Azimuth: The Elden Throne (New Version)

Chapter 209 To Slay A Devil: Preparations For The Hunt 1






/Flap flap…/



Atop the peaceful skies, Dale rod Caladgolg like some sort of Eastern Immortal, cutting the wind beneath the clouds while Testros and Sarferato rode Ubuk not far from his current position.

Due to his youthful appearance, he drew the short end of the stick, being forced into this position of standing on the sword while someone stole his previous spot.

Not that he had much of a choice, it was either that or being squished between two muscular old men that hadn't had a shower in a long while.

Dale made the only proper choice in the situation...

'At this rate, we'll be there in another hour or two.'

'Compared to how long it took to piece through the forest there isn't much for me to complain.'


After everyone set camp in the Tower and they confirmed it to be safe, it was time for them to depart, and so they did without hesitation.

There were a few stops since Sarferato needed to talk with his son and some other people, after all, the atmosphere was extremely tense.

The Survivors that were left behind weren't happy with those that left on their own, especially after rumors of them wanting to leave alone spread.

Dale was unsure who started them, but they sure spread like wildfire, almost causing fights to explode a few minutes after the two groups were placed together.

They had to enforce caution, otherwise they would have nothing return to but a bloodbath.

On their way to the Central City of the Karkavan, Sarferato would often speak something whenever they passed by anything noteworthy.

Tales of the past, the purpose of many of those ruins, prompting Dale to get closer and listen.

It was clear that those stories were normally meant for Testros, as Sarferato had also realized the struggles he was going through in his silence...

But no one would stop Dale from listening if he so wished.

Regardless, most of the time, the old man remained silent, enjoying the view and also pitying it.

Dale felt like he had been reunited with David who normally had the answers to his questions, even if he normally replied amidst snarky comments and his own opinion about it while Sarferato was punctual and short.

If he could always journey with both, then he wondered how many mysteries he would actually face... Unfortunately, he has no excuses to bring David around while Sarferato has many things to attend to.

Speaking of that, Dale did show Sarferato more of the things he brought from the Commander's Office, including the broken sword, Promised Dusk.

Upon seeing it, he grew emotional before giving some insight into what the sword actually is... Or was given its half broken state.

Testros only knows that the sword was meant to represent the Commander, but it had further uses than that, and neither did he read the books that might contain such answers.

Maybe someone in the Village did, either by coincidence or curiosity, otherwise, what would be the point of doing so?

And although his explanation short, it was relatively concise.

The sword was, in itself, one of the Ancient Weapons of the Corps akin to Caladgolg, it was the image of the Commander, passed down amidst them.

But it also held within a bigger purpose as it was meant to be a key component in a ritual only the Commanders are aware of, so he couldn't help much with it.

Sarferato only knew little due to hearing about it as he grew older, and even then, he couldn't confirm it, after all, the Commander was meant to not share anything on the subject.

And yes, they were technically on the same level, both being Legendary Armaments.

This surprised Dale immensely, he did imagine the Sword to be of a high Grade due to where he found it plus its intrinsic high Star grading despite being broken and shattered, but he expected it to be Luminous, or even just Half-Legendary or whatever the next grade after Luminous was.

Assuming the progression is not the same as the past game.

This was due to everything he had seen so far.

And albeit this did make a smile rise to his face, a sense of dread started to wash over him, because he was given yet another glimpse of what kind of creatures he may one day face.

However, even amidst Grades there were differences, it was the only thing that brought Dale some level of comfort…

The fact that they had a big difference, Caladgolg was made during the times of the Old Empire, perhaps even before that by an unknown maker, some affirming to be even Divine in Origin.

While Promised Dusk was made by the first Smith of the Corps, a figure of legend, Gol, the Half Giant, the same one that made, Sarferato's Axe and Adamant Heart, the Commander's chest piece.

And even every other weapon used by each of the Division Commanders, as even after centuries, few rose to even reach his toes in terms of mastery.

A sad thing, but such is life, a talent meant to born once a century only appears... Once a century, or a millennia 

Perhaps this slight 'change' might've made them brittle or susceptible to more forms of damage…

Not that the smith was bad, to be able to forge a Legend, one would first have to be one themselves.

His existence was also quite interesting to Dale because he represented the mark of another Species, the Giants.

Of course, it could be a Pseudonym given to him due to his height and strength…

Unfortunately, Dale was unable to ask this of Sarferato, maybe another chance would surface.

The same went for his Spear, Dale was itching to know the exacts of what happened, Testros as well.

Although they already knew Sarferato survived because he was paradoxically in the middle of the battlefield, avoiding the big dogs by luck, this didn't mean he wasn't aware of it.

By the time Sarferato had returned from being victorious in the battlefield, everything had already ended, his friends and companions were now just bodies on the floor being feasted upon by ravens and vultures.

Still, there was a big chance he would recognize it… No, he already had.

