Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 1223 - Being on the Right Track

Chapter 1223: Being on the Right Track

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

As Zhang Tie was sighing inside that he didn’t have too many reliable ones on his side, Bai Suxian brought him a good news. What a timely rain...

Zhang Tie immediately sprung up from the chair as he asked happily, “Really?”

“They lived in Xuantian City which was not far from here. Therefore, I brought them here. Why are you so excited?”

“Haha, why not? It’s gifted by my elder brother-in-law and could solve my problem urgently.” Zhang Tie put his arm around Bai Suxian’s waist as he kissed her face, causing a sound ‘mu’, “My wife is really my good assistant!”

After hearing Zhang Tie’s praise, Bai Suxian felt pretty happy as her face became shiny although she said, “Annoying...”

Watching Bai Suxian’s enchanting look, Zhang Tie’s concern and worry faded away at once. ‘I have friends, brothers, reliances, relationships, final shelter and such a good assistant at home, what am I worried for? It’s just a holy war. I will always have a countermeasure. Who cares!’

“Let’s go, we will take a look at them!” Zhang Tie said in a spirited way.

“Look at what?”

“Of course those dare-to-die fighters!”

“Let them come in for your review!” Bai Suxian looked around the Ancestral Shrine Palace as she nodded, “It’s spacious here. It could hold 2,000 people if they stand close to each other. Now that those people had been gifted to you, as dare-to-die fighters, they have to attend a ceremony to recognize their owner without any disturbance. This place is suitable for them!”

“An owner recognition rite?” Zhang Tie asked out of curiosity.

“Of course, dare-to-die fighters should recognize their owner. If not, anyone could command them. Who dare put such people on their side?” Bai Suxian said with an arrogant look, “The Goldensand dare-to-die fighters trained by Lord Guangnan’s Mansion are famous across Taixia Country!”

“Great, I’d like to a look at them!” Zhang Tie said in an expectant manner.

Zhang Tie knew that his elder brother had controlled a small country in Chaosang Subcontinent called Immortal Wind Country. Zhang Yang favored this country because this country could train blood-tied dare-to-die fighters. It’s difficult to train dare-to-die fighters. Dare-to-die fighters being trained in different secret methods had different abilities. According to Zhang Yang, Immortal Wind Country could only train hundreds of blood-tied dare-to die fighters a year; additionally, it would take them even 10 more years to train a batch of blood-tied dare-to die fighters. The first batch of blood-tied dare-to-die fighters being trained by Immortal Wind Country for Jinwu Business Group and Zhang Yang would be available next year.

The 2,000 Goldensand dare-to-die fighters was definitely a great gift.

Finding that Zhang Tie was so expectant about those Goldensand dare-to-die fighters, Bai Suxian clapped.

After Bai Suxian’s clapped, two wrinkled old men in black robes and odd-looking animal horn hat entered the main hall, followed by teams of people, male and female, old and young.

Zhang Tie looked at those blood-tied dare-to-die fighters and found that they were nothing different than normal people. All of them were spirited with clear eyes. Most of them were about 30 years old. Few of them were old with a gray beard. A small part of them was at their 40s and 20s.

These people were well disciplined. They were well coordinated in actions. 2,000 people stood still and tidily in the main hall without any noise.

After the 2,000 people entered, the main hall finally became full and vigorous.

“Princess, Master, all the blood-tied dare-to-die fighters have arrived!” The two weird old men came to the front of Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian before telling them respectfully.

“There’re males and females, old and young, your elder brother told me that they were craftsmen home slaves trained in accordance with the orthodoxy of dare-to-die fighters, what can they do for us?” Zhang Tie asked Bai Suxian.

“Craftsmen and home slaves are inferior to dare-to-die fighters.” Bai Suxian told the two old men, “You can make an introduction about them to us!”

“Yes, princess! Among the 2,000 people, there are 1,700 males, 300 females. Among the males, there’re 300 LV 6 fighters, 200 LV 7 fighters, 100 LV 8 fighters, 50 LV 9 assassins and 850 craftsmen such as blacksmiths, tailors, tool-makers, gardeners, cobblers, carpenters, accountants, doctors, stewards, farmers, difference engine operators, engineers and clerks. Among the 300 females, there are 100 female fighters from LV 6 to LV 9, who could serve as maids and use remote-sensing crystals; the 200 females include gardeners, embroidery workers, cooks, actresses, music masters, nurses and accountants. Over 150 of them could master many jobs!”

Zhang Tie was really shocked by such dare-to-die fighters.

“What’s the difference between Goldensand dare-to-die fighters trained by Lord Guangnan’s Mansion and the blood-tied dare-to-die fighters trained by the Immortal Wind Country in Chaosang Subcontinent?”

