Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 2028 Your Search Is Over

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 16:04 Novel Fire -

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Air Space

Dwelling in the dark arts of sacrificial summoning that the demons/devils taught to their worshippers, JJ began to see a pattern in numerous sacrificial summoning methods, he saw that these sacrificial summoning methods allowed the summoner to open a portal connecting their location in Card World with the location of demon/devil they were calling on in the Dark Realm by paying a offering similar to toll fee to the Card World's will and Dark Realm's will. Except for the varying sacrifice, coordinates, and demon/devil, the rest was pretty much the same about these dark arts, providing offerings to the Card World and the Dark Realm's wills to help them create a temporary bridge connecting the two realms. Noticing this JJ wondered why the Card World's will would accept the offering from a demon/devil worshipper to create a portal connecting its world to the Dark realm. This question had plagued many of his predecessors who wrote these books, ultimately the majority agreed on one reason that the Card World's Will would accept any offering by its children. This was why the Demons/Devils had their worshippers organize the sacrificial summoning ritual instead of themselves doing it on their end. JJ also strongly agreed with this hypothesis because the narrative that the Card World's Will cared enough about its children that it would accept all their offerings was more comforting for him than the fact that the Card World's Will was apathetic about them and just followed a set of predetermined laws.

This narrative had many holes but for ages regardless of race and worlds, beings have come to seek comfort in believing there's a higher power and bigger picture in play. As long as it helped them continue living while getting a good night's sleep it was good enough.

Regardless of the reason why the Card World's Will accepted Card Apprentice's human sacrifice to summon demons, JJ deduced a set of laws from these sacrificial summoning methods created by dark races had in common, the laws to conduct an exchange with not just Card World's will but any world's will. JJ decided to follow these laws to communicate with the world's will. However, this was tricky because the ritual array formations in these sacrificial summonings were specifically designed to conduct human sacrifices and offer the energy from the sacrifice to the world's will to create a portal. Fortunately, JJ's predecessors seemed to have been successful in modifying the ritual array formation such that it would act as any form of sacrifice and not just the human sacrifice as the demons/devils that imparted these methods to their worshippers intended to. However, JJ could not find the complete copy of his predecessor's modified sacrificial summoning ritual, it was missing. JJ did not plan on giving up. So, he went through the Royal family's records to check what happened to it, only to learn that one of his predecessors known for his prodigal behavior had lost it in a gambling match. Learning this, JJ was furious with his prodigal predecessor so much so that he wanted to dig up his grave and give his rotting bones a good scolding. However, he could not find any records of his grave. Confused, JJ got curious about his prodigal predecessor. So he began to search for all information about him in the Southern royal family's history records. To his surprise, aside from his predecessor's prodigal behavior the records mentioned that this predecessor was a genius unlike any the Southern Royal family had seen before. He was even dubbed as the hope of the Southern Region but at some point in his life, he went astray giving in to the temptation of all sins known to mankind. Pretty soon his father, the one thing keeping him in check died. After that, his behavior only grew worse, it was as if he had totally lost his way. The more JJ read about the recorded history of his prodigal predecessor the more he grew curious about him so he could not help but wonder why there was no record of his grave as such JJ went through his recorded history to find clues to what happened to his prodigal predecessor only to find a cryptic message hidden in the recorded history. The cryptic message invoked JJ's adventurous spirit. When he finally managed to deduce the cryptic message, he found a set of coordinates pointing to a location within the Southern Royal place grounds. JJ rushed to that location to find a fountain. JJ had been to this fountain many times but he never noticed anything special about it until today. The fountain had an archaic inscription reading, 'Your Search Is Over.' Right next to these words, a ruby gem was embedded in the fountain. JJ had never noticed these inscriptions before however when he came here searching to find out the secret about his prodigal predecessor this inscription and the ruby gem were visible to them. It was as if they would only be visible to those who came to the fountain searching for his prodigal predecessor. From this JJ understood that the fountain was enchanted and the only way to break its enchantment was to come to it in search of the prodigal predecessor who enchanted it. JJ's speculation was only half right because the enchantment had two other conditions for lifting it. One was a time-bound condition and the other was a bloodline condition. The enchantment would only be lifted when someone with the unparalleled bloodline comes to the fountain searching for the said predecessor after more than a century has passed since its creation. This means if JJ did not have the royal bloodline and had not come after it had been more than a century since its creation he would not have been able to see the inscription or the ruby gem embedded next to it. It was as if JJ shared a fate with this predecessor of his.

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