Astral Pet Store

Chapter 464 The Best Beast Fight

Chapter 464 The Best Beast Fight

Of the eight top trainers, only three refrained from competing over Yu Yundan. That was Old Cao, who had already chosen Muliu Tusu as his student, another top trainer, and Su Ping.

Yu Yundan was not an ideal student for Su Ping. He was happier with the third-place winner, Zhong Lingtong. When it came to their skills, Zhong Lingtong and Yu Yundan were well-matched. It was just that the former was a bit less lucky than Yu Yundan. The reason that Su Ping favored Zhong Lingtong was simple, a small detail actually: he had shown pity to the beasts that were put in the ring.

From the looks in her eyes, Su Ping could tell that she wasn’t regarding the beasts as tools, but as actual living creatures of flesh and blood.

Since she could show mercy to wild beasts, Su Ping believed that she would care about astral pets even more.

The fact that five top trainers were extending an invitation to Yu Yundan had stunned the participants on the stage as well as the audience.

No one expected that Yu Yundan would be even more popular than the champion.

Muliu Tusu was speechless. He understood that it was most likely because of the deal his family had made, so that few top trainers would contend over him.

The other players eyed Yu Yundan with envy. They wondered if any of the top trainers would pick them as students later.


Yu Yundan didn’t expect this, either. All of a sudden, she felt losing to Muliu Tusu was nothing bad. She was like an uncrowned queen.

The frustration that came from losing to Muliu Tusu had disappeared. With her confidence boosted, a smile blossomed on her ice-cold face. Whoever became her teacher, the fact that many top trainers wanted her as a student, all of that would give her enough courage to continue her training journey. Not everyone could enjoy this honor.

Standing next to her was Zhong Lingtong, a shorter girl with an adorable round face. The latter had to raise her head to convey her envy with the look in her eyes.

“Guys, I want her. Let’s have a battle if you’re not giving up.” “Fine by me!”

“Hey, listen, I am the Vice Chairman. Huh...”

“We have no Vice Chairman today!”

Vice Chairman or not, a good and promising student was worth fighting for.


Su Ping had thought that the top trainers would merely politely say a few words to invite the students. The intense argument proved him wrong.

Someone dropped out soon after, unable to endure the intensity in that fierce verbal battle. Eventually, three continued, including the Vice Chairman.

“Let’s have a brawl!”

“Yeah, let’s see who can make it to the last second!”

None of the three was willing to make any concessions. Theoretically speaking, Yu Yundan could take the liberty to decide who she wanted to study under. However, she didn’t have the courage to offend so many top trainers in one go. She had decided not to say a thing.

The three didn’t try to make things too awkward for the girl. They decided to figure it out by themselves.

The losers had to back off and the winner could be her teacher! Soon, the Vice Chairman had someone get them some beasts. They were going to have a beast brawl!

The fact that top trainers were willing to show their skills in public just to fight over a student ignited the stadium’s atmosphere. The audience cheered loudly enough to topple the mountains and overturn the seas. As it had always been, the best part of the trainers’ competition was to see the top trainers battle over a student.

Of course, this was not something that would happen every single year, but it took place in most cases.

“Brother Su, aren’t you going to join us?” Hu Jiutong asked Su Ping. Hu Jiutong had quit. He didn’t want to be involved in that intense argument. He was surprised that Su Ping had not fought for anyone yet. Su Ping answered with a smile. “I’m waiting for the next one.”

“The next one?” Hu Jiutong looked at Zhong Lingtong. It never occurred to him that Su Ping would be more satisfied with that girl.

Zhong Lingtong was not from any common upbringing; her family was of some influence in the Holy Light Base City. Her performance was good but not the most outstanding. Hu Jiutong didn’t have his eyes on the girl and he wondered what Su Ping saw in her.

At the same time, the three that were battling over Yu Yundan had chosen three beasts. They were all seventh-rank beasts! The time for them to train them was half an hour!

Since they were merely going for a minor, innocuous battle, half an hour would suffice. Losing wouldn’t even be embarrassing. The three seventh-rank beasts were taken to the stage. In less than 10 seconds, the three top trainers had tamed the beast that they each chose, which made the audience shout in joy.

The three used training skills that they were good at to refine the beasts’ energy, physical strength, skills, and character.

For any other trainer, half an hour was not enough to improve a single aspect, not to mention all aspects.

The many training skills were dazzling to the eyes.

Soon, half an hour passed and the three stopped.

In that half hour, everyone-including the players who were standing by the edge of the stage-were holding their breaths as they watched. They were even unwilling to blink their eyes.

As time came to an end, the three of them sent their beasts to the ring within the seal.



A battle broke out within the limited space. The three beasts fought at close quarters and exhibited amazing strengths.

“That is a seventh-rank Electric Tail Mink and it just zigzagged with Thunder Sprint!”

“OMG, is there anything strange about the beasts? How could he have possibly improved an advanced skill so quickly?”.

“Look at that Shadow Carcass. It can fend off the Thunder Cut. I think I’m seeing a layer of rock over that Shadow Carcass...”

