Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

Chapter 402 - Chapter 402: Chapter 386: A… Gangster in the Casino?!

Chapter 402: Chapter 386: A… Gangster in the Casino?!

Translator: 549690339

The casino was in complete chaos.

Luckily, Camille Victoria’s team had a clear objective. Regardless of their initial locations, everyone rushed to the gambling tables to fight over the chips with Super Tomato.

What was troublesome was that the staff rushed in too.

Ordinary gamblers could handle their chips however they wished without anyone interfering, but just moments ago, they were pointed out for cheating. This led to all the casino employees rushing over to intervene.

Especially those inspectors within the casino, who were dashing in furiously.

But the problem was, no one in the casino had a gun.

When everyone was empty-handed, these actions from the employees, to the players who spent their everyday lives amidst gunfire, posed no real threat.

Even when inspectors started wielding short sticks, it didn’t scare anyone.

Some of the inspectors couldn’t even make it anywhere close.

A few passing players noticed the short sticks in the inspectors’ hands. Their eyes lit up instantly and they grabbed a stick without a second thought.

The inspector was completely stunned, his face filled with confusion.

“What are you staring at?” said the player, holding the short stick, to the inspector in front.

The inspector reached for the stick, intending to retrieve it.

He ended up getting hit on the head by the player and fell to the ground unconscious.

“Dream on about taking my weapon!”

That player held onto his stick, looking around. He noticed that the gambling tables around him were only scattered with small chips, while there was an NPC holding a bag of chips. Without a second thought, he approached it intending to canoodle.

That player’s actions were a perfect representation of the player group in the casino hall at that moment.

As soon as the players made “aggressive” moves, they would naturally attract the casino staff’s attention. Unfortunately, all the security guards had rushed to the gate, so these ordinary staff members couldn’t stop them.

On the other hand, the players’ escalating chaos significantly relieved the pressure on Camille Victoria’s team. They successfully regrouped and snatched back their chips from the hands of three waiters and a companion gambler—over six million!

However, after getting the chips, one team member looked around and suddenly said, “I don’t need these chips. I’m going to stir up some trouble and cover your retreat!”

Hearing this, everyone was surprised, but seeing his eager expression, they instantly understood his thought—

The operation was over anyway. Compared to splitting up the chips to make money, stirring up some trouble seemed more interesting!

Also, the entire hall was filled with chips—though most were in other gamblers’ hands, they were just temporarily holding them for the players!

After he spoke, a few others were tempted and expressed that it would be inhuman not to seize such a golden opportunity.

But some felt that it was enough to hold onto the chips and they needed to retreat quickly.

The sounds of gunshots and screams were getting closer.

“We’ll split up! Money will be divided equally.” Camille Victoria decisively spoke, “Those who want to stir up trouble, go ahead! Make as much of a commotion as possible; consider it as covering for us! Those who want to retreat, go back to the hotel, the room I booked still has one day left.”

The team immediately dispersed, six of them joining the troublemaking camp.

One of the girls was particularly fierce. She broke the fire cabinet glass with her elbow, grabbed the fire extinguisher, and jumped onto the gaming table.

She didn’t care if the ones in front of her were players or NPCs; she just started spraying wildly!

NPCs screamed in horror while players cursed angrily!

Camille Victoria and the rest quickly retreated.

The best choice would of course be to slip out through the back door, but the casino was too big and they weren’t familiar with it. They didn’t know where the back door was and decided to leave first.

Regrettably, both the elevator and stairs were blocked by the crowded mob.

“What’s going on? Why are they all crowded here?”

Outside the crowd at the stair entrance, Shuihua leaned on Camille Victoria’s shoulder, hopping to get a clear view of what was happening in front.

Camille Victoria simply picked up Shuihua by her legs and lifted her up.

Shuihua quickly steadied herself by holding onto Camille Victoria’s head, then looked at the front of the crowd.

“Not good, someone’s blocking the front and not letting us past!”

Super Tomato exclaimed, “Goodness, are they stealing from the casino, or is there an inside job?”

“Is it the players or the NPCs blocking us?” Camille Victoria asked instinctively.

“It’s the players!” Shuihua had already seen their IDs—[Ten Thousand], [Twenty Thousand], [Thirty Thousand].

“We can’t wait!” Camille Victoria exclaimed, forcing her way through the crowd.

She didn’t believe that the robbing players would be kind enough to only rob the casino and NPCs and not the other players. There was no such logic.

Money on a player’s personal panel couldn’t be robbed, but chips were different!

From “Assassins’ Alliance” to “Speed Chase”, Cloud Dream had always been stingy about giving players an in-game backpack.

Only virtual currency could be converted between the panel number and physical currency, and this money must belong to the player.

The chips in the bag were obviously not permissible, they had to be converted into money first.

But the casino’s chip exchange center would undoubtedly be the robbers’ main target.

Not to mention that they had been caught cheating and had to wait a day before they could exchange the chips into money—this was something that had been tested during the beta.

However, due to the crowded conditions, Camille Victoria and her team couldn’t get to the front and the robbers had already stormed into the hall!

Moreover, after the two three-man groups entered the hall, their objectives were very clear—

They shot towards the direction of the elevator and stair entrance, then ran through the crowd to block the road.

The main force killed or suppressed the security, showing off by striding into the casino.

All of them had their faces covered.

Some had masks and sunglasses, some had hoodies and face shields, while some simply had red scarves. There were even three people who put stockings over their heads, looking like terrorists, embodying the spirit of doing whatever they pleased.

