"How dare you?" He bellowed. As this was going on, the hurting Joanna stood up from the couch.

Unfortunately, she couldn't stand on her left foot because of the shard of glass stuck into her feet.

"Aren't you eager to know my identity?" Amos asked, his fierce glares concentrated on Mr Aidan's face.

"Let me tell you who I am so listen carefully and prepare for your doom," Amos said. He released the man's neck and walked a step backwards.

[He is not gonna seriously reveal his identity here right?]

Joanna's eyes moved from Amos back to the place she discovered a webcam was hidden.

Her heart began to beat rapidly when she imagined what the culprit would use the video to do.

"I… AM… YOUR…," The collision of a body followed by the firm hand wrapped around his waist made him unable to finish his words.

"Don't say it," She said in almost a whisper. He tried to unwrap her hand around his waist but Joanna held on tight.

For fear that he would irritate her injury, he gave up on his attempts.

"Joan, this foolish man thinks too highly of himself. He needs to know who he is talking to…,"

"There are so many eyes watching and so many ears listening, are you sure you want to do this?" Joanna quizzed. Slowly she unwraps her hand from his waist.

She held his hand and turned him so that they were looking at each other.

"Are you sure you can handle leaving my side so soon by revealing your identity?" She demanded, her purple orbs locked with his.

Although it has only been a short time since he took on a fake identity, the truth was that he has grown on her.

She has gotten so used to having him around her all the time. Joanna doesn't know how she is gonna survive if he returns to being the aloof and most revered man in the Kingdom.

"Are you willing to let all your efforts go to waste because of an undeserving piece of trash like him?".

As she stared into his eyes, she tried her possible best not to show her fears. She didn't want him to know how scared she was that he might choose to reveal his identity.

Amos and Joanna were so engrossed talking to each other and paid no attention to the onlookers.

Apart from the students standing on both sides of the long pathway, a larger number were watching and listening to what was going on from the ground floor.

None wanted to miss the life battle which has already made history.

Among the crowd stationed downstairs, a group of girls stood frowning as they watched things unfold.

"Why does she keep mentioning things about exposing his identity? Is there something special about his identity?" Tiffany muttered absentmindedly.

"What could possibly be special about a nerd like him?" Annoyed Nora snapped. Just like the others, she was so happy that their plans were foolproof.

Seeing how their perfect plan got ruined in the twinkle of her eye not only made her mad with rage but also her friends.

"I am so mad. I can't believe we overlooked him during our strategizing…,"

"We have always thought that he is a weakling because of how he dressed. Who would have guessed that someone like him could take on and defeat the old fool so easily," Sophie snapped with a clenched fist.please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

She has looked forward to this day; the day she would pay back the proud girl a thousandfold for the humiliation she suffered in the school's cafeteria.

She refused to accept that all her efforts and excitement just went down the drain in a twinkle of an eye.

"He is so…,"

"Let's get out of here now," Tiffany commanded. "We will think of better ways to deal with the two of them," she said, spun and started walking away without waiting for her unhappy friends.

How could she not understand the feelings of her friends when as the leader of the group she had to endure humiliation at the hands of the two stupid friends?

Strangling and squeezing the life out of those two would not be enough to ease her hatred for them.

"But…," Tiffany halted, swirled and shut Doris a murderous glare, causing her to swallow back her words.

"When I said let's go it wasn't a suggestion so don't you girls dare be mistaken," She stated coldly and started walking away almost immediately.

At the fourth floor corridor, the furious Amos glanced behind. He gazed at the fat man whose stomach was shooting out.

He watched as the man tried to cover his nude upper body to prevent the students from taking pictures and videos of his nude body.

"You are still breathing and perhaps will continue to breathe an hour longer all because of her so, count yourself lucky," he said in his cold voice. The sound of his voice alone sent shivers down the spine of so many.

He returned his attention to the woman standing behind afterwards.

"Let me get you out of here," He said, bent and lifted her off the floor.

Joanna's eyes widened, almost falling out of their sockets as she held on for dear life.

"Let me down," Joanna yelled. With the way she grabbed his neck, her words didn't align with her actions.

"Do you wish for me to put you down or do you hope that I hold you tighter? Make your intentions clear rather than confusing me," He said as he walked on the pathway the onlookers had cleared for him.

"Just wait and see how I will teach you a lesson from here onwards," Mr Aidan shouted and dashed into his office to avoid the student's continuous shot flashlight.

Despite hearing the man's words Amos chose to ignore him.

He will end up killing him right there if he changes his mind.

Getting downstairs became more convenient due to Amos' vampire speed. In the same way others created a path for him, those gathering downstairs did the same.

Walking through the crowd Amos smiled when he noticed the way Joanna buried her face in his chest.



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