Astral Pet Store

Chapter 1017 - Stepping Into Illusions

Chapter 1017: Stepping Into Illusions

Loulan Feng led Su Ping to a high point in the skies of the planet.

The place was currently the side with nighttime. Only a faint hint of light could be seen through the reflection of the planet’s surface. A giant gate stood in the void.

A lot of people had gathered in front of that portal. Many of them were Ascendants.

“This is the gate which leads to the Sea of Illusions that the Loulans control. I’ve sent you some information about the place via email, including certain rules set by the family.”

Loulan Feng then said to Su Ping via telepathy, “You must stick to what you believe while you roam inside the Sea of Illusions. Everything that you’ll see will be illusions made to keep you there forever.”

“Okay.” Su Ping nodded, and split some of his mind power to visit the virtual world. He was then able to see an email in his inbox.

Su Ping read the message contents while approaching the gate.

The Ascendants of the Loulan family had mentioned something about the Sea of Illusions back in the gala, but they didn’t mention any details. It was a place that existed beyond the nine layers of the universe, which had been confirmed by the Federation.

There were Illusory Spirits inside the Sea of Illusions, which were special energy creatures that preyed on the emotions of living creatures.

Su Ping took his time reading the email. The Loulans had indeed been sincere; there were a lot of interesting incidents documented, which were the basis for many survival rules.

“You can attract Illusory Spirits with emotions. Your willpower will be enhanced if you swallow them.

“Fear is the Illusory Spirits’ favorite.

“You may use fear as bait to attract and catch them.

“Illusory Spirits transform in various ways. It is impossible to distinguish illusions from reality without strong willpower.

“The deepest part of the Sea of Illusions is a forbidden place, filled with chaotic storms and strange tones. Flee whenever you hear weird sounds…”

Su Ping went through all the email’s content, silently memorizing its content.

“This is the egg of an ancient whale that was refined to make a special treasure. It can strengthen your mind if you wear it, reducing the likelihood of you being bewildered.”

Loulan Feng gave Su Ping a black box and said, “Mr. Su, you must be extra careful. The family has also sent a manager to protect you.”

Su Ping accepted the black box and felt its coolness. “You’re too kind.”

“We’re only doing what we should.”

Loulan Feng smiled.

Su Ping didn’t decline the Loulans’ kindness. He knew that even if he did, they would still send someone to protect him in secret. After all, he was in their territory; Lord Supreme would definitely punish them if anything happened to him. Besides, the Loulan family was betting strongly on his future.

The gate opened while they talked, and some people went in.

“Although the Sea of Illusions is dangerous, the Illusory Spirits found therein can help you improve your willpower. It’s unfortunate that those spirits can only be killed and absorbed while inside; we don’t have a way to seal and take them out yet…” Loulan Feng sighed.

The Loulans would be holding the key to a great fortune if Illusory Spirits could be sealed.

A person then flew over from a distance.

Loulan Feng noticed, then quickly led Su Ping toward her and said, “Manager Tan.”

She was an attractive plump woman wearing casual clothes and a watch; there was also an eye-catching gem necklace hanging from her neck. She turned and saw them approach. She glanced at Su Ping and said, “Our family master asked me to protect Mr. Su.”

Loulan Feng nodded with a smile. “So I’ve been informed.”

He turned his head and said to Su Ping, “This is Manager Tan who has been tasked with protecting you. She’s adept with matters of the mind; in fact, she subdued an Ascendant State dragon with mental power alone. She will help you flee if we run into danger.”

Su Ping felt a vague pressure from the beautiful woman, which was much greater than that of normal Ascendant experts. He said courteously, “Thank you for your help in advance, Manager Tan.”

“I can only ensure your safety; I won’t be able to help you hunt Illusory Spirits. Don’t wander too far off when we’re inside,” said Manager Tan with a calm tone. Protecting Su Ping had been forced upon her. He had great potential, but her main objective was to become a Heavenly Lord; connections and resources weren’t important to her.

Therefore, she wasn’t interested in socializing.

She wouldn’t have accepted the task if it weren’t for the family’s direct request. She didn’t even take care of the talented juniors of her own family.


Su Ping nodded.

The files shared by Loulan Feng mentioned that Illusory Spirits were energy creatures that would appear inside one’s head, which would make them invisible to others. Therefore, hunting them was a personal matter.

However, a senior could still detect the mental waves of a junior and infer the situation of his inner battles; said senior could pull him out of danger in time.

“Stay where you are,” Manager Tan said.

She extended her finger and laid it on Su Ping’s forehead. He then felt that something was added to his head, but he couldn’t tell exactly what it was.

“What was that?” Su Ping asked vigilantly.

“It’s a secret mental skill of mine. One of my thoughts is left in your head; it’ll resolve trouble for you if you’re in crisis. It’ll also help me know where you are; I’ll remove it after we leave the Sea of Illusions. Don’t worry,” said Manager Tan casually.

Su Ping understood, so he kept silent.

He would have to go back to the Celestial Court once his trip to the Sea of Illusions ended; he would then ask Elder Yan to check if anyone had left any troublesome bits on him.

More people arrived while they spoke.

Su Ping saw Six Lives Buddha and Lilian among them, both accompanied by an Ascendant State protector.

He also saw some people he had seen back in the Loulans’ cultivation grounds, Hai and Lin for instance. Both of them were also being protected by Ascendant State experts.

