Book Eater

Chapter 408: Era of Peace (8)

Chapter 408: Era of Peace (8)

For three hours, the sound of chatter rang out in the deserted laboratory.

Despite filtering out most of the low-priority issues, the conversation between the two of them didn’t end for a while. Three months of work had been waiting for Theodore.

Theodore toured around the laboratory, dealt with a few problems, and barely concluded the conversation before saying, “Well, this should be fine. As for the rest, do as you wish. Keep in mind that the installation of artificial veins and the power plants are the top priority.”

“Of course. It is because there is a time limit.”

The scale and efficiency were considerably inferior to natural veins such as the World Tree, but they were many times better than nothing. If they could be completed in 100 years, they would gain a grace period of several centuries.

First of all, they had to spread the network, starting with the Northern Continent where the Alliance of Trinity was located. It would be a tightly woven network.

If they continued like this, it would cover the world in the very distant future.

‘If it takes long, it will take 300 years. If not, it will take 200 years at the minimum.’

Theodore let out a brief sigh.

The future of this world kept changing depending on what he judged and decided. It was a power that couldn’t be compared to kings and emperors. Another person might feel ecstatic from the pleasure of wielding such power, but all Theodore felt was a burden.

One wrong decision could wipe out a few nations and cost hundreds of millions of lives.

Controlling civilization meant taking on that responsibility.

“I’m so glad that you stayed.”


Paragranum cocked her head while reading a graph. Theodore smiled when he saw the dumbfounded reaction.

“Nothing. I’m just very comfortable thanks to you. Sometimes, I want to find grimoires that don’t have owners and use them.”

“...Are you a fool?” Paragranum shot back with an absurd expression.

“Do you think that there are a lot of grimoires like me who will serve your purpose? In addition, are you going to increase the uncertain variables in a situation where no deviation is allowed? If you mean this sincerely, I need to reconsider my cooperative relationship with you.”

“I’m joking. However, I have to continue the search for grimoires. There is still the last of the Seven Sins.”

“Are you talking about Greed?”

Theodore nodded with a serious expression on his face.

The Seven Sins.

Unlike today, they were a collection of grimoires that recorded destructive deeds from the Age of Mythology when transcendents were overflowing. Due to his efforts, six of the Seven Sins were removed from this world, but the last one hadn’t made its appearance.

It was Greed, ‘Avaritia.’

It was literally an unidentified grimoire with no information about it revealed, from its purpose of existence to its powers.

Paragranum spoke while tapping on the table a few times.

“All I’ve heard about it are a few groundless rumors. Even the heretic grimoire of the same Seven Sins only knows its name. Moreover, there are no records of its activities in any era. To be honest, I doubt its existence.”

Theodore shook his head as if to contradict her.

“Gluttony mentioned its existence.”

“Then it must be somewhere. But why does it matter whether it exists or not? I don’t know why, but it isn’t involved in the history of this world. There is no need to involve yourself in dangerous situations.”


Theodore fell silent at this conversation that seemed to run on parallel lines.

It wasn’t a matter that could be concluded logically.

The very act of searching could provoke anger. There was no basis for this opinion, but there was also no basis for denying it. Therefore, he took a step back without trying to convince Paragranum.

The argument was pointless if they each had different positions.

“Okay, in any case, I am busy. I will put the search for the grimoires on the backburner. How about it?”

“It is a wise judgment.”

It was only after the truce that the atmosphere in the room relaxed.

Theodore tidied up his collar, which had loosened a bit from walking around, and brought up what might be the last topic.

“Speaking of which, my daughter is going to major in magic engineering.”


Again, Paragranum reacted as she was reading the documents.

“Your daughter, Adellia Miller? Isn’t she the genius who reached the 5th circle at the age of 17?”

“She is a child I am proud of.”

“It is surprising. I thought she would be a magician.”

“It is like this...”

For a while, Theodore continued to praise his child even if it might seem ridiculous to anyone else.

However, Paragranum was a bit impressed when she heard why Adellia had decided to become a magic engineer.

“She knows how to look into the future. It is a different talent from looking deeply, but it can be quite useful if she is taught properly.”

Theodore became uneasy for some reason and restrained his words. “Don’t be too harsh.’

“Hey, is that something you can say to me when I am being worked without any holidays?”


Theodore was at a loss for words and groaned. It wasn’t that this wasn’t the case. It was just as she said. He had entrusted Paragranum with the position of director of the institute and had made her work every day for 17 years.

It was an easy move because she was a grimoire, not a human, but he felt a bit guilty when Paragranum pointed it out while looking like a girl.

Theodore worried over it for a few seconds before asking carefully, “If you want to take a few days off, I can do it for you...”

“Hah! Forget it, you fool.”

Paragranum smiled with her youthful face and stuck out her tongue.

“If you feel even a bit sorry for me, go to Elvenheim as soon as possible. Giving a vacation to a grimoire is ridiculous.”

It was a genuine answer that came from her honest thoughts.

