Astral Pet Store

Chapter 508 - The Path to Legend and the Flame of Destruction

Chapter 508 The Path to Legend and the Flame of Destruction

“You can’t run.”

The Otherworld Heavenly King’s indifferent voice echoed in Su Ping’s mind.

The next second, all the space around Su Ping suddenly became tight and heavy; Su Ping felt as if he had suddenly been stuck in a thick wall, and his speed immediately slowed down.

Space Confinement?!

It wasn’t like the Gravity Field that the plant beast king had created. This confinement involved solidifying space all around him!

He had visited the Demigod Burial several times and had been able to communicate with the Celestial Gods quite often. He had become familiar with the skills that the three states of the legendary rank carried. The legendary creatures at the Ocean State were able to use astral powers to slaughter a ninth-rank creature directly!

The ones at the Void State were able to teleport through space. At the Fate State, with enough astral powers and a more profound understanding of space, confining spaces was possible! The Space Confinement was a skill unique to creatures at and above the Fate State!

Of course, some outstanding legendary-rank creatures at the Void State could also use Space Confinement, just like how some Ocean State legendary-rank creatures could also teleport.

Geniuses always sought to break the mold.

But at the same time, geniuses like those could be hardly seen.

Is this Heavenly King just a creature at the Void State with an incredible intelligence, or is it at the Fate State?

Su Ping was having a hard time finding the answer. He soon realized that the confinement area was large!

The Celestial Gods in the Demigod Burial were all at the Fate State; still, they could only confine an area with a radius of a hundred meters with themselves as the center!

However, at the moment, Su Ping was at least a few thousand meters away from the Otherworld Heavenly King!

He understood that the more powerful a being was, the larger the confined space would be. But that was downright outrageous!


In the meantime, some blood-red vines emerged from the ground and approached Su Ping. He struggled to get away but he was being tightly contained. He exerted full strength and even then, it seemed as if he were just jogging casually. On the contrary, the vines were moving at the speed of lightning. His attempt at getting away never stood a chance.

The loud bang indicated that he had been struck; the old dragon king’s gift helped him reduce the impact.

Still, he was pinned to the ground. In the meantime, many vines that were as thick as a person’s wrist crawled over to Su Ping and tied him up.

A golden hue appeared over Su Ping that protected him from getting hurt because of the vines. Yet, being merely an armor, it couldn’t help him get out of the entanglement.

These vines...

Su Ping suddenly understood why the Otherworld Heavenly King was able to affect the space around him when he was so far away.

It turned out that it had paved the underground with its vines.

Those vines were an extension of the Heavenly King!

Space confinement was usually only able to affect an area with a radius of a hundred meters or even smaller, but the Heavenly King was able to use its huge body and limbs to extend the area of influence!

Su Ping had been flying in the air and he was a few hundred meters above the ground.

The Space Confinement he had experienced was not at full force. Otherwise he would have been immobilized to a point that he would have been unable to blink!

Due to the far distance, he was under the influence of Space Confinement with a reduced effect, but it was more than enough to stop and capture him. “Break!”

Even though he had gained a complete understanding of the situation, his mind was still weighed down. He punched out and broke the vines around him. The red liquid that gushed out from the vines was like blood, and it also smelled like blood.

As the vines were broken, new ones grew out.

Come on!

Furiously, Su Ping used his fist.

He couldn’t allow himself to be captured by the Heavenly King. The old dragon king’s present was able to fend off the vine strikes, not impeding his ability to attack. Therefore, he was able to cut off many vines.

Like Su Ping had assumed, the vines were just an extension of the Otherworld Heavenly King; as such, they weren’t as sturdy. The Fist of Exorcist would allow him to break them.

“You are courting death!”

The Heavenly King of Otherworld’s voice had hardly died down when Su Ping shouted out in his mind, “Go away!!” He had secretly used a roar emulating the old dragon king.

The roar was resounding and primitive. It had directly driven out the Heavenly King’s voice from Su Ping’s mind!

In the distance, a beam of red light was suddenly shot from the eye of the Heavenly King. The indifference in its eyes had turned into coldness.


Two thick limbs emerged from the petals. They also looked like two red vines at first glance, but the difference was that their surface was ridden with sharp bone blades. At the tip, there were cross-like gaps. The gaps stretched slightly to reveal the tusks inside.

The two blood-red limbs moved through the battlefield and approached Su Ping who was being pushed to the ground in the distance! Su Ping had just broken some vines. He immediately wanted to roll to the side upon seeing those two limbs. However, the vines seemed to be endless; new ones would grow out, no matter how fast he broke them.

“Get away!!” Su Ping shouted. He poured all of his astral powers into those two fists as he used the Fist of Exorcist many times. The Divine Energy he had absorbed when he was in the Demigod Burial was gushing out to his hands wildly.

