◆Sword Maiden, Shirone

Algore was a human kingdom located the farthest north amongst all the human kingdoms.

According to Chiyuki-san, Algore meant 「Surveillance」 in this world’s language.

The name originated from the name of a hundred eyes giant. Even if some of this giant’s eyes were closed, the others would be wide open; time and space wise it possessed no blindspot, thereby overlooking this entire world. Therefore, the name of the giant held the meaning of 「Surveillance」.

In accordance to the name of that giant, everyone in Algore continuously monitored the situation in Nargol.

In the first place, Algore was originally a fortress built to hold back the kingdom of goblins that existed in the southern part of the Akeron mountain range from spreading even further.

Numerous warriors from all around the world gathered in this fortress to attack Nargol.

After the warriors in that fortress destroyed the goblin kingdom, they went further into the Akeron mountain range to begin their attack on Nargol.

Not a single one of them ever returned.

Thus, Algore was a country that was built by the warriors who remained in the fortress.

For these reasons, Algore possessed different characteristics compared to other countries.

In general, human countries were surrounded by ramparts so that the citizens could live in that country peacefully. But, Algore didn't have a plot of land where humans could live easily since it was formed from a fortress. Thus, Algore had never been a wealthy country. Their food circumstance was also rather poor.

And then, maybe because of their warrior ancestors, Algorians have a slightly rough disposition.

That's why any fight in the fortress is just considered an everyday affair.

But then, even if a fight breaks out, it's only ever on the level of brawl. The matter never escalated to murder.

Or so it was, at least until we came here with Reiji.


Kyouka-san was grumbling.

We were currently inside a guest room of the Algore kingdom. We had an audience with Omiros’s father just a while ago.

Though he more or less gave us a warm welcome, it was clear from his attitude that he didn't wish for us to remain if possible. And it was not just the king, his retainers had the same attitude too.

I knew their feelings were because we would also be inviting troublesome opponents, the ogres, but it was disheartening that we were treated like a nuisance.

And bringing Regena along was just like adding salt on a wound. They were obviously hostile towards Regena.

Algore had just experienced a civil war. Though the battle had already ended, the traces of that battle seemed to linger even till now.

I felt that there were less people now compared to the first time when we came to this place. The reason for that was obviously the civil war. The scars that were left on the stone buildings told tales about that brutal event. There was no doubt about it, many people died during that civil war.

And then, the origin of that civil war was Regena’s father, Qupis. It seemed that they still hated Qupis even now.

We, who brought the daughter of Qupis, were obviously uninvited and unwelcomed guests to them.


Kyouka-san was angry.

According to Regena, it seemed that the person herself didn't participate in the civil war. Rather, she even tried to stop it from happening.

Maybe the reason for Kyouka-san’s anger was because Regena acknowledged their claims.

Regena just kept her silence in the corner of the room. She hadn’t spoken anything after entering the room.

「It seems that Regena-san is not welcomed anymore in this country….」

Kaya-san responded to Kyouka. I agree with her. I never expected things to escalate to the point of a civil war. No one wanted Regena to return to this country.

Except for Omiros. Omiros was the only one concerned about Regena. But, regardless of his feelings, there was nothing he could do.

As long as Regena remained in this country, she was going to be murderedbutchered sooner or later.

「If you all think so, then take me back to Nargol! Please send me back to my dear master’s side!! 」

Hearing Kaya-san’s voice, Regena, who kept her silence until now, suddenly raised her voice.

She continued to glare at us after saying so.

「What should we do, Shirone-sama?」

Kaya-san asked me.

「U~hn.  What shall … we do, huh?」

I was also worried about that.

We had already extracted a considerable amount of information from Regena. To be honest, our best choice was to send her back.

But then, I was worried about Omiros. What made me hesitate to separate them was that he kept worrying about Regena.

「U~hn, well there's this matter about Omiros-kun, too…」

I muttered in a low voice.

「… In short, you'll leave this matter to Omiros, right?」

「If Shirone-sama says so, then I have nothing to say in this regard.」

Kaya-san and Kyouka nodded after hearing my words.

Hearing our conversation, Regena started sulking from the side.

「We must think about another matter too, Shirone-sama.」

Kaya-san suddenly pointed out something to me.

「What could it be? Kaya-san?」

I asked to Kaya-san curiously.

「It's about those ogres. It seems those guys were positioning Myulmidon around Algore. They're going to arrive sooner or later.」

I nodded to Kaya-san.

Those ogres were aiming for our life. To be honest, they were just a hindrance since facing against Kuroki was already draining every last bit of my attention.

「Kaya, can't we do something about those ogres before they arrive in Algore?」

Kaya-san shook her head in denial to Kyouka-san’s query.

