She looked at the window and true to Anthony's words he wasn't there.

Even though the truth was before her, Joanna refused to believe that he would just leave like that without getting to see her.

She closed her eyes and tried to perceive his scent but she couldn't.

No matter how hard she tried to deny it, the truth that he left without seeing her remained unchanged.

"He really left," Joanna mumbled, her eyes fluttering open.

As she walked dejectedly to the bed, her sad expression didn't escape Anthony's notice.

He moved over to the bed too.

"Big Sis, are you alright?" He gazed at her fallen expression as he awaited her response.

"Are you and Brother Amos fighting?" He tried to make a wild guess when Joanna refused to reply.

"Is that why he left without waiting for you...,"

ραпdα nᴏνɐ| сom "We are fine so there is no need to worry about us...,"

"But you don't look fine at all," He whispered under his breath but Joanna heard him.

It took Joanna three minutes to find the right words to say to her little brother who was worried about her.

"We are going through the phase everyone in a relationship goes through so there is no need to worry about us. We will be alright," Joanna tried to convince him that everything will be fine when she hasn't convinced herself yet.

"Brother Kay... I mean Brother Amos," He quickly corrected himself.

"He loves you very much. He will never stay mad at you for a long time. I am sure he will not be angry with you anymore if you apologise...,"

"I hurt his feelings. Even if it wasn't intentional I doubt apologising will make him feel better," Joanna said, her head lowered.

"If that doesn't work you can try tickling him. Remember you always laugh whenever I tickle you," Merely recalling Joanna's smiling face made him grin.

"He is not like me...,"

"If he is still angry with you after you have done these things then bribe him with his favourite food, toys or clothes in the same way you always used Bacon to bribe me," Anthony gave another suggestion when he saw that her mood hasn't brightened at all.

"You are right about that," Joanna replied and forced a smile.

Even though Anthony tried to cheer her up, she didn't feel any better. She still felt hurt although she tried not to show it so she won't make him worry about her anymore.

Meanwhile, as this was going on, a car was seen pulled over on a deserted road. The driver leaned his head on the steering wheel after he had turned off the engine.

"I miss her so much but the thought that I might bring harm to her if I go closer didn't make me go to see her," Amos mumbled.

He grasped the steering wheel tighter.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

"I need to catch the assassins the humans sent into the Kingdom to kill me and disrupt the peace of everyone. I need to catch it as soon as possible if I want my relationship with her to go back to how it was," He concluded.

Right, that minute he vouched to put in more effort so he will end this torture of not getting close to his lover.

Just like Amos couldn't sleep, Joanna wasn't different. She spent half of the time she was supposed to use to sleep thinking about how her relationship with Amos got to the stage it was now.

Judging from Amos' temperament she believed that he wouldn't have gotten angry to the point that he avoids her because of what she said that fateful afternoon.

"Is there perhaps another reason why he is avoiding me?" This was the thought on Joanna's mind before she fell asleep at last.

In the morning Joanna woke up earlier than she has ever done.

For fear that she might wake Anthony up, she packed her clothes, shoes and the thing she would need and headed downstairs.

There, she freshened up and dressed up. She did everything in a hurry but she was careful not to make lots of noise.

"And where do you think you are sneaking out to?" Laura's authoritative voice made Joanna, who was always almost at the entrance, turn and look at Laura.

"How is that any of your business?" Joanna grimace.

"If you don't tell me which man's house you are sneaking off to forget about leaving because I am gonna call Dad right now...,"

"I dare you to do that!" Joanna snapped, her head held high.

"Try to stop me one more time and I promise to make you experience a fate worse than ruining a cab with your faeces...,"

"Shut up," Laura ordered fiercely, her murderous glares shot at Joanna.

"As I said, try as much as to stop me from going out and a punishment worse than ruining a cab is what I will give you for failing to mind your business," Joanna threatened coldly.

She turned to leave and Laura dared not stop her no matter how mad she was.

"This is your tenure so rule as much as you want because I promise you this won't last long. You will be nothing but a forgotten case when Granny's men strike," Laura smirked, her gaze not shifting from the spot Joanna stood earlier.

As she rushed out of the house Joanna was so sure that she would catch up to Amos since it was quite early.

But she got a big disappointment when she reached his apartment and found it empty.

"Does this mean he didn't spend the night here?" Joanna asked no one in particular.

The disappointed Joanna was on the ground floor making her way out of the building when she bumped into Chris.

"Where is he? Was he with you the entire night?" Joanna questioned. She looked beyond the guy in front of her in search of Amos.

"If he didn't spend the night here then that means he must have stakeout the entire night...,"

"What do you mean he staked out the entire night?" Joanna cut in sharply.

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