Astral Pet Store

Chapter 402 One Spear to Defeat Them All!

Chapter 402 One Spear to Defeat Them All!

It might seem that a long time had passed, when in reality, everything had happened within an instant.

Joanna cast a glance at the torn up Dark Feather Phoenix and then gazed at the young man who was standing in the rain of flesh and blood. She was surprised to see him exerting such power as well. A second later, Joanna turned around and then looked at the old man and the multitude of people behind him with her golden eyes, which were filled with coldness and killing intent.

She held tightly to her spear.

The divine energy that was about to drift away from the spear converged once more!

A myriad of-reflections!


A strong aura suddenly burst out, and the blazing golden light blossomed on the spear, illuminating the entire world. A golden light suddenly surged out of the clear sky above, like an inverted golden sea.

From this golden sea emanated an unspeakable power that could overpower all beings.

As every member of the Tang family was staring at this in a fit of terror, reflections of golden spears slowly permeated out of the golden sea. In the blink of an eye, thousands of ghost spear shadows appeared. The Tang family elder recovered from his astonishment and then descended into trepidation. He felt a sense of death from the golden sea. That was not something that a titled battle pet warrior could have summoned. This girl... Was she at the legendary rank?! While the Tang family elder was still wondering, Joanna had resorted to action.

Kill them!!

She waved her golden spear and pointed it forward.

In the direction the spear was pointed to, a murderous aura that could silence earth and heaven alike instantly enveloped the one thousand Thunder Sparrows, as well as the Feather Army and the Tactic Army behind the Tang family elder.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

The spears that protruded from the golden sea were launched abruptly toward the flock of Thunder Sparrows.

The countless spear reflections were moving as fast as lightning, carrying a force that could destroy everything.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the air, the Thunder Sparrows were alarmed and bewildered. Soon, some Thunder Sparrows were struck. The forceful impact blasted the Thunder Sparrows open, reducing them into a mist of blood. The battle pet warriors on the back of the Thunder Sparrows were too slow to react and the reflections of the spears pierced through the battle pet warriors as well!

Others with faster reactions immediately summoned other battle pets.

In the air, thousands of swirls appeared, and from them crawled out many ferocious and violent battle pets that were howling and growling

However, as soon as those battle pets came out, they had been struck by the golden spears. They died before they could even have a look around.

There were some ninth-rank battle pets among them but even those had been unable to survive the strike!

Those were reflections of the golden spear Joanna held in her hand. Even though they were just reflections that had a hundredth of the original golden spear’s power, they weren’t something that the average ninth-rank battle pet warriors could withstand! Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang... Blood poured down as miserable cries lingered!

The sky was tainted in blood.

A small number of severed limbs managed to reach the ground. Most of the Thunder Sparrows were reduced into a mist of blood by the spear reflections. Nothing was left of the Thunder Sparrows!

That was a formidable scene!

This girl who was bathing in the golden hue had to be a war goddess!

With arrogance, the girl made it clear with her look that she considered everyone and everything beneath her notice!

The three Tang family elders, as well as the others standing by Su Ping’s store, were too shocked to utter a sound.

She created a doomsday vision with a single move!

Was that the power of a legendary battle pet warrior?

Not even a legendary battle pet warrior could have done that easily!

The two people from the Star Organization who came with Xie Gange were so shocked that they were forgetting themselves. So, she was the store’s secret. Luckily, the Star Organization had been prudent; if they had sent over an army in an impulse, they would too, have a similar fate!

A legendary battle pet warrior was living in the store!

That was beyond reason and logic!

What a stunning piece of news!!

“No! God, no!!”

The toothless old lady standing on a ninth-rank battle pet watched as the reflections of the golden spear penetrated the flock of Thunder Sparrows, and how they turned into a mist of blood. She was more terrified than shocked.

Behind her, eight swirls came out abruptly.

Roar! Roar!

First, the shouts came out. Those were all ninth-rank battle pets; only one was at the upper position. The other seven were all at the peak of the ninth rank!

At the command of the toothless old lady, those battle pets immediately dashed toward the Thunder Sparrows, trying to protect them from the golden spear reflections.

Joanna didn’t seem to be happy when she saw that.

Several golden spear reflections came out from the golden sea, which were of a larger size!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The thicker spears were launched.

Like bolts of lightning, the spears struck their targets!


A Thunder Basilisk at the peak of the ninth rank cried in misery as a golden spear pierced and went through it. When looking from the outside, people could see a faint translucence from the golden spear within. It was as if the Thunder Basilisk had swallowed a lightbulb so bright that not even its body was able to stop the light from oozing out.

The toothless old lady stood aghast.

She could tell how afraid her Thunder Basilisk was from their mind connection.



The Thunder Basilisk was unable to continue the cry for long. The beast was about to turn around and ask the toothless old lady for help but there was no time. The Thunder Basilisk exploded!

A dragon at the peak of the ninth rank had died!

It was raining blood!

A hush fell over the street. None of those present could find their voices.

After the death of the Thunder Basilisk, the other peak ninth-rank pets that had violently emerged were also unable to survive the strikes.

They tried many defensive skills but nothing was enough to protect them! Under such formidable strikes, those mighty battle pets were just as vulnerable as the Thunder Sparrows. Everything happened within an instant. After all, Joanna didn’t have to use a long time to prepare such an attack. For her, this wasn’t a grand skill!

It started fast and ended quickly.

A few seconds later, no more golden spear reflections came out from the golden sea. The sky was drenched with blood. Nothing else was moving!

The clusters of blood mist gradually converged into a cloud of blood that lingered in the sky.

The eight battle pet warriors became part of the blood cloud. None of them escaped.

There was no sound, whether in the sky or on the ground.

The only thing making small noises was the continuous pitter-patter of blood raindrops. This was the only thing that was unaware of the tragedy!

In the dead silence, the golden glow on the spear in Joanna’s hand slowly died down as the spear turned into a puff of golden light that vanished into her delicate hand.

The usual indifference came back into her eyes, as if she had merely done something trivial. She looked at the only three surviving elders and said, “You, humble human beings. Take back your battle pets and kneel before me!” As a pure-blood god, even True Gods that were equal to the legendary battle pet warriors would have to kneel to pay respects to her, not to mention those mortal human beings that weren’t even at the legendary rank.

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