light was overflowing from Reiji’s direction. The torrent of light was illuminating the sky for a very long distance. It might be impossible to defend against that magic with your normal magic.

Reiji didn't use that magic when we fought before. I'll pay more attention if I fight him again in the future.

To be honest, I don't want to fight him. But I might have to fight him if he were to invade Nargol again.

The problem is Rena. Everything will be fine as long as she gives up on attacking Nargol. What should I do to stop her? That's the main problem.

And then, I absolutely have no idea of what she's trying to do in this kingdom. It seems Rena left this kingdom after that morning. Though I don't know what in the world she's thinking about, I have to pay special attention to her every move.

And there’s another thing that makes me feel uneasy. It's about Zarxis.

Who is he? His words make me feel uneasy. He's calling Modes as a betrayer. Calling himself as the right-hand man of Nargol, the god of destruction. And speaking of Nargol, it's the land ruled by Modes. But, it seem the word ‘Nargol’ possesses another meaning.

I'll try to ask Modes about it when I return. But before that, I should try to accomplish my goal for coming to this place.

Indeed, I'm going to leave Rox kingdom tomorrow morning.

Before that, I'll express my greetings to the people from whom I've received favors as much as I can.

When I'm thinking about such things, I saw a familiar face walking in front of me.

「If it isn't Renber-dono, what's the matter? 」

The one who’s coming is Renber. But he seems to be different from the usual. It seems he's worrying about something.

Moreover, the royal palace should be in the midst of a banquet for celebrating Reiji’s exploits right now. I hear that even Gallios and the rest were invited to that banquet. Since they managed to stop the zombies, it seems they received a special invitation.

That's just natural since they fought bravely in order to prevent the zombies from entering the urban area.

The most miserable one might be those temple knights. Though no one is dead in this incident, they were controlled and forced to raise their sword toward the hero. It seems they're going to replace the palace guard duty till Reiji and the rest return to Holy Republic Lenaria. Moreover, they said while laughing that making use of the royal palace to come to the banquet might be a humiliation for them.

Though Gallios doesn't want to attend the banquet, he has no choice but to attend as the leader of the freedom fighters.

I was also invited but I refused since I don't want to meet Reiji. That's why I'm walking alone right now.

Is it okay for Renber, a knight, to not attending that banquet? Or else, does he have another duty?

「Eh … Ah … It’s Kuro-dono…」

Renber blankly gazes at me with gloomy face.

Though I'm right in front of him, he doesn't seem to have noticed my greeting.

「What happened? Is it okay for you to not be at the royal palace?」

When I asked him that question, Renber is shaking his head.

「No, nothing particular … Since the royal palace will be fine even without me」

Renber is saying so without looking at my eyes.

For some reason, Renber seems to be in low spirits.

I've received much favor from him during my stay in this kingdom. It might be none of my business, but I couldn't just leave him alone.

「Renber-dono. How about we grab a drink? It's my treat」

I don't drink liquor, but I'll at least accompany him.

「There was such a guy huh…」

When I narrate about that masked man in the underground to Reiji, Reiji displays a vexed expression on his face.

「Sorry, Chiyuki. If only I came with you …」

Reiji is apologizing to me.

You disappeared for the sake of saving Almina, didn't you! Though I retort like that within my mind, I won’t say it out loud.

This might be Reiji’s limit. When two women are in danger at the same time, he can't save both of them.

He made the right choice to go to Almina’s side since she possesses no power to save herself, making her different from me. But thanks to that, I got embroiled in such danger.

It doesn't mean that Reiji will be okay no matter what happens to me; it's just because he thought that I'll be able to solve it myself that he went to save Almina.

Even if had received the same treatment in our home world, I won't get angry. I myself have no wish to be saved by a man.

But, I was truly scared at that time.

I don't even want to think what will happen to me if that man didn't come to save me. He's the second man who saved me after Reiji.

Though I wanted to say my gratitude, he didn't come out, so I returned to that basement.

In there, I no longer saw both him as well as that masked man, but I found traces of their fight.

I believe some kind of deadly magic battle happened there.

The floor had either melted due to high temperature or frozen into chunks of ice. It seems a high level magic was used during that battle.

