Astral Pet Store

Chapter 1176 - Escape in the World of Gods

Chapter 1176: Escape in the World of Gods Translations

Su Ping continued cultivating and consolidating his gains in the golden ocean.

The eighth Astral Painting was gradually stabilized. The worlds feature allowed Su Ping to improve his control of the five small worlds; he sensed that the eighth Astral Painting was designed for Star Lords.

The system gave me this cultivation technique to lay my foundation. It can’t be bad; it might even be an unimaginable top level technique!?Su Ping thought.

He currently was in the Astral Painting State.

Once he passed the Astral Vortex State and the Astral Body State, he would reach the third stage of the technique.

The fourth stage was known as the Chaos Unity State.

This probably corresponded with the power of the Ascendant State and even the Celestial State.

The eighth Astral Painting has been completed. Next, it’s the ninth Astral Painting…

This is the most difficult painting; it’s the last state of the third stage…

Su Ping had been given information related to the ninth Astral Painting. It was indeed designed for Star Lords, and probably for the purpose of building the strongest Star Lord.

The ninth Astral Painting was named the Chaos Astral Painting!

It wasn’t necessary to condense stars to develop the last painting. Instead, the small worlds would be considered as stars, and they had to be connected somehow!

The “worlds” feature found in the eighth Astral Painting was also intended for the formation of the ninth Astral Painting.

Judging from the requirements, it’s impossible to cultivate the ninth Astral Painting without having multiple small worlds. Two small worlds are required as a minimum, and there’s no upper limit. However, the more small worlds, the more difficult it would be to connect them…

Su Ping heaved a sigh. That cultivation technique was indeed rather unbelievable.

However, if he could really complete it… He had no doubt that his strength would be beyond his imagination for someone in the Star Lord State!

I’ve already met the requirements for the ninth Astral Painting, but I don’t know how to cultivate and connect the small worlds yet…?Su Ping tried and found it impossible to complete the task. Even when using the “worlds” feature, he could only feel the small worlds and control their power with more clarity.

However, it was a whole different matter when it came to connecting the worlds.

Time to go. This is indeed a great place to cultivate; I should come back when I reach the Ascendant State; I should be able to rise to the peak of the Ascendant State with ease. There’s an abundant amount of energy for me to use…?Su Ping thought.

Su Ping didn’t dawdle any longer. His body had been transformed into that of a complete god. His blood was even purer than that of princes from any high-ranked clan. There weren’t any impurities… He was a complete god!

The transformation was unstoppable because of the divine power and the law of giving.

However, he still considered himself a human being at heart.

Still, a god’s body did contain unparalleled power.


With a single thought, he started swimming in the golden ocean of divine power. The divine power disappeared all of a sudden, replaced by abrupt darkness once more.

This dark space again… I’ve been seeing it every once in a while as of late. This isn’t happening regularly. The concepts of time and space don’t exist here. Even if they do, the whole thing is chaotic. There’s no telling how the dark space and the world of divine power coexist here. If I understand how they coexist, I might be able to cultivate the ninth Astral Painting with more ease…

Su Ping’s eyes glittered.

Still, he dropped the idea of remaining there to study, as he planned to connect his small worlds after cultivating as many of them as he could.

If he grasped a new small world after connecting the ones he previously had, the balance would be broken and his effort would wasted.

Five small worlds!

That was an unbelievable achievement even in the world of gods.

Still, Su Ping wasn’t satisfied; he felt that he could cultivate more of them.

After all, it had been recorded in the Heaven Path Institute that one of the Ancestral Gods had once established seven small worlds!

It’s possible to construct small worlds with the sources of divine power, deity aura and astral power…

Maybe it’s also possible to construct a small world with the power of the undead.

I should pay a visit to the Chaotic Realm of the Undead next!

Su Ping made that decision in his heart.

That was the first cultivation site he had ever visited; he robbed the blood crystal to one of the monarchs for the Little Skeleton to consume.

