"Anna, don't forget what I told you about each one of them. It will give you an added advantage in winning them. Also, you must remain safe no matter what," Jocelyn muttered, refusing to let go of Joanna's hands.

"I will," Joanna said and beamed at her. The moment she moved into the fighting ring the spectators moved backwards especially because the men used weapons while Joanna didn't.

Among the crowds stood two figures covered with black cloaks from head to toe.

Because of how they were dressed it made it impossible for anyone to distinguish if they were male or female.

"The one who shouldn't be here has come. Forget about letting her ruin my plans, I will make sure this fighting ring marks the end of her," One of the figures in black cloak wearing green rings on her last three fingers growled.

Anyone who heard her voice would know that she was a woman.

"She lived among demons and all manner of wild beasts at the Ancient Forest Of No Return for six months. I have witnessed how good she is and I can tell you that she is not an easy target," The second figure, who had no distinguishable voice retorted, his murderous glares shot at the lady who had already taken down her first opponent so soon.

"I have come this far to get to where I am and I won't let just one silly brat ruin my over two decades worth of effort. I won't sit back and let her win. Never!" The lady in black cloak grunted

Joanna who was currently facing her second opponent turned and looked at the spot the two figures stood, then to where the old man who instigated the whole thing stood.

"The way she fights so skillfully made it look as if I am an amateur who barely started learning how to fight," Jocelyn continued. Her eyes followed every movement the fighting Joanna made.

"Ever since she returned she hasn't told me much about what she was up to in that six months and how she managed to survive and come out of that dangerous place no one has ever returned after stepping foot into it…" Audrey trailed.

It was at that moment it dawned on her that knew little about this her reborned best friend who rose from the ashes.

"I haven't seen her demonstrate such unparalleled strength until now so I don't really know what to tell you," Audrey replied honestly.

She was sad that Joanna hid such a huge secret from her but she somehow consoled herself with the fact Joanna might have had her reasons for doing so.

"Anyone who sees her will assume she is a general who has been fighting on the battlefield all her life not knowing that wasn't really the case. After she is done we really need to ask her how she is so good at martial arts when she has never received any formal training," Jocelyn murmured.

The way Jocelyn stared at Joanna with so much admiration showed that there was a huge possibility she would have fallen in love with Joanna at that moment if Joanna was a guy.

Although winning or losing the competition would have little or no effect on her and her plans Joanna fought as if her life was on the line.

Her bravery and perseverance as she fought the men which were twice her size endeared her to the hearts of the spectators watching the battle with great anticipation.

For those still supporting Jocelyn and the rule of Alpha Benjamin, seeing Joanna take down her opponents one after the the other gladdens their heart. They finally saw a glimmer of hope in their once hopeless situation.

Just like a dream Joanna managed to take down over fifty men without sustaining major injuries.

During the fight her hands got slashed by hidden darts and her right leg was also pierced by a dagger. She sustained other similar injuries but none of them were severe.

Despite that the injuries caused a decrease in her stats but not even enough to keep her down.

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