「I've been asking the people of this kingdom, but it seems that no one knows the whereabouts of the sweet castle or the whereabouts of its master, the queen of the blue forest, Kujig. But, there's a legend being passed down for generations that one must run immediately as soon as they smell a sweet smell. I might be able to pinpoint its location if I search for the place from where those antmen are coming, but … such method would probably take too much time. Kuroki-san might reach this place here during that time.」

「You're right…」

Kyouka-san was disappointed.

We might have ended up passing each other if we were busy with the task of scouring for Kujig’s nest. Thus, we had no countermeasure against those ogres at the moment.

It would have been for the better if we could get more information from Echigos, but the man who just got freed from the insects buried inside his body was currently under the intensive care of the doctors of this kingdom. He was by no means in a condition where we could talk to him.

Maybe, there was another person in this kingdom who had the same kind of bug hidden in their body, too. But, inspecting every single person of this kingdom would expend too much time.

「They really are troublesome opponents, right?」

Thus, I cursed those ogres.

「And yet, we can't dismiss them as small fry, either. In that case, let me handle those ogres. Shirone-sama, I'll leave the matter with Kuroki-san to you.」

「Sorry, Kaya-san…」

I apologized to Kaya.

「Is it really okay for you to go there by yourself, Kaya?」

「I can do something if it's just those ogres, Milady. I think Shirone-sama is in an even more dangerous position than me. Kuroki-san aside, that Silver Haired Girl is clearly far more powerful than those ogres. That's why, Shirone-sama, please don’t force yourself.」

「Yeah, I understand. Kaya-san.」

I agreed with her.

「Humph, someone like you is just a small fry in front of my dear master!」

Regena sneered at us after our exchange.

We heaved a sigh in hearing that.

I knew that we had to restrain our emotions toward her provocation, but should I let loose, just a little?

「Come to think of it, Regena-san. May I ask something?」

Kaya-san inquired Regena.

「What is it?」

Regena replied irritated.

「How long are you planning to live in Nargol?」


Regena was bewildered in hearing Kaya-san question.

「What does that mean?」

「According to your story, it seems that Kuroki-san is trying to send you and your relatives back to the human world, right?」

Nargol was the world of demons. It was not a place for human beings to live. She might have been able to live in Nargol only because Kuroki was there.

It seemed that was the main reason for why Kuroki wanted to send Regena and her relatives back to the human world. But then, in spite of finding a suitable place, he met a deadlock since he had no connection to the human world at all.

「So, what about that? My dear master is definitely trying to send us back to the human world, but it doesn't mean that he can find a country that is willing to accept us that easily.」

Regena was saying so while looking at Kaya-san with a dumbfounded face.

It's hard to gain citizenship rights for people who had no parents in the destination country.

The plots of land where humans can live safely in this world were extremely limited. That was why one country couldn't just arbitrarily increase the number of legal citizens since it would negatively impact their food stocks. Thus, the possibility of a country granting citizenship to outsiders was next to zero percent.

It was difficult for outsiders to enter a country without proper arrangements.

Moreover, even if one earned their citizenship, it didn't mean that they'd find employment without having a glib tongue.

Because it's Kuroki, Regena and her relatives’ citizenship aside, I'm sure that he'd also make sure that there would be no trouble in their livelihood.

Kuroki wouldn't do something as irresponsible as throwing out a life that he saved once. Even though throwing them away like that would make his life easier, his personality would cause trouble for him at this kind of time.

But, finding out someone who could take them in for Kuroki who’s socially inept is a rather tall order. That's why Regena and her relatives couldn't leave Nargol for now.

「Oh my. In that case, shall we offer our help to take care of them? We should be able to do so, right Kaya?」

Kaya-san nodded in agreement to Kyouka-san’s question.

「Yes, it's more than possible for us, Milady. As long as we use the name of the little sister of the hero who has received the affection of Goddess Rena coupled with money, any country will be more than willing to take you in.」

Regena was surprised in hearing that.

Even so, such things were definitely possible for Kyouka-san and Kaya-san. As long as we used Kyouka-san’s name, finding citizenship in any country including employment was just a simple matter. She should be more reliable than Kuroki in that regard.

「U~h … Even so, I … At my dear master side…」

Regena was at a loss for words since she was aware of that, too.

I wonder, what made her want to stay by Kuroki side’s in Nargol.

Nevertheless, Kuroki was trying to have Regena leave Nargol.

「Regena-san, is it really okay for you and your relatives to stay for a long time in Nargol?」


Regena groaned in hearing Kaya-san’s remarks.

Bull’s eye, huh? Even though she wanted to live in Nargol, it didn't seem to be the case for her relatives.

「Well, no need to be hasty. But feel free to tell us if you change your mind.」

Regena was speechless against Kyouka-san’s remarks. It seems that she was considering so many things while twining her hair with her finger.

While we continued chatting about several things, we heard a voice coming from outside our room.

When I opened the door, Rietto was standing in front of the door.

In front of her was a wheeled cart with lots of food in it.

It seemed that she brought our meal.

