Calculating Cultivation

Chapter 57: Climb Of Mount Vortex

Chapter 57: Climb Of Mount Vortex

I stopped at the last city I could get to in the North. It had taken a year of traveling to get this far. The first part of the trip was done with carriages to conceal my movement from city to city. But after a month of that I then traveled on my own to go much faster.

During my travels, I could feel energy being pulled into me slightly. The real trick was to maneuver into the strands of energy that floated about. That was why I had left in a carriage to focus on cultivating while I tried to draw in energy.

The hard part was, not all energy was drawn in equally. The lines of energy I could see indicated a slightly higher concentration. There were far less lines that motes of Qi floating about. In addition, it had to be the right energy as well.

While I was able to spot force energy and move into it, the energy would be quickly pulled into my channels and the thread would disappear. I had followed a thread of force energy once, but it either went up into the sky or down into the ground. Drawing in the energy, just unraveled the thread and I was constantly drawing in energy, so I couldnt get too close without disrupting it or stopping my cultivation.

One full year had allowed me to fill up all my channels right up to my cores. I had taken the initial year in the fourth stage to carefully work on controlling which of my meridians and channels took in energy. By controlling the gates inside of my channels, I was able to shut some of them down. It had taken quite a bit of thinking to come up with a pattern to balance out the draw of energy across the channels and my cores. fгeewebnovё

While it had been a good learning experience, it also meant that my progress was slower. I could go faster and have an unbalanced number of drops entering my cores or balanced and slower. In the end, I had enough control over my channels to choose to go with the faster and unbalanced method, but I hadnt decided to commit to that cultivation path yet.

It didnt matter which option I picked. My cultivation would still be incredibly slow. Also, I was very aware of the concerns Elder Healer Song had discussed with me. If my soul cores increased too fast, compared to the outer shell mind cores, then it could create a situation, where I struggled to pull in more drops for my mind cores, or any number of issues might arise.

If I could go back, I would have created a balanced number of channels, but that wasnt possible. I had to make do with what I had and attempt to cultivate as well as I could in the fourth stage without creating an imbalance. Since I needed the maximum number of drops, 610,000 to have the greatest chance of reaching the fifth stage, while also any imbalance could impact me long term.

I dont think Elder Healer Song realized I would gain control over my individual channels, but I had. A side benefit of my intense cultivation. Regardless, she had explained enough to me that I could work out some of the risks myself. The pressure on my cultivation from my soul cores would be immense once they were filled up. If there wasnt adequate counter pressure from the surrounding mind cores, there could be instability or other issues.

That was why I had been getting a handle on the fourth stage of my cultivation for the last year. I wanted to ensure that I had proper control and took things slowly as I understood every bit about this stage of cultivation. Also, it wasnt like trying to rush would allow me to complete things that much faster at the moment.

The number of drops I needed was so immense. I could only hope that my trip beyond the cultivation continent would be enough for me to progress my cultivation. I had stocked up heavily on supplies and purchased three more spatial rings and stuffed them full of food and water. I would be able to last centuries with how much I had on me.

While that did bite into my rank 6 spirit stones quite a bit, I was going to take Elder Songs advice seriously. I also purchased two sets of heavy-duty martial robes for defense and protection. Also, high end water gathering equipment, fire starting, and full head face helmet to protect my breathing and hearing if necessary. I also purchased a large amount of flash bang grenades. After all those purchases, I was only left with 5 rank 6 spirit stones.

I had no idea what kind of environment I would be stuck in, but I wanted to be sure I had the equipment to handle whatever I ran into. Wealth was no good if I was somehow killed. I was investing into my future for this expedition. It put my spendings reserves low, but I had no idea what kind of currency was used in the Firmament or this Forever City. I had to assume there would be no chance to resupply.

My past adventures gave me a good idea what I needed to ensure I could survive. I disliked how much it felt like I was gearing up for a fight, but if there was a fight, I didnt want to be caught unprepared. The greatest sin for cultivators was weakness. Any kind of weakness.

Traveling through the northern forests, it wasnt winter thankfully, but it was cold. At night a layer of frost would cover the landscape. There were still beasts, but they were less common. The deciduous trees with leaves had turned into pine trees.

After a month of traveling, I finally saw Mount Vortex in the distance. It took me a moment to realize it was a mountain and not just a mountain range. If I looked far to either side, I could see the slope downwards, giving me an idea of its height.

If the slopes remained consistent, then it had to be at least 50 kilometers, or 31 miles tall. I double and triple checked my math and estimates and that wasnt wrong. It was massive. And that was counting the height from its base, not sea level.

