A few minutes later, the car suddenly halted which made Audrey and Joanna pause what they were doing. They looked outside of the window.

"We are here," the driver announced. He got out of the car before Audrey and Joanna could say anything.

"The entrance of Hilmert Forest is still ahead of us so why did he pause midway without taking us to our destination," Audrey grumbled. She tried to inform the driver about this but Joanna stopped her.

"I bet he is too scared to go any further. It won't take us more than five minutes to reach the entrance of the forest if we use our powers. Let's help the poor driver out and not make things difficult for him," Joanna pleaded on the driver's behalf.

She quickly stepped out of the car after signalling Audrey to do the same.

Because Joanna spoke up for the driver Audrey didn't press the issue further. Instead, she helped the man to bring out their luggage from the car's boot.

"Let's go," Audrey said and reached out her hands to hold Joanna's hand.

"Sure," Joanna smiled as she grabbed Audrey's outstretched hand.

Stepping foot into the forest, all they could see was snow. Because of the thick snow that covered everything, it was practically impossible to see any green leaves or animals in sight.

"If not for the snow I wouldn't have known that it was winter already," Audrey commented.

Because vampires were incapable of feeling temperature it was hard for them to know the seasons they were in. If not through the help of calendars they would have spent every day not knowing whether it was winter, summer or spring.

"Yeah, you are right about that," Joanna commented as she took a proper look at her surroundings.

What Joanna and Audrey weren't aware of was that the soldiers had never seen anyone who possessed the Legendary Golden Token except them.

If not for the fact that they served at the Pack's borders, they wouldn't have had the privilege to see the Golden Token in the palace before today.

"This way," The soldier in charge ushered them in after confirming their identity through the papers they had handed over to them along with the token earlier.

"They look too ordinary for people who possess the golden token. What do you think is their relationship with the Alpha?" Audrey couldn't resist smiling when she overheard a soldier comment after they had walked passed the borders.

The first thing Joanna and Audrey noticed after stepping foot into the werewolf's territory was the change in the atmosphere compared to the last time they were there.

"Marcus told us that things here are worse than that of our Kingdom. Do you think I made the right decision by following you into the werewolf's territory when I am a vampire?" Audrey muttered when she saw the manner the few passersby they met stared at her in particular.

"We are already here. Don't you think it's a bit too late to regret?" Joanna joked.

"You think so?" Audrey mumbled and the attentive Joanna could sense a bit of regret in her voice.

"I was just joking there is no need to take things too seriously," Joanna said and grabbed Audrey's hand once again.

"Also, they can't blatantly attack you in broad daylight even if this is their territory especially if you didn't harm anyone," Joanna continued just to ease Audrey's mind.

"And I am here with you, right? This time around I will be the one to protect you. Anyone who dares to have fancy ideas about you will have to go through me so don't be nervous hmm?" Joanna coaxed despite knowing that Audrey was capable of protecting herself.

As they strolled on the nearly empty streets, Audrey and Joanna stayed on alert. They didn't let their guard down for even a second.

"If I remember correctly, Alpha Benjamin's home should be just ahead of us," Audrey announced, beaming.

"You are alright. I can't wait to see the shock on Jocelyn and Rachel's faces when they see us at their doorstep," Joanna muttered. The mere thought of seeing Jocelyn and Rachel's reaction made her heart pound in excitement.

"Never in their wildest imagination would they have thought that we would be here. Their surprise faces will be epic, especially Jocelyn's. The naughty girl will be so happy to see us," Audrey added. Her smile radiated as she looked forward to seeing the girls they had missed so much.

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