Book Eater

Chapter 57: Zero Library Delicacy (3)

Chapter 57: Zero Library Delicacy (3)

“I’m done preparing,” Theo said.

Vince, who was also immersed in reading, glanced up from his book. He was impressed with Theo’s concentration over the last six days. [Battle Song] was notorious for forming and then building on a theoretical base that was drastically different from existing magic systems. The unclear phrases that were littered through it, while proof of the author’s foreign origin did not help one’s comprehension.

But Theo took less than a week to comprehend it… His comprehension is beyond my expectations!

The cover of the book had become even more tattered in the last six days. In a situation where Theo’s comprehension didn’t reach 100%, calling it ‘complete’ might be offensive. However, it would be difficult to understand any more of the book’s contents without the author.

If one were to discount the difference between the author’s and reader’s perspective, the differences in meaning caused by the gap between eras and civilizations, and so forth, Theo’s understanding would be 95%. Vince had already taught Theo everything he knew about Battle Song. In fact, Theo might even have a deeper understanding about some aspects of the spell. However, a theoretical understanding of a spell was not the same as being proficient in it.

Theo was not about to improve Battle Song. If it was that simple, then other 5th Circle magicians would have long since published the improvements. However, he could have Gluttony eat it.

Theo exhaled carefully. “Hooo… Then I shall start.”

This was the third time he was about to experience something like this. The first had been Alfred Bellontes’ [Ballistics Magic], where he had shared Alfred’s experience on the battlefield. He could still vividly remember shooting Magic Bullet across a chaotic battlefield. The second had been Myrdal Herseim’s [Introduction to Elemental Magic]. The legendary elementalist had called Mitra for Theo to make a contract with.

I wonder what will happen this time?

The previous two experiences had been Rare books, but this book was ranked as Treasure. It was likely that an unpredictable phenomenon would occur.

Theo held his left hand above the book. “... Eat.”

- I have been waiting, User!

A tongue emerged from Theo’s left hand and found its prey. Gluttony paused for a moment, as if it was enjoying the taste of [Battle Song] before swallowing it. A book from the Zero Library was about to disappear forever.

[Battle Song has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.]

[The unique spell Battle Song has been acquired.]

[An original book has been consumed. Checking Synchro rate with Lee Yoonsung… It is judged to be at a very suitable level. Lee Yoonsung will interact with the user. Lee Yoonsung has accepted the spiritual connection.]

[Synchro is starting.]

Theo’s ears started ringing as he heard the familiar voice of the guide. As he felt the sense of confusion which came with his consciousness being forcibly separated, Theo collapsed silently onto the bed.

Vince’s worried voice faded as Theo’s consciousness was sucked away into the infinite abyss of knowledge inside Gluttony.



A refreshing breeze ruffled Theo’s hair as he regained consciousness. It wasn’t the dusty, dry wind of the plains. Theo recognized this breeze from his childhood spent playing in an old mountain valley. This was a light mountain breeze that only appeared near a peak.

Theo’s lips moved by themselves. “... How is it? Is this a good wind?”

It was a voice Theo had never heard before. Since he had already entered Alfred’s body, Theo quickly accepted the situation. He had somewhat been anticipating this when he heard the word Synchro. The owner of this body must be the magician and author of [Battle Song], Lee Yoonsung.

By the way, who was he talking to just now?

“You, the person who is in my body right now.”

Theo flinched as the voice seemingly answered him. Whether he believed it or not, the man was standing as he pointed in a certain direction. Theo’s gaze followed that finger to find a large wooden mansion in the distance. The structure was clearly visible from the mountain peak they were standing on.

“I was born into the Fairy Dance Lee family, who protects the Baekun Mountains. If I were born in a western country, it would be similar to being the successor of a family of knights.”

A western country? Is he perhaps… someone from the east?

The voice turned wry. “Yes, it seems like this wasn’t widely known after my death.”

Theodore’s consciousness stirred for a moment. He knew of a place to the southeast of Meltor Kingdom that was only accessible by sea. It was known as a place where aura was more predominant than magic, so magicians were reborn as independent magicians.

How did a person from the east come to Meltor and create his own spell like Battle Song??

“Well, just listen to me,” Lee Yoonsung said with a bitter smile. “I was born with a high status, but unfortunately, my life ended up being rather complicated. I was born without the ability to use aura. As soon as my family found out, I was removed from the family register and exiled to the mountains.”

Lee Yoonsung’s voice was calm as he looked back through the memories of his life. Theo saw memories of a shabby hut that looked like it was on the verge of collapsing and meals left by a loyal servant. Synchro allowed Lee Yoonsung’s memories to flow naturally into Theo.

“That was my destiny, but I couldn’t accept it.”