I looked up at the thick clouds covering the mountain and swirling around it. I figured out how the mountain got its name, Mount Vortex. As I traveled towards it, the mountain began to block off the entire horizon in front of me. I could see very little plant life except for moss and lichen at the higher elevations. It was a barren landscape as far as I could tell.

Once I reached the base, I considered putting on my mask, but decided to try and make the climb without support. Before I started, I made sure to rest up quite a bit. I had no doubt that the climb would be incredibly hard one way or the other, and that there would be drama at the top. This kind of place just screamed out trouble.

I began the ascent after resting for two days. The climb wasnt difficult until I reached the clouds. Once there it was dark, wet, and became hard to breathe. Before I could cover a large distance in a single leap. Now, each step upwards felt like the staircase at the Cloudy Moon Sect when I had first been tested if I could join.

There were no stairs here though. Just large wet boulders. The energy in the air was getting slightly thicker as well, as I began to draw in energy. There was something pressing down on me as I climbed, I could feel it due to my relationship with force energy.

I kept up my steady pace, one foot after the other, as I continued to climb. For the first time in a very long time, my legs began to physically ache. It wasnt that I was losing my cultivation, but there was such pressure pushing down on me, that without my cultivation I would have been crushed into paste. I was forced to actually use my muscles and draw on my physical strength. Step after step, I continued my ascent.

While other people might have found it tedious, I felt it freeing. I had been trapped in a dark chamber for so long, I enjoyed feeling the pain in my legs, the pounding of my heart, and the increasing difficultly I had breathing.

When I broke through the clouds, I was slammed with even more wind, and it was incredibly dark. Looking up, there was another thick layer of clouds above me. Looking away from Mount Vortex I could see a large ocean of clouds laid out and swirling about the mountain. The next cloud layer up wasnt as widespread, but it was much darker. I heard the distant rumble of thunder occasionally over the wind.

The wind was so strong, that I felt like I was going to be swept away. I tried to take a deep breath, but the air was too thin, I struggled to even breathe. There wasnt even moss or lichen, just a barren landscape of rocks and boulders leading upwards. Again, I was tempted to put on my mask, but decided to keep enduring.

I continued my climb and was grateful for my expensive martial robes. Lesser clothes would have been shredded by the constant winds. The rocks making up this mountain were incredibly sturdy, since they werent that weather worn. I could feel the energy within them.

This would be a great place to cultivate, but I suspected there was a reason people didnt cultivate here. There was supposedly the Wandering Immortal Gongong at the top. To cultivate here, would be like using his front yard as a bathroom. Incredibly rude and disrespectful. It wasnt even a stretch to say that he was responsible for the environment of the mountain itself.

That was another reason I was hesitant to use a mask to make things easier. That might be looked down upon, or he might consider me stupid. I wasnt sure of which one, but using a mask to breathe might offend him. Better to risk my breathing than offending an immortal.

Several times on my ascent, I had to reach down to steady myself with my hands as the winds picked up in intensity. I felt like I might get blown away any moment. Thankfully the winds came in from the side swirling around Mount Vortex, and I was angled directly upwards. If the winds had come from the mountain itself, I would have been blown off for sure.

The sounds of thunder grew closer, and I saw lightning flash in the clouds above me. I pulled out a metal pole I had in my spatial storage and put on a set of gloves. The metal pole was above my head. I had no idea how useful such a thing would be, but I didnt want to get hit with lightning. At the second layer of clouds, I was finally forced to pull out my mask to breathe.

If the Immortal was offended, there was nothing I could do about it. I continued my climb upwards. The rain drops in the dark clouds slammed into my like tiny rocks. I could barely see in front of me, from the swirl of water. It was like a sideways stream in some respects. I jumped slightly as a bolt of lightning struck my metal poll, sparing me from being hit.

The poll warmed up under my glove and began to let out a hiss as the water evaporated when it was struck. I continued my ascent as lightning occasionally struck me with blind brilliance and a massive crack of thunder. The energy was increasing in the air, but unfortunately there wasnt more force energy. While I wouldnt stop to just cultivate, I wouldnt stop drawing in energy as I made my climb.

While I had a pocket watch to keep track of the time, I didnt pull it out. I would reach the top when I reached the top. I just needed to keep climbing. Trying to figure out how much was left would only stress me out.

I finally cleared the cloud cover and was hit with blinding light. Thankfully my mask prevented me from the worst of it, since the lenses had a tint to them. Looking about, I saw an angry dark swirl of clouds behind me. Above, Mount Vortex continued upwards, but there were no more cloud layers. I put away my metal poll, the tip had melted slightly from the lightning strikes, but at least I was spared.

