Chapter 80: An Old Friend

I looked out from my room in the core of the Forever City. The air was clear. The buildings had windows, were colorful, and had the scent of flowers in the air. The outskirts of the Forever City truly were the slums.

There was even a touch of energy in the air, making me feel more comfortable. I hadnt noticed before, but once I arrived here, it was painfully clear. I sat on my terrace looking out at what could only be described as Cultivator Heaven.

The tunnels between buildings were open aired walkways instead of closed in paths. There were statues and other works of ark about the place. What made it all the more shocking were the people who were here and got to enjoy all of this.

The immortal cultivators living in the core of the Forever City rarely went out and walked about. This place was nice for their servants, or well their servants servants. Since anyone remotely important enough flew about. I couldnt tell if they were using some piece of equipment or technique. Regardless, it was clear that they looked down on the other cultivators.

I looked up at the sky above. The true core of the Forever City was surrounded by a massive illusion, like the continent was. Well to call it an illusion was not correct. It was an immense formation, creating a bubble of enclosed reality. To take away that oppressive feeling the Forever City gave off for a much more scenic environment.

If the outskirts were some dystopian hell this core area would be an uncaring heaven. I was waiting here, since Qiang You had arranged transport for me to the layer of reality above this one, the Mechanical Layer. Apparently with so much energy, it was easy to tear a hole between the Firmament and the Astral Plane.

But going up was trickier and not easily accomplished. There was less energy to work with. Arrays and formations would struggle. That was why there were more technologically oriented solutions. Cultivators almost never went up, where there was less energy. Since every account I had read and looked into, indicated it was horrible.

Going back up to the Material supposedly would strip away ones immortality if they werent strong enough. Strength would allow someone to bring energy with them internally, but it would be a limited resource. And techniques would struggle to work. An actual gun would be far more dangerous and actually threaten an immortal, where here in the Firmament, they eventually stopped being an effective weapon.

I was staying in this waiting area for when a method of transportation arose. I had no idea where I would end up either. Almost no one traveled in that direction. They wanted to come here, or someplace like this. Possibly even a continent type of environment. For all its faults, the Forever City was the city of opportunities. Where fortunes could rise and fall in an instant.

This room was Qiang Yous private residence in the core of the Forever City. I was staying here as a guest, so that when an opportunity arose for my departure, I would be ready to leave immediately. Even with a fast vehicle, there was no telling how long a transport method would wait around. Hence I was here, waiting for a lift to arrive any day now.

I had been studying, and double checked my notes as I waited. As one descended, technology was less effective, while energy was more effective. And vice versa, going the other way. That was why my sword would be some important.

There might also be an answer about my reincarnation that might be revealed. I had been hoping for something during my breakthrough, but nothing. It was one of the biggest mysteries about my life and very existence, which had no answer.

I had occasionally thought about it, but it was a pointless exercise. Perhaps when I reached immortality I would learn the truth, or it just might be unknowable. Looking out at the lower servants walking about the beautiful walkways was something I never imagined in the Forever City without seeing it myself. The same reasoning applied to my reincarnation. The answer was out there, but until I came across it, there was no way for me to figure out an answer. It was all too possible for the answer to be something I had never considered.

Well, I had thought about a lot of explanations, but there was no way to decide which one was right without solid data. I had discretely looked up this issue in the knowledge that the TripleX faction had out of curiosity.

I had made sure to describe my investigation by looking into immortality and if reincarnation even was possible. The short answer was that it was complicated. The longer answer was that as cultivators got stronger, they became more energy-based lifeforms, like based on physical brain matter.

That connection to the astral plane was something that was unique to humans under the aegis of the Forever City. That connection allowed cultivators to gather strength in the later stages. It was the lynchpin of cultivation.

As for why cultivators didnt go running off into the astral plane, it was far too dangerous. It was too close to the layer of Chaos underneath everything. That was the reason that cultivators existed in the middle layer of reality, the Firmament. They didnt want to fight horrors from the beyond constantly.