The audience got even more excited as the three seventh-rank beasts continued their battles.

The three common seventh-rank beasts were demonstrating strengths that they shouldn’t have. If those beasts were fighting against their respective peers, the three beasts would have definitely won!

In half an hour, the three top trainers had made three common seventh-rank beasts into elite beasts!

That was beyond belief!

If the three top trainers were given more time, they could have made the beasts even more powerful!

That is what top trainers can do...

Muliu Tusu, Yu Yundan, Zhong Lingtong, and the other players were lost in the battle with their hearts afire.

So awesome.

They had spent two hours training their beasts but those beats would not last a minute there. That was how different they were from top trainers.

There was a world of difference!

Soon, one of the beasts got hurt. Stimulated by the smell of blood, the beast became the target for the other two.

The beast was defeated not long after. Lv Renwei, who trained the beast, left the stage while hopping mad. The other two beasts continued their battle. Five minutes later, the tie was broken; the Vice Chairman was the winner. The Electric Tail Mink won by a slight margin and was barely breathing.

“Well, well, thank you for pulling your punches.”

The Vice Chairman was in a great mood. He thanked Lv Renwei and the other top trainer whose face was clouded. Then, he waved at Yu Yundan. “Come here. You’re my student from now on. Are you willing to take me as your teacher?”

“Sir, please accept my kowtow!”

Of course, Yu Yundan was happy. She was going to drop to her knees at this moment.

The Vice Chairman stopped her. “No hurry. There are too many people here. You can finish the ritual later. Come on over.”

“Thank you, sir!”

The Vice Chairman who was in a high rack was kinder than she had thought. All the indifference had vanished from her face; she approached the Vice Chairman happily and stood behind his seat.

The top trainers that didn’t fight for her and had backed out earlier congratulated the Vice Chairman.

Having no other choice, Lv Renwei and the other top trainer also offered congratulatory words. They weren’t sore losers in the end. Old Cao told Muliu Tusu to approach him as well, and asked him to stand behind his seat. Later, they could all go back to the headquarters together.

“I will call you Yudan, if that’s all right with you. I know the Yu Family. Years ago, I trained your family head’s battle pet,” the Vice Chairman said to Yu Yundan with a smile and introduced her to the other top trainers, “This is Mr. Lv, and Mr. Hu. You must know Mr. Hu. He’s an honorary professor in your academy...”

Yu Yundan felt she was treading on eggs. This was the first time she was with so many top trainers and her heart was racing. She greeted each top trainer politely as the Vice Chairman continued the introductions.

“This is Mr. Su. He’s from another base city but his way of training is unique. In the future, if Mr. Su starts a class, be sure to attend it.” That was how the Vice Chairman introduced Su Ping.

Yu Yundan and Muliu Tusu who were standing behind Old Cao sized up Su Ping with curiosity.

They had noticed Su Ping when they were standing on the stage. Since they had been born in the Holy Light Base City, they were very familiar with the names of the top trainers but Su Ping was one that they had never heard of before. They thought he was a trainer that had just become a top trainer.

The Vice Chairman’s introduction cleared their confusion. Su Ping was a trainer from another base city.

The two were very curious about Su Ping. They wondered why a top trainer would be so careful about his appearance that he would use potions to keep a youthful look. How rare.

“Mr. Su,” Yu Yundan greeted Su Ping with a sweet voice.

Su Ping nodded.

Then, Old Cao also made the introductions on behalf of Muliu Tusu, profiting from this rare occasion so that the other top trainers would remember his student’s face.

After all, it wasn’t easy for all the top trainers to get together. They were all quite busy every day. The master of ceremonies on the stage was quite sensible. He continued the ceremony only after the Vice Chairman and Old Cao had finished their introductions.

Then, it came Zhong Lingtong’s turn.

Without hesitation, Su Ping said, “I want her as my student.”

The Vice Chairman and Lv Renwei were surprised. They thought that none of the participants were good enough for Su Ping since he didn’t jump out before. They didn’t know that he liked Zhong Lingtong as a potential student.

“Well, Brother Su, I see that you’ve already become used to this. It just so happens that I want her as well.” Another top trainer grinned.

This one had met Su Ping the day before. He didn’t fight over the first two participants because he also thought highly of Zhong Lingtong. The others looked at each other but said nothing Quality before quantity! They contended over Muliu Tusu and Yu Yundan because the two had great potential. As for the other players, they thought that something was missing in them. They could become master trainers after some teaching but that would be the best they could do.

For top trainers, to have one more master trainer student was pointless. They were willing to exert strength and time because they wanted-even if it was a sliver of a chance—to guide a student to become a top trainer.

When both the student and the teacher were top trainers, their positions could be further elevated.

Su Ping and the other top trainer named Xu Yang were the only two who wanted Zhong Lingtong as their student.

Up on the stage, Zhong Lingtong breathed in relief. As long as someone still wanted her... It would be embarrassing none of them wanted her as a student.

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