Bang, bang, bang!

Many pieces of vines were broken. Su Ping turned around and tried to run for his life. However, the space around him was still thick and tight, even more so than before. Even though it wasn’t the actual Space Confinement in full strength, Su Ping couldn’t find any solution.

Space Confinement could only be countered with a more powerful Space Confinement!

Sadly, he knew nothing about it!

He tried to run but his legs were weak and leaden; he could hardly lift them, as they were still under the entanglement of several vines.

More and more red vines were rushing at him. The whooshing noise approaching him was getting louder and louder. The two thick limbs were about to reach him, like two destructive arrows which had been released from a distance.

There was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide!

Su Ping was in a desperate situation.

He finally saw how weak he was, how vulnerable he was!

Suddenly, a man shouted and approached him. “Mr. Su, let me help you!!”

Su Ping looked around. It was a middle-aged titled battle pet warrior with rough facial features.

The man mobilized his astral powers as he shouted at Su Ping. Together with an unusual pet of the element family, the middle-aged titled battle pet warrior dashed toward the two red limbs.

That battle pet generated a massive wind blade that held condensed wind power. The blade hacked at the two red limbs.

With a bang, the wind blade was wielded, leaving behind a black mark in the turbulent air.

However, in the next second, the two red limbs wiggled as they advanced. More bone blades grew out on the limbs that cut off the wind blade. Some bone blades flew directly out from the limbs and cut off the battle pet’s head.

Another bone blade flew past the middle-aged titled battle pet warrior, also beheading him.

The middle-aged titled battle pet warrior who had hurried over to help had just died.

Su Ping could hardly bring himself to believe that.

The two red limbs went straight for Su Ping after the middle-aged titled battle pet warrior died.

“You will have to deal with me as well!”

“Mr. Su, we’re here to help you!”

More people shouted. Several titled battle pet warriors rushed to where Su Ping was being detained, riding on their respective battle pets, which were all at the ninth rank. They hurled themselves toward the two red limbs with abandon. They used many ninth-rank skills, and all sorts of energies entangled the two red limbs.

In the meantime, several missiles were launched that way and exploded close to the two red limbs.

With a loud bang, the fire covered up the red limbs.

Su Ping could not help but dart a look at the outer wall. There were fewer beasts there. The warriors had been able to stop more wild beasts from entering the city through the hole in the wall!

“Mr. Su, let me help you!”

Su Ping saw it was Mu Beihai who was dashing toward him.

He was riding on a ninth-rank Flaming Dark Phoenix. Mu Beihai’s hair was disheveled and his armor tainted with blood from the wild beasts. Mu Beihai had not sustained any serious wounds.

The Flaming Dark Phoenix cried and then breathed out a large mass of fire.

Fire had always been seen as a mortal enemy for plants.

However, the vines on the ground were still intact after the terrifying flame swept across the land.

Mu Beihai could not believe that.

The fire breathed out by the Flaming Dark Phoenix was its core ability, something that beasts of the same rank would be terrified of. However, the fire was unable to leave any mark on the red vines!

He saw how Su Ping had been punching at the red vines. Mu Beihai had just thought that there were simply too many of them. The strangeness of the red vines had turned out to be unexpected!

Su Ping shouted to Mu Beihai who was getting closer. “Don’t come over!”

But the warning came too late. The Flaming Dark Phoenix began to fall after a tremor. Luckily, the fast-reacting beast pet was able to stabilize itself. It began to flap its wings harder but it was still slowed down.

As he sat on the back of his winged pet, Mu Beihai was taken aback since he felt how the air around him was pressing against him, making breathing difficult for him.

What is this! Mu Beihai asked himself in terror. He darted another look at Su Ping who was still unable to break free. Finally, Mu Beihai understood why Su Ping was unable to get out.

The sheer number was not the point!

A single red vine was able to kill a ninth-rank beast!

That was the horror of the Otherworld Heavenly King. The first idea that kicked in was to escape, but it was soon discarded. Mu Beihai made up his mind. “Mr. Su, I’m going to pull out!”

He rode on the Flaming Dark Phoenix that dived down. He poured all of his astral powers to the Flaming Dark Phoenix to increase its speed.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Feeling that Mu Beihai was in trouble, some red vines suddenly turned around and reached toward him.


The Flaming Dark Phoenix suddenly began to cry sharply and danced around in the air, catching the attention of many red vines.

Su Ping was able to see that Mu Beihai was trying to create a diversion for him.

To think that the always smart and interest-oriented Mu family head would put himself at risk for his sake!

Suddenly, Su Ping heard some cries of pain. What he saw brought him to tears. The two titled battle pet warriors that had just approached to help him had passed away, including their battle.

