Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 385 The After Effect

"Laura, do you know what your problem is?" Joanna started. "It's that you watch too many movies…,"

"How dare you insult me? Do you want to get your mouth ripped…,"

"Will you two keep quiet?" Adhara and Grandma Cora chided at the same time.

Just then Nanny Susan walked into the dining. Everyone turned to look at her at the same time.

"Susan, come here and drink a glass of this juice," Grandma Cora ordered.

Without waiting for Grandma Cora's next word Laura poured the juice into the glass and stretched the glass of juice towards Nanny Susan.

"Take it," Laura said when the woman hesitated to collect the glass of juice from her.

"It's against the rules for any employee here to drink from the same cup as her master…,"

"Shut the fuck up and just do as you are told," Adhara shouted.

Because she was ordered to do so Nanny Susan didn't have to worry about breaking the mansion's rule.

Even though she didn't want to finish the entire glass of juice she had no choice but to gulp it down when they kept asking her to finish it.

"Are you perhaps feeling sick in the stomach? Or does your body feel numb for no reason?" Adhara asked. She examined Nanny Susan's body with her eyes.

"I am not feeling any of those symptoms. I am fine, Madam," Nanny Susan replied.

"Since it has been confirmed that I am innocent, can I leave now?" Joanna demanded. Her eyes moved from one astounded face to the other.

None talked for three minutes after her last sentence. They tried to stall with the hope that something would go wrong at the last minute.

"You can go now," Grandma Cora replied. She couldn't hide her inner feelings no matter how hard she tried.

Joanna walked past them and approached the door. She paused just in front of the door.

"I am certain I saw her add some substance into the juice so how come they are both alright?" Adhara mumbled, still in disbelief.

[That is because I fooled you all. If only you knew that the substances I put in the drink were merely supplements. But that the real harmful substance was poured on the food instead]

Joanna grinned and strolled away.

Grandma Cora proceeded to her seat after Joanna left.

"Mother, I am sure…,"

"Adhara, the show you put up earlier is enough. Let's have our meal in peace. If you are not famished, I am," She said with a tone of finality.

Adhara wanted to press the topic further but she had no evidence or witness to prove what she saw.

With her mother this way she knew it would be hard if not impossible to convince her again.

While she left them to enjoy their food Joanna went to her room and freshened up.

She was standing in front of the mirror when she got a glimpse of the hickey on her right arm.

A grin lingered at the corner of her lips when she recalled the amazing moments they had that night.

"I have regained my powers so I wonder why this wound is still there?" Joanna mumbled. She caressed the bite mark which was evidence of his love for her.please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

"A night has just passed since we officially became a couple but it feels as if a year has gone by in a night," She said and embraced her nude body.

"Within the space of a night, my love has grown so much that I am starting to miss him even if it hasn't been up to a day since I saw him," Joanna moved away from the mirror and strolled to her bed.

She lay on the neatly arranged bed and curled herself into a ball.

"I have missed his touch, scent, voice and even his cheesy words that keep me smiling despite their cheesiness. I wish this feeling and our love will last forever," she whispered a wish into the atmosphere.

She was soon jolted back to reality by the sound of her alarm clock.

Joanna hastened to her dressing table. She tried to get ready as soon as possible.

"I know I told him that he didn't have to pick me up but I am sure he will be waiting for me outside very soon. I can't afford to keep him waiting," She grinned and applied the red lipstick to her rosy lips.

Ten minutes later Joanna was seen descending the stairs. She was almost at the foot of the stairs when screams coming from the dining room caught her attention.

[I wonder if the poison's effect has started manifesting?]

She grinned and approached the dining room unaffected by the loud groans and screams.

"Fuck! That stinks!" She shouted and covered her nose in an instant.

Taking a look around the room, the floor was a mess. Apart from the cutleries and leftovers splattered on the floor, the floor was littered with vomit.

As if that wasn't enough Grandma Cora was screaming and crawling on the floor.

"Madam Cora!" Joanna half screamed, her mouth wide open in shock.

"I need to use the restroom, help me up from here," she screamed. Because of the constant swing of her transformed hands, the maid kept a safe distance from her.

None wanted to go close to her.

[The instruction did say that the poison had an after effect but I never knew it was this bad. Holy shit! This has turned into something else]

Joanna was surprised but elated at the same time.

Indeed, this is not the outcome she expected but she was thrilled.

Joanna was beyond thrilled to see this proud woman suffering after the hell she put her through all these years.

[This is nothing compared to what I went through in your hands but I am happy that I got to punish you for the first time?]

She grinned and moved to the right to avoid the weapon Grandma Cora threw at her.

"What are you standing there for? Help me or else I am gonna…," She started vomiting afresh before she could finish her sentence.


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