Chapter 47

hapter 47 – Follow Me If You Can

“Ah… . ”

Jaegun said awkwardly to the girl

As he lifted his head slightly, the girl widened her two eyes .

“Are you Writer Ha Jaegun?”

“Ah, yes, it’s right . ”


The girl, as soon as he replied, covered her mouth with her hands .

She was smiling even thought she looked completely surprised .

“Oh my god, I was so surprised . I didn’t know from away there, but I saw you from here…! I saw that you went on Navin as well . ”

“Hahaha, yes . ”

“You’re really handsome in real life . I’m reading A Dumb Woman very well . I read it as I was leaving work yesterday and I’m almost at the end . I cried on the subway!”

The girl didn’t even care that she was working and said with her sighing voice .

Jaegun had no idea what to respond with so he could only respond with an awkward smile .

“Ah, I’m sorry . Could you sign for me?”

“Ahah, yes, of course . ”

“Thank you, thank you . Wait, I’ll bring it . ”

The girl employee looked around and went quickly to the employee lounge . And in just 30 seconds, she brought a book of A Dumb Woman and came back .

“I bought it last week . Sign it here . ”

“What’s your name?”

“Kim Ha Eun . ”

Jaegun put the book on the wall and signed it carefully

It was his second sign after Suhee .

‘Thank you . Good luck . ’

A sign that was a lot better and clearer came on the ground .

“Here . ”

“Ah… thank you . This is amazing . ”

The girl employee muttered happily .

It was a huge deal with her meeting Jaegun . It was a boring job . In a place like this where it was completely schedule, a writer that she loved came here .

“Do you come here frequently?”

“Yes, it’s the closest store . ”

“Ah, then why did I not see you… But you read really fast, ah I didn’t mean to spy . I looked while I was cleaning and you read really fast . Of course, you are a writer so you must be different too . ”

Maybe she might be about 20 .

She looked about Somii’s age and looked very enthusiastic and happy .

“I read it really well . I want to ask you so many things about writer and reading . Can I buy you coffee anytime you have time? I go home at 6 . ”


Jaegun was sort of shocked at her aggressive and straightforwardness .

He didn’t dislike it . The girl was slightly cute and attractive with her small size . She was a good girl to look at as a girlfriend .

Jaegun didn’t make a decision right away .

A thought that he might meet her once showed up slightly, but he held off .

“If I have time, let’s do that . ”

“Thank you . Then… pen…”

The girl asked as she pulled out a paper from her pocket .

Jaegun gave her a pen . Then she wrote her own name and phone number and gave it back .

“I have to go clean the storage . I hope you contact me . Really . Thank you . ”

“Yes, thank you . ”

The girl went to the storage very happily . Jaegun felt her glance before she went in, but he ignored it .

‘Maybe I shouldn’t have taken that picture . ’

The cafe, and now the store .

Jaegun had a thought that he might have to change his bookstore from now on .

‘I should go now . ’

Jaegun took a bunch of books, including the book that he ripped, went to the clerk .

It was a store that a girl knew him . If he stayed, something complicated might happen .

‘This was the best thing today . ’

As he was riding the escalator, he pulled out a book .

It was the book that he had ripped . It had a setting of middle ages Europe, a fantasy novel with a knight fighting against a dragon .

‘A dragon is cool . With two wings, flying across the land, breaking one city easily . ’

Jaegun was holding the pen tightly now .

‘Maybe right one with that?’

He wrote the word ‘dragon . ’ And then in his head, he was thinking of new characters .

‘A knight that is abandoned by a companion who is jealous of him! In the place of the execution place, a dragon falls from the sky .

Jaegun’s two eyes lightened and he was writing down the story quickly .

The man behind him tapped his shoulder and said irritatedly .

“Hello, could you move?”

“Ah, I’m sorry . ”

Jaegun apologized and moved over . He didn’t know that he was blocking others .

‘I’m sorry, I should go somewhere and write my story down . ’

He needed to write the story that came out before it cooled .

There was a cafe near here . But there were a lot of customers and the light was too bright .

Jaegun looked for a cafe near here and finally found one and went in .

“Come in . ”

“Could I get an Ice Americano . ”

Jaegun took the drink and went to the corner and sat down .

He drank a few sips and started to continue the story in his head .

‘The place becomes a mess after the dragon who hurt his wings falls down… . The knight worries about the civilians that might get hurt by the dragon . But then he sees . He sees the dragon that saves a little girl even though he’s dying . ’

The pen didn’t stop and moved across the paper .

Jaegun kept writing down his story across the small memo .