Having traveled to many cultivation sites with Su Ping, the Little Skeleton had already been optimized. Even though it still belonged to the Skeleton King species on the stats menu, there had been a mutation along the way. Or rather, the Little Skeleton had improved the upper limit of the Skeleton Kings’ bloodline, making it possible for them to reach the Ascendant State.

The Ascendant State was already a remarkable destination.

The Little Skeleton used to be a mere rank-1 skeleton, hardly able to reach the Ocean State, let alone the Ascendant State.

After all the training and development, Su Ping had helped it transform from the weakest skeleton into a skeleton bearing an Ascendant State bloodline!

The Chaos Perception Dragon mentioned that I’d be too scared to go out if I went too deep. Have I gone too deep right now??Su Ping looked at the darkness and pondered.

He suddenly realized that he couldn’t find the way back.

Should I return by killing myself?

He couldn’t.

If he were to resurrect randomly, he would only end up somewhere else.

I’ll look for the exit when I get back to the previous ocean of divine power.?Su Ping wasn’t at all anxious; he waited patiently in the darkness.

There was a special rhythm in the dark space. Su Ping had the feeling that someone was staring at him in the darkness.

He felt goosebumps all over his body, but he remained calm. Even if something were indeed hiding there, he could still resurrect after being killed.

There was no way to tell how long it had been. Nothing happened. Su Ping thought his eyes blinked, or maybe he didn’t. He saw the dazzling golden light again and returned to the world of divine power.

Su Ping instantly swam in the divine power, then looked for the exit to return.

However, the world of divine power was boundless. Su Ping swam for a long time, but he didn’t see any changes.

I’m probably the only one who feels desperate while being in an ocean of divine power…?Su Ping felt he was being drowned in coins, not knowing whether it was a blessing or a curse.

A long time passed, but Su Ping had yet to find the way back, and he encountered the dark space once again.

Su Ping kept swimming in the dark space, but he had no sense of direction. He tried his best to swim, but he felt that he was stuck.

There wasn’t even any wind.

Wind was very important as it helped people tell the way. Many animals decided where prey and hunters were using the wind flowing.

Without any wind, and because his senses had been blocked, he felt he was being suffocated, as if he were deep down in the sea.

A long time later, Su Ping saw nothing but darkness.

Right when he was about to give up—he felt that his body was torn apart.

Without any sign, nor warning, Su Ping’s body exploded. He was obliterated.

But the next moment—Su Ping chose to resurrect on the spot.

The environment was completely dark.

What was it??Su Ping was vigilant, but he still couldn’t feel a thing. He even suspected that the environment wasn’t dark at all; it was just that his senses had been completely blocked, as if stuck under a quilt. The environment could be bright and something was probably observing him.

The assault just then was enough evidence for such a theory.

My eyes and other senses were blocked, but there’s something here…?Su Ping couldn’t help but feel scared, but he calmed down soon after.

He waited quietly for a long time, but he wasn’t attacked again.

Su Ping thought for a moment, then boldly chose to swim onward.

Nobody attacked him again after a long time passed, and he saw nothing but darkness.

Su Ping eventually stopped, knowing it would be a waste of time. Most importantly, he couldn’t feel the flow of time; his only choice was to keep track by counting numbers. Still, it was possible that time flowed as fast as it did in the outside world. If a day here meant a thousand years in the outside world, then he would be doomed.

I should get out of here first. Even if I find the one who attacked me, I probably can’t beat it. It would be pointless.?Su Ping shook his head; he was too weak to look into more secrets.

There was a boom, as Su Ping chose to blow himself up.

Then, he randomly resurrected somewhere else.

He found himself basking in warm, golden sunshine. His body was falling, and underneath him was a splendid city; he had resurrected in a place high in the sky.

He would have surely died from the impact if he were an ordinary person.

I must find the young Chaos Beast first…

Su Ping examined the environment carefully, then vaguely determined a direction through the contract.

The further away they were from each other, the vaguer the connection would be. Still, no matter how far, he could always feel where his pet was.

That was a connection beyond that of blood; it was on the deepest level of one’s soul.


Su Ping tore the void apart and disappeared.