Though the one who came to save me is powerful in close combat to the point of being able to toss Kaya, it seems he might also be an extremely proficient magician. Just who in the world is he?

「Say Chiyuki-san, what kind of person is the one that came to save you? Did you see his face? 」

Shirone’s asking so with sparkling eyes. Shirone really loves this kind of heroic stories.

「I don't know. He hid his face」

I don't know his face and figure since it seems he hid them. But I could feel his kindness.


Nao joins Shirone in the conversation.


Shirone and Nao are laughing together.

Nao was also saved along with me when she  was still unconscious. That's why she might be not be able to feel the same feeling as me.

「Nao-san … You were in a dangerous situation that time, you know」

I chastise Nao as the one who faced the most dangerous situation this time was her. Though it ended becoming an interesting story, it's not a laughing matter in reality.

「Well, that's true. It's reassuring to know that there's someone protecting us from the shadows. I want to meet him no matter what」

Nao responds delightfully.

「Oi, oi, everyone. Aren't you forgetting the fact that he is a pervert? Moreover, he is also suspicious for not showing his appearance」

Reiji is saying so as if trying to make fun of him.

He's trying to be calm, but it seems he didn't find it funny that we were saved by another man.

Reiji hates men except for himself.

He has no friend of the same sex even in our world. Basically, he's always being surrounded by none but girls. Even if there are people from the same sex at his surroundings, they're just his followers and not his friends.

Moreover, since they're people who approach him while eyeing those girls close to him, it’s usually just a matter of time until Reiji drives them away.

His actions were similar to that of a male lion.

If compared to an animal, Reiji can be compared to a lion.

He won't allow any other male to approach him. Any other male who tries to get closer to him will be bitten to death.

And then, he makes sure that all the cute girls are his own. Thus, he hates men.

He won't recognize any male apart from him; it might be because he's unbeatable and there are only weak males around him.

The one who saved us this time is definitely powerful. It might likely turn into a brawl if he got closer to Reiji.

Maybe he's not getting closer since he knows that Reiji is that kind of person. But then, that's doesn’t seem plausible. In that case, why did he hide his face? Does he have some sort of reason for doing so?

As long as we know his reason for doing so, he is a potential ally of us. He might become our aid as long as he is our ally.

That's why I want Reiji to accept him as our ally.

「Reiji-kun, he's the one who saved me and Nao-san, you know. Calling him a pervert forever is bad」

We can't always call someone who will become our comrade after this a pervert.

「Even if it's true that he saved you guys, you shouldn't let your guard down, Chiyuki. He might be demanding something indecent in return」

Upon hearing Reiji words, I retort ‘That is you!’ within my mind.

Just how many times you have placed your hand on the girls whom you saved until now? Do you think we're so blind?

In the first place, he shouldn't hide his identity if he really wants to ask something in return.

But, from Reiji’s attitude, it seems making him as our allies would be difficult. Maybe it's better to know about his countenance without looking for him.

「Hey, Chiyuki-san … What about that masked man?」

Sahoko is saying so with anxious tone.

I'm also uneasy about that one. Though our savior seems to have won the fight since the thick fog disappeared, I don't know what became of that masked man. Even if he died, we didn't find his corpse.

「I don't know what became of that masked man」

I'm answering so while shaking my head.

「Say Chiyuki-san, that masked man called himself as a subordinate of the demon king, right? 」

I nod in affirmation after hearing Nao’s question.

「That's for sure since when I asked him whether he's a subordinate of Nargol, his answer was positive」

「In that case, he's Diehart comrade, right? 」

「That might be so. Why are you asking me that question, Rino-san?」

What does she want to tell me?

「You see … Though we came here to foil Diehart’s plan, it's been on my mind since we've not seeing his figure at all」

Now that Rino mentioned it, it's true. I've not even caught a glimpse of Diehart’s appearance during that event.

「That's true. That's strange. Just what in the hell is he trying to do?」

I tilt my head in confusion.

「Well, just forget about it. Why are you thinking about those guys who made Chiyuki-san and Nao-chan suffer such a dangerous experience? I'll beat him the next time I see him!」

Shirone is saying so with an angry tone. It seems she thinks that Diehart is the main reason for her to lose the way to go back.

