Chapter 16: Sect Intake

I walked along with other people towards the sect intake point at the base of their mountain and received several looks for my small size and childlike appearance, but no one said anything. I had a pack of my personal items on my back.

It was a long hike to the sect, but prospective cultivators were not allowed to take a carriage. They had to walk the distance from Half Moon City. I probably didnt have to do it, but I didnt want to cause trouble and act like a spoiled brat.

Better to be polite and humble. I would tell off bullies, but I wanted to avoid drama. I was probably going to fail at that, but it was the hope.

It would take five to six days of hiking to reach the sect. At least all the motes boosted my physical ability. I had packed a lot into my pack. Diagrams, clothing, models, extra pills, and the spirit stones. I had the spatial ring gifted to me from Master Yi Rong on a chain around my neck. My inner disciple sect badge was in an interior pocket within my robes.

A bit young, huh? A man asked me. We had been walking side by side for a while and he seemed content to match my pace.

Just a little, but I have completed the Qi Gathering stage, so I am headed to the sect, I replied.

A pill pumper? he asked.

Using pills for my cultivation? I asked.

Yeah, that is what they are called. Just chugging them down and not putting in the work.

I used some pills, but over two-thirds of my cultivation I did without them, I replied.

Huh, well, you really hustled then. Had to do it all myself. Names Gen, he said.

Yuan Zhou, I replied with a nod towards the man.

A family name. Heard they are bigshots in Half Moon City, Gen said.

My father and first brother are in charge of the family, but I seek my own path, I replied.

I get it. I hunted like a madman. Got a level 3 beast. Almost died, but got the funds I needed to really work on my cultivation, he replied.

Impressive. A level 3 beast is something even a cultivator would struggle with.

I was lucky. It was already wounded and fell into a pit trap I had set. But that was just the Heavens telling me to go be a cultivator, Gen said with a grin.

I always wanted to be a cultivator since I first heard about them. Thankfully, I had some talent to progress.

Going the full hundred twenty? Smart. Some people half ass it, but if you do something, you gotta do it right. If immortality was easy, then any idiot would become a cultivator, Gen replied.

I went a bit more than that, but am mostly happy with where I am at.

A bit more? What are you ten? No, that is too young. Twelve?

Eighteen, I replied, and Gen stopped walking. I turned to look at the shock on his face.

How? He waved a hand at me, and I sighed.

I started cultivating when I was really young. It impacted my growth, unfortunately or fortunately. Shelves are my arch nemesis.

Hahaha, that is good. Shelves. I will have to remember that one. A cultivator defeated by a shelf. Now I have truly heard of everything, Gen replied. He started walking again, and we continued up the road.

You grow up hunting beasts? I asked.

Yes, I am a fourth generation. Great grandfather supposedly killed a level 4 beast, but that is just a legend. If he killed it, we would be rich. But I was tagging along watching the pit trap when the level 3 beast just stumbled right into it after another level 1 beast was already inside.

Well, it was the luckiest moment of my life. I sold that spirit stone and became a cultivator. What about you? What was life like in the Yuan family?

Pleasant, mostly. My mother is very dramatic, which is kind of funny. Always sighing and raising her hand to her head. But mostly it has been coming up with business ideas, cultivating, or figuring out the best way to cultivate, I replied.

You really are focused on cultivation. I cant wait to see the sect, he replied.

It is nice, I responded.

Youve been there? he asked.

Twice. Master Yi Rong took me there while he was still alive. Just get ready for the stairs. I swear those things go on forever, I muttered.

You had a master? What was he like? Gen asked.

Old. Very old and tired. He would always call me foolish for my choices, but he supported me and believed I would succeed where he failed. Hopefully, my cultivation goes well, but it is going to be tricky, and he could offer little advice. I would say that he was amused more than anything about my energy, I answered.

We continued to chat lightly. Gen didnt dig into my cultivation, which was considered very rude. We spent five days walking together from sunup to sundown. We passed by other people who stopped early or got up late, and we both just shook our heads at these people.

We reached the sect early in the morning on the sixth day. We had another two days until the intake officially happened, but there were buildings and food provided for people to stay and rest in starting from today.

They were communal bunkhouses, and we picked some beds out of the way next to each other. There was a single disciple waiting who told people where things were and said the elders would handle all questions. There was nothing to do now but wait. I was looking at the stupid wooden triangle in my hands, trying to figure out a way to drill such a hole. It was really bothering me that I hadnt figured this out yet.

What is that? Gen asked me. I was too tired, and it was too dark to think about things like this while on the road. I handed the wooden triangle over to him.