“Goldensand dare-to-die fighters trained by Lord Guangnan’s Mansion maintain their spirits and intelligence. They are nothing different than commoners. Each Goldsand dare-to-die fighter could make increasingly greater achievement through constant development on the road that they choose. However, if you want any one of them to die for you, they would never hesitate to do that!” Bai Suxian explained, “Those blood-tied dare-to-die fighters trained by the Immortal Wind Country in Chaosang Subcontinent are nothing but sh*t among the dare-to-die fighters in Taixia Country. Those blood-tied dare-to-die fighters would lose a part of their spirit and intelligence after they were trained well. Therefore, they could barely gain too much development and achievement in their own way. Although they’re loyal to their owner and won’t do harm to the owner, they could only serve as cannon fodders and tools to threaten others. Nevertheless, it would be very difficult for them to do something else or enter higher stages. Additionally, only males could be trained as blood-tied dare-to-die fighters. Those blood-tied dare-to-die fighters are very inferior fighters. Why do you ask about this?”

After hearing Bai Suxian’s words, Zhang Tie became speechless. Of course, Bai Suxian didn’t know that his elder brother had controlled the Immortal Wind Country in Chaosang Subcontinent and could have them train blood-tied dare-to-die fighters. Therefore, her comment about blood-tied dare-to-die fighters was reliable. However, those who could train dare-to-die fighters in Taixia Country were not ordinary people or clans. Zhang Yang had spent a lot in controlling a small country that could train dare-to-die fighters. As a knight princess of Lord Guangnan’s Mansion, Bai Suxian was picky; however, it didn’t mean that what she didn’t speak highly of wouldn’t do any help to Zhang Tie.

“When I was screwed a few years ago, my elder brother controlled the Immortal Wind Country in Chaosang Subcontinent in case of possible dangers. I was told that Immortal Wind Country could train dare-to-die fighters!” Zhang Tie told Bai Suxian honestly.

Bai Suxian stuck her tongue out in a cute way as she patted her chest and said, “Ahh, if so, I couldn’t say that in front of your elder brother!”

“Hoho, glad that you know it. Aww, is it very difficult to train these Goldensand dare-to-die fighters?”

“Of course, difficult. Even Lord Guangnan’s Mansion could only train about 1,000 Goldensand dare-to-die fighters a year. These people are two years’ work of Lord Guangnan’s Mansion!”

“How do they recognize their owner?”

“Just do as they tell you. It’s an easy rite!” Bai Suxian said as she moved to one side, “After a while, only you could stand here. They could only see you. I will wait for you on one side!”

Zhang Tie nodded.

Under Zhang Tie’s curious gaze, one of the two weird old men turned over his hand as he took out a strange tree-stool shaped podium like thing whose diameter was over 1 m from his portable space-teleportation item and put it in front of Zhang Tie; closely after that, he took out a banner which was covered with weird runes and inserted it on the back of the tree tool; besides, one side of the banner was black, the other was red. After that, he took out a necklace which was composed of a wild animal’s skull and passed it to Zhang Tie. He made a hand gesture to have Zhang Tie put it on his neck. After that, he requested Zhang Tie to stand on the tree stool.

The other old man took out a closed shell from his sleeve and passed it to Zhang Tie before saying, “After a while, when we leave and blow the wooden flute, you should open your bone shell. After that, break your finger and drop some blood onto the little round black ball in the bone shell. Stand here still for a while; when they open their eyes, this rite would come to an end!”

“So easy?”

The old man nodded.

Zhang Tie then replied, “No problem!”

The two weird old men then walked away. When they reached the edge of the team of 2,000 people in the main hall, one old man took out a verdant flute from his sleeve and blew some strange melodious tones. When the melodious tones reverberated around the main hall, all the 2,000 dare-to-die fighters widely opened their eyes suddenly and gazed at Zhang Tie who was standing on the podium. Their eyes were extremely clear and a bit confused just like that of babies who had just come to the world. Being attracted by Zhang Tie, they all watched him out of curiosity.

Zhang Tie was shocked as he hurriedly opened that bone shell. There was indeed a little black round ball in the bone shell. Zhang Tie broke his finger by teeth and dropped some blood onto that little black round ball.

Strangely, when Zhang Tie’s first drop of blood fell onto the black round ball, a part of the round black ball had turned golden. When Zhang Tie’s 4th drop of blood fell onto it, the entire round ball turned golden. After that, the golden round ball dispersed into golden sands and flew towards those dare-to-die fighters.

Of course, they were not golden sands, but bizarre winged insects who were as tiny as sands. There were totally 2,000 such insects. All of them flew to the places below the nostrils of those dare-to-die fighters before drilling into their nostrils like being absorbed in...

Under the gaze of lotus-flower eyes, closely after those insects flew into the nostrils of those dare-to-die fighters, they drilled into the same strange place in their brain. After that, they all stayed still and turned gray as if they had become one part of their brain. Thanks to his lotus-flower eyes, Zhang Tie could see through this process carefully. If not, even if he cut open those dare-to-die fighters’ bodies and looked for the insects inch by inch, he couldn’t find anything abnormal.