Honestly speaking, we should be dining with the king, but we had to dine in a separate place because of Regena.

「I! I! I brought your meal!」

Stuttered Rietto. Well, she might have been nervous. Rietto then pushed the cart into the room.

「Uhm, that's…」

She seemed to be hesitating to say something. She might have been scared of us.

It was still fresh in the memories of the people of Algore how Reiji-kun wreaked havoc here sometime ago. I could still feel their fear when they saw us.

Rietto was arranging the dishes with trembling hands.

If I converted her age to the one in our world, she should have been an upper grade elementary school student or a middle school student. In short, she was a cute little girl.

Being feared by this cute girl was rather saddening.

The dishes that had been served were rather general dishes, even by this world’s standard.

Bean soup and turnip along with fruit and grilled chicken meat, and the small bottle on the corner of the cart might have been fish sauce.

Though the amount of our meal was on the larger side, it had less variety.

The difference was just like heaven and earth compared to the meals given to us in the Veros kingdom.

Well it was not a surprise for me since I knew that Algore wasn't a wealthy country. I mean we most likely wouldn't have gone back to Algore if it wasn’t for Regena.

「W-………… Well, I'll excuse myself……….」

Saying so, Rietto left the room as if running away from us.

It really couldn't be helped, even though I wanted to talk with her for a while longer.

I looked at our food. Though it was simple and didn't seem to be delicious, I really couldn't say that it was luxurious either.

「Will you eat with us too, Regena? It's the dishes of your birthplace you know.」

I said so to Regena.

I mean, last night aside, it seemed that she was really hungry right now since she didn't seem to have that much appetite even during breakfast.

A lovely rumbling noise suddenly resounded. It was the sound of Regena’s stomach. It seems that the food here was stimulating her appetite.

We then looked at each other, grinning ear to ear.

「W-What are you laughing for!  ! I-It's not like I'm hungry!  ! 」

Regena was pressing her stomach with a flushing red face.

「Fufufu, Regena-san. Kuroki-san will be sad if you're not as lively as usual when you meet him again you know.」

Kaya-san was baiting her using Kuroki name.

「You're right……… I shouldn't make my dear master sad……….」

Here you go, even Regena had no choice but to eat when Kaya-san mentioned Kuroki’s name.

Really, what was so good about Kuroki anyway?. There should have been more disappointing sides to him.

「…….Wow, quite a luxurious meal we got there don't we? As expected, even uncle Montes won't have the guts to be so rude to the little sister of the hero…….」

Regena said so as she looked at the dishes.

「Is this a luxurious meal in this country? 」

Asked Kyouka-san. Even though It sounded like sarcasm if it was said by another person, Kyouka-san wasn't that kind of a person. She simply wanted to confirm that fact from Regena.

「That's right.  This is a luxurious meal for this country. They won't go as far as taking out fish sauce if it's not for important guests…….」

Regena replied to Kyouka-san as if it was just a matter of fact.

The general seasoning of this world involved salt, vinegar, and fruit oil. Fish sauce wasn't included in there.

But with our knowledge, it shouldn't have been too hard to obtain this fish sauce regardless of its popularity. It might have been a valuable seasoning in Algore.

「It really is a poor country……. There's no fruit growing around this land. It's even poorer than Nargol in certain aspects.」

「Nargol is, a poor place? 」

「For humans, that is. Nevertheless, we got something to eat in there thanks to my dear master’s consideration. The meals in this country are even poorer than that of Nargol.」

Regena replied after hearing my question.

「U~hm, come to think of it, what is Kuroki’s daily meal? 」

「My dear master dai-……..」

Regena started telling us more about Kuroki.

She was really thin lipped when it came to bragging about Kuroki. She kept feeding us information about Kuroki that we were dying to know.

In this way we managed to secure much information about Kuroki from her.

According to her, Kuroki didn't seem to be completely under someone’s control.

And despite that girl called Kuna disliking Regena, Kuroki was still keeping her by his side.

It seemed that Kuroki really cherished Kuna.

According to Regena’s evaluation, it seemed that Kuna was the Demon King’s daughter. She just suddenly appeared one day. She wasn’t there when Kuroki took Regena to Nargol for the first time.

And then there's the fact that she always told Regena that Kuroki was her man.

That was why we thought she was definitely the one controlling Kuroki to act as the Dark Knight, from behind the scenes, with magic. But from Regena’s testimony it seemed that her control over him wasn't perfect.

That was my conclusion after hearing her story so far.

Maybe it was faster to ask the girl about the truth rather than talking to Kuroki.

Where were they right now, I wondered?

Maybe they were already in the vicinity of Algore.

Maybe I needed to warn the citizens of Algore to keep their attention towards the sky. I mean Kuroki might come from the sky with his dragon.

And since a dragon is really conspicious, we'll be alerted immediately.

「Let's just wait……….. Please come quickly, Kuroki………..」

I muttered so.