A model to help me visualize. The outer edge lifts off. I am trying to figure out how one can drill a triangular hole, I replied.

You cant, or at least I dont think you can. Can you? Gen asked while looking at the wooden triangle.

It should be possible. I am sure of it. But I just cant figure out the solution. Gen handed the wooden triangle back to me.

What are you trying to figure it out for?

The third stage, channel clearing.

Oh, what are the other stages? he asked.

After Qi Gathering, there is Foundation Establishment where you align your motes of Qi. Then Meridian Attunement where you make your meridians, channels, and Dantian or core. Then Core Formation, where you fill your core, I replied.

Thanks, people talk about it, but sometimes they dont know what they are saying. There was a lot of fake news out there. I let out a sigh and put the wooden triangle away. I wasnt getting anywhere, and it was pissing me off.

The bunkhouse slowly filled up the rest of the day and the following day. On the third day, everyone was called outside and told to bring their packs. I went outside with Gen. I saw three elders, but I only recognized Elder Li Fu.

Welcome prospective disciples. I am Elder Li Fu. These are the elders, Yi Meifeng. He nodded his head at the stern-looking woman next to him. And Elder Ping. He nodded to the plump man on his other side.

We will evaluate your mote count, background, and temperament. There were about 57 people who had shown up. If we approve of you, then you will climb the stairs to the sect and we will assign a disciple to guide you. Form an orderly line starting back there and approach one at a time.

I let Gen go in front of me, and we were near the front of the line. People went up one by one. I couldnt hear what was being said. After a five-minute talk with the elders, they were sent up the stairs or left dejected. Most people were accepted. The requirements were fairly clear on what needed to be done to join the Cloudy Moon Sect.

Gen went up to the elders when it was his turn and was then told to go up the stairs. I pulled out my inner disciple badge I had received long ago and went up to the elders when it was my turn.

I bowed to each of them deeply. Inner Disciple Yuan Zhou, greets Elder Li Fu, Elder Yi Meifeng, Elder Ping. I held up my badge in my hands.

Oh, so you have come. I was wondering when you would show up, Elder Li Fu said.

So, this is the child, Elder Yi Meifeng said, while staring intently at me.

Hmm? Who is he? Elder Ping asked.

The personal disciple of member Yi Rong. A genius who has chosen the path of defiance. How absurd. What is your mote count and age disciple?

1,317,282 motes, age 18 elder, I replied.

Oh, how hilarious! Elder Ping said with a chuckle. I am glad I came down just to see this. If he makes it to Meridian Attunement, he will be lucky. He will be dead of old age before I complete another pillar.

Path of defiance, indeed. Tell me, disciple, how many motes were purchased for you? Elder Yi Meifeng asked.

I have purchased about a third of my motes with money I have earned myself, Elder Yi Meifeng, I replied.

About 450,000, which would be over 200,000 tael if I am not mistaken. How could you afford such a thing on your own? she asked.

I started many successful businesses in Half Moon City from a young age. This has allowed me to gather quite a bit of wealth under my name, Elder Yi Meifeng.

Family businesses?

No. They only gave me twelve tael to start with by my father, which I repaid. Everything else I earned myself. The rocking chairs are one of my inventions, Elder Yi Meifeng, I replied respectfully.

How audacious, how wonderful. I enjoyed one of those rocking chairs. Perfect during a decade of cultivation when you want to move, but dont want to get distracted, Elder Ping said with a smile. Since he is already accepted, I have no objection since this is hilarious.

To see my descendent name you his personal disciple, I dont know if I should be impressed or upset with Yi Rong. He always had a rebellious streak. I assume they inspected him if he has that badge? Elder Yi Meifeng asked.

Indeed. He spent time in the soul reflecting chamber. He is not a demon or beast in disguise. Just a foolish genius who grasps beyond his reach, Li Fu said.

Then I have no objection, even if he will never reach the fifth stage, she replied.

Oh, a small wager then Yi Meifeng. I say his path ends at the third stage, you say the fourth. I would put up one drop of crystal dew. Her head snapped in Pings direction so fast I didnt even see it move.

That is a dear treasure. You would gamble on it? Yi Meifeng asked.

Indeed. I wont even interfere with him. But you know me. I always love a good bet, Elder Ping said.

No interference, and I wont go out of my way to help him, either. I will wager my Jade Pin of Absolute Striking, Yi Meifeng replied.

You are the witness, Li Ru, unless you want to get in on the action? Ping asked. I kept my mouth shut.