「Yeah, everyone! I'll beat him for sure this time!」

When Reiji said so, everyone but me nod their heads. We can't leave those dangerous ones alone, but I think it's better if we're more careful in the way we act. After all, our life is at stake.

But, Reiji really might be able to stop. So, it couldn't be helped.

「Uhm … everyone, the dinner is ready」

A while after we were talking about that.

Almina enters the room from the open door.

All eyes directed at Almina in that instant.

Almina wore a pretty pink dress as if yelling her fighting spirit.

Almina's eyes locked with Reiji’s.

Her favorable impression toward Reiji who saved her from a peril like a prince on a white horse might have reached maximum. Almina is looking at Reiji with a fervent gaze.

I wonder how many people look at Reiji with those eyes. What about her fiance?

「Let's enjoy the feast, everyone」

Reiji declares as such.

It seems the royal palace is holding a banquet to praise Reiji for his efforts of saving this kingdom. It seems they're making the preparations in another room.

It seems that the royal palace prepared a gorgeous banquet to convey their gratitude for investigation of the tower. I think the royal palace’s fear toward us is the reason why they prepared the party for the investigation of the tower.

As for the result, we successfully exterminated the Striges for good this time.

And it's not just the royalty, the people of this kingdom who participated in this job are also attending this party. Maybe they're trying to show their utmost respect.

That's why the party transformed into a feast.

We are following Almina.

The White Scale restaurant is more deserted than usual; it was as if we were reserving the entire place.

It seems the main reason is because their regular patrons, the freedom fighters were invited to attend the party in the royal palace. The usual poster girl who came for the bill is also currently helping in the royal palace, so it was just the master of the store alone right now.

Renber and I enter the store.

In front of us are light meal and liquor.

The meal is surely less than the usual meal served in this store.

It seems he made nothing but a simple meal since all the cooked dishes were delivered to the royal palace. The banquet to praise Reiji might have just started around this time.

Though the master of the store is apologizing for the simple meal, it's enough for me who takes no lavish meal on a regular basis.

「I couldn't do anything …」

Renber, sitting in front of me, is saying so with a bitter expression.

To be honest, I don't know what to say to him. I'm absolutely helpless in this situation.

He couldn't protect his lover who was stolen by Reiji.

However, Renber and Almina might have lost their lives if they were not saved by Reiji. So, he might not even be able to curse Reiji.

The current him can't do anything but curse his own powerlessness.

「So, what are you going to do after this, Renber-dono?」

I wonder what he's going to do after this. Is he going to cancel his marriage with princess Almina? But the princess herself might not be able to bring herself to marry him.

「I think I'll resign from my position as a knight」

「I see …」

I might have done the same if I were in Renber’s position.

There's only Reiji in princess Almina’s heart. Marrying a woman who already has another man in their heart will only bring pain to him.

So, he has no choice but to leave the stage like a gentlemen if there's a greater man than himself.

Though some men don't give a damn about such things, I'm similiar to Renber in this matter.

「Maybe it's a good idea to travel along with Kuro-dono after retiring from my post as a knight …」

Renber is saying so while looking at me.

Renber is an excellent man. He might just be fine even if he cast away his previous social position as a knight.

Though he didn't have to do that, he has no choice in this situation.

And then, I thought that his retirement might be the most grievous news for this kingdom later.

I am clear that a man like Renber is needed during peaceful times. Though it doesn't seem much, the daily peaceful life of this kingdom is protected by someone like Renber. Though he seems like a tedious and boorish person, one will notice how important he is only when they lose him.

I think that it isn’t something that exists in Reiji. Though Reiji will shine brightly during emergency situations, he'll rot away during peaceful times.

That is the life’s meaning of the man hailed as a hero. Because a hero won't get the spotlight without a calamity called the demon lord.

「Journey … I'm going to leave this kingdom by tomorrow morning, but we might be able to meet again somewhere else as long as we continue our journey separately」

「Please accompany me for a drink again during that time, Kuro-dono」

Renber is laughing. It seems he managed to regain a bit of his spirit.