Noticing that, Theodore couldn’t help but wonder if he could obtain more grimoires.

A highly efficient, unpaid, and permanently functioning labor force!

Perhaps the writers of the grimoires felt the same way.

* * *

There was a flash of light and Theodore appeared.

He was standing in a place that was called the Miller Barony in the past, but now, it was the Miller family’s mansion.

The artifact Goetia recognized his appearance and spoke.

[Welcome, Master.]

“Yes, I’m back. Nothing much happened, right?”

[Yes. However, Leonardo just came to visit.]

Theodore tugged on his tight tie and was curious.

He had come here without any prior notice. Did something happen? He couldn’t help but frown.

“What? Leo?”

[It was 14 minutes and 6 seconds before now. He said he would wait in the parlor for Master’s return.]

“I’ll have to go there right away.”

Theodore changed his outfit in an instant and left the room.

Leonardo Miller.

He was his only younger brother who left home after his wedding three years ago. The efforts he had been putting in since boyhood had blossomed.

A smile formed on Theodore’s face as he reminisced about that time.

‘It was crazy when Randolph was drunk and pulled out his swords.’

Was it such a shock to let go of his younger sister? Randolph drew his double swords and chased after Leonardo. Leonardo didn’t dare to confront him and could only run away.

In the end, Randolph only stopped after being hit on the head by an angry Rebecca. That was the moment when Marquis Miller’s wife showed her true colors.

Theodore arrived at the door before he knew it and turned the doorknob.

“Brother! You came!”

A young man who wasn’t even 30 yet was in the room. Like him, Leonardo had grown into a dignified, handsome man with black hair and blue eyes. He welcomed his brother with a smile.

Theodore was about to greet his brother, whom he hadn’t seen for a long time, but stopped due to feeling something strange. He slowly examined the person in front of him and soon figured out the reason.

“Leo, what’s wrong with your face?”

One of the handsome man’s eyes was swollen.

It looked like a fist, as if he had been punched by someone.

However, Leonardo just smiled as he explained the reason why.

“Oh, this? I was hit by Big Brother.”


“Yes, it was during a spar.”

Theodore looked puzzled by the words.

Randolph might have a pretty severe sister complex, but he wasn’t the type to hit others for no reason.

The news that Leonardo delivered answered the question.

“The doctor visited a few days ago. Reb is pregnant.”

“Oh! Congratulations, Leo.”

It was auspicious news. His parents, who enjoyed watching their children, would also be very happy.

While scratching the back of his head, Leonardo soon spoke.

“Thank you, Brother. Big Brother hit me once, but he liked it a lot. He is already thinking about names.”

“In any case, it seems he doesn’t change with age.”

Theodore thought about Randolph, who would be smiling despite pretending otherwise. The Miller brothers couldn’t help but laugh.

Leonardo stopped laughing first and got down to business.

“So Brother, I wanted to ask you for one thing.”

“What is it?”

“Can I let Reb stay in this mansion? Big Brother and I often leave the house. I don’t think it is appropriate for her to take care of herself on the estate. There are her two sister-in-laws and your children here.”

His temperament of a devoted husband was second to none. Leonardo’s sincere request since he didn’t want to leave his pregnant wife alone touched Theodore’s heart.

“Of course. I’ll tell the butler to leave a few rooms empty. Bring her to this mansion as soon as you are ready.”

“...Thank you so much, Brother!”

“Can’t I do this much for my younger brother? The children will be on vacation soon, so they can all stay together.”

Even the academies in the capital, which had a high enthusiasm for education, had vacation periods.

It was for exactly one month in the first half and the second half of the year.

It wasn’t a long time, but it was enough to catch their breaths. Adellia and Verus usually returned to the mansion during this period to rest.

Leonardo spoke as he quietly listened to Theodore’s words, “Brother, when are you planning to go this year? It is almost time, right?”

“There isn’t much time left.”

Theodore closed his eyes.

Leonardo’s question wasn’t a big deal.

Up to now, Theodore stayed in Elvenheim for around three months a year. It wasn’t just to lead the ‘Sanctuary transformation’ led by the elemental Dmitra, but also to be with Ellenoa, who was stuck because of it.

A ‘wedge’ was essential to bind the gods to the earth.

Ellenoa was deprived of most of her freedom, but she still accepted without hesitation. She said it was her role because she couldn’t help Theodore in his journey.

‘As expected, I don’t deserve my wives.’

No matter whether it was Veronica, Sylvia, or Ellenoa, he didn’t deserve any of them.

Theodore thought this and soon opened his eyes. He had remembered something he had forgotten.



“There is something you have to do when I go to Elvenheim this year. It isn’t a big deal, but the timing is a bit coincidental.”

Leonardo struck his chest and assured him, “Brother, just say it. I will do everything I can.”

“Haha, it isn’t a big deal with your current abilities. You just have to think of it as a way to relax your body.”

“What is going on?”


Theodore’s lips twitched a few times.


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