I do not wager on disciples. It is too troublesome. I would not take a loss well, Elder Li Ru said. Now off you go now, disciple. Show your badge at the top and inform the person assigned to you that you are being appointed as a new inner sect disciple.

Thank you, elders, I replied with a bow and went to the stairs. I hated these stairs, and my legs were still short. Then again, I also didnt have the pack the last two times. Regardless, I started climbing.

It wasnt that bad, thankfully, since my cultivation had strengthened my body. I slowly climbed up and could see Gen ahead of me. I didnt look back down and tried to match my pace to him. He was really going quickly up the stairs.

We finally made it to the top just past mid-day. A woman in the robes of the Cloudy Moon Sect approached me. I am outer disciple Wu Changying, she said sternly.

Inner disciple Yuan Zhou. Elder Li Ru said I should show you my badge and inform you they have appointed me as a new inner sect disciple, I replied and held up my badge.

Junior greets senior, Wu Changying said and bowed her head.

Thank you. I would ask that you explain things to me, since the two times I was here before, I didnt have a chance to look around, I replied. She straightened up.

Of course, senior. Do you wish me to take your pack? she asked.

I am fine, thank you, I said, and she nodded.

Very well. If you wish me to take it, just let me know. In the Cloudy Moon Sect there are four ranks of disciples. Outer, inner, core, and sect disciples. You can tell ones rank by the number of clouds on the robe. I have one cloud, so I am an outer disciple.

One should always greet their senior disciples with a bow and the phrase junior greets senior. Above disciples are members and then elders. You should always bow and greet them politely by name if possible. Member robes have the full sect symbol on them. Elders wear whatever they want to. ƒrēewebnoѵёl.cσm

I nodded at this as we made our way towards the buildings. She explained the outer disciples slept in dormitory buildings around the outside of the plateau. Then there were the private rooms for inner disciples in the next set of buildings.

After that came various sect buildings, the library I was already familiar with. Wu Changying pointed out the other buildings as we made our way around the sect. After them were the houses of the elders and core disciples and then the Sect Leaders home and the second library.

This is the administrative hall. We will assign you tasks from here, she said, and we entered. I noted a lot of other applicants being led around. I followed her to the front of the line. Inner disciple, she told the sect disciple at the front of the line, who nodded. I got a lot of stares.

Next, the man at the single counter said.

Inner disciple package, your badge please senior, Wu Changying said, and I placed it on the counter I could barely see over. The sect disciple picked it up, nodded, and then handed it back to me.

You have 20 sect points on your badge. You are being assigned to room 320. Do you know the location?

Yes, Wu Changying said as I took back my badge. I followed her out of the administration hall. We made our way to one of the inner disciple buildings.

This is building three, you are being assigned room twenty. She led me into the building and to a door. Use your sect badge to gain entrance. Do not bother the people in the other rooms. I nodded at this and held up my badge to a plate next to the door.

It opened. That was impressive, just like a key card. I followed Wu Changying inside. You have a bed and a bathroom to yourself. You can leave your pack here. We will go collect your robes. I left my pack in my room and took my sect badge with me as we made our way to the supply hall.

We have packages pre-made for outer sect disciples at the administration hall since they need to get assigned sect badges. Since you are an inner sect disciple, we have to go to the supply hall. Anything you need or desire, you can request here.

Mortal goods are free. The dining hall is free. Any custom requests or cultivation resources will cost you sect points. Once we get your stuff, I will explain that, Wu Changying and I nodded. We went up to the clerk.

One set of inner disciple robes and a sect guide, Wu Changying told the clerk. The clerk nodded and gave me a look and then soon returned with five sets of folded robes along with a manual. Wu Changying picked it all up, and we went back to my room. She waited outside while I changed. They were loose, but it wasnt bad.

Once I was changed into sect clothing, she took me to the dining hall. The dining hall is open at all times if you desire a snack. Meals are only at dawn, mid-day, and dusk. If you miss these times, then that is on you. The exception is today, when they have food available all day during intake, Wu Changying explained.

We got some rice and strips of meat and sat down at a table to eat. I noticed many other people were sitting down. There is no assigned seating. But there are always empty tables. If there arent, just be polite and ask if you can sit down.

Thank you for explaining Wu Changying, I told her.

I am getting a sect point. Which is what we should discuss next. You earn a sect point for completing a task for an entire day. From cleaning, laundry, maintaining the sect, cooking, and other tasks. The outer disciples get cleaning related tasks. Inner disciples can take up clerk duties. Core disciples check that tasks are completed.

