Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 256 Amos And Audrey

"I really need to talk to you. I won't take up much of your time but I promise not to move an inch from your side if you don't spare me a bit of your time," Amos said seriously but his words didn't move her.

"Is that supposed to be a threat?" She demanded coldly.

"Anyways why do I even care? You can do whatever you want, it's none of my business," Audrey retorted. She brushed his hands off and resumed walking away.

Just like the guy said he followed her wherever she went. He made it impossible for the angry lady to get rid of him.

After taking him almost round the entire city, her final destination was a long field in which two of them were the only ones in sight.

When he realised that it was just the two of them around, he decided not to let this opportunity pass him by.

Quickly he jumped and stood in front of her thereby making her come to an abrupt halt.

"What is…,"

"I know you are mad at me. I am also aware that I am the last person on the planet Earth that you want to see now but despite knowing this I will still go ahead to say what is on my mind," Amos said, not allowing her to lash out at him.

"As if I would let you do that," Audrey scoffed. She turned to walk back to where they came from but Amos suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Joan wasn't in support of my plan to take on a new identity. In fact, she thought that the plan was crazy. Even Chris and Gideon had the exact thought when I disclosed my plans to them," Amos said. He didn't care whether or not she was looking at him as he talked.

As long as she was listening to what he was saying then every other thing was fine with him. He can overlook her insolent behaviour towards him.

"I guess I am the only person who saw nothing wrong with my plan because I loved her too much and desperately wanted to spend time with her," He said while staring into space.

"I indeed wanted to spend time with her without our titles serving as a barrier between us but believe me it wasn't my intention to tear the two of you apart…,"

"It might not have been your intention but you have succeeded in causing a rift between us," Audrey cut in angrily.

For the first time, she made the initiative to look at him.

"Anna, has never lied to me before but because of you she didn't only lie but she went as far as deceiving me," Audrey said as she strolled to where the black bench was placed at the far left corner of the field.

"Thinking back now, I am aware that I should have thought carefully about the consequences of my actions. I should have thought more about the consequences it will have on her and the people close to her…," Amos trailed as he tailed her. He stopped walking afterwards.

"Although I have this thought, this doesn't mean that I regret my decision. If given the same opportunity I would have still made the exact choice," He asserted. His words made Audrey turn and shoot him a deadly glare.

"That is how much I love your best friend. I can do anything for her… including overlooking my status as long as that which I want to do will put a smile on her face," he said. A smile lingered on his face as he talked.

"If you don't regret your decision then what are you doing here… is it perhaps to make me angrier?" Audrey said. Her stern expression remained unchanged despite that he had said so many heartfelt words.

"Though I don't regret my decision, that is not the same with Joan. The smile has left her face ever since the night of the incident. No matter my efforts to cheer her up she hasn't been the same without you. I guess this is the power of a best friend over that of a lover," Amos said.

He walked about three steps away and turned his back on her.

"Compared to a guy she has no feelings for, I believe having her best friend with her would be a thousand times better," Amos said with a fallen expression. Although he hated to admit that he wasn't as important as Audrey in Joanna's life he still went ahead to do it.

[So he thinks Anna is not in love with him?]please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

Astonishment plastered on Audrey's face as she stared at Amos' back.

After doing a bit of thinking she realised that Joanna might not have had the opportunity to confess her feelings to him because of what happened.

[If only the silly guy knows how madly in love she is with him then he wouldn't be here wallowing in self-pity]

She looked away when she realised that her heart was starting to soften.

"Whether or not I am more important to her than you, how is that any of my concern… As far as I can recall I am no longer friends with her," Audrey retorted as she turned her back on him too.

"Don't say that Audrey or it will break her heart more than it already is," Amos said, appearing in front of her afterwards.

He stared into the cold eyes of the lady standing in his front. "It doesn't matter if you forgive me or not. I am fine with however you treat me but Joan is not and will never be that's why I will ask you to please go back to being friends with her," He said softly.

The gentleness in his eyes as he spoke touched Audrey's heart even though she didn't let it show.

She never knew that the King respected by the entire Kingdom would humble himself so much in front of her.

Who is she?

If someone had told her that this day would never come, she would have believed it.

"I thought she said the last thing she wanted was you humbling yourself in front of anyone so why are you doing this? Don't you think I don't deserve this kind of treatment from you?" Audrey asked, her gaze focused on his face.

"I told you that I would do anything to see her happy. I wasn't lying when I told you those words," He replied firmly.


A/N: Hello lovely readers, should I let you on a little secret?

Hmmm... Hmmm (*clears throat)

Actually... we might have a new leading reader for the GOLDEN TICKETS rank category this month. The competition had been quite fierce in this category.

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