Whomever was the first cultivator to create that connection was a genius. The grandfather of cultivation, the first cultivator. Others argued that such a mythic figure didnt exist. Rather it was this way for all eternity.

Regardless of the reasoning behind the connection, mine was going to be cut off. Thankfully I had quite a bit of time to recover after my breakthrough. If I had left immediately afterwards, there was a good chance my cultivation would have collapsed entirely.

That risk, that pain, was the reason behind Qiang You sent me off to leave as quickly as possible. I had no doubt I had paid back his initial investment and then some. But he wanted me to get more for him, to be his debt slave.

I would repay him no matter what. Having a senior cultivator as an enemy was not something I wanted. It would be hard, but I had faith in myself. I looked out at the people moving about in their martial robes. Even the servants were wearing them. For just a long and storied community, it was a rotting carcass of whatever system was in place before. Or perhaps it had always been that way? Another one of those questions with no clear answer.

It was called the Forever City. I chuckled to myself as the same had a touch of humor to it. For an immortal society, it had very little creativity. At a certain point, everything would start to feel repeated. I had seen that from the lowered ranked immortals in the TripleX faction. They had been grinding for power, to climb up for so long, they had lost sight of everything around them.

I had made the same choice with open eyes. The pursuit of power was about accumulating advantages over a long period of time. Cultivators who were too reckless didnt last that long. It made me wonder what the true pinnacle looked like? How powerful would one be at that point? More questions I had no answers to.

Another thing that was bothering me was the human-like appearance of everyone, or at least cultivators. I didnt know what I should have expected, but it raised some major questions. I knew there were other races out there. I had seen some in my time in the Forever City. There werent many, but all the beings standing in the staircase while I had been sulking around were a great example of the diversity of this crazy city.

There was a knock on my door. Enter, I called out. A servant entered and then bowed towards me.

Mister Yuan Zhou, you have a guest, they did not give their name, but they had credentials. The choice is yoou they said. I wondered who it could be and who had the clout to be here? Rhiza was off the list due to how there was no way she had managed to get here and I doubt it would be Qiang you. He would have just barged in.

Please, send them in, I replied and spun about in the chair I had been sitting on. People who could harness the fundamental aspects of reality to use techniques and liver longer werent idiots. Rocking chairs werent going to cut it. They hadnt cut it in the past and they wouldnt cut it going forward. I looked at the side of the room.

Qiang You was either flexing on me or making a point in some weird way. I didnt dare ask, but there was a rocking chair. One of the custom ones made out of spirit wood. It had been recovered from the continent and brought here. I supposed it was a reminder that Qiang Yous reach was incredibly long. Crossing him would have him hire someone to hunt me down and punish me.

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It really was a great idea. A shame, that eventually all the good ideas just got gobbled up. An immortal society was annoying that a business was a struggle to make money even with a strong backer. This was the true post scarcity society. A bunch of old people looking at the young people trying to reach their level while their servants carried out tasks for them. The fact that I even thought they might be sitting on a balcony like I had been, was a sign that my mind was going.

These cultivators would be scheming in some way or trying to get more powerful. At least the ones who werent wage slaves, thinking they would get powerful enough to advance quicker than their peers without putting in the corresponding effort.

I stood up and waited, while trying to figure out who my guest was. I had no doubt that whomever it was, Qiang You would learn nearly instantly.

Hello, Yuan Zhou. My mind went blank as I processed the woman standing in front of me. It was Bones.

Greetings senior, I said and bowed. She chuckled.

I blocked out any observations, she said. I had a lot of questions with her arrival. It took me a moment to get my thoughts in order to ask.

Why now? I asked. That was the most important question in my mind.

It wasnt difficult to learn that you were planning to depart the Forever City. I think it is foolish. You should stay here, Bones said.

Thank you for the advice, I replied.

