Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 409 Amelia Helped Out

"Brother Ray, what about Brother Derrick?" Anthony asked. He looked around with hopes of seeing Derrick but he couldn't find him even after his search.

"Why are you both not together today?" He added innocently.

"That is because he is shooting a commercial as we are speaking," Raymond replied.

"Commercial!" He repeated the word like saying it twice would make him understand what it means. "What is a commercial? And will he join us later when he is done...,"

"No more asking questions ok? You are not a detective nor is he a criminal so stop it," Joanna scolded her expression stern.

"Kids his age are usually this way; always wanting to know everything, so let him be. I don't find him or his questions annoying like a certain someone anyways," Raymond replied. He grinned at the boy who had shrieked after Joanna's scolding.

"You…," Joanna raised her hand and placed it on Amos' left hand laid on the table.

She squeezed his hand and leaned in, "I thought you came because you missed me but how come Raymond is all you see after you got here?" She whispered.

"From the lasers shooting out of your eyes one would assume world war 3 is gonna take place here any moment from now," She mumbled and moved away from him.

She let go of his hand and acted like she never said anything to him.

Her accusations which turned out to be true caused his anger to vanish like it never existed.

His vision was indeed clouded by jealousy the instant he listened to Raymond's seductive words.

Because of this, he forgot the reason he came to the cafe in the first place and concentrated his attention on something he shouldn't have.

"How was work?" He asked meekly. "Also, I know you must have stood throughout. Tell me where it hurts and I will help you to massage...,"

"Keep your hands away," She retorted and beat his hand away from her thighs. "Don't forget we are in public," She cautioned him.

"We are not doing anything indecent so why are you worried about what others will say huh?" He questioned.

He shifted his gaze and stared at the customers who were staring at them.

If anyone should be blamed that they were in the spotlight, it should be Raymond, the celeb.

"If they can't stand hearing our conversation or seeing us, they can as well close their eyes, block their ears or leave. They are so many options for them to choose so why should we be considerate of them as if they would have done the same if they were in our shoes...,"

"I didn't tell you this to infuriate you ok," Joanna intervened when she realised that the conversation was taking another dimension.

"Also, I noticed you get irritated by the slightest thing. What is it? Did something happen in my absence?" She demanded.

And when Amos didn't respond she shifted her attention to Anthony sitting on her left-hand side.

"I don't know what is wrong, Big Sis," Anthony shook his head negatively.

"He was so excited when we left home. Maybe he is angry that he has to share you with me and Brother Raymond," Anthony's reply was full of innocence but his reply wasn't well received by Raymond.

"She is not his slave or his property so why would he be angry because we are together with Miss Butterfly?" Raymond retorted.

Back at the counter Amelia and Mrs Parker paid more attention to what is going on over at Joanna's table than what is happening at the cafe overall.

"Which out of the two do you think is gonna win?" Amelia asked, her gaze glued on the fuming Amos.

"It doesn't matter who wins or loses. The problem is that Joanna will be caught in between no matter how hard she tried...,"

"I will go to her rescue then," Amelia muttered. She turned and collected the tray from Leah's hand.please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

"As you know I have never cared about being the villain as long as I achieve my aim," She grinned and elegantly walked towards the table she had her eyes on.

"She is my...," Amos quickly removed his hand before the staggering figure could drop the tray on his hand.

"Sorry, I tripped," Amelia apologised before he had the opportunity to reprimand her.

Although Joanna didn't say it, she was so relieved Amelia came at the time she did.

If only she knew Amelia's timely arrival was planned she would have been more grateful for her help.

In the pretence that she wanted to drop the cup of coffee in front of him, Amelia brought her mouth close to his ear.

"She is indeed your woman and none can ever fight with you over that. So be a bigger man and put an end to this. Stop making your woman suffer because of your squabbles," Amelia whispered and shifted away from him.

"Do call mine or Leah's attention if you need something else," Amelia informed after she was done distributing their orders.

"Thanks," Joanna smiled at her.

Amelia stole one more glance at Amos to confirm whether he got her message. She strolled back to the counter after her confirmation.

At the counter Mrs Parker tapped Amelia's shoulder gently, "You have tried your best. Let's hope they can maintain this quietness until the end," Mrs Parker mumbled.

Back at the table the four of them shared, Joanna gazed at the two men who hadn't said a word ever since Amelia's interruption.

Yes, she finds their bickers a bit annoying sometimes but their total quietness made her feel uncomfortable.

She slowly brought the cup of coffee to her mouth and sipped out of it.

"Ouch, that burns!" Joanna screamed and covered her mouth.

"Are you ok?" The two men asked at the same time. Their hands moved towards her mouth at the same time.

"A bit," She said and demonstrated with her finger. She was smart enough not to take any of their hands since she was certain an argument would follow.

[Is this what every other girl who is in love faces or is my case an exception?]

Joanna blinked, her gaze focused on their hands which they hadn't retracted yet.

"Big Sis, you ordered your favourite Almond cake but they haven't bought it yet. Do you think they forgot about it?" Anthony came to the rescue.



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