From the moment he put his eyes on it, Dale saw a reaction, though it was hard to say if that was due to the thorn or Caladgolg.

He would have to ask that of him once they had the time, since right now, it would be best not to fill his own mind with too much ideas.

So he proceeded with his notifications:

[Your Quest has been updated]

[Rise of the Southern Wall Corps

Restore the Southern Wall Corps to its former glory 0/? 

Rescue the descendants of the former members of the Southern Wall Corps 1/1

You learned of the last Fortification, now, it's up to you to conquer it 0/1

*There seems to be something odd about the Arcane Tower of the Mages, explore its forgotten secrets and find the truth about what happened to the Grand Artificer!

Explore the Mage Tower, who knows what secrets it hides? 0/1

Retake the Old City atop the Ancient Clan Tree 0/1

Retake the Southern Wall! 0/1I think you should take a look at

Or purge it of all that's unrightfully claimed it as its home 0/1

Your Rank is currently: To be determined by the Higher Chain of Command

*You saved the life of Sarferato, one of the original 12 Division Commanders from before the Wall's fall! His aid will greatly help you in understanding the past and paving the future.

*You reactivated one of the three Hangars in the Southern Horizon Woods! If necessary, you can now retreat from the deep forest. Two more to go.

If only there was a way to reverse this process…


'Oh? I never thought this would be updated, much less this aggressively.' Dale thought as he sat down on the sword

'This Quest had always been a bit passive, only updating every now and then, but now it suddenly exploded with objectives.'

'Hum... I can still think of a few extra things I could do, but most of what I know, can, and should do that is related to the Southern Corps is here.'

'It's good to see it is all marked up, it's like a list of chores to do, a good one.'

'But thanks to that, I now know that there are many hidden objectives… And they all must be rather hard to complete.'

'I just have to find them… And have the right conditions.'

'If I had never helped Testros get enlightened and had raised my Reputation with the Karkavan, then it would've been impossible for me to arrive at the Sanctuary of the survivors on time.'

'Even if I had, Wuril would've died.'

'Then, all of the members of the Expedition group might've died due to a food shortage, though that is unlikely.'

'They were working very hard to bring back the portal, so even if half died, some would cross over, likely abandoning the others due to their own fears and hunger.'

'Then, they would have to leave the Tower and cross the desert before arriving at Resko where things might end up... Tense.'

'Or not, it would depend on what would've transpired within the locked Hangar... I don't even want think about it...'

'Yet, I arrived on time, and with their help, everyone crossed safely.'

'But to save Sarferato of his eventual quick death due to old age, there was the need to hand him Hyfor's Earrings.'

'There might be other ways to save him, and I do plan on showing him a lot of the things I acquired, but only a regressor would be capable of pursuing such things with such precision since who knows where they are?'

'I'm happy enough to have gone this far.'

'However, I can determined the Pivotal point… My arrival at the Wall.'

'It has granted me all of these opportunities.'

'Do I have to say anything else?' He thought with a light chuckle

'I need to reach the Wall once more, it may not be necessary of me as of now, it may not hold the proper answers for what I currently need…'

'But it could have the answers for things that I will need, and those things could determine weather or not I'll make through them in one piece… Or alone…'

'And also, I have to remember that if I wish to achieve a perfect ending, then I'll have to throw myself into even more dangerous scenarios.'

'I'm not strong enough yet to carry it all on my back yet.'

With such deep thoughts, Dale opened the next notification.

[Your Quest has been updated]

[Forest Hierarchy




Find out what is happening at the center of the forest near Resko 1/1

Investigate further by traveling deeper into the forest 1/1

Eliminate/solve the source of the problem 0/1

Rescue the survivors before it's too late and scout them into your cause! 2/?

Safely escort all Survivors to Resko 0/1

*Optional* Lead all Survivors out of the forest without losing a single Soul 1/1

*Optional* Rescue the Raid Team trapped within Project Burnout 1/1

*With the partial recovery of Sarferato, the Division Commander of the Infantry, you have now amassed a powerful Aly in your fight against the Greater Devil and whatever lies in wait for you, in the future.

*Now only one step remains, eliminate it.


'... A minor update, but its importance is no less than all other Quests.'

'I've been thinking about this, but it seems this Quest will lead me to become the figure of importance to the Survivors… Like their savior.'

'Maybe this is why the Quest is called forest Hierarchy? To put me at the top of all these relations, the Karkavan included.'

'I feel a bit burdened by the role, but I sought it out myself, so I may as well carry it.'

'I wanted and need the be their Hero so I can help them fit in with the others without conflict.'

'This would be the best of all worlds.'

'The timer for their food supply has also vanished, though I shouldn't forget about it. 

'They won't be too happy if I have them wait for long… Though I have an inkling I'll back be back in no time...'

'It may even be possible that we'll be taking the Greater Devil tonight!'

With a silent nod, Dale's eyes focused on the endless forest below him and at the white clouds on the horizon.

How much of it would burn during the incoming fight?





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