◆Prince of Algore, Omiros

「Really, those women are just like the god of pestilence ……. And to top it off, they even brought this guy along……..」

looking at the werewolf on the cart, Macgiusis was letting out his irritation.

Me and Macgiusis were transporting the werewolf with a cart.

The werewolf couldn't move due to the padlock binding his limbs.

At first, we locked him in the bunker, the toughest building in Algore, but then, the manager of the bunker told us to send him to another place.

Algore doesn't have something like prisons because the criminals were banished or executed rather than sent to jail.

But then, we do have a place to confine him for now. Even if that place could imprison a human, it was ill-suited to imprisoning a nonhuman lifeform.

「You shouldn't grumble like that, Macgyusis. She’s the little sister of the hero who won the heart of the goddess you know.」

I rebuked Macgyusis who was venting his frustration.

Naturally, most of Algorians were of goddess Rena’s faith. And Macgyusis words could be considered as disrespectful towards the goddess.

It was natural for Algorians to believe in the goddess that was opposing the Demon King due to the geographical position of Algore, the country closest to nargol.

And due to his hostile act against the hero, Qupis lost the support of Algorians which then in turn became the trigger for the civil war.

「Oh, come on, not you too, Omiros……. I mean those guys were basically inviting the ogres and the Dark Knight to come to Algore too. If something goes wrong, Algore might be ruined you know…….」

I know what Macgyusis was trying to tell me. Even just one of those two already had enough power to destroy Algore.

「Macgyusis. We are the warriors of Algore. What are you going to do to protect Algore if you're afraid of the ogres and the Dark Knight.」

All of us, Algorian were the descendants of the brave warriors who gathered to invade Nargol. What would you say to your ancestor if you got scared of demons.

「Oh come on, even if you tell me that………..」

The warriors of Algore might have weakened with the passing of generations. It was proven by Macgyusis being scared of the ogres and the Dark Knight.

「Don't worry Macgyusis. Besides, those girls will do something about the troubles invited by them to Algore. You've seen it yourself right? How easily one of them beat the Myulmidons………. Though you were not there at that time, those girls told me that they would do something about the ogres.」

Those girls met my father, Montes just a few minutes ago. At that time, the woman called Kaya said to father that she would do something about those ogres.

「I see……….  In that case, I have nothing to say about the matter of invasion , but Regena is a completely different matter.」

My heart sank in hearing his words.

As expected, it was not allowed huh.

Was I really unable to do something to protect Regena?

I became really sad when I recalled my helplessness. It was not just Macgyusis. Everyone was ostracizing Regena.

Many people died because of Qupis. Regena herself had nothing to do with that, but she was still treated as an enemy of everyone because she was Qupis’s daughter.

Maybe it was better for Regena not to live in Algore.

I was really glad that I could meet her again. Was it just a pipe dream to wish for everything to go back to how it was before?

And then, I thought about the Dark Knight. The Dark Knight who saved Regena was an extremely kind person.

When her fellow humans were trying to kill her, the Dark Knight from Nargol was the one who saved her life. What an irony.

But, I didn't want Regena to be sad. That's why, I decided.

I wondered where that Dark Knight was right now? Maybe he was already in the vicinity of Algore to take back Regena.

As I was pondering about such things we arrived at our destination.

An empty house appeared in our vision. It was originally a house under repair outside the fort, and also a house of the Macgyusis family. This house was the only one that escaped the aftermath of the war, Regena was also confined in there for some time.

The wooden windows of this house were nailed with wooden boards, same went for its two entrances.

Humans aside though, I wondered a little whether this place could imprison a werewolf. We had no other available place though, so we had no other choice but to use this place.

「Oh, if it isn't young lord. Are you bringing someone again? 」

The one standing guard in front of this house was coming to greet me.

Why was he standing guard, and also about his previous statement…

「"Again" you say? 」

I asked the guard.

「Ah, my bad. He's referring to me.」

The one who replied to my question was Macgyusis.

「You see, we captured an extremely suspicious person when you guys were having an audience with the little sister of the hero.」

That was the first time I heard about this.

「I'm told that they caught that person when they were patrolling outside to look at the situation of the Myulmidons. That person said that he came from the Rox kingdom which is located in the southern direction of this country.」

I knew about the Rox kingdom. I stopped by that place once before. He came from such a far place, huh? I wondered why he came here of all places?

「The person itself insisted that he was just an ordinary traveler. Thus we arrest him for formality reasons.」

It was just as Macgyusis had said, we were now in an emergency situation. Everyone was filled with trepidation due to the incoming attack of the ogres and the Dark Knight.

And the one who was confined there might have been a person under mindcontrol like Echigos. That might have been the reason for them to arrest him.

「I see, so………. What kind of a person is he? Is he a minstrel? 」

A minstrel was someone who visited many places to sing the songs that he created.

Due to the lack of entertainment in Algore, a minstrel was always welcomed. So he wouldn't have been arrested like this if not for the current emergency situation of this country. He was just unlucky.