The two thick limbs were unhurt, even after all those strikes and missiles. The limbs just turned around and began to hunt down battle pet warriors! “Mr. Su, we’re going to distract them!” Whoosh!

Someone flew past Su Ping. The titled battle pet warrior hurried over from the outer wall and flew directly toward the red limbs.

Su Ping could not help but yell, “You’re not going to beat it. Do not go!!”

“Mr. Su, don’t worry. Just try your best to get out. You’re the only one who can deal with the Otherworld Heavenly King,” Mu Beihai anxiously shouted to Su Ping.

The Flaming Dark Phoenix was about to be caught by the red vines. He was in a dire situation.

Su Ping opened his mouth. He felt a lump in his throat.

He could not do it. He couldn’t bear to carry so many people’s hopes!

“Ah!!!” Su Ping bellowed. He punched out like crazy. The red vines quickly broke, one after another.

Mu Beihai was stunned to see Su Ping be able to quickly cut off that many red vines. He felt there was still hope. Su Ping was more powerful than he had anticipated!

As Mu Beihai still felt pleasantly surprised, he suddenly shivered.

The Flaming Dark Phoenix cried in sorrow. Its feet had just been wrapped by the red vines.

The phoenix immediately breathed out fire to burn the vines but they seemed to be immune to fire.

More and more red vines reached the Flaming Dark Phoenix and it also lost control of its wings. No matter how it struggled, the avian pet still began to fall.

Mu Beihai was ghastly pale. He drew his sword to cut the vines. He loved his sword dearly, but it couldn’t inflict any damage to the red vines, as if the blade were dull.

“No, please no!” Mu Beihai was overwhelmed by terror. He was unwilling to let go of his battle pet.

Abruptly, the Flaming Dark Phoenix let out a cry he had never heard before.

The fire around the Flaming Dark Phoenix was stronger than ever. In the meantime, Mu Beihai’s astral powers grew.

“It is...”

Mu Beihai was in a daze.

He could feel astral powers pouring into him continuously!

Astral powers were being transferred to him through the contract bond, via energy synchronization!

Astral powers from the Flaming Dark Phoenix!

The richness of such astral powers was more than he could have ever imagined. His astral powers were fully supplied; even an excess was being exuded.

All of a sudden, Mu Beihai picked up a certain clue.

A clue to become a legendary battle pet warrior!

The calling from heaven and earth seemed to be extremely easy to obtain!

However, the next second, a sad call woke him up.

Mu Beilai looked down, only to see an unusual fire burning on the Flaming Dark Phoenix, the Fire of Underworld, the strongest skill of a Flaming Dark Phoenix that could only be used once in its life!

Once the skill was used, the Flaming Dark Phoenix would irreversibly head to its death!

While the skill was in effect, the fire would burn anything and everything, including the body, the spirit, and the soul of the Flaming Dark Phoenix!

The surge of rich astral powers felt by Mu Beihai came from the Flaming Dark Phoenix burning itself to death. It fed its astral powers to Mu Beihai without his consent.

After spending so many years and battling together, Mu Beihai immediately understood the Flaming Dark Phoenix’s intention.

It burned itself and passed the energy to Mu Beihai just so that he could get away!

His eyes reddened.

“Stop it. Stop!!” Mu Beihai cried into the air, and his cry lingered in the air. However, the Underworld Fire couldn’t be stopped. Nothing could stop it once the fire broke out.

The bond between Mu Beihai and the Flaming Dark Phoenix suddenly broke. The contract that brought the two together was no more.

Mu Beihai was unable to feel the Flaming Dark Phoenix’s emotions and thoughts in his mind. Something was amiss.

Below him, the Flaming Dark Phoenix looked up. The confusion in its eyes flashed away in an instant. Its eyes cleared up, casting one final glance at Mu Beihai, a tender glance at its old friend.

The next second, the Flaming Dark Phoenix flapped its wings. Even tangled by the red vines, the Flaming Dark Phoenix tried to soar to the sky with pride.

A force lifted Mu Beihai and sent him to the high sky.

The effort made the Flaming Dark Phoenix fall where a cluster of wiggling red vines instantly swallowed it.

“No!!!” Mu Beihao shouted with sadness.

With a loud noise, the Flaming Dark Phoenix exploded and turned into a dark fire that swept all over and burned off all the red vines.

The Underworld Fire was powerful enough to hurt a beast king!

The red vines twisted as they burned, soon being reduced to dust!

Su Ping, who was still battling the red vines, heard Mu Beihai’s pained cry. He saw the burning Flaming Dark Phoenix. Su Ping clenched his teeth. He punched with even more force; soon, all the red vines around him broke. Other red vines grew out but Mu Beihai had distracted some of them. Before the other red vines could reach Su Ping, he crouched down and then jumped up forcefully.

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