Fortunately, Lee Yoonsung had been an intelligent boy. After months of preparation, he struck out from the hut and decided to explore magic. He was only fifteen years old, but he crossed the rugged mountain ranges in search of a magic kingdom. There were a few almost deadly experiences, but he managed to cross the continent using jewels he’d stolen from his family.

After several twists and turns, he had arrived at Meltor.

“Fortunately, I met a good teacher. Thanks to him, I was able to start my research in a magic tower and developed a spell based on the secrets of my family that I remembered from my childhood. That became Battle Song, the product of my twenty years of research.”

... That’s amazing.

Theodore truly admired him. Not only had he crossed continents as a teenager, Lee Yoonsung had found his purpose in an unknown country. Despite having no talent, he had pioneered his own fate.

“But the spell wasn’t perfect. Since it was based on my family, I added in unnecessary things in order to assuage my guilt. But before you go, I will try to teach you the complete version of Battle Song.”

Lee Yoonsung moved into a stance. Simultaneously, the circles on his heart started burning. Magic power flowed out like streams of water and filled up the body. As the magic power pulsed with his heartbeat, Theo heard the violent, powerful sound of Battle Song thrumming through his body.

“Since we are called the Fairy Dance clan, my family’s martial art is closer to a dance. Since I was never allowed to use it, I managed to recreate the flow of aura through Battle Song, just for me!”

Lee Yoonsung’s voice rose passionately as the dance transformed from gentle forms to powerful movements.


What a fearsome strength!

Lee Yoonsung’s feet were planted firmly on the ground as a fist lashed out. It was so powerful that Theo felt a shockwave emanate from the air around it.


Lee Yoonsung revealed his martial arts in all its glory. Every move was punctuated with the quaking of the earth and the trembling of the air. Theo had never imagined that a magician could ever display such physical prowess.

This was the pinnacle of a martial art created with magic, from a magician who was born with the heart of a martial artist.

Theo left his admiration aside and focused as much as possible on Lee Yoonsung. He would be a fool if he let this once in a lifetime opportunity pass by. He didn’t know whether Lee Yoonsung was conscious of this or not, but he continued moving without any hesitation.

He spoke again, “Later in life, I returned to my family. I wanted to prove that I wasn’t a worthless person they could ignore.”

He roared like a beast as he rose into the air to deliver a sharp kick with his right foot.


The wind pressure from the kick blew the shabby hut away without a trace. His boiling passion stimulated the magic power running through his body, enhancing Battle Song’s power. Lee Yoonsung started to slow down, moving into slower and gentler forms. Despite his energetic movements, he wasn’t out of breath at all.

“... My father was still alive. I can still remember his distorted face when he told me that I had sold myself for magic. Despite the fact that I was stronger than everyone else in the family...”

His passion faded as Lee Yoonsung’s voice trailed off quietly. Theo could feel a deep sadness in his voice. This was the fragment that had been left behind in his [Battle Song].

“I returned to the Meltor Kingdom and spent the rest of my life there. It was only then that I realized the price I paid abusing my body during the process of creating this spell.”

Creating new spells was always a challenge that had led numerous magicians to their death. A single failure with Battle Song would tear muscles and ruin organs. Lee Yoonsung had been nearly dead by the time he had completed his spell.

He spoke in a voice which sounded lonelier than ever, “I didn’t know I would get a successor in this way, but I don’t intend to ask you for anything. In the end, I’m just a fragment of the foolish Lee Yoonsung. Rather, I would like to thank you.”

Thank me… What does he mean?

“It was a dumb life where I couldn’t leave anything behind. The spell I created wasn’t complete, and my family didn’t acknowledge me. I don’t know how I died, but it wasn’t a satisfying life.”

Lee Yoonsung raised his hands in front of a debris-filled mountain. It was a strange posture where his palm was placed over the fist of his other hand. Theo didn’t know it well, but he recognized it as eastern etiquette called a fist and palm salute. This was Lee Yoonsung’s appreciation for Theodore Miller, who had inherited the result of his foolishness.

At that moment, Lee Yoonsung’s world started to collapse.

“I hope this will help you a little bit in your life, young man.”

There was no time to respond to his gracious words as the world collapsed around them. As always, Gluttony’s uncaring feature expelled Theo’s consciousness. As the image of Lee Yoonsung looking over the Baekun Mountains faded away, Theo’s third Synchro experience came to an end.

[The synchronization with Lee Yoonsung has ended.]

[The Synchro rate is 92.8%, the experience is maintained.]

[The unique spell Battle Song has been restored to its perfect state. Lee Yoonsung’s experience has turned into proficiency for that spell.]

[The suitability between Lee Yoonsung and the user Theodore Miller is quite high. Depending on the user’s body, some of Lee Yoonsung’s skills and abilities will be handed down. As the user’s physical abilities will increase significantly, a long period of sleep is required. Gluttony will also go to sleep.]

[User will sleep for thirty hours and twelve minutes.]

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