「Yeah, the person himself said that he is a minstrel.」

The one who replied was Macgyusis.

「Nothing suspicious came out when we checked his luggage, but we found his instrument too. Ah, that's right. He's also in the possession of another amazing item.」

「Amazing item? 」

After saying so, Macgyusis took the item that was left on the side of the guard.

「Here, see for yourself.」

Macgyusis showed me the item.

「A shield? 」

It was a round shield.

It's quite valuable item with some gems embedded along it's circular pattern.

And then, there's something that made me even more curious about this shield.


Though the shield itself didn't reflect the sunlight, it released a faint light.

It was definitely an amazing shield. Magic tools like this weren't something that one could easily be obtained.

Though it was of a lower quality when compared to the one in Kyouka-sama and co’s possession, it was still a rare item.

Humans couldn't make defensive magic tools, so it must have been dwarven made. But even those dwarf shouldn’t be able to make magic tools without any ingredients. For this reason, it was very rare for someone to even have a defensive magic tools.

Thus I was pondering about the minstrel who are being detained inside. Just who in the world was he?

「How about confisticating this for your use, Omiros. I mean, we're about to clash with those ogres and the Dark Knight.」

It was just as Macgyusis said. This place might be turned into battlefield after this. Thus it was better if I had a defensive magic tool.

But then, I shook my head, refusing Macgyusis’s idea.

「We can't do this, Macgyusis. Doing that kind of act is the same as smearing mud on our pride as warriors.」

No matter how difficult our situation, I couldn't do something like snatching someone else’s possession.

I thought so during my pilgrimage. We had no time to scramble at our fellow human when our enemies like goblins and orcs were waiting out there.

That was why I had to return this shield to its proper owner.

「I see……….  Well can't be helped if you say that.」

Macgyusis finally gave up persuading me, albeit reluctantly.

「Return the luggage and this shield to its owner. So, can you open the door, I want to meet this minstrel.」

「Understood, young master.」

The guard then opened the door for me.

There was nothing but an empty house when I entered inside. Well that was natural since all the furniture had been taken out. Then I saw someone sitting in one corner of the room. He might have been the said minstrel.

He stood up since he realized that we came.

「I'm sorry, fellow traveler, for the fact that you have to meet such a difficult situation.」

I bowed to the minstrel.

「It's nothing, please raise your head, young lord. I mean I don't mind such treatment at all. It seems that I came during a difficult time.」

The minstrel forgave me. But what he said gave rise to another question – How did he know that I was a prince?

「Is that so?」

Raising my head, I then began taking a look at the minstrel’s features.

it was a man around my age. Black hair and a well-ordered face. On a closer look, he was far more handsome than Parsish.

Just that his appearance didn't seem to be too conspicuous.

His garment was simple, but maybe if he wore proper clothes he would become popular amongst women.Who knew? Maybe his simple cloths were just his preference.

That was my impression of the minstrel.

From his appearance, he didn't seem to be someone that I know. I returned his belongings first.

「I came to return your belonging.」

The guard passed the musical instrument and his luggage back to him.

As he accepted his luggage and the musical instrument.

「And this too……….」

I returned the shield that I was holding on to him.

But he didn't stretch his hand to accept it.

「That shield is my gift to you, young prince.」

「「「EEEEH?  ! 」」」

The two behind me were also raising a shocked voice.

「Something troublesome is about to happen in this country right? That's why that shield should be more useful in your hands.」

「Could it be that you heard our conversation outside of this house? 」

It's not like this house was soundproof anyway. Thus it was highly likely that he overheard our conversation outside the house.

The minstrel just scratched the back of his head while laughing .

「No…… I can't receive such important item from you.」

Defensive magic tools were extremely rare things. It was not something that I could buy, no matter how many gold coins I had in my possession.

Moreover, what made me doubt my ears was the fact that he gave it, not lend it.

「You should keep that shield, Young prince. I think it's going to save your life. And, please use that shield to protect those who are important to you.」

But then, shaking his head, the minstrel replied so. I wondered what this person’s real identity was.

「Just take it, Omiros!  ! Moreover, you really are a nice guy!  ! Come to my house, I'm gonna treat you with a feast of bean dishes!  ! 」

Macgyusis said that while patting on the minstrel’s shoulder.

Though I doubt whether you can call bean dishes a feast, we had nothing but that kind of dishes in this country.

「Come to think of it.  We're going to imprison the werewolf in this house. Thus, please come to our house. Let us show our gratitude for the shield.」

I invited him for a meal along with Macgyusis.

I didn't know his identity, but it was as Macgyusis had said, I needed to express my gratitude to him.

「No, this place is fine. It seems that something big is about to begin.」

But the minstrel shook his head, turning down our offer.

