Apocalypse: I Can See the HP Bar, Killing Monsters Drops Loot

Chapter 32 - Chapter 32: Chapter 32: I’ll Work like an Ox or a Horse to

Chapter 32: Chapter 32: I’ll Work like an Ox or a Horse to

Repay You_1

Translator: 549690339 |

“No, I don’t want it! I don’t want your food! I don’t want to be alone at home! I

just want to go with you! Please… Wang Tao!”

Ding Yuqin clutched Wang Tao’s hand tightly in her agitated state, her eyes brimming with tears.

It was the first time Wang Tao had seen Ding Yuqin lose her composure like

this, and he fell silent for a moment.

“It’s not possible, it’s too dangerous outside.”

“I’m not afraid of danger! As long as you take me, I’m not afraid of anything!”

Ding Yuqin quickly spoke.

Wang Tao fell silent again, then said:

“Forgive my bluntness, but sister-in-law, you’re too weak physically. Going

out with me, you’d only be a burden.”

Hearing this, Ding Yuqin’s face turned paler and paler.

Then she bit her lower lip as if making up her mind, a mix of fear and feigned

seduction in her voice:

“As long as you take sister-in-law with you, I’ll do anything you ask of me… please!”

Wang Tao continued to stay silent. But he furrowed his brow, as if in thought.

Seeing that her words seemed to have an effect, Ding Yuqin’s hope was reignited.

If one could live, nobody would choose death.

But Wang Tao’s next words seemed to sentence her to death.

“Sorry, I still think it’s better for sister-in-law to stay at your home. Let’s not

talk about this anymore, let’s eat.”

Wang Tao withdrew his hand from Ding Yuqin’s.

Not talk about it? How could they not talk about it! Ding Yuqin was not even thirty years old, she had a whole beautiful life ahead of her, she didn’t want to


Ding Yuqin’s face was the picture of despair.

Looking at the lavish spread of food before her, she simply couldn’t eat…

Although Wang Tao had a big appetite, he ate quickly.

Before Ding Yuqin could even come to her senses, he had finished eating. Then

he stood up, ready to go and pack his gear.

Suddenly there was a “thump”.

Ding Yuqin knelt down in front of Wang Tao, desperately hugging his legs, her eyes welled with tears as she said:

“Wang Tao, I won’t hold you back! Really, I swear! If there’s a danger you can’t handle, just leave me behind! I just hope that when you have spare strength, you can protect me… for old times’ sake, for Brother Zhao’s sake, I’m begging you! Please…”

Looking down at Ding Yuqin kneeling before him, there was indeed a perverse thrill.

But Wang Tao didn’t plan to continue scaring her, as her HP was nearly depleted. In just this short time, her HP had dropped by twenty or thirty… scaring her further might actually kill her.

So, Wang Tao crouched down, intending to pat Ding Yuqin on the shoulder. But she might have misunderstood his gesture, suddenly grabbing Wang Tao’s hand and pressing it against her face, her voice choked:

“Wang Tao, as long you don’t abandon sister-in-law, I will repay you by working like an ox or horse in the future…

Feeling the softness in his hand, Wang Tao gently wiped her tears away.

Looking at her frightened and even despairing gaze, Wang Tao showed a trace

of confusion and said:

“Sister-in-law, when did I say I was going to abandon you?

“You, you said you were going out, you said I was a burden, you wouldn’t take me with you, isn’t that abandoning me… sob sob…”

“I said I’m leaving the neighborhood to look for diesel outside, to power the home’s diesel generator. Such a dangerous task, if I took you, wouldn’t you be a burden?”

■I ?n

“Of course, if you really wish to come with me, I will respect your decision. Get ready, and let’s leave right now.”

Having said that, Wang Tao stood up and began to put on his gear, leaving

Ding Yuqin in a daze.

It seemed like a moment yet also an eternity before Ding Yuqin hurriedly got up, trotted behind Wang Tao, and started with a mix of excitement and disbelief:

“Wang Tao, are you serious? You’re just going out for supplies, and you’ll come back, right? You won’t leave me behind…”

Wang Tao twisted his body, his face showing some displeasure.

“Sister-in-law, are you doubting my words, not believing me?

“NO, no, not at all, I didn’t doubt you! I believe! I definitely believe you! I’m just, just too excited…”

Ding Yuqin quickly brought her hands together in prayer and bowed to Wang


“Alright, sister-in-law, hurry up and eat. We’re leaving soon.”

“Ah, leaving? Where to?”

‘■Of course, to look for diesel. Didn’t you say you wanted to come with me?

Hurry up, we want to leave early and return early.”


To be honest, she still wasn’t completely sure whether Wang Tao’s words were true or if it was possible for him to just leave and never come back.

If she went with Wang Tao, then even if he really left, she wouldn’t be alone here.

But Wang Tao didn’t seem to be deceiving her, especially since he had always been so good to her before, he probably wouldn’t lie. If she really went out to look for supplies with Wang Tao, the danger would be too great, far less safe than waiting at home, and indeed she might become a burden to Wang Tao…

After contemplating for a few seconds, Ding Yuqin, clutching the hem of her dress and looking down somewhat embarrassed, said:

“I, I… I’ll just wait for you at home…”

“Sister-in-law, do you want to come out with me or wait at home?”

“I’ll wait for you to come back!”

Ding Yuqin didn’t hesitate this time and immediately spoke up.

“Alright then. Make sure you stay at home and don’t run around.”

“Mmhmm! I’ll help you with your gear!”

Ding Yuqin wiped her eyes, not minding the makeup that was slightly smeared, and hurriedly went to help Wang Tao.

After they finished preparing, Wang Tao handed several packs of instant noodles to Ding Yuqin.

“I think I should be able to come back by tonight at the latest, but I can’t be too sure. Take this food for now, in case I really get delayed, so you won’t go hungry.”

“Thank you!”

Ding Yuqin hurriedly took them.

“Alright, let’s go.”

Wang Tao and Ding Yuqin left the house together. After watching Ding Yuqin return to her own home, Wang Tao continued downstairs.

“Wang Tao, you must come back safely!”

From behind, Ding Yuqin opened a crack in the door and called out softly with a hint of worry.

She was not sure whether she was more worried about Wang Tao getting hurt or the possibility that he might not return at all.


Wang Tao waved his hand.

When he reached the bottom of the building, he didn’t go out immediately but first went to unit 201. He cracked open a window slightly, there was no security grille here. If there was someone blocking the main entrance when he returned, he could climb in through this window.

Although it was unlikely to be needed, it was better to be prepared for any eventuality.

As he left, probably hearing the noise, the balding uncle also came out. He was surprised to see Wang Tao fully “Armed .

“Young man, are you… going out?”

■’Yeah. We’re running low on supplies at home, need to go out and look for some.”

Although his home still had quite a bit of supplies, his consumption was also substantial, so saying they were running low was not far from the truth.

“There are two of you at home, that’s a lot of consumption indeed!”

The balding uncle had seen Wang Tao and Ding Yuqin act together before and thought Ding Yuqin was Wang Tao’s girlfriend.

Although they live in the same building, it’s not unusual for residents not to know each other well..

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