Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 217 Playing Hard To Get

Although it looked like he guessed her thoughts correctly, the truth was that he had randomly said what came to his mind. Never had it crossed his mind that the reason she woke up very early and dressed up in her finest outfit was to ask him out on a date.

Her proposal felt like a beautiful dream to him. He dared not believe it neither did he want to wake up from this sweet dream.

"Say that again," Amos ordered, his gaze didn't shift from her face for even a second and neither did he blink an eye.

The moment he asked, Joanna didn't suspect anything. In fact, she was more than ready to repeat her words.

"Will you go out on a date with me?" Joanna repeated her sentence without missing a word.

[In the forest he has always been very eager to spend time with me. For this reason, he didn't think twice about abandoning all his work in the palace. I am sure he was just in shock that is why he asked me to repeat my words. He must be dying to spend time with me]

A beautiful smile appeared on Joanna's face as she waited for his reply.

Just like Joanna, his head was occupied with so many thoughts. He didn't know how to react to her proposal.

Her proposal was like a dream come true for him.

[Did I hear it well she just asked me out on a date. This is crazy. I still can't believe it despite that she has said the sentence twice…. What should be my response]

Amos' heart was in jubilation as she stared at the lady whose glimmering purple eyeballs were centred on his face.

Staring at her three minutes passed in a whim.

Although to him these three minutes felt like time had stopped rotating, that wasn't the same for the lady who was awaiting his answer.

"Because of one thing or the other our relationship has suffered a bit of setback so how about we used this opportunity to strengthen our relationship hmm?" Joanna asked.

After thinking for so long and dies popped into the excited man's head.

He might not get this kind of opportunity again so why not use it wisely?

[I love her a whole lot and I have made my feelings known to her for a long time. I have done everything within my capability to make her feel the same way for me. I became a fool for this same reason. She just took the initiative to ask me out on a date and who said my answer should be yes?]

Because he was spacing out he didn't see the lights in Joanna's eyes fade out with each passing second.

He didn't even notice her moving closer to the edge of the seat so their gap wasn't too huge.

"Say something ok?" Joanna waved at his face but there wasn't any reaction from him.

[Who says a King can't play hard to get with the woman he loves?]

He grinned inwardly as he blinked twice before he shifted his attention to his right-hand side.

"I have told you before that I have a lot on my plate today and that I won't do anything else unless I complete the pile-up work so why won't you listen to me?" Amos questioned, his expression stern.

Joanna's expression fell the instant he said these words.

[I was so sure he would say yes so how did this happen?]

Joanna's grip on the grey couch tightened as she tried very hard not to show the disappointment on her face.please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

"Does that mean your answer is a no?" Joanna asked for confirmation despite already understanding what his words meant.

"Unfortunately yes," Amos replied.

"As you can see from the documents on the table I have so much pending work to tend to so I will advise that you leave now," Amos said the opposite of what his heart wanted.

"It's rare for your day off to fall on the same day you don't have classes and that is why I will advise that you spend this precious time with Audrey and Little rice ball. I am sure he must miss having you all to himself like in the past," Amos said.

He extended his hand and carried the documents he had earlier placed on the laptop's keypad.

He began skimming through the documents in his hand.

The upset Joanna was unable to utter a word. She gazed at the guy whose attention was glued to what he was doing.

[As he said it is rare for me to get this kind of opportunity. With that flirty lady always hovering around him like a fly who knows when I am gonna get this kind of opportunity? I must accomplish my mission today or never. If he thinks he can get rid of me easily then he is wrong]

Joanna grinned evilly as she leaned her back against the grey couch.

"If you can't go out with me today then it's ok. I will just spend my day with you right here," Joanna said to Amos' surprise.

The documents fell off his hand as he stared at Joanna with his mouth dropped open agape.

"You are not serious about this right?" Amos asked in disbelief. She has only been here for a few minutes and he had lost all focus.

He couldn't imagine spending three to four hours with her looking at him. This will be pure torture for him.

"Of course, I am damn serious," Joanna responded with her hand placed on her crossed legs.

"I will offer you water when you are thirsty, give you food when you are hungry. I will even massage your shoulders when you are tired," Joanna said beaming.

"I don't think there is any date more romantic than this or what do you think?" She questioned, her smile not leaving her face.

"...," Amos was in shock. He couldn't believe that his actions had backfired in a way he hadn't imagined.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Joanna asked, feigning ignorance of why he reacted this way.

"Aren't you gonna continue working or do you feel tired and would love to get a massage," Joanna asked springing up to her feet.

Joanna proved him wrong when she strolled to the back of his seat and tried to massage his shoulders.


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