Beyond the Timescape [Wuxiaworld]

Chapter 603: Bluegreen Dragon Takes Charge

The Red Moon Cathedral’s church temples in the Moonrite Region favored a black color scheme in their architecture. And they would always have a statue of Crimson Mother. Given the dusky nature of the sky in the region, that dark color scheme made the church temples seem even more forbidding. Anyone who looked at them would feel indescribable pressure weighing down on them. As the sobbing wind blew through the mountains and landed on the statue of Crimson Mother, the crescent-moon-shaped earrings on the statue jingled like bells. It created a discordant sound in the Heir Apparent’s ears.

Xu Qing didn’t respond to the words the Heir Apparent had just spoken. All of his focus was on the dao begetting cultivator surrounded by endless bolts of lightning. He felt very clear-headed. His cultivation base was fully deployed, and his thirteen three-tribulation nascent souls were all completely active. He was like a black thunderbolt, piercing through the sea of lightning like a hot knife through butter.

As he closed in with incredible speed, his right hand shifted into a transparent Gruegloom state. His fingers curled into hooks as he reached out toward the enemy cultivator.

“My laws cannot be defied,” the treant said with a cold chuckle. He didn’t dodge out of the way. Instead, his secret trove rumbled, causing his right hand to burn with bright red flames. It was a convergence of red moon faith! The invisible power of natural and magical laws erupted from the secret trove, spreading out in the area. Then he lifted his right hand to grab Xu Qing.

Xu Qing’s cultivation base and battle prowess were inferior, but he did have the power of the violet moon, which allowed him to negate much of the godly might of the red moon. But not even that helped very much. Xu Qing trembled as the treant’s vice-like grip locked onto him.

Terrifying fluctuations rolled into Xu Qing, while at the same time, the treant began to chant a curse. It was complicated and virtually impossible to understand. Filled with a gruish sensation, it spread out, causing pulses of sinister wind to sweep toward Xu Qing, filled with ghostly figures.

It was a moment of deadly crisis. However, that was when the decisiveness and ruthlessness of Xu Qing’s killing style were revealed. Ignoring the hand that had locked on to him, he jerked back.

A cracking sound rang out as his shoulder popped out of its socket, and his entire body twisted in an unexpected way. Then his right leg shot up in a vicious kick. Hundreds of heavenfiend clones appeared around him and lunged forward. Beneath him, his shadow stretched out. Patriarch Golden Vajra Warrior shot forth. The two of them closed in from both sides.

All of this takes a bit of time to describe, but actually happened in the time it takes a spark to fly off of a piece of flint. In the blink of an eye, the heavenfiend clones slammed into the ghostly figures. Golden Vajra Warrior Sect stabbed into the body of the treant. And Xu Qing’s foot smashed into the treant’s head.

Except, Xu Qing’s face fell as his foot passed right through the head. Similarly, Patriarch Golden Vajra Warrior didn’t hit anything solid.

“It’s not his true form!”

Simultaneously, a few dozen meters behind Xu Qing, the treant cultivator suddenly appeared out of nowhere. That was his true form.

“What a pity. You really don’t understand the natural laws that surround dao begetting cultivators.” Grinning coldly, he reached out toward Xu Qing.

Instantly, countless lightning bolts appeared, becoming a horde of lightning dragons that closed in on Xu Qing, coming from so many directions there was no way he could evade them. Especially noteworthy was the huge hand that had locked onto Xu Qing. It had transformed, becoming a huge maggot that suddenly exploded. As a rumbling boom echoed out, the treant cultivator’s true form shot toward Xu Qing. He waved his right hand, and a mass of branches snaked out, turning into a massive battle ax.

Xu Qing lurched backward, but he couldn’t avoid the lightning or the exploding maggot. Thankfully, Xu Qing had ample fighting experience, and thus, he instantly erupted with seven-colored daybreak light. Reaching up with his hand, he shoved his shoulder, ignoring the pain as his shoulder loudly snapped back into the socket.

As the daybreak light shone out, sweeping away most of the lightning, his shadow reared up in the shape of a coffin. It surrounded him, allowing him to avoid most of the remaining attacks. Then the shadow coffin tumbled backward a few dozen meters. When it landed, it opened, and Xu Qing emerged.