「But there's going to be a werewolf in this house you know.」

「It's all right.   ……… I mean that werewolf is binded with padlocks. Moreover, I want to talk with that werewolf, just the two of us.」

「I see……….」

He felt like a different person when he told us he wanted to talk with the werewolf. But then again, a minstrel was usually someone full of curiosity that had tons of questions in his head.  It might be the same for him.

「Thus don't worry about me.」

Smiling, the minstrel told me so.

「He~.  You were like a different person when you said that you wanted to have a little talk with the werewolf. Well then, I'm going to tell my lil sis to bring your meal later.」

Macgyusis laughed heartily. Despite thinking the same things as me, Macgyusis was just bluntly saying his own thought that I couldn't bring myself to. Aren't you being rude to him?

「Come to think of it, can you tell us your name? 」

Macgyusis asked for his name.

Come to think of it, I had yet to know the name of this minstrel.

When I was about to ask his name, the minstrel then replied after pondering for a while.

「My name is Kuro.」

Kuro, I never heard of such a name before. Though he said that he came from the Rox kingdom, he might be in fact born in an even farther away country.

「Kuro? That's a strange name.」

「MacGius!  ! 」

Macgyusis was saying something rude again.

「Please forgive my companion’s discourtesy, Kuro-dono.」

「Don't worry, I don't mind such things.」

Waving his hands, Kuro replied.

「By the way, young prince. May I ask………. If this country has a hero called Parsish? 」

「What, is your actual goal to meet Parsish?」

Minstrels like to sing songs about heroes.

Parsish is the most suited one for the brave title as he is also famous in the surrounding countries for his goblin extermination.

It's no wonder for his deeds to be praised in song by minstrels.

So he might want to meet Parsish and make a song about him.

「Yes, Parsish definitely lives in this country. But he's absent from his post right now.」

「I see……….」

Kuro looked a bit troubled. He definitely wanted to meet Parsish.

「Hahaha, could it be that Kuro-dono actually wanted to give this shield to Parsish? Or did you want me to give this shield to Parsish when he returned? 」

Weapons or magic weapons were more appropriate for brave ones after all. And maybe, this shield was better for Parsish than me who had nothing special of my own.

Thus, I said so with a smile on my face.


Kuro suddenly said so in panic. It was as if his calm attitude up till now is just a facade.

「Eh? P-Pardon? I understand………..」

I could only agree with him after being told so by him with such fervor.

「My apologies, young Prince. I ended up losing my cool.」

Laughing it off, Kuro was saying so to me. Nevertheless, I wondered who he was? He was a suspicious person as expected.

But I really couldn't see the bottom of this person.

He spoke a little too much. We should be waiting for now. I had to strengthen our defenses before the invasion of the Dark Knight and the ogres.

「Well then, Kuro-dono. We're going to excuse ourselves then.」

Saying so, I bowed to Kuro.

「Don't worry.」

Kuro also bowed to me.

Then, I left the house.

「Macgyusis. What do you think about Kuro-dono?」

A while after leaving the house, I asked Macgyusis.

「Well……….. I just get this feeling that he's not your ordinary minstrel.」

It seems that Macgyusis also had the same impression as me about Kuro.

「But then, don't you think that he is a nice person for gifting you that shield? 」

He added right after his first impression.

「You really……..」

But it was as he said, I just couldn't picture Kuro as a bad person.

「What should we do? Shall we go to those woman’s place? Maybe there's bug hidden inside his body.」

Yup, he was definitely a suspicious person. Thus we might need to report about this matter to those women.

But I shook my head.

「No, let's not do that………」

Coz he might have tagged alone if he was the subordinate of the ogres.

But, I noticed that something was wrong. On the contrary, he was way too suspicious as someone who should be the subordinate of the ogre.

Besides, it was faster to hide the bug inside a native of Algore rather than an outsider. Just how much of a gap was in this plan. There was no need to use outsiders as their spy.

Thus, I thought that he was not the subordinate of the ogre.

I wondered who he was? If he wasn't the subordinate of the ogre, could it be that he was the subordinate of the Dark Knight?

Or else the Dark Knight himself. [TL : F^CK, YOU'RE WAY TOO SHARP OMIROS-KUN!] But still, he might be a subordinate of the ogre. I don't know why he gave this shield to me but, I think he had a reason to do so. But, I guess I should play along.

Thus, I don't think I need to tell those women about this matter.

「I see…… Well I guess I have nothing to say if you think so.」


「It's okay. Do as you like………..」

I felt bad since Macgyusis was just worrying about me. Thus, I had to say my gratitude to him.

「Let's get going, Macgyusis.」


After saying so, we walked down the path.

◆Minstrel, Kuroki

「I somehow managed to meet the person himself…….」

I've been disguising myself as a minstrel to infiltrate into Algore and met Omiros.

I wanted to see for myself, what kind of a person Omiros is. He seemed like a good person to me. If it's him, I can rest assured and entrusted Regena to him.

Thus I asked the dwarf, Dario-dono to make that shield.