I removed my mask, and I could barely breathe, but was able to. I put the mask away for now, and kept my eyes focused on the ground as I continued climbing. My entire body ached as I continued my climb upwards. Step after step, I kept climbing.

Once the ascent stopped, I shielded my eyes as I looked around. The scene was disconcerting. There was a plateau at the top and a modern building off to one side. Everything else was solid stone, with only slight roughing to provide grip.

The building itself was made of glass and steel like those of Imperial City. I made my way towards the building. The windows were reflective, so I couldnt see inside. The sun remained directly overhead, which was weird, but I didnt complain as I made my way across the flat plateau towards the building that was offset to my right.

Reaching the building, I had to walk around before I found a door. There was a sign out front as well. All Cultivators May Enter. Well, that was an invitation if I ever saw one. I opened the door and entered the building. I was greeted by what could only be called a modern lobby. I noted two senior cultivators sitting off to one side meditating. They didnt open their eyes when I entered.

In front of me a woman, who could only be called the pinnacle of beauty was standing behind a large desk. There was something otherworldly about her perfect appearance. Something that made me think beauty at a deep level. I slowly advanced to the desk and the woman gave me a soft smile. I felt my heart stir at that glance.

At least it was easy to breathe in the building and the pressure had disappeared. At least I didnt feel like I was being squeezed to death and about to be blown away.

Welcome cultivator to Mount Vortex departure point. Have you been here before or would you like an explanation? she kindly asked.

Thank you for your warm welcome senior. I am Yuan Zhou, and an explanation would be appreciated, I said with a bow.

Very well, Cultivator Yuan Zhou. This is the Mount Vortex departure point. Here you may wait and cultivate inside the lobby if you have a ticket. Tickets are available for purchase, for one rank 8 spirit stone, or 10 rank 7 spirit stones. Current wait time until the next departure is estimated at four and a half years. Feel free to ask questions cultivator, she said.

I have a scroll, would this be considered a ticket? I asked and pulled it out. She carefully took it from my hands and looked it over.

A two-way ticket, for departure and return. It is quite valuable. Only you will be allowed to return once you use the departure portion. This entitles you to wait here until the next departure, she said. She then handed it back to me. Please keep that on yourself until it is time for departure.

Is there anything you can tell me about the Firmament or the Forever City? I asked.

Knowledge is valuable, but the basic introduction and further explanations on your arrival point will be discussed by the Wandering Immortal Gongong once he arrives, the woman said.

Is there a bathroom, or a place I can get cleaned up? I asked.

There is a bathroom, through the doorway over there. Do not make a mess, or you will be punished, the woman said. I hadnt been able to make out her level of cultivation.

Anything else I should know or rules? I asked.

Please do not disturb the other cultivators waiting for departure. Do not cause a mess or a damage to the building. Do not attempt to enter restricted areas of the building. Do not attempt to use any kind of technique while above the cloud cover of Mount Vortex, this includes outside, she said.

I can cultivate outside? I asked.

Yes, since you have a ticket. There is a roof area to cultivate on. You can take the stair way through that door, the woman pointed out.

Any other areas I am allowed to visit? I asked.

Through that door, is a relaxation room, if you do not wish to cultivate in the lobby or the roof. That is the place to speak to other cultivators if you wish. There are bedrooms you may claim if you wish to sleep. They are not comfortable, just slabs of metal, but you are welcome to rest in one.

Anyone here besides those two? I asked.

No. The last departure was five and a half years ago, approximately. Most cultivators who wish to depart, show up one year prior. I nodded at this.

What happens if a situation comes up where someone breaks the rules? I asked.

You are allowed to defend yourself, but I am watching everything. The Wandering Immortal Gongong has entrusted me to manage this departure point. Anyone attempting to cause trouble will have their ticket revoked and be instantly killed by myself, the beautiful woman said. Alright, she clearly wasnt messing about.

Thank you senior, for answering my questions and allowing me to stay here, I replied with a bow.

I am happy to answer any questions you might have cultivator. If there is anything else you wish to discuss, please dont hesitate to ask, she said.

Do you have a title I should refer to you as? I asked.

Calling me senior is adequate. My title is Vortex Guardian, but it is no matter. I nodded at this and gave another bow before heading off to explore. The off limits areas clearly had signs marking them. The entire first floor was the lobby, relaxation room, bathroom, and the bedrooms.

The relaxation room had a couple of chairs and tables. The windows looked out onto the plateau. There was nothing else in here. No plants, no decorations. Everything was solid colors, with a preference towards dark blue or gray if a color was picked. There were eight doors to small bedrooms, which were just closets and a metal bench in darkness.