But you arent going to follow it. Well, that is your choice, Bones replied. The silence stretched out for a couple of seconds.

Please, sit. Qiang You will not be happy about this, I replied.

I am hiding in plain sight, Bones explained. I wanted to see you before you left. You helped me out a lot. I am set to depart soon as well. It is a funny coincidence that our departures from the Forever City overlap.

Really? I asked in surprise.

While you spent your time breaking through, I spent my time adapting this body. I have made quite a bit of progress towards recovering my old strength. My revenge is already in motion. And now I go to seek a new path, Bones said and I felt nervous all of a sudden.

Are you here to dissect me? I asked.

While I admit I am curious to how you have structured your cultivation, this is merely a friendly visit, Bone said. It was also a warning. But I had no choice but to leave to find my fortune. Qiang You was the axe above my head.

Well, I am doing well enough. As for my cultivation, I havent started building up. I am still adapting to the changes. Now I am just waiting until a method of transportation comes up, I replied. While tempting to ask for advice and reflect on my decisions, were now separate beings. Our interests didnt align anymore. That was why I was hesitant to share unless there was an equal trade.

Always thinking. I have to respect that, Bone said.

And karma, arent you building up a debt? I asked.

There are many kinds of debt. I am content to not interfere, Bones said and then looked off to the side. It is probably best I leave. If you change your mind, dont hesitate to contact me, Bones told me directly.

Thank you senior, I said and he turned and paused before he left the sitting room.

I would offer you advice, but we have covered quite a lot togeather. I nodded at this. We had been companions for a long period of time. Bones turned and left.

There was a lot I could have asked. But we had broken up for better and for worse. I couldnt help but feel there was more to the visit. I was in no place to help others. I could barely help myself. I had also done enough with Bones in the past, that her showing up was incredibly suspicious.

She came back through the door. I apologize for coming back, but I need information. I will make a trade with you. I shook my head and didnt say anything. I knew exactly what was happening. All the clues were here.

You knew? I was asked by the person that looked like Bones. I didnt say anything. No answer was the best answer. I waited as the silence stretched out. Finally, the person impersonating Bones acted first. Bones figure shimmered and was replaced by Qiang You. It was all a trap to test how loyal I was to the TripleX faction.

Of course, I knew. I merely looked backwards and the ripples you left behind. You have discernment at least, Qiang You replied. Also, a lot of luck. Both valuable qualities in order to survive outside the Forever City and my protection.

Who is she? I asked out of curiosity. Since Qiang You already knew, it didnt hurt to ask.

A favored son of the heavens who fell from grace, Qiang You said. That didnt answer anything as he swept back through my room and took a seat on a chair, while turning to calmly look at me. It was incredibly intimidating. I decided to relook at your past, and I found quite a bit.

I didnt know how to respond to such a statement. Can I even betray anything? I asked.

Your knowledge is invaluable. Many would want the knowledge of how to survive in the Forever City along with other information.

I take it that I passed this test, since I wasnt murdered off right away? I asked.

Yes. Being able to realize this was a trap was important. I am only looking after my investment, Qiang You said with a smile. You can teach many things, but you cant teach common sense. It is far more valuable than many realize.

Also not betraying secrets, I replied heavily. freeweɓnovēl.coɱ

Also, that, Qiang you said imperiously. And a reminder that I know your thoughts before you do. Your knowledge of energy is that of a toddler. I merely need to glance at you and I can discern everything you are thinking of.

The observation blockers? I asked hesitantly.

They work to an extent, but I have seen you without them. And you never switched them out. It was easy enough to alter them near instantly to see through them, Qiang You said with a grin, that felt far too sinister. There would be no running away was the point he was trying to make. I also see you have worked hard on my list.

It would be a shame not to do research while I have the chance, I replied. If I was being sent on an errand to reclaim my life, I wouldnt be slacking off.