Nevertheless, my plan was wrecked. I never expected that they would catch me as soon as I came. I had no choice but to make an emergency escape in case they brought me to Shirone and co.

Touching at my broken musical instrument. It was originally a harp.

「I heard that it's easier for a minstrel to enter a country, but………..」

I heard that tidbit from Regena’s wet nurse. Thus I came all the to Algore by disguising myself as a minstrel.

And the matter of me not using invisibility magic to infiltrate Algore was because I wanted to meet Omiros myself. To know what kind of a person he is.

Using invisibility magic would have made him wary towards me, and made it even harder to judge his character instead.

Well, I'm still being suspected. But I think I have already grasped his character.

Now I just needed to remove Parsish from the stage and confirm Regena’s intentions.

But then, I didn't know where Parsish was right now, and Regena was kept at Shirone and co’s side.

Parsish’s aim might be to kidnap Regena while I'm fighting Shirone and co. That was why I prepared some counter-measure.

Kuna left after she said that she was going to do something about Shirone and co but, I wondered where she was right now? To be honest, I has a bad premonition about her departure.

Maybe I wouldn't have any means left to do something about Kuna and Shirone because I might have been too preoccupied when Parsish made his move.

That's why if there was someone who could save Regena in that situation, that person might be Omiros.

I wanted to do as much as possible to help Regena. But then, I didn't have enough power to go as far as that. I could do more for her if I had more power and authority in the human world but, I was too naive.

That's why I would leave the matter of keeping her safe to Omiros.

That's why I gave that shield to Omiros.

It was originally my parting gift for Regena.

Thus, I didn't think it was a problem to give that shield to Omiros.

I had no choice but to leave as I was just a third party.

I looked at the werewolf that was restricted in this house. Though I heard that this werewolf had learnt to speak in the human language, if I'm not wrong, he was a subordinate of the ogres.

I don't know too well the matter about Shirone and co’s involvement with those ogres. In the first place, why were those ogres aiming for them anyway?

There was a chance that they were going to become an obstacle to my plan. That's why I wanted more information about the ogres.

I approached him and then unfasten the padlock that shut his mouth.

「KUHAAA! ! 」

The werewofl, whose mouth had just been freed, took a deep breath.

「Oi, you. Release me! ! If you do as I say, I'll at least ask Kujig-sama to spare your life! ! 」

Now I heard a familiar name from the werewolf. The name of the ogre that I met in Velos.

「Uhm, my apologies…….. I want to know more about that ogre called Kujig.」

Bowing my head, I asked the werewolf that question.


It seemed that normal conversation was impossible.

He said that he was going to spare my life but he kept releasing his killing intent towards me. It seemed that he was going to kill me as soon as I released him.

「I have no choice I guess………」

He's a werewolf but, I really didn't want to use this.

Fear magic.

It's a magic that manipulated the target’s psyche, similar to charm magic. The one who become the target of this magic would feel an unbearable degree of fear towards the user.

That's why I couldn't bring myself to like this magic. Manipulating someone’s heart was against my principles, even if it was my enemy.

But, depending on the situation, I wouldn't hesitate to go as far as using this magic.

I placed the palm of my hand on the head of the werewolf, and then invoked this magic.

「Y-Y……… You BAS-…….. You…..」

The werewolf was trembling in fear. Eyes opened wide and flapping his mouth non-stop.

「Werewolf, tell me your name.」

「Da-………… It's Daigan! ! O Feared One! ! 」

「I see, Daigan. After this, you're going to obey me.」


「Well then, Daigan. You have something that you need to tell me………」

When I tried to ask about the information that I want to know from Daigan the door of the house was suddenly opened.


The one who came in was a little girl around 10 years old. This girl was pushing a cart with two plates on it.

「Thank you, little miss.」

I relayed my gratitude to her.

I couldn't extract more information from Daigen with this girl here.

Please leave as soon as you leave our meal.

It seems that the meal that little girl brought for us was bean soup.

It was the kind of bean that didn't need wide land and could be cultivated in ramparts, thus it became a staple food for many countries similar to Algore.

「Seriously, bean? Give me meat……..」

Did he know that it was bean soup from its aroma? Daigan was muttering such luxurious things while she brought the meal for us. So I send a glare to scare him a little.


Maybe because he was scared of me, Daigan was retracting his words.

「Love………… Beans? That’s strange, I though wolfes loved meat?」

The little girl seemed puzzled.

After placing the soup in front of us, the girl then sat in front of me.

「EH! ? 」

Why did she sit in front of me?

「Hey, you're a minstrel right? Sing something for me! ! 」

The little girl was looking at me, her eyes filled with expectation. Which reminded me that I disguised myself as a minstrel.

「The song of the minstrel that came before was interesting. That's why sing for me too, uncle! ! 」

It saddened me to be called an uncle by her. But then, I might be an uncle from the perspective of the girl at her age.