If a person was in a bedroom there was a small sign that could be flipped on the door to indicate they were in use. There were no sheets or pillows in the bedrooms. I guess there was no cleaning service all the way to the top of Mount Vortex.

The bathroom was quite nice and built for one person at a time. There was a shower, toilet, and sink. I took a shower and tried myself off with my own towel. After making sure everything was perfectly clean, I left the bathroom and made my way up the stairs towards the roof.

There were six above ground floors in this place. Floors two through six were marked as off limits. I wasnt about to risk pissing off that woman who called herself the Vortex Guardian. Such a title and no name implied that she might be a golem or construct of some kind. I couldnt see a high-level cultivator just standing around for millennia on end as a greeter. There was just too much pride and ego.

She clearly was helpful about the rules of this place but wasnt going out of her way to do anything else. I made it to the roof, and it was hard to breathe once again. The sun continued to remain directly overhead as my clothing dried off. I pulled out my pocket watch and kept track of the time.

Even after a full day, the sun didnt move. I made my way back inside to the front desk. Excuse me, Senior Vortex Guardian, I said with a bow.

How can I help you cultivator?

Does the sun ever set here? I asked.

It does not. If you wish to rest, I suggest one of the bedrooms. They are quite dark, she said. None of this made any sense.

Is there a reason why the sun is constantly overhead senior? I asked.

That will be explained once the departure arrives as part of the basic information provided. For now, I suggest you rest and cultivate until that time, she said.

Thank you senior Vorext Guardian, I said with a bow. She was clearly helpful, but just in the immediate sense. She would not be providing any information on anything other than just waiting around. I also wasnt going to push my luck and try to ask questions to get around whatever rules she was operating under.

I now had four and a half years of waiting ahead of me. Dammit! Why couldnt there have been a published departure schedule. And the timeframe of a decade was immense. Well, there was nothing I could do, except wait.

The other two cultivators in the lobby didnt seem that inclined to conversation. I went to the relaxation room, since that was the only room, cultivators were allowed to talk to each other in and began cultivating there. If someone came in to talk, at least that would help pass the time.

With no other way to tell the time, I got out my pocket watch to keep track of the hours and days. This place had a very unchanging feel, since the sun remained directly overhead. After four and a half months of waiting, a cultivator entered the relaxation room. They were covered head to toe in thick dark robes so I couldnt make out anything about them.

Welcome, I said and opened my eyes. They paused to look at me.

Hello, the voice was gravelly.

If you want to chat to pass the time, I dont mind, but if you are just looking around, feel free to. Not that much to see, I replied.

I will, the voice replied. I shrugged slightly and closed my eyes again to focus on drawing in energy. A short time later the dark robed figure came back into the relaxation room and took a seat at the table I was at.

I am Yuan Zhou of the Cloudy Moon Sect, I introduced myself.

I am Bolin of the Eternal Darkness Sect, he said. The voice was quite deep. While it sounded like a demonic sect name, it wasnt. I had heard of that sect before. They were based in a canyon and underground. They also practiced cultivating darkness. It wasnt a common cultivation path. No wonder why Bolin were covered in lots of dark robes, including their face.

Well welcome senior, to being bored while we wait for another four years and change, I said. He let out a scoff.

Thank you. I am surprised someone at your cultivation level has come here. I was told only cultivators above the fifth stage were encouraged to make this trip, he said.

I need a lot of resources for my fourth stage. Hence the trip into the Firmament. Were you told anything? I asked.

Our sect maintains a presence beyond these borders inside the Forever City. It cant even be called an outpost. I was selected to be the next traveling elder, a great honor, Bolin explained.

My master did not give me much information, just the fights he had been in. I have picked up things occasionally, like the Forever City. Hopefully there are opportunities there, I said hoping to draw out more information.

There are many, but the risks are immense. It is a taboo to discuss such things here, he said.

I never knew that, I replied.

It is a taboo, hence even the fact it is such is not spoken about. It is impressive you made the climb up the mountain, it could not have been easy, he said.

I was prepared enough, and my cultivation is quite sturdy for my stage. This constant light cant be easy for you, I said.

It is of no concern. I was warned beforehand. The path of darkness is not as limiting as one would think. Far easier than a path of light, he said.

Well, the bedrooms are quite dark, if uncomfortable. So, any advice for a junior? I asked, hoping Bolin would tell me something about the Firmament.

Your strength means nothing. Also dont get lost. The Forever City is not just a name, but an accurate description. It operates by different spatial laws than here. It isnt truly infinite, but the edges are much more chaotic and frayed. The center, is the most controlled, but has different dangers, he said.

