Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 601 Joanna Shifted In Front Of Jocelyn

She watched them as they whispered into each other's ears. With such a Golden opportunity presented before them in a platter of gold, the men couldn't be more happy and their conversations showed.

"Miss Jocelyn, you are the one we had a conversation with before this stranger that claims to be your best friend butts in. Since you aren't refuting her statement, you can't come crying to us when we win her, OK?" The elderly man said pretending to be considerate when the truth was that he couldn't wait for the contest to take place.

"If I were you, I would be worrying about myself instead of wasting time showing fake concerns," Joanna retorted.

"We will meet up at the Pack's square in an hour. If you fail to show up or try anything stupid, we won't be merciful then," A guy from the crowd threatened.

Because Joanna gave them the answer they wanted, getting the men out of the pack's house wasn't difficult.

In less than five minutes the crowd had dispersed.

"You were here too!" Jocelyn exclaimed as soon as she saw Audrey who had earlier blended herself with the crowd.

"Yeah," Audrey replied and moved closer to where they stood.

"I also wanted to help you out and look cool like Anna did earlier but I couldn't step forward since there were many people around. As you know my identity is special and as such I shouldn't garner too much attention," Audrey explained.

Although she meant no harm, Audrey knew very well that being the only vampire in the den of werewolves was not a good thing.

Sooner or later the people would find faults with her identity and that was why she decided to keep a low profile.

"Of course not but I also know that you are not a vampire too," Jocelyn cut in abruptly.

"Although I have no intentions of fighting using my werewolf's powers, will you believe that I stand a chance of winning against those men if I shift in front of you right now?" Joanna asked calmly.

"You can shift?" Audrey and Jocelyn exclaimed with widened eyes.

"Why don't you make a judgement after seeing things for yourself?" Joanna hinted. After taking off her jacket, she moved away from the centre table to the spacious part of the room.

Before Audrey and Jocelyn could wrap their fingers around what she was up to, they witnessed Joanna shift into the most beautiful werewolf they had ever seen.

"Wow!" Jocelyn and Audrey remarked and subconsciously stood up to their feet almost at the same time.

"She is beautiful!" The words escaped Carl's mouth. He tried to compose himself when he realised the nonsense he spouted.

Jocelyn strolled towards where the werewolf stood and when she got there, she squatted beside Joanna.

"All my life I have lived with werewolves and they have one to three colours at most. I haven't come across a werewolf who has the colour of a rainbow just like yours. This is so majestic and beautiful," Jocelyn admitted. She raised her right hand and caressed Joanna's beautiful fur.

"Hey, silly girl! If you were able to shift, how come you never mentioned that to me?" Audrey scolded as soon as she finished admiring the beautiful werewolf in front of her.

"Just today you accused me of keeping secrets. Tell me, between the two of us who keep secrets from whom?" Audrey left the centre table and approached where Jocelyn squatted with her hands still on the werewolf's body.

"Miss Audrey, you can't hear her reply when she talks…"

"And she can't shift back to human with you around so leave us now," Jocelyn interrupted Carl sharply.


"They are my friends. Do you think they would have been foolish to walk into my territory if they had wanted to harm me?" Jocelyn asked in a serious tone.

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