“This is a peaceful period in the Sea of Illusions. That is why the place is so crowded,” said Loulan Feng with a smile, “But don’t worry. You won’t notice them, and neither will they; only people who have made preparations can sense others, like the link between you and Manager Tan.

“It is also impossible to fight one another while you’re inside, unless the Dark Tide rises and blows your soul out of your body… Still, if that comes to pass, it is better to run for your life than to fight.”

Su Ping had read all the relevant information, so he gave a slight nod.

The peaceful period inside the Sea of Illusions occurred once every couple of hundred years. However, the specific time was unpredictable, even with the super computers of the Federation; at best they could only make a forecast within three months before a new peaceful period arrived.

The dangerous period was when the Dark Tide rose; it was a time with a higher amount of spirits, and all kinds of weird things could happen.

Most people had gone inside by then. Manager Tan said, “Let’s go.”

Su Ping nodded.

“Good luck!” Loulan Feng waved at them and smiled.

Manager Tan flew forward. Su Ping waved back at Loulan Feng and followed his guardian. The two of them reached the gigantic gate. Some were immediately able to recognize Su Ping, but his arrival didn’t come as a surprise, as the involvement of a genius like him was expected.

Manager Tan greeted the gatekeeper and then led Su Ping inside.

Su Ping felt as if he had just gone through a thin membrane after passing through the gate; such a layer was like a cool and soft film. He had been entirely enshrouded as he stepped in; Su Ping found himself in the middle of a strange universe, instead of the darkness on the other side of the gate.

Half of the sky was brilliant with countless glittering stars, while the other half was a dark and desolate domain.

Su Ping felt as if gravity were nonexistent, and he couldn’t propel himself. His only option was to be pulled toward the dazzling stars.

Su Ping turned his head around, but he didn’t see his protector, Manager Tan.

He remembered the information provided by Loulan Feng. The Sea of Illusions was a special cultivation place. It was also known as the place of loneliness.

Companions were undetectable, even while coming in groups. Only their individual selves could be sensed, aside from the wandering spirits.

She must be somewhere close, and is able to feel me. This place is not enough of a challenge for Ascendants.?Su Ping looked at the brilliant stars without a tinge of anxiety.?It’s said that everybody sees a different Sea of Illusions; the stars are definitely not real, then.

Illusions are based on my subconscious mind. Is there such a world inside my head?

Wait, such doubts only disturb my mind. I cannot doubt myself here.

Su Ping looked around. He tried to imagine plains and lands, but they didn’t manifest. He then felt a pulling force and saw a red and golden arc of light in the dark sky. That was the afterglow of a planet being swallowed!

A gigantic black hole was spinning towards him, increasing the gravitational pull!

There was a slight change in Su Ping’s expression; even an Ascendant expert could die upon making contact with a black hole.

This must be an illusion.?Su Ping stared at the black hole, while he kept telling himself that what he saw wasn’t real. However, his body was being rapidly pulled towards the black hole, which grew in size and twisted his eyesight. Sharp and huge fangs were growing inside the black hole!

It was an unimaginably massive mouth!

Su Ping’s pupils became constricted. He quickly launched a sword aura—

However, his attack disintegrated only a few hundred meters away.

Su Ping felt goosebumps as the dark mouth moved closer. He was certain that it was a powerful spirit.

Astral power and laws don’t matter here. My mental power is the only thing I can rely on.

Black light appeared in Su Ping’s eyes. Just as the mouth inched closer, his quivering hairs suddenly froze, and an intense killing intent was released from his heart. He condensed his willpower, making it turn into a dazzling sword that swept over and cut the black hole apart!

Su Ping heard a devastating shriek when the black hole exploded, but he roared back and suppressed the noise.

Soon, the view of the universe was gone, and only a black beast dozens of meters long lay in the void. Its upper half was torn, shedding misty blood.

The body was similar to that of a giant whale, but there were sharp and long stings on its forehead, almost beard-like.

“This is an Owl Spirit!”

Su Ping’s pupils were like pinpoints when he saw the spirit. According to Loulan Feng’s files, it was a Class A spirit that most Star Lords had to avoid; only Ascendants could stand a chance.

He had run into an Owl Spirit right from the get-go.

Didn’t they say that I wouldn’t run into powerful spirits unless I went into the depths of the Sea of Illusions? Still, it was also mentioned that horrifying spirits may be encountered at the outer rim. Am I too lucky?

Su Ping solemnly extended his hand and swallowed the spirit, immediately feeling a coolness in his head. His mind was sharpened, and he was calmer than ever. His senses were greatly improved too.

The hazy world before his eyes became a lot clearer. Many of the clouds were gone; he could vaguely see a person ahead of him.

Su Ping thought it was Manager Tan, his companion. He walked forward, only to find that the person’s back was extremely attractive; he found her clothes familiar.

She’s not Manager Tan. Weird…

Su Ping’s eyes flashed. He shouldn’t be seeing anyone else; it had to be another illusion.

The mysterious person moved forward slowly but surely at that moment. Su Ping narrowed his eyes and watched. The hazy mist gradually dispersed, and the person suddenly stopped to turn around, showing a beautiful face that belonged to Joanna!

Su Ping was surprised and confused.?Illusions come from the bottom of my heart.?“Why am I seeing Joanna here? Have I been subconsciously wanting her? No way! I’m not a despicable boss!”

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