
Crimson flames covered her view. The forest was burning, dying, and agonizing. Forces of darkness, Blighters from the far south, arrived when they least expected it. The damned sorcerers of evil, the traitorous druids observed them silently, for many years. And when they finally found the moment, they struck. Flames covered the forest. Their power rising as they killed a powerful Nature Soul, taking away her life with each tree that was burned.

"No… How did this happen?! NO!"

Janny cried, the druids screamed and ran away, the flames spreading everywhere. Not only threatening to consume the forest, but all of them as well. The wicked laughter of the Blighters echoed behind them, they were slowly moving towards them, evading the fire and hiding inside of shadows, like ghosts.

"Run, run away as far as you can… Run… my children…"

"No, MOTHER! I can't leave you behind! No, NOOOO!!!"

As Janny screamed in anger and horror, Jose grabbed her with the rest of the younglings, dragging her away against her will. Her tears flowing from her eyes, drying due to the heat of the forest burning. They were powerless to change everything. The Blighters employed their malefic magic, burning each tree faster than the water-wielding druids could protect.

"Please, everyone… You must… live…"

As the voice of the forest became fainter and weaker, the druids ran, and ran, and ran… Just like before. Just like when it all began. Her land, everything she built was taken away from her, and once more, she had nothing.

"Aria… where's Aria?!" Janny noticed that she was nowhere to be seen.

Enlightened by her divinity, Jose had changed. He was more hopeful, he wanted to meet her. At the end, although he seemed similar to her, Jose had not lost all hope. And the old man, whom she had always loved, tried to give her hope too.

Although she didn't want to believe such things, she ended coming along. The entire family slowly arrived at the city where their goddess lived. They hated the city, the people in there, and the giant skyscrapers, buildings, cars, and pollution.

However, once she stepped into her Domain. Everything changed. Everything. She felt like she had once more stepped into the beautiful domain of the Voice of the Forest. That she was alive somehow, right here, right now.

Tears streamed from her eyes, as Janny felt the beauty of nature, the warm spiritual energy, and the love and emotions carried by the domain entirely. The love of a mother, the love of someone that would protect her children, and her family, no matter the cost.

Such a strong emotional aspect covered the entire domain, making it incredibly similar to the Voice of the Forest back in Finland. Since then, hope slowly grew back inside of her heart, blossoming, as she mediated and communed with nature.

However, she never thought she would be fighting demons and protecting the city and the people she hated. The ones that only brought pollution and destruction to nature, she was protecting them, just like the Voice of the Forest once asked her for.

"All that strength you have, it has a purpose, my dear child. You don't simply carry it without holding a responsibility now. You must use it to protect the innocent, not just nature."

"Please, be well… And always remember that I love you, my daughter."


The giant white owl cried as her power shone the brightest. All the power she amassed; she released it now. Over two hundred years' worth of magic power, worth of runes, worth of spiritual essence.

"I won't let the same tragedy repeat itself… I have the power now, and I will use it as mother told me to. I will protect this city… this people!"



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