Another reason why I am letting you scurry off. You could go beyond my reach, but I doubt you will take things that far, Qiang You said, and I bowed my head. He just chuckled. This was the true face of cultivation. Lies and deceit all around. But I wasnt about to stop moving forward just because of a little test.

Thank you, Vice Leader, I said and bowed deeply.

Indeed. I consider you a project. One that I have invested some effort into. To see if you truly are a phoenix feather flying high, or a cabbage on the side of the road. But enough talk about such things. Your departure has been arranged. You leave immediately, Qiang You said.

I understand, I grabbed my pack and put it on. Qiang You just kept smirking at me, and I had to endure it. He knew how I felt and got enjoyment from it, which was what really annoyed me.

Come, stand up, let us depart, Qiang You got up and I followed him out of the nice suite of rooms I had been staying in. I followed him through the tower. Getting to the Mechanical Layer safely is hard. While I could rip open a path, it is far more settled than the Astral Plane in some areas. That place has a lot of nothing.

That was not something in the reading I had done. But it made sense. I wouldnt have to worry, but for someone weak like you, well that is just inviting trouble. Trying to set up a permanent connection is a bad idea for various reasons. And most vessels like the cylinder ships run on arrays and energy. Trying to go up, well they dont work properly. I didnt interrupt as I followed Qiang You, since he liked to hear his own voice while I got to learn.

And the Material? I asked with a bit of interest. Qiang You let out a snort.

You will end up in the void of some bubble of space. A lot of nothing. The Mechanical Layer is where things descend towards the Firmament. But it isnt as dangerous as the last chunks that make it all the way down here, outside the protective bubbles. Tell me, have you realized why you can travel about the astral plane, but not outside the bubbles we cultivators live in? Qiang You asked.

That was a complicated question I had never considered deeply. There is energy in the Astral Plane, which connects to our souls, I finally replied after a couple long seconds of considering my answer.

No. Well perhaps. But ultimately no. The rainbow light is the bleed over from the material breaking apart, back towards chaos. In the Mechanical Layer, it is called that and not some kind of Plane, since things are smashing togeather. Even with how much emptiness comes from the Material, there is still a lot of stuff. The danger is more environmental and less from monsters. The Firmament here is the best of both as it is with many other things, Qiang You explained.

I can see you are wondering why I am telling you this? I used to teach and give enlightenment to people, Qiang You surprisingly shared something personal about himself. I explained things so many times, in my past, but it is exhausting. Now I only like to teach those that are worth my time. Yuan Zhou, you have my attention. Try not to die horribly.

If I may be bold, the debt and throwing me in the deep end Vice Leader? I asked hesitantly.

Cultivators are soft. I would rather throw a million people and have them fight over a single opportunity, than to hand such an opportunity to a single person a silver platter. Immortality is both a blessing and a curse. I know you have been watching this city outside your window and you havent seen any cultivators. This place is stagnant. It is a prison of our own design. A retirement home for those who have stopped trying for something more, Qiang You said, and I looked nervously around us as we walked across a walkway.

Dont look nervous. The Heavenly Alliance knows this. But their purpose is to keep the status quo for all eternity. A bastion of stagnation. Most have given up the pursuit of power as it gets more difficult, only increasing their strength at a smaller rate each cycle. And we have not advanced as individuals or as a society, Qiang You said with disgust.

If I was in charge, I would unite all cultivators and declare war on another super-organization. Fight to the death and repeat. Cultivators would get stronger over time. And soon nothing would stop us, but infinite itself, Qiang You had quite a bit of passion and he was a battle fanatic. So do not look on this as a punishment, but a gift. A gift to get stronger. One day, if you think you are strong enough, come and kill me. If you have surpassed me, then I deserve death. Battle fanatic was being too nice.

Regardless, I would make my own future with my two hands. I had come this far, I was going to keep going no matter what. Qiang You was right about that. Immortality was just the first step of my journey and I was going to reach it one day no matter what.

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