Chapter 878 Mark's Might


Explosions of flames fell over Aria. Her multi-headed chimeric body burned, half her body already falling apart into pieces. The single combatant taking her on was a giant made of blazing wood, holding onto an incredibly wide and large blazing sword. His body was covered on an even thicker armor of wood and flames, with the shapes of many animal totems. His chest resembled a fierce and roaring dragon, while his helmet had the shape of a fiery phoenix. He had a pair of giant wooden and blazing wings on his back, and his power and defenses were on another level completely.

Aria, a former Druid, Blighter, and the Apostle of a now forgotten Finish Goddess of Decay and Putrefaction, have never fought such a powerful and overwhelming foe before. Through all her 253 years of life. The only thing she could escribe this entity as was "Demigod of Fire" or "Divine Spirit Totem Guardian" nothing else came into her mind, and even then, his design and power still made little sense. 

"J-Just what are you?!" She roared, sensing immense quantities of spiritual energy and fire coming out of his body. "Nature and Fire Elements coming together… Elements that are complete opposites! And you possess… the flames of a dragon and a phoenix?! What the…?!"


However, Mark didn't let her speak anymore, stepping forwards, his gigantic fist of over four meters smashed one of her heads, blowing it up into pieces. Blood and flesh splattered into the ground and the ceiling; her body covered on even more flames. Aria desperately stepped back while her two other heads opened their jaws. A black cloud of decay and phantasmal blue flames tried to engulf Mark completely.

"I can't even bring back all the power my Avatar has…" Mark thought. "But this shouldn't be a problem!" Mark swung his gigantic blade, imitating the techniques of his Avatar.

Purifying Phoenix Flames engulfed both clouds of deadly energies, making them dissipate rapidly. At the same time, his sword unleashed dozens of slashes, covering Aria's entire body. Whenever she tried to escape the flames, Mark's wings would detach from his body and transform into a Lesser Phoenix Totem, attacking her and pushing her against the walls.

At the same time, the two Druids, who were greatly damaged, supported Mark with their respective magics. Giant boulders of sharp stone erupted from the ground, piercing Aria's body. Meanwhile, feathers of light bombarded her with blinding explosions of light. The Blighter was growing more and more stressed, her Wild Shape transformation growing weaker.

"E-Even when I drank Echidna's Blood… Y-You bastards!" Aria coughed blood, her entire body slowly turning into a cloud of shadows.


As the old Druid was about to give up, a blazing explosion of spiritual phoenix flames surged from within her surroundings and those of Jose. The columns of fire spread out, without burning anything other than the Treants, who hissed and cried as they were forced to step back. The two druids noticed Mark, who had been swarmed by over five Treants conjuring a special ability coming from his clothes, combined with his magic.

"[Blazing Phoenix's Spirit Fortress]"

A fortress of flames surged, protecting them while burning anybody that dared to step in. The druids felt tired with the intensity of the heat, but they were being protected. The flames burned their bodies sometimes, but instead of hurting them, it healed their wounds and stamina every second.

"H-He truly wields the flames of a phoenix…!" Jose muttered, back to his old human form.

"He must also be similar to her, a God…!" Janny said with eyes wide open.


With a mighty roar, Mark swung his sword. Mighty slashes of flames constantly bathed the monsters. Their bodies unable to resist the barrage of slashing blows. Explosions of flames in the form of phoenixes or dragon heads engulfed them, pushing them back over and over again. Aria was already gasping for air, finally beginning to run out of Mana as she was constantly summoning more of her Familiars.

"YOUUU…!" Aria groaned in frustration. "If only you've not showed up, I would have-"

"You would have what?"

Mark's sword descended towards Aria's forest of decayed trees faster than she could say another word, burning everything into ashes.



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