Renber who’s striving to become stronger is manlier than one who keeps sighing non-stop. I also want to be like him.

「Yeah, definitely」

I reply so to Renber.

I don't know which direction Renber is heading for. But, I pray for his good luck and for us to meet again someday.

「Geez … What the hell is that? Even though we were doing our best, too」

Steros, another freedom fighter like me, is complaining so.

Steros is looking at where the hero is being surrounded by many ladies.

Due to our achievements, we, the freedom fighters, were also invited to this banquet.

The young women from all over the country were invited to this banquet in order to give a praise to the people who gained merits in this incident. Young freedom fighters like Steros had come here with a licentious look on their faces but, since all the other women are being monopolized by the hero, currently, only the male camp is enjoying the food and beverages.

「Well, it’s how things are. Hero-sama is special, you know」

Thus, I comfort Steros.

「Gallios-san … But still …」

Steros is saying so as if to express his dissatisfaction at me.

It seems that there's no other way to dispel his dissatisfaction.

After that short conversation, a woman approaches us.


Steros, showing his dissatisfaction until a while ago, is blushing upon seeing her.

The woman who came to meet us was one of the hero’s women, Shirone.

「Thank you for your efforts today, everyone」

When she said so with a beaming smile, the dissatisfaction of the young freedom fighters vanished completely.

The coming of this flower to this stinking den of men was then followed by a loud cheer from the freedom fighters.

「Are you okay with this? Aren't you going to stay by hero-sama’s side?」

I'm saying so while approaching her.

It's a woman only zone around the hero. It's already too late now, but aren't you worried about an illicit affair?

「It's okay, Reiji is special after all」

It seems she has no worry about such things after all.

「I see …」

It seems I missed the point. If the women around the hero disperse, they might come toward Steros.

The woman before us is also a special existence. She is also unattainable no matter how much Steros want her. That's why it's better if there's a woman in their arm, but now it's impossible.

Even if this girl seems different from the others, she's also one amongst the many girls who are waiting to serve the hero, for no girl can become the hero’s wife unless they have a big enough heart to allow such events. In case of me, if I were to do the same things as the hero, Peneroa will surely stab my back with her kitchen knife.

「Uhm, Shirone-sama … May I have a moment? 」

Someone suddenly interjected our conversation.

「Uhm … Are you you alright, Nimri-san?」

Nimri is nodding.

「The words of black-haired sage just now have been in my mind, but …」

「Ah, about that huh …」

I also nod upon hearing Nimri's words.

「Chiyuki-san’s words? Uhm, what did she say?」

「Before this banquet begin, I recalled that the person who saved black-haired sage-sama might be Kuro-dono」

Before this banquet begin, black-haired sage told us about the one who contributed the most in this battle.

The person who hid his face is undoubtedly Kuro-dono. At that time, Kuro-dono said that he's going to stop this thick fog and took a different action path than us.

Thus, the one who stopped this thick fog might actually be Kuro.

Though we couldn't tell her at that time since we were too far apart, now is the best chance to tell her. For the one with the most merit to not be praised is strange.


Shirone is tilting her head. [TL : He's dropping his inner honorific starting from this point, Shirone’s share took a nosedive]

It seems she completely forgot about his existence despite going to the tower along with him.

Nimri and I explain to her about Kuro.

「U~hn. In fact, I don't know since I never met the person himself. Let's try to confirm it with Chiyuki-san later」

「Please then, Shirone-sama」

I bow to her.

Though Kuro doesn't like to stand out, a man like him should come out to the spotlight.

Even if no one believe my words, he'll be recognized as a brave as long as the hero’s comrades say so.

But, from Shirone’s attitude, it seems she didn't trust me. I couldn't expect anything from her.

And yet, I'm still bowing toward her.

Honestly, that was annoying.

Influental persons and the upper echelon of this kingdom keep coming at me one after another.

Thanks to that, I can't feel at ease.

Why am I always getting this kind of job? Properly speaking, you guys should go to Reiji, right?

When I glance at his direction, Reiji is besieged by numerous woman. To be honest, it's annoying me.

Sahoko and Almina by his side are showing a dissatisfied face. Almina might have also noticed this fact right now about how it feels to have a relationship with Reiji.