Without a moment of hesitation, he looked at the treant cultivator, who was already speeding toward him. In his mind, he calculated the time, and then he unleashed the power of his five sundial life lamps.

Time Reversal!

As light flared from the sundial life lamps, a tempest of time swept over Xu Qing. Then, shockingly, he appeared seven breaths of time in the past. Now he was located right behind the enemy cultivator.

“A magical law of time? Impossible!” The cathedral cultivator’s pupils constricted.

Obviously, this development was something that completely surpassed anything he could have predicted. Although his battle prowess surpassed that of Xu Qing, their simple interchange just now made it clear that Xu Qing had a lot of tricks up his sleeve. And he clearly had a lot more fighting experience.

And the main reason the cathedral cultivator had the upper hand was that Xu Qing obviously didn’t have much experience dealing with dao begetting enemies.

For Xu Qing to do something like this right now made it obvious he was using a trump card. And the cathedral cultivator didn’t have enough time to figure out how to deal with it. Therefore, instead of continuing the fight, he tapped into the power of magical laws in his secret trove to try to flee. He acted too late.

Xu Qing unhesitatingly used the power of the sundials on the treant cultivator.

Instantly, the treant cultivator found himself locked in place in time.

Xu Qing’s right hand flashed, and his dagger ripped through the cathedral cultivator’s throat. As the familiar slashing sound rang out, he added in the power of taboo poison in the hopes of making it a true killing blow. At the same time, five gnomons flew out, becoming five streaks of light that stabbed into the cathedral cultivator. Booms rang out as Xu Qing put everything on the line.

The cathedral cultivator’s head flew up into the air, and thanks to the gnomons stabbing into his body, it exploded.

Having accomplished these things, Xu Qing gasped for breath, looked around at the carnage, and then turned to eye the Heir Apparent.

The Heir Apparent was actually shocked, but didn’t show any sign of it on his face.

“Thirty breaths of time left.”

Xu Qing’s pupils constricted as he looked back at the surrounding carnage. Waving his hand, he sent flames out to scorch everything around him, all while backing up at top speed. However, the moment he started moving, nine crimson vortexes appeared, in the spot where the cathedral cultivator had exploded. Glittering, they shot toward Xu Qing.

It didn’t matter what Xu Qing did to try to dodge them. Nothing worked. They surrounded him in the blink of an eye. The nine vortexes glittered brightly, emitted resounding booms as they formed into an illusory secret trove. From a distance, it was possible to see Xu Qing trapped inside of it!

“Secret Refinement Combination!” the cathedral cultivator said. A boundless force erupted from within the illusory secret trove, transforming into countless magical and natural laws, and forming suns, moons, stars, and heavenly bodies. Ice, fire, lightning, and thunder became a cage that started assimilating Xu Qing.

Suns and moons could lock down gods. Ice and fire could assimilate the body. Thunder and lightning assisted. A heavenly wind became profoundly mighty!

Xu Qing shivered down to his soul. His senses were telling him that he was standing in the same spot as before, except he felt like he was in a different dimension. The pressure and sensation of assimilation seemed like it was going to crush his soul and immolate his body. The pain levels skyrocketed, filling every square inch of him with intense pain.

Xu Qing looked around, his facial expression the same as before.

Up above, the Heir Apparent looked down thoughtfully for a moment, then said, “You’re facing a true dao begetting enemy. If you don’t free yourself, you’ll be assimilated and crushed. You’ll perish.”

As the Heir Apparent’s words rang out, the sensation of being assimilated grew more intense. At the same time, the illusory secret trove transformed into the cathedral cultivator.

In that moment of crisis, Xu Qing’s eyes glittered coldly.

“So, you have a secret trove but no heavenly dao. In that case, how about I gift you a heavenly dao? Bluegreen dragon!”

Deathblade's Thoughts

This chapter was a bit shorter than average. The author included a note apologizing for that and explaining that he was traveling for the first time in a long time. This chapter originally came out in roughly April of 2023, which was only a few months after China unexpectedly ended their three years of strict lockdown. I could be wrong, but I think it was the author's first time traveling for business after those years of lockdowns.

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