Her eyes widened on seeing that none except her was on the dimly lit street. She looked around her left and then right but no matter how hard she searched the answer remained;

There was no other person on the street except her. And this came as a shock to her.

"I am more than certain that someone was following me up to the moment I turned around so how come none is here right now?" Joanna muttered.

As though searching with her eyes wasn't enough, to prove that she was not hallucinating Joanna appeared in front of the black pillar at the right corner of the road.

She run her fingers through her well-styled hair realising that no one was hiding behind the pillar.

"I am a hundred per cent sure someone was tailing me?... And the question boils to this; who was it?" She mumbled.

She looked far ahead until her vision had covered the entire street, hoping to see someone lurking by but nothing changed.

[If it was a vampire or a werewolf which tailed me, they wouldn't have disappeared in that amount of time without any traces…]

Joanna was confused as she kept on scrutinising her surrounding with her sharp eyes.

What happened didn't make sense no matter how many times she thought about it.

[And neither could a human have gotten away so quickly… If the one that tailed me was neither a human, vampire or werewolf then what could it be?]

"If only I had gotten a tiny glimpse of him then my eyes would have been able to analyze his identity within a split second… it's just so unfortunate," She said.

Joanna took a last glance at the street before she resumed walking away.

After the incident that took place, she no longer felt the urge to go home, especially when she knew very well that Anthony must be eagerly waiting at the doorstep for her.

In her current mood, she wouldn't only dampen her brother's mood but she might end up losing her cool like she has been doing at the cafe.

She could harm anyone at home and not feel remorse about it but he is the only person at home she would never want to hurt no matter how angry she is.

He is the only genuine family she has.

After roaming the streets for a long time, Joanna headed home. Walking in the cool night breeze soothes her pains and calmed her down.

Even though she returned very late, the guards at the gate dared not questioned her like they often do.

When they recalled what she did, they forced themselves to behave well even against their will.

Getting to the sitting room, Joanna was stunned to see Anthony lying on one of the couches with the television still turned on.

"He is one stubborn fellow," She shook her head, her gaze not moving away from the sleeping figure on the couch.

"Despite this, I can't bring myself to get angry at him. He is just too loved and pampered by me," Joanna smiled.

She moved closer to the couch and bent slightly with her hands extended.

Joanna lifted Anthony off the couch with ease. "Let's take you to your room, Little rice ball," Joanna mumbled.

With Anthony in her arms, she proceeded to the stairs. She scaled the stairs without breaking a sweat.

In Anthony's room, Joanna was about to pull the bedsheets over his body when he suddenly woke up.

While trying to coax him back to sleep Joanna ended up falling asleep beside him.

The next morning Joanna woke up very early. Without wasting a second she proceeded downstairs. To be precise her destination was the kitchen.

As other members of the household were busy enjoying their beauty sleep, Joanna busied herself trying to prepare breakfast.

When other members of the household woke up and realised that not only was breakfast ready but also served, they couldn't hide their shock.

Laura standing in the middle of the dining room exchanged glances with her mother.

"She is being way too nice today. I wonder what she is scheming?" Laura whispered. Fear dare not let her and her mother proceed to sit in the dining.

"What if she…,"

"Don't worry, I didn't poison your food today," Joanna who just walked into the room with the pot of soup cut in as she approached the table.

"As long as you all continue to mind your business then I will try my best not to burn all of you to death but I can't say what I will do if you go around sniffing your nose in where you aren't supposed to," Joanna said sternly.

She spun and walked to the exit after dropping the pot of soup in the middle of the table.

"How can we believe that you didn't poison the food…,"

"To be precise, you get to enjoy this luxury on a platter of gold because I want to make Little rice ball happy so don't act so proud because you are not that important to me," Joanna snapped stopping in her track.

She tilted her head sideways and peered at Laura. "Also, whether or not you believe it is up to you," She concluded and resumed walking out of the room.

Both of them watched her walk away without challenging her as they often do.

"I believe her," said Laura as she turned and looked at the long table in front of them.

"She loves that little brother of hers way too much to want to harm him so I believe she didn't poison the food nor did she add any harmful substance into it…,"

"He is your blood brother so why are you acting as though he isn't?" Adhara scolded, her fierce eyeballs directed at Laura.

"He never listens to whatever I say to him. He is so annoying that sometimes I often ask myself if he really is my blood bro…,"

"Laura!" Adhara yelled, not letting her finish her sentence.please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"You know I am saying the truth so there is no need to give me that look," Laura replied unfazed.

She walked to the dining table and sat down at the left-hand side of the long table. Together, she and her mother waited for Mr Anderson to join them.



As you know the end of the month is always the time for this author to appreciate all the readers who have done exceptionally well.

Guys, I just want to say a big thank you to all of you.

A bigger thank you to all the readers who bought privileged chapters, send gifts, Cast GOLDEN TICKETS, voted with power stones and leave comments on the book (coughs**... I didn't mention review because there was no review in September)

Thank you very much. It was because of your immense support that I got the strength and motivation to write.

When I was at my weakest point you all gave me a reason to laugh and something to feel grateful for.

Guys, to the bunch of you who has been exceptionally supportive, I will forever remember you.

Thank you for the love, care and support you have showered on this book. You all have won my heart 💓💓💓.

Guys, just a pleasant warning from the author who loves you a lot. Don't be surprised or angry if you see some readers dominate all the categories. It's this way because they worked hard for it.

If you want your name to be on the list then do everything within your power to support the book.

So here are the names of readers who supported me exceptionally last month.


1) Flower_goddess

2) DaoistTzoOew

3) Fitoria_01

Thank you for showing me support all round. Thanks for all the coins, comments, gifts, power stones and GOLDEN TICKETS. Words alone can't express how grateful I am to all of you.


1) DaoistTzoOew

2) Shining_girl

3) Mydestiny_18

Thank you for all the GOLDEN TICKETS. You give my novel a rank on the Webnovel Golden Tickets ranking, I am grateful for this. Thank you for giving me a sense of worth and accomplishment. What you have done means more than you think, I just want you to know that.


1) DaoistTzoOew

When I was in a terrible mood your comments always did the magic of bringing a smile to my face. Thank you for all the awesome comments.


1) DaoistTzoOew

2) Fitoria_01

3) Clumsy_N1nja

Thank you so much guys for showering me with gifts. Your gifts don't always bring a smile to my face but it gives me a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Nothing feels better than receiving a gift from a loved one. No matter how little or big it's, your heart is always elated.

That's exactly how I always feel each time I receive a gift from my darling readers.


A big shout out to all the readers who purchased September 2022 privileged chapters. Although I don't know your names, know that your impact has been greatly felt by your lovely author. I will forever remain grateful to all of you.

Thank you for making me feel that putting up the extra chapters was not a total waste of my time and efforts.

To all the readers who voted with their power stones in September, I just want to say thank you. Your author noticed you so don't ever feel like I have forgotten you or I don't see what you are doing.

Thank you for all the power stones you have given to this book.


P.S: The author's monthly appreciation will be ending in October 2022. I have said this before and I am saying it again to readers who might not be aware of it.

If you want your name to be forever remembered as a loyal fan of BEDDING MY VAMPIRE MATE then I will advise that you do everything within your power to make sure your name is in there in October. This is because you might not get this chance again.

ALL IT TAKES FOR YOUR NAME TO BE ON THE LIST; is to buy privileged chapters and unlock them daily, comment, send gifts, cast all your GOLDEN TICKETS to this book, vote with power stones and lastly, leave a review on the book.


I look forward to seeing the readers whose names will be on this list on October 2022.

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