The duo of Rino and Nao are nudging toward the food. Kyouka is feeling down as usual. Thus, she left the party along with with Kaya. Shirone left toward the freedom fighters who fought along with her.

And here I am, having a long chat with these geezers. To be honest, I want to slip out from this hell.

「Can I have a minute with you, Chiyuki-san …」

Shirone, who was supposed to be with those freedom fighters, suddenly called out to me.

Good job, Shirone! I give a thumbs up to Shirone in my heart.

「I'm sorry.  I'll excuse myself for a moment …」

Thus, I leave those geezers while saying so.

「You saved me there, Shirone-san. What's the matter you want to talk about?」

I express my gratitude and then ask for the matter that she wanted to tell me.

「There's something that I want you to hear …」

Thus I'm listening to Shirone story.

「I might be wrong but you see……….」

Shirone narrated about what Gallios said to her, the fact that the man who saved me and Nao in the basement might be a freedom fighter called Kuro.

But, it seems Shirone doesn't think so. As for the reason, it's because that man was also unable to withstand the magic of the vampire when they went along to the tower.

And that masked man is stronger than that vampire. Thus, it'll be strange if that man called Kuro won against that masked man.

「I understand, that man called Kuro should be at Gallios’s place. Let's go to meet him tomorrow」

I don't know whether that Kuro is the one I'm looking for. But, I'll know as long as I meet him.

Since, without him, I don't know what will become of us and this kingdom.

I suddenly think about Reiji who’s being surrounded by many girls.

The person who should be praised right now isn't Reiji, it should be the one who saved me. This kingdom should say their gratitude again if he really turned out to be Kuro. Naturally, it includes us, too.

I wonder what he is doing right now.

「Ar~e yo~u The~re, Kuro-dono~」

Renber is dead drunk right now.

Honestly, I want to ask myself, what the hell I am doing in this place.

「Renber-dono … I think it's time you stop drinking …」

「No wa~y! ! I am yet to drink to my fi~ll! ! ! Drink with me too, Kuro-dono~」

Though I don't know what the hell he is talking about in the end, Renber keeps drinking the liquor.

Even if you say so, I don’t want to drink liquor, thus I won't drink them. I did try to drink liquor with my senpai in the dojo before, but I feel sick just by looking at it.

Ever since then, I decided to not drink any liquor.

The drunk Renber keeps drinking his liquor. He's already the worst amongst the dead drunk.

「Why the heck did it turn out like this …」

I wanted to cry.

Thus, the night passed by.

After packing up my luggage, I informed the Gallios couple that I'm going to leave.

「I see, where are you planning to go after this …」

Gallios is saying so with a reluctant face.

Both Gallios and I returned quite late last night.

Thus, I am informing them about my departure this morning.

Though the Gallios couple requested me to leave tomorrow, I decided to leave now since there's something that I'm worrying about.

「I have an urgent business …」

I gaze at the mountain visible from the kingdom – the one where the holy dragon lives.

「Thank you for what you did to Renber last night …」

Peneroa-san expresses her gratitude. Renber was dead drunk last night. Thus, I delivered him to Gallios’s house since I don't know where he lives. He's sleeping soundly in the guest room right now.

I think it's a good thing that I met Renber.

「See ya, Kuro!」

I nod upon hearing his words.

I'll come again.

It's regrettable, but I left the Rox kingdom.

「He left right in the morning?!」

I'm told so when I go to Gallios’s house.

It seems I'm one step too late.

It's not like I can force the Gallios couple since I neither said anything to keep him here nor I told them that I'll go meet him. That man called Kuro also didn't tell them about his destination.

「What's the matter, Chiyuki-sama?」

Kaya, who came along with me, asks that question. I wanted Kaya to confirm his identity since she had already met him once.

「It can't be helped, let's go back」

Moreover, there's a chance that we'll meet again if he's actually following us. I should give up on him right now.

When I decide to go back.

The pouch on my hips are starting to ring.

When I open the pouch, the thing that’s ringing is the bell that I got from Rena.

「No way … Diehart」

I then gaze at the mountain where the holy dragon lives. This bell is informing us about Diehart’s arrival at the mountain.

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