‘The main character understands . His companions and the others mistake the dragon as a threat . And then he breaks the curse on the wings and escapes together… That’s the intro . !’

Jaegun’s breath became fast and his heart beat very fast . It was a huge thrill .

This feeling that he had when he could think of a story that he wanted to write . This feeling is why he became a writer .

‘The main and the dragon makes a contract . The main character wanted to save the princess and the civilians while the dragon wanted to save his nest . Now, contract made!’

Jaegun made a fist above his head and smiled .

Two girls who were sitting next to him were moving seats with a pale face .

‘Now, the main character is the only one who can ride him . The dragon is so powerful that he needs a handicap . He becomes weaker by the curse or he can only use his power for about an hour a day…’

The story continued quickly .

The first book, the second book, the third book…

The story was gaining speed .

Jaegun didn’t feel the speed of time . He also didn’t feel that he was currently writing with Se Gunwoo’s pen either .

‘Ah? What time is it?’

As he lifted his head, he saw the darkness outside .

Jaegun drank the cup of coffee that the ice melted a long time ago and went outside .

‘Let’s write as soon as I get home . ’

His feet hurried .

He had no idea other than to write . He almost even missed the station because of his thought .


As he almost saw Se Gunwoo’s grave, he got a call from Dasul . It wasn’t a text and it wasn’t usual to get a call, so Jaegun thought strange as he picked up the call .


“Hey, what you doing?”

“I went to the store, and now I’m going home . ”

“Ah, did you eat? I’m not going to work today . ”

“Ah, I have to do something today . ”

Jaegun answered quickly

He had no time to answer to Dasul’s offer . He had to write today . He was going to eat a simple dinner by himself too .

“I won’t say to drink . Can’t you eat with me once?”

“I’m busy today, but I’ll meet you next week . I’ll buy it . ”

“Hmmpf, ok . Then let’s just cut off contact entirely then . Hmph . ”

“I’m sorry . But I’ll buy you something really nice . Write well, sir . ”

“Yes, you too . ”

Jaegun couldn’t go by Se Gunwoo’s grave and went closer .

He said as he looked at the grave .

Sir, I went to the bookstore . Do you know how many books I read with your glasses? Over 50 books . I’ve read for about 2 hours and I couldn’t even count how many books after the 50th one . I’ve filled over a third of my yearly reading in just today . Does this make sense?”

Jaegun cleaned up some weeds that he found and continued .

“I’ve finally found a story after reading . I’m going to go and write . It’s fantasy . It’s very fun writing fantasy . There was no one who wrote fantasy in college other than me . You can dream in this world . Dreams are good . ”

It was something that he had never said to anyone alive .

Jaegun spilled out his secrets next to Se Gunwoo’s grave .

“I’ll be going now . I’ll visit you after I finish . Have a nice night . Sir . ”

Jaegun bent his waist to say bye and went down the hill

Se Gunwoo’s grave was looking at Jaegun as he walked towards his house .


About 7:30 in the morning, subway 1 was always full .

‘I should come out 30 minutes earlier . ’

She had a driver’s license but no car . In addition, she didn’t have the power to maintain a car even if Somii bought it .

It was a life that she started without any of her parent’s help

Her parent’s motel was losing out to the new hotels and the situation was getting worse .


‘Ah, who is this?’

Somii couldn’t move because she was sandwiched between the other people .

Luckily, the door opened a bit later and people went out .

Pushed by others, Somii left the train for now and looked at the phone . It was Writer Ha Jaegun .

“Hello, Writer Ha . What’s going on in the morning?”

“Are you going to work?”

“Yes . I’m on the subway . ”

As the people left, Somii pulled herself up back on the train and answered . It was slightly less crowded now .

“Um, I made a new novel . ”

“Yes? A new novel? You’re going to make a new series?”

“Yes, It’s fantasy . I thought of it and I started writing it since we last met . I’ve sent about 3 books to email . ”

“… . !”

Somii’s two eyes became lit .

She had heard that a new novel might be hard just 2 weeks ago . How did he make 3 books in just about 2 weeks?

It was very curious to Somii how he could write this fast .

“Read it and contact me . If it’s good, I can see you today . ”

“Yes, yes, Writer . Thank you . I’ll contact you after I’m done reading . ”

“Thank you . ”

Somii immediately went to her email . The 3 books that Jaegun sent were there .

‘The title is Dragon Rider? Is it the main character riding a dragon?’

Somii opened the novel with interest .

She left and she walked, but all her attention stayed on the novel the entire trip to work .

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