The most important thing to remember is if they assigned you a task to do it and be attentive. If you take up a clerk role, you cannot be reading or doing something else. If you are and a core disciple checks in on you and sees this, you will not get your sect point for the day.

What if there is no one to check on me? I asked.

It does not matter. There has been confusion and abuse by the core disciples in the past, so they made this rule very strict and very clear. I nodded at this.

What about tasks that have a set completion time? I asked and Wu Changying shook her head.

The workload is quite high. Clerk duty lasts for a day, but with laundry or trimming the lawn, you can work into the night. The cooks are a good example. They have to start before dawn and finish when it is dark. Once you are done eating, we will go to the assignment hall.

What about going out after beasts? I asked.

There are tasks that can take you outside the sect and missions, but we mostly reserved them for members. I nodded at this. Once we were done eating, she took me to the assignment hall.

This is a new inner disciple, Yuan Zhou. This is inner disciple Fan who handles assignments, Wu Changying introduced me to an older man who was quite fat.

Ah, good to see you, young Wu Changying. So, a new inner disciple right off the bat. They get younger every year. I am Fan, and if there are any issues with your assignment, come see me. Just dont oversleep. I cant help you if you do that, he chuckled.

Thank you Fan. I will remember your kind words, I said with a bow.

Polite, good quality to have. So, you want a job. Hmm, no clerk openings. Those get snatched up right away. With your stature cleaning would be a headache. Who is your master? he asked me.

Master Yi Rong named me as his personal disciple before he passed. He was a descendant of elder Yi Meifeng. I added the last part to make me seem more important and it worked. No lie, just pointing out my connections. He would not bother an elder about something so trivial just to confirm things.

Oh, of course. I will make sure you get something decent. I have step sweeping, robe mending, and carrying supplies up the mountain, Fan said.

Any advice? I asked Wu Changying.

The step sweeping is a great honor and a simple task. They rarely inspect you. Just make two passes up and down the mountain each day and it is fine.

Step sweeping please, I said and bowed my head slightly towards Fan.

Excellent. You will need to get a broom and a scraper from the supply hall. Every day you need to go up and down the sect stairs cleaning off any debris. If there is any mud, you must scrape it off and only rock is left. If there is damage, report it to me and someone will be assigned to fix it with a technique. One day on, one day off should work.

That means I do the task one day and dont the next? I asked.

Indeed. Did you explain the fees? Fan asked Wu Changying, who gave a negative answer. In one year, you must submit 100 sect points. If you cannot do so, we will expel you from the sect with your cultivation crippled.

Dont leave this to the last moment. You can only earn one sect point a day. Some people like to front load or back load their tasks. I do not recommend this. Spread them out. You will start five days from now once the orientation period is over. If you change your schedule or cant work, let me know.

Thank you Fan, I replied.

No problem, Yuan Zhou. Work hard and cultivate well. We left the assignment hall and went back to the supply hall to pick up what I needed for work. It was getting dark and Wu Changying said she would pick me up first thing in the morning.

The sect rule book was pretty simple. Dont cause trouble, pay your sect points, and cultivate.

I got some sleep, and the next day she was waiting outside my door. We went to get breakfast together. All new disciples are required to attend the first five daily lectures. There is one daily by a member or elder in the lecture hall.

After that you can attend as you wish except for a lecture by the Sect Leader. If he gives a lecture, we strongly encourage people to attend. There is a schedule that is posted for the next three months at the lecture hall. Member names are in black, elder names are in blue, and the sect leaders name will be written in gold for the day they are scheduled.

We have shown you the library. Your primary purpose is to cultivate. Never forget that. After one-year, we evaluate new disciples just before the intake. A lucky few are picked as inner or possibly core disciples.

Is there a progress requirement? I asked.

No. The sect expects you to progress on your own. That is why you are here, after all. I nodded at this. The evaluation is more to check if there are any issues.

I just asked since I was planning to research my cultivation layout for the next two years, I replied. Wu Changying gave me a look.

That is up to you and there is no problem doing that. But that is quite a long period of time to be working on your layout.

Ah, mine is quite complicated. So, I need to check things carefully, I replied.

If you say so. But time is the enemy of all cultivators, she replied, and I nodded at this. After breakfast, she escorted me to the lecture hall and sat down with me. They assigned her to me for the first five full days in the sect to make sure I settled in. After that, I would be on my own.

Elder Li Fu did the lecture for the first day. I sat near the front of the lecture hall with Wu Changying. It reminded me of a large college lecture room. Welcome, new disciples. I am Elder Li Fu of the Cloudy Moon Sect. Everyone sat quietly and respectfully, paying close attention. The elder nodded slowly.