I was told I would need a backer, I added. It is good to have one. All cultivators fall under the backing of the White Lotus, our parent organization. With your cultivation surviving let alone thriving will be difficult. There is a good chance they will reject you out of hand, Bolin said.

For being weak? I asked.

Indeed. Weakness is a sin, that is not tolerated within the Forever City. Still, they will not target you out of respect for Immortal Gongong, but that just means you will probably have to find your own path.

What resources are in demand, in the Forever City and what are sold? I asked.

Everything and everything. It is a nexus point within the Firmament. I see your confusion, that just means it is a gathering point for different factions that exist. It is one of the larger known nexus points and quite a popular one. Everything is in demand, from a persons waste to the very air. Many are willing to kill without hesitation, he explained.

Are there any rules or laws? I asked.

Different areas have different rules. But there are some universal ones. The first is to not damage the city itself too much. That will bring attention from the more powerful factions that control sections of the Forever City. It is unlikely at your strength you can do anything, but it is the one rule all the main factions have, near the center. The edges are far more chaotic. I nodded at this.

The second universal rule, is to follow the rules of the controlling faction of whatever area you are in. Factions make it a strict point to follow the rules they impose strictly, in order to penalize and catch members of other factions. Also why backing is important. It gives a level of protection, Bolin explained.

I will make sure to pay attention, I replied.

Many say that, but the rules themselves are kept secret and are a thing of value. There are many layers to various faction rules, and getting that information is not cheap, he explained.

Why? I asked.

To entrap idiots. Navigating the Forever City is incredibly risky. Certain factions require a specific greeting to their members while you are in their area, or they can detain you and request compensation. You will be informed of the outer rules of the White Lotus and some inner rules, but unless you are brought under their protection, you will not be informed of other faction rules. That way they can eventually bankrupt you, Bolin explained.

Thank you senior, you are being quite helpful, I said.

It will all be explained once more. I am just warning you out of karma. For even the lowest of bugs, can move just enough to impact the future.

I didnt think karma was real, I said.

It is a subject of great debate. I find that being polite and helpful is important to managing ones interactions. This is even more true in the Forever City where each action has great weight. That is why my sect has had some success over the millennia in sending people out as traveling elders. A steady temperament is key, he explained.

I will have to endeavor to emulate you senior. No matter the risks, I must travel in order to get more resources for my cultivation, I said.

It must be unique or complex if you are taking such a perilous journey, Bolin said.

It is both. But I have hope. I just need to find an opportunity to progress, I said.

That will be quite hard. Countless beings pour into the Forever City, and most perish without a thought. You will need a backer to help you navigate.

Any suggestions? I asked.

No. Just even asking is incredibly difficult. And I have no experience in such things. My path within the Forever City is already set. There will be no changing my service to the White Lotus like my fellow elders before me, he said.

I wish you luck, but you seem to not need it senior Bolin, I said.

Thank you for your kind words. But one can never have too much good luck. Now that would be interesting to cultivate, he said.

How would you even find the energy of luck? It might be out there, but it small quantities, I replied.

True. Darkness is not much easier. What do you cultivate?

Force, I said.

A decent choice, but not a common one. Elemental choices are far more popular. I know many of my sect members choose earth instead of darkness.

Water and earth for my sect, I replied.

Well, it has been a pleasure talking with you, but I plan to claim a bedroom and cultivate until our departure, Bolin said.

You arrived quite early, any reason? I asked.

The departure time frame can vary up to a year. Better to be here and waiting, than waiting somewhere else, he said, and I nodded at that. Bolin got up and I let out a heavy sigh once he was in a bedroom.

That had been a lot of information, and I was slowly putting things togeather about the situation I would find myself in. It would not be easy, that was for sure. It felt like I was starting all over again. I would have to assess the situation and keep my wits about me once I arrived.

I got up and decided to walk about the plateau. I had been sitting around for far too long. I confirmed with the Vortex Guardian there wouldnt be an issue, and she said there wasnt. But if I left the plateau, then I would no longer be under her protection. That was fine with me.

It was hard to breathe, but it felt good to move about. I would occasionally adjust my course to run into more force energy. That was when I felt the first drop enter all my cores.

I felt the pulse of energy inside of me. It was ethereal, but I would feel it floating about in each of my cores. My management of my channels had been spot on in terms of balancing the energy draw between them. There wasnt anything else to do out here, except wait and cultivate. The conversation with Bolin had been a nice break. Hopefully other people would show up and I could chat with them.

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