The boss in the center, whose ID was [One Cake], shot a round into the golden, shimmering ceiling, causing the NPCs to shriek.

The players watched this scene curiously without any fear.

Then, the [One Cake] boss coughed twice, and loudly said, “Robbery!”

“We’re robbing the rich! For the poor, robbery with intent to rape! For the poor and ugly—”

“Though as boisterous as ever, he suddenly hesitated, his voice changing to a polite tone: “I’m sorry for being both broke and ugly, my apologies for taking up a bit of your time. It will be over soon…”

The world was cruel enough to the ugly and destitute. When you encounter them, be as gentle as possible, given the circumstances.

As soon as he finished speaking, the [Two Cake] behind him sarcastically remarked, “What’s the rush?”

The players in the hall burst into laughter on the spot.

Identifying NPCs and players were easy now. You don’t have to wait for their ID to pop-up anymore; those crouching and holding their heads are all NPCs, and existing are all players.

These robbers didn’t mind the laughter of other players. The leading [One Cake] laughed and said, “Sorry, guys! Hand over your chips too!”

“Why don’t you just rob their cash!” a passerby player suggested, “Is it worth robbing these small potatoes here?”

“Sorry, but we rarely get to rob, so we need to experience the full process. No one escapes, cough up the money!”

The gang advanced, regardless of whether the target was an NPC or a player, they started confiscating their money and chips.

Among the players, some carefree individuals handed over their chips nonchalantly, even encouraging them, “What a good idea, brother, well done!”

However, there were also some who reluctantly tossed their chips and glanced at the robbers’ IDs, planning their future revenge.

But these displayed IDs were not reliable, more like a temporary nickname that players could change at any time.

Only by obtaining the player’s Cloud Dream account could they be added as a friend or be used to identify someone precisely.

Otherwise, there would be no need for these people to mask their faces for robbery.

Especially this group, either it’s [One Cake], [Two Cake], or [Five Bars], or [Six Bars]. They looked like a set of mahjong ready for play. All seemed to be just made up names for causing trouble.

They would rob the casino, divide the money, disband immediately, remove masks, change names, and vanish in an instant.

After handing over the chips, the players didn’t intend to leave.

Even Camille Victoria and her team stayed after their chips were taken. They decided not to leave, but quite the opposite, they returned to the lobby to watch the excitement.

And they did witness the hot stuff

The robbers scrutinized the gamblers with chips in their hands and robbed them one after another.

But as [Six Ten Thousand] passed a gambler with empty hands, the gambler suddenly lunged, swiftly seizing the robber’s gun. He aggressively pointed the gun at [Six Ten Thousand] threateningly, “Drop the weapon! Or he will die!”

Silence fell in the hall for a moment, and the next moment people broke out laughing.

Even the robbers laughed: “Go ahead and rob now.”

“Yes, yes! Shoot quickly; we will have one less person sharing the money.”

The undercover casino security personnel gritted his teeth, lowered the muzzle, and shot [Six Ten Thousand] in his calf——


“Did you see that? I’m not kidding! Drop your firearms!”

But the robbers remained indifferent; even the robbed players also joined the commotion: “Aim for the head, uncle! What’s the point of shooting in the leg?”

Even [Six Ten Thousand] with a gun pointed at him exhaled, turning around, and saying, “Uncle, why don’t you give me back my gun? We can pretend this never happened.”

He was serious, feeling no need for reprisal.

“???” The security personnel with a look full of doubt. After some hesitation, he stubbornly yelled, “Action!”

The next moment, six security personnel disguised as gamblers rushed out of the crowd!

“Bang Bang Bang”

Both robbers and security personnel started firing!

But after a moment, the gunshots stopped again.

Four security personnel disguised as gamblers were shot and fell to the ground, but their injuries were not in vain——the leading robber, [One Cake], was held at gunpoint!

And somewhat amusingly: [Six Ten Thousand], who was previously held hostage by security, was shot three times and fell to the ground together with the security guard behind him.

The security personnel holding [One Cake’s] head with the gun confidently said, “Now what? I say it again, all of you drop your firearms! Or your boss here is dead!”

The hall fell silent again for a moment, and then a louder laughter broke out——

“Hahaha, hurry up! Kill him! If you kill him, we’ll have one less person sharing the money!”

“What a waste, being held at gunpoint so easily?”

“We thought you guys were professionals at first, and it turned out to be this?”

Standing in the center of attention, the robber leader [One Cake] was very embarrassed, turning his head and negotiating, “How about you give me back my gun, and I let you go?”

The security personnel felt something was wrong!

He wanted to ask the captain, but the captain was already down…

The situation was a bit stalemate for a moment.

Just then, another group of masked robbers rushed into the hall. The leading three were [One Bar], [Two Bar], and [Three Bar].

“What’s going on here?” [One Bar] inquired after looking at the situation in the hall.

“Drop your weapon!” The security guard prodded [One Cake]’s head with the gun.

“Bang Bang Bang!” [One Bar] didn’t waste any words and started firing immediately!

[One Cake] and the security guard were simultaneously shot dead.

“We’ve got the money, let’s get out of here!”

[One Bar] led his team to leave quickly.

All the robbers followed suit.

The audiences in Camille Victoria and Super Tomato’s live streaming rooms watched the whole robbery. The comments rolling in stated:

“Forget about card counting and card cheating, those are old news!”

“If you really want to get rich, you have to rely on the gun in your hand!”

“Why gamble when you can steal money faster!”


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