Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 322 Amos, Her Backer

The heat emitting from their body touching each other made Joanna's body temperature increase drastically.

Joanna mustered up all her willpower to resist Amos' temptations. She struggled to free herself but he didn't let go.

"Weren't you fine earlier so why are you acting like someone who is on drugs…,"

"You are the most authentic and the most addictive drug in the world to me, don't you know?" He said and started showering her neck with hot kisses.

Joanna's body wriggled every time his warm lips touched her bare skin. A groan almost left her mouth when he sucked her earlobe. "Kay, what do you think you are doing, get your acts together. Don't forget Little rice ball is lying a room away…," Joanna's eyes widened when he kissed her out of the blue. Her head went blank and her bulging eyeballs refused to return to normal.

He disconnected his lips after about two minutes of kissing her. "I have told you to keep your voice down so why won't you listen to me?" He scolded softly.

[Did he just scold me when this is all his fault?]

Joanna was perplexed as she stared at his face.

"Also, he won't wake up as long as you don't scream so don't worry. I have got this," he said and tried to kiss her again but Joanna tilted her head to the left to avoid his lips.

"What have you got into…,"

"You haven't given me a response yet. Will you do it now or after we are done…,"

"I haven't agreed to do anything with you so what are you babbling about?" Joanna demanded frowning. She couldn't help but wondered what triggered him to become this way suddenly.

"You look irritated, do you know that I am angry with you too…,"

"You are the one trying to kiss me so why are you angry when I should be the only one upset here?" She asked. She cooled down a bit when he stopped teasing her with his mouth.

Joanna was against doing whatever was on his mind but she got worried when he let go of her and turned his back on her.

"I have observed that whenever I try to defend you, you always stop me. Do you dislike my intervention that much?" He asked with his back facing her.

"Also, are you aware of how useless that makes me feel? Knowing very well that I could easily shut them up, why do you always take the difficult path and make me feel worthless…,"

"How could you ever be useless huh?" Joanna demanded. She held his hand and spun him around so that he was staring at her.

"You are the source of my confidence and strength. It's only because you are always by my side as my backer. That alone gives me the guts to challenge anyone. Because I know you will be there to defend me," Joanna said beaming.

She indeed hates people talking down to her but she wouldn't have had the confidence to challenge anyone when she realised that she had no powers anymore.

Without Amos or Audrey by her side maybe she would have returned to that docile and weak girl in the past but thank goodness to the two of them she could keep her head high even with her powers gone.

"After all I have said, do you still believe that you are useless to me?" Joanna asked as she gazed into his eyeballs.

His lips curled into a sweet smile when he listened to her compliments.please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

"If I am your confidence booster and your backer then what will you do without me by your side hmm?" He asked while cupping her face.

Joanna smiled along with him, seeing the sweet smile on his face.

"What else if not that I have to endure endless beatings like I have been doing with the hope that you will avenge me later on…,"

"Just like you said I will avenge all the grievances you have suffered these past days when I was not by your side but I won't let you ever get beaten up by anyone again," He declared.

He brought his face very close so that she could feel his warm breath brushing against her delicate skin.

"I will let Chris protect you whenever I am not around…,"

"Wouldn't that ruin your well-drafted plans?" She cut in softly.

"My plans from the beginning indeed were for Chris to protect you in the dark but plans do change, don't they?" He asked.

"Also, no matter what, you come first before any other plans…,"

"I guess I am the one who is worried about your plans getting ruined," She said and lowered her gaze.

"I want to have you by my side for a little while longer and I know that won't be possible anymore if your plans get spoilt," Joanna mumbled.

She didn't know that she said the words out until he grabbed her chin and said, "Repeat what you just said".

"I-I…," His sudden question and the urgency in his eyes caught Joanna off guard.

"You don't have to say anything," He placed his index finger on her lips, seeing her open her mouth to talk.

"I will take that as your love confession and my answer is…," He trailed as he brought his mouth close to her right ear.

"I love you too," He whispered into her ear.

Joanna's body behaved strangely by vibrating to his sweet confession.

Her head went blank instantly and her heart fluttered. The only words she could hear at the moment were the echoing of the word I LOVE YOU TOO.

She was still over the air about his love confession when Amelia's words sneaked their way into her head.

She tried to fight the thoughts off her head but they refused to go away no matter how hard she tried.

[What if I don't really love him as she said? What if what I am feeling that I think is love is because of my obsession? If this feeling I have towards him ends up not being love, wouldn't that make me very selfish]

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