He flashed in rapid succession, but the pet didn’t seem to be any closer. Su Ping knew it was probably because they were too far apart.

Should I travel by randomly resurrecting? Maybe the location I reappear in will be closer…?Su Ping thought about it, but eventually gave it up.

After half a day of traveling—a vortex appeared in the void, and a fierce power came out and enshrouded him.

Su Ping’s expression had a slight change. Judging by the almighty power, it belonged to another hunter of the Rain Clan!

They hadn’t given up just yet!

Su Ping’s eyes glittered coldly. Instead of fighting, he chose to detonate himself.

Even though he had just finished his training and his combat ability had risen significantly, he was unwilling to expose himself just yet. Otherwise, the Rain Clan’s retaliation would be even crazier.

Indeed, he could break free, but his fellow humans would probably suffer.

If they grew exasperated and did something reckless, even the Dragon Tamers would have a hard time ensuring their safety.

“Huh?” exclaimed a man that stepped out of the void.?I haven’t done anything yet. Why did the guy choose to die by self-explosion?

Was I too intimidating for the brat to bear?

“That kid proved himself to be an unparalleled genius during battle. He should have been more resolute than that. Wait, he was bold enough to challenge an emperor; he couldn’t have been this timid. He…”

The man’s expression changed a bit, realizing it was Su Ping’s escape method.

Although he didn’t know why the guy could escape by blowing himself up, he knew it was probably some unusual technique.

The man soon disappeared and returned to his clan.

On the other hand, Su Ping continued traveling at full speed after a random resurrection.

This time, the Chaos Beast’s position was still vague, but Su Ping didn’t give up.

Half a day later, another member of the Rain Clan showed up to attack him.

Su Ping became even angrier; he remembered what they did to him. Once again, he blew himself up.

He continued searching for his pet after a random resurrection.

The Rain Clan continued his hunting efforts. They would catch up to Su Ping within half a day after he resurrected, sometimes even quicker. There was one time when he was spotted right after he re-materialized, so he gathered that he had landed in the Rain Clan’s territory. They must have been shocked, him daring to show up in their place.

Several days later.

The news of Su Ping’s escape and the Rain Clan’s manhunt was spread around the world.

The human experts, the Dragon Tamers and other parties participated. Some were trying to stop him while others went to his rescue.

But to their surprise, Su Ping was absolutely unpredictable. Sometimes he was in the southern border of the world for a second, to later appear in the north. Even the emperors would take some time crossing such long distances without catching the attention of the Ancestral Gods. Still, Su Ping did it.

Everyone started wondering if Su Ping had an emperor-level ally, or even an Ancestral God proficient in escaping methods.

There weren’t Ancestral Gods amongst humans, so the expert either belonged to the Dragon Tamers or another clan who was hostile to the Rain Clan.

As a result, the leaders of the Rain Clan became rather anxious.

“They’ve run throughout the world, and yet they still haven’t caught the kid?”

“There’s talk about the human kid having an ultimate treasure that allows him to go anywhere. It must be an emperor-level item.”

“The emperors of the Rain Clan were deployed, but they also failed. Looks like the Rain Clan will suffer.”

“As expected of the second best on the Chaos Talents Rank. Human beings will rise.”

Many people across the world were excited as they discussed the matter.

Five days later—Su Ping disappeared, and nobody spotted him again.

Many people were disappointed; some claimed that the Rain Clan had finally killed him.

But then, humans announced that they had taken Su Ping back.

Humans had to release such news. If not, other clans would try to take advantage of them after losing Su Ping and offending the Rain Clan.

No one knew whether or not their announcement was real.

Even more weirdly, the Rain Clan became silent too. They didn’t show Su Ping’s body, either. So, Su Ping’s death became a mystery. Both civilians and geniuses were discussing heatedly over the matter.

In a desolate place—

Su Ping appeared. He found it rather unbelievable and thrilling at the same time, because he had randomly resurrected in the place where the Chaos Perception Dragon was found.

That was a world of eternal darkness, absolutely different from other regions always embracing the sunlight.

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