Cultivation is a journey of self. We give you the knowledge, tools, and resources, but you must strive for immortality yourself. You have all met the basics of Qi Gathering. I will explain the following stages so there are no misunderstandings.

Elder Li Fu covered what I already knew. I paid attention just in case something new came up. Then he began talking about the fifth stage. The fifth stage is the Nascent Soul stage. You must detonate your core to clear the space of your astral soul and form a true soul.

Many fail in such an attempt. But the stronger true soul you can form, the better off you will be for the later stages. This is directly related to core size and density, which is decided by the number of channels you have, which is decided by the layout of the Qi motes you have taken in.

Each stage of cultivation builds off the previous one. If you wish to remain in Qi Gathering, I strongly warn you against that. Time is the enemy of all cultivators. If you wish to grasp immortality, you cannot be slow or stagnate.

I encourage all of you to attend the daily lectures to listen to the wisdom of your seniors and elders. In addition, you may pay ten sect points for a consultation with a member or a hundred sect points for a consultation with me.

I have consulted hundreds of disciples across the years. Even the most outlandish cultivation plan could use advice. I saw his eyes dart towards me. Hint received. I needed to save up to talk to this old man. Cultivate well and may the heavens favor you, Elder Li Fu finished.

Everyone stood up, and I copied them and bowed as he left.

Thank you, Elder Li Fu! Everyone in the lecture hall said. I made my way out with Wu Changying and we went to the gathering hall. There were board games, couches, rocking chairs, and wooden puzzles. It was a place to come talk and relax for cultivators as a group. She explained that after the lectures, people would often come here to chat for a bit and exchange ideas.

What about martial techniques? I asked.

Those are for members. You won't need techniques or a fighting style until then. That knowledge is contained in the second library, Wu Changying explained. There is a martial hall, but it is members only.

We took a seat at a table. I saw a familiar face. Gen, I said, and he looked over.

Junior greets senior Yuan Zhou, he replied with a bow. His guide copied him.

Please, both of you sit, I said with a smile, and he nodded.

Thank you. I am outer disciple Wen Xue, Gens guide replied. Wu Changying introduced herself as well.

Inner disciple Yuan Zhou. I traveled here with Gen. Settling in, okay? I asked him.

It is fine. Everyone is quite focused. I just hope I do well, he said, nervously.

It is good to be nervous, as cultivation is difficult. I am still aligning my motes and hope to finish in the next decade, Wen Xue replied.

Just wait until you get to Meridian Attunement. It slows down considerably, Wu Changying said with a slight sigh. That meant she was a granny! She didnt look old, but that was cultivation, maintaining her age. I felt any desire for her shrivel up and die a quick death at that.

Well, Elder Ping predicted I would die before finishing the third stage. But Elder Yi Meifeng thought I might make it to the fourth before getting no further, I said with a chuckle. They all gave me looks.

Anyone can make it to the fourth stage if they focus enough. You are quite young, so unless you are a pill pusher with no focus, I cannot see how that would be the case? Wen Xue said.

My foundation is quite large, so there is a lot of work to do for the later stages, I said with a smile.

Senior, forgive me. But, I cannot help but wonder. What kind of cultivation are you planning and have prepared? Wen Xue asked. It was a rude question, but getting feedback was important.

Well, let me show you my cultivation diagrams, I said and got up.

Diagrams?! Wen Xue whispered loudly in shock. They followed me to my room. I had a desk and a chair. I began pulling out sheet after sheet. They looked at everything with disbelief as I laid everything out.

I know it is a bit much, but I figured a quad core with a secondary false core was the best option. The trickiest part was the channel layout, but I seemed to have worked it out, I said.

What madness is this? Wen Xue muttered as he looked through my papers. Even Wu Changying had a bit of shock on her stern face as she realized what I had done. I then pulled out my wood models from my pack and set them on the desk.

What I am thinking about now is if the cores could use a valve structure, but that would impede the use of techniques that draw on energy. Perhaps half the channels would have valves. I was also looking for a better meridian structure than the hexagon, but it aligns well with the channels, so I still need to work that out.

Gen was lost, but the other looked at me like I was some sort of alien hiding in the form of a human child. Senior Yuan Zhou. The third stage This How did you get so many motes? Are your parents elders? Wen Xue asked nervously.

I am heaven sent genius and cultivated diligently. Only a third of my motes are from pills, and even those I paid for all by myself. Wen Xue staggered at that.

I do not wish to doubt your words, but how?!

I am a heavens blessed genius who has chosen the path of defiance, I replied.

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