Chapter 56

Chapter 56

“Phew, I’m alive!”

Jaegun sighed .

He was about to die of exhaustion . He had just recovered his strength by drinking from Se Gunwoo’s mug .

“Now I have 150 chapters of the Breathe . Let’s rest and write 25 chapters more to 175 . ”

Jaegun lied down on the bed . Rika went on top of him . She started to lick Jaegun with her tongue .

“I’ll have to call him and say I’m gonna release 5 chapters per day . ”

Jaegun asked as he shook Rika .

He had enough . Because of Se Gunwoo’s notebook, his speed was still fast and there was no problem if he released 5 per day .

“I’ll end it about 400 chapters . About 15 books per paper book . That’s good, right? The Representative should like it too?”


“Ah, Representative?”

Jaegun pulled his phone to his face . A message came . It wasn’t Tewon . A name called Kang Minho popped up on the screen,

“Kang Minho? Ah, Writer Kang?”

Jaegun thought of the writer that he met during the writer’s meeting . It was that person that he sat next to . The politeness of the writer who took care of him was the first thing that came up to his mind .

“What is it?”

He gave out phone numbers with Minho and a couple of other writers . But till now, there was no contact between each other . Jaegun pulled up the message on the screen with curious eyes .

Hello Writer Ha, it’s Kang Minho . I congratulate you for the 1st place on the Breathe . I’m really into it as well . It’s giving me some good studying . I hope you write more like this .

It was a polite reply like the person that he was .

Jaegun replied back smiling .

Yes, Writer Kang, Thank you for the contact . I’m glad you’re enjoying it . How are you?

Jaegun didn’t mention writing and asked a common question .

Every writer was different . He might be struggling to write because of some issues .

Minho replied soon .

I’m sort of ok . I got an office with a few of my writer friends . I’ve been writing fantasy but it’s not going very well . I feel like I’m trying too hard to write like the popular novels . And I’m been struggling for half a year .

He could imagine Minho’s face being sad .

Jaegun knew how bad it was when writing wasn’t going well . Minho was probably struggling from stress every day .

Jaegun wanted to help somewhat .

He gave a reply to Minho after a thought

I’ll so could you send it to me by email? Ah really? Aren’t you busy? I’ll be honored . It’s fine . I’ll give it back soon . Yes, Writer . I hope you can give me good feedback .

Jaegun went outside to get some ramen .

He was starving because he didn’t eat anything . Minho’s message came when the ramen was readying to be eaten .

I’ve sent it . Thank you . I’ll be waiting .

Jaegun went to his phone .

Minho’s fantasy draft was on the first page .

The King Fallen on Earth

“Hm, the title…”

Jaegun clicked on it .

It was about 13,000 characters, good for a book .

Jaegun brought Se Gunwoo’s glasses to read faster .

“Hm, it’s fusion again . ”

The character was a king that was mighty in his fantasy world .

And then a knight came and cast a spell on him and the king got pushed out of his world . His arriving place was none other than modern Korea .

‘Isn’t it the same flow as the previous series that Writer Kang wrote? Hm…’

Jaegun read quickly .

In the middle, Jaegun started to wrinkle his face .

‘This is a serious issue!’

There was no problem with the plot . It was common and safe as well .

But the problem was… .

It was boring .

It was so boring that it almost make him sleep .

There were too many extra details and the plot lacked realism .

It didn’t make him want to read more .

If it wasn’t for Minho, he would have thrown it away a long time ago .

“Ah, ramen…!”

He had completely forgotten .

Jaegun quickly started to eat . It wasn’t too cold yet .

“Hm, how do I fix this . ”

Jaegun carefully wrote a reply back on his computer .

When he wrote, he worried that it felt too direct .

There was nothing about complimenting .

90 percent was criticizing the negatives and the things that needed to be fixed .

Jaegun turned around and asked Rika .

“Rika, is this good? What if Writer Kang feels discouraged and can’t write? ”

Rika only looked at him

Jaegun sighed and turned back . Yeah . I think it’s polite to send a direct reply . It’s the best way . ”

Jaegun sent the feedback and started to write on his own novel .

Rika stared at Jaegun . Rika’s two eyes were blinking as if tired .


The next day .

Jaegun showered in hot water and put the rice in the rice cooker . He was thinking about his menu when Minho gave a message .

Thank you for the long feedback . I stayed up all night to fix the problems that you mentioned . I’m sorry but could you read it once more . And if it’s not too much, I would like to take you out for lunch sometime .

Jaegun’s face brought a smile . He stayed up all night to fix his writing . Maybe it was stupid to be worried that Minho would be discouraged .

Jaegun started to read while drinking coffee . And he felt surprised . The feedback that he sent was all in the new draft . And in just one day, it was so much better .

“Writer Kang has sense . It’s not easy to just fix with just feedback . ”

He felt that this would be good enough for the market .

There were a few negatives, but it was a vast improvement from yesterday .


Jaegun was worried .

It was only the first book .

He had no idea how it would be after the 2nd book .

‘Writer Kang fell off after the 3rd book of his previous series . ’

He said that it was good during the writer’s meeting, but it really wasn’t . The good plot got destroyed by the 3 book . He forced himself to read more but it was bad .

‘Isn’t there anyone who can help him?’

Thinking about it more, he had to do something .

Jaegun pulled out his phone and called .

It was probably better to call than to message .

Hello? Writer Ha? Yes, hello . Are you good to call?” Yes, yes . Of course . I’m surprised that you would call though . It’s nothing, but your writing has really gotten better than yesterday . Seriously . Really? I don’t know but you think so? I don’t say something that’s not true . But Writer Ha . Do you have this work on contract yet? Not yet . And I think I want to put this on pay per chapter as well . I want to see if a management contacts me after I release free chapters I see .

Jaegun thought the things that he wanted to say . He was thinking of Laugh Book’s and the one writer it had .

The conclusion was quick

Writer Kang Minho needed to be guided .

Tewon needed a writer .

Since he was helping, he would go to the end .

Minho wouldn’t forget this . There might be a time when he would need help too . And with this, Jaegun continued .

You said you were buying lunch . Is today good?” Yes? Today?

Minho’s voice seemed surprised .

Of course . Where? I’m fine . You can decide .

Jaegun continued while looking at Rika

You said your place was near Guro Station right? I have a cat so I kind of want to bring and go to your office . Yes? My, my place? Re, really? If it’s not a bother . A bother . Yes, yes . Of course . All the writers here like animals . And there’s no one here other than me . Then please send me your address . I’ll be there in a short while . Yes yes . Writer . Then I’ll see you later .

Jaegun hung up and changed clothes .

Then with Rika, he opened the door and left .

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