The song of a minstrel was a retelling of a story about a legend which was rearranged in the form of song. And that was usually taken from love stories, heroic tales, or the tales of this world.

「Sorry…….. My musical instrument broke in the middle of my journey you see. Thus I can't sing for you.」

I looked at my broken harp.

It was a lie. I couldn't sing, even if my musical instrument wasn’t broken. I brought a broken musical instrument on purpose.

It was my intention from the very beginning to show my broken musical instrument if I was asked to sing a song.

「E~h, bo~ring! ! Everyone is so busy and no one has spare time to play with me…… Hey, you should at least be able to tell me some stories right?」

I was bewildered by what this little girl said.

To be honest, I was about to use sleeping magic on her but, I hesitated to use such magic on this little girl.

「U~hm, let see……….. Then, shall I tell you the tale of the Thunder Dragon that dwells in the sea of clouds………」

「Dragon of the sea of clouds? That sounds interesting, please tell me!! ! 」

The girl's eyes were sparkling due to excitement.

I then told her about the story of the Thunder Dragon that I met before.

「E~h, no way. The Dragon gave you its power.」

The girl couldn't believe it. It's the truth though.

「But it was an interesting story! ! 」

Smiling as she said so.


I took a guts pose in my mind.

The girl who seemed afraid until a while ago seemed to enjoy my story.

「Hey, tell me more stories, uncle! ! 」

「Uhm, let see………」

When I was about to tell the next story.

Daigan was starting to act violently.

「What's the matter, Werewolf-san? 」

The little girl asked Daigan.

「This smell! ! IT CAME, THOSE OGRES HAVE CAME! ! 」

Daigan was screaming at the top of his lungs.

「Come to think of it, there's this sweet smell in the air……….」

It was as the little girl just said. There was a sweet smell around the air.

「Kujig the ogre has come! ! 」

Werewolves have outstanding sense of smell. Maybe, the ogres had really come.

It completely slipped out of my mind since I was engrossed in talking with the little girl.

Standing up from my chair.

It seems that It was time for me to make my move.

◆Sword Maiden, Shirone

「What’s with that castle? It's approaching us.」

I was looking at a castle that kept coming closer from the windows.

And thanks to the cloudless night, I could see it clearly under this bright moonlight.

「Is that, the confectionary castle? 」

I nodded in hearing Kyouka-san voice. We had an extremely sharp vision upon coming to this world. The castle was still far away from Algore and yet I could see that castle very clearly from my position.

「It should be the castle of that ogre called Kujig. According to the stories, the walls are made of lebkuchen, the roof is some kind of pastries, and the windows are made from transparent glass. Though I don't know about the types of confectionary of this world, it looked like something similar to our world exist.」

Kaya-san was doing the explanation.

By the way Lebkuchen is the kind of cake made by utilizing variety of nuts or orange peels with honey condiment on top of it.

「What is that? The ants are, carrying the castle? ! 」

It was as Kyouka-san said, I saw a lot of Myulmidons carrying the confectionary castle like carrying a portable shrine. [TL : Pyramid slave]

My longed “marchen” was destroyed by such a spectacle. [TL : marchen = fairy tale]

The confectionary castle stopped right before Algore.

When it came this close, its contour became even clearer for me.

The spire was made from cream. The windows were made from various sweets. The walls were Lebkuchen-like baked sweets. The hanging lanterns shaped in various forms such as humans and animals made the confectionary castle even more bewitching under the moonlight.

Light was rising from one of its spires. The light then started distorting and projecting an image like a screen.

No doubt about it, it's video magic. The figure of a person was projected in that image.

I knew the name of the one who appeared in that image.

「That's, Kuna-sama! ! 」

Regena shouted that woman’s name as soon as she saw her.

Yes, it was as she said. The one who appeared in that image was the Silver Haired Woman who we met in Velos.

Why was that girl in the castle of those ogres?

Looking closely, there was something that resembled those ogres in the background.

Though I don't know the reason, it seems that she was working together with those ogres.


The girl in the projected image screamed loudly.

Looking closely, the myumidons were wriggling around the confectionary castle.

「It seems she's calling you, Shirone-san.」

Saying so, Kyouka-san looked at me.

「I guess she's looking for me…….. Well I guess I have no choice since she wenr as far as calling me.」

I drew my sword from its sheath fastened on my waist.

Just right when I wanted to get the full story of Kuroki but I guess I can ask her directly too.

「It's dangerous if you go there by yourself, Shirone-sama.」

Kaya-san worried about my safety.

「Uuhn, it's alright. I'll retreat if the situation goes beyond what I can handle. Rather than that, Kaya-san please help me stop Kuroki if he comes! ! 」

Saying so to Kaya-san, I then leapt from the windows. Unfolding my wings, I then flew toward the confectionary castle.

The myulmidons who could fly obstructed my way.


But I dispatched them with one slash of my sword.


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