Chapter 11: The beautiful female ghost teacher

At this moment, Alexander was standing with one foot on the stool, holding a cigarette in one hand and a baseball bat in the other, looking like a typical thug.

He never dreamed that the beautiful head teacher would show up at this moment, catching him red-handed. As the terrifying ghostly aura began to spread from the beautiful head teacher's body, Alexander quickly stuffed the cigarette he was holding into Lei Hu's mouth.

"Well, look at you, Lei Hu! How dare you smoke in the classroom? Have you no respect for our head teacher? I'll clean up this mess for her right now!"

The chosen ones: ...

The students: ...

"You... you're not human!" Furious, Lei Hu spat out the cigarette, took a moment to catch his breath, and uttered these words, feeling extremely wronged.


As soon as his words fell, Alexander swung the baseball bat in his hand. The ten points of ghost energy were all infused into the bat, and for a moment, Alexander felt a sense of exhaustion.

But what followed was a series of black ghostly auras swirling around the baseball bat, emitting a terrifying and miserable wail as if the souls under the bloodstained bat were being awakened.


With an explosive sound, but no blood splatter, Lei Hu's entire head turned into a cloud of black smoke and exploded. Then, the body below began to gradually become intangible, turning into black smoke and dissipating in the air.

Holy shit!

He killed a ghost! A newcomer actually killed an evil ghost!

All the chosen ones were dumbfounded, and the students' mouths were wide open. In the thrilling world, especially for newcomers, it has always been a struggle to survive, with difficulties at every turn.

Even someone like Cain, who had experienced three rounds and was considered a veteran, was powerless against an evil ghost, barely surviving with the rewards from previous rounds.

The horror tattoo on Alexander's arm indicated he was just a newcomer, yet he managed to kill an evil ghost with his own power.

"Damn idiot! Even if you're lucky enough to get a ghost weapon, daring to kill in front of this ferocious head teacher is just asking for death! She's a vengeful evil ghost!" Cain, a veteran, was initially shocked by Alexander's ruthlessness but soon sneered.

The thrilling world has its specific rules, like the previous evil ghosts who could easily kill them but looked for various excuses instead. The same goes for the chosen ones; it's not that they can't fight back, but killing her students right in front of her is just asking for trouble!

As Lei Hu had said, this terrifying head teacher's greatest hatred was these delinquent students. As expected, witnessing the death of her student, the female ghost teacher's eyes instantly turned blood red, and eerie blood vessels spread from the corners of her eyes.

Her white blouse gradually stained with crimson bloodlines, making her look both ferocious and enchanting. A dazzling flash of bloodlight quickly disappeared, and in the next moment, a cold chilling wind swept through the entire classroom.

The female ghost head teacher appeared in front of Alexander in an instant, her bloodshot eyes staring intently at him.

"You... better give me an explanation!"

The terrifying aura felt like a mountain pressing on his chest, and the cold chill pierced straight to his bones.

He's done for!

A sense of despair rose in Alexander's heart as he looked at the head ghost teacher's fluctuating favorability value above her head.

It changed from negative to positive and back, but it was clear that the time spent in the negative range was gradually increasing.

When the favorability value turns entirely negative, it's probably time for her to take action!

"Now that things have come to this, I have no choice but to give it my all!" Alexander clenched his teeth, his face showing a look of righteous indignation. He said, "I'm helping you clean up the mess!"

"Clean up the mess? Do I need your help to do that?" The female ghost teacher's expression became even colder.

"Of course, for someone like you, a troublemaker wouldn't escape your watchful eye. Even without me, you would never allow such a bad influence to continue harming the entire class! Sooner or later, you would have dealt with him! But..."

Alexander's tone suddenly changed, speaking with justified confidence, "Can I let you do this? Can I let you deal with such trivial matters personally? Can I bear it?"

"Don't others know? Don't I know it myself?" Alexander continued, "Every time I pass by your apartment building, the light that's always on during the quiet nights is yours! Under the dim yellow light, I always see your beautiful but tired face as you grade assignments!"

"In my heart, you are a diligent gardener, tirelessly cultivating the flowers of the thrilling world!"

"How could I bear it! How could I bear to see this troublemaker destroy the flowers you've carefully nurtured!"

Alexander's voice was filled with tears, and his acting skills from two lifetimes were displayed to the fullest.

The other chosen ones were dumbfounded. Who am I? Where am I? What kind of chosen one is this?

Hadn't everyone just entered the instance this morning? Where did you see the apartment building? And under the dim yellow light?

They had never seen such a shameless person!

The female ghost teacher was also a bit stunned, staring blankly at Alexander. The blood on her face quickly faded, and after a while, she said somewhat embarrassed, "I didn't expect that you would know where my apartment is, and even saw me grading assignments at night."

"Teacher... Teacher, actually... I didn't mean to say you're that great!" The favorability value above her head stabilized at 10, five points higher than before.

From the top student ghost to Brother Jimmy Conway, and now this female teacher. The ghosts in this world were really too innocent!

Alexander felt a bit moved and was a little embarrassed to continue deceiving her.

However, seizing the opportunity, he looked at the female ghost teacher with teary eyes, his face full of sincerity, "Like a silkworm exhausting its silk until death, and a candle burning out as the tears dry! As a teacher, you have successfully burned yourself to light our path!"

"Like a silkworm exhausting its silk until death... well said, am I... am I worthy of that?" The female teacher had never heard such a metaphor from Earth and was immediately touched, feeling as if she had found a kindred spirit.

The favorability value above her head suddenly increased by another ten points.

This flattery was too easy!

In his previous life, Alexander was a sales trainer and once a top salesperson in the industry, dealing with wealthy people whose net worth was in the tens of millions or even billions. These people were the slyest of the sly foxes. Could they be pleased with just a few nice words? Even when offered sufficient benefits and respect, it still depended on their mood.

Now he had unexpectedly met someone whose favorability could skyrocket with just some flattery. This feeling was like a player finding a great cricket or a horse expert discovering a fine steed.

Excited, Alexander grabbed the female teacher's hand and said passionately, "Not only are you worthy, but in my heart, you are also the most beautiful goddess in the world! I'm just afraid that my limited vocabulary and coarse adjectives will make you despise me!"

At this moment, the female teacher didn't look like a fierce ghost at all, her pretty face blushing and eyes filled with affection: "Am I really that good, or are you just making up stories to deceive me?"

"Of course not! My words come from the bottom of my heart, and they have been buried inside me for a long time!"

Alexander spoke with righteous confidence, seeing the favorability score approaching thirty. Biting the bullet, he took out the rose he had received earlier as a reward, "If you don't believe me, look at this. I prepared it for you long ago, but I've been afraid of being rejected, so I haven't dared to take it out until now!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, they all stared blankly at the blood-red rose in Alexander's hand and the blushing, shy female teacher with her head lowered.

What the hell!

Wasn't there something wrong here?

Wasn't this supposed to be a thrilling world?

Why did it feel like someone grabbed their hair, lifted their heads, and forcefully stuffed a handful of dog food into their mouths?

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