All the 2,000 dare-to-die fighters in the main hall had closed their eyes.

However, 1 minute later, all of them opened their eyes and looked at Zhang Tie who was standing on the podium in a strange make-up, their eye light became completely different than that when they entered the main hall just now.

Zhang Tie had ever seen the same kind of eye light from the eyes of those pious believers of Ancient God Church and those people whom Zhang Tie had saved by teleporting them into Castle of Black Iron. The eye light indicated that they believed and relied on Zhang Tie unconditionally and could sacrifice themselves for Zhang Tie at any time like how fish felt when they saw the ocean and how sons felt when they saw their fathers.

“Owner!” 2,000 dare-to-die fighters shouted in unison as they all bowed deeply towards Zhang Tie.

‘How sharp Goldensand dare-to-die fighters!’ Zhang Tie let out a sigh with emotion, ‘Such a training method is really something!’

At this moment, Zhang Tie recalled some special animal controlling means, which had been spread among humans before the Catastrophe. In that age, humans mainly adopted such means to train military dogs and police dogs. As these military and police dogs were trained by professionals in professional bases, they were fierce in nature. Therefore, when these well-trained military and police dogs were handed to polices and troops, the trainers of these military dogs and police dogs would hold an “owner recognition rite” with the receivers of these military and police dogs so that these dogs could be more obedient to their receivers. Usually, the receivers of those dogs would provide a private item which carried their odor such as key cases, hats and velvets for the trainers. Trainers of military and police dogs could have these dogs fully follow the orders of the new owners through the special odor in some special means.

Similarly, the so-called owner recognition rite of dare-to-die fighters was essentially a process which was required to control people who were more senior than dogs. Therefore, it should be more effective in the greater secret method.

Zhang Tie got off the podium and returned the weird necklace and the bone shell to the two old men of Lord Guangnan’s Mansion.

“How long will the effect of this rite last?’

“Generally, forever, unless someone among them promotes to knights. However, by then, I think that master would have better methods to have a knight follower your order piously!”

Zhang Tie nodded as he looked around the over 2,000 pairs of eyes which were fixed on him. All of a sudden, he burst out into laughter...

With 2,000 dare-to-die fighters, Xuantian Feng became vigorous at once. Everyone carried out their own responsibilities accordingly. Iron-Dragon Sect finally looked like a major sect while everything went smooth.

At least, Zhang Tie finally had professional guards and maids; otherwise, he would always feel embarrassed having some female disciples on his side.

Zhang Tie didn’t keep all the 2,000 dare-to-die fighters in Iron-Dragon Sect. He selected 300 people from them and had them report to Zhang Gui. They would follow Zhang Gui’s orders and look after his family members in Jinwu City. As for those 1,700 dare-to-die fighters in Iron-Dragon Sect, Zhang Tie allocated duties to them respectively. In this way, Zhang Tie controlled the entire Iron-Dragon Sect at once.

3 days later, after ending his first tour inspection of Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory, Donder returned to Iron-Dragon Sect. After being told that Zhang Tie got 1,700 dare-to-die fighters who had various talents, Donder immediately selected 30 young females from them and purchased a batch of remote-sensing communications devices so as to found the first Master’s Intelligence Agency in Iron-Dragon Sect. In this way, each command of Zhang Tie could be delivered to all the Local Representatives Committee in each city being affiliated to Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory precisely and timely through authoritative channels.

After Zhang Tie returned to Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory for 1 week, everything in Iron-Dragon Sect and Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory had gradually been on the right track; Zhang Tie gradually ruled the Iron-Dragon Bounty Territory and Iron-Dragon Sect.

The master of Wang Clan of Yushun Palace in Ningan City also became the 3rd myrmidon that Zhang Tie received in Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory.

Additionally, only after a few days, the news that “an iron bird flew in the sky” outside Xuantian City and Zhang Tie had invented “Fiery Oil” had shocked the entire Taixia Country once again.

When Taixia became bustled and shocked by the changes in Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory, Zhang Tie received the news that the expeditionary fleet of Sacred Light Empire had left the harbor for Sacred Iceland Kingdom from Pontiff Sarlin through the remote-sensing crystal.

After one winter’s preparation, Sacred Light Empire’s expeditionary corps which was said “to shatter Sacred Iceland Kingdom” finally set off their harbor towards Sacred Iceland Kingdom.

One day before they set off the harbor, the last warning that Sacred Light Empire delivered to Sacred Iceland Kingdom arrived at Saint Petersburg.

Sacred Light Empire requested Sacred Iceland Kingdom to surrender to them unconditionally; abandon resistance in any terms; disband Ancient God Church; hand over all the “heretics” who joined the assassination of the chief priest of Sacred Light Empire; pay an astronomical compensation and kneel down for the arrival of the special envoy of Sacred Light Empire...

Of course, Saint Petersburg refused them. Therefore, on the second day, the expeditionary corps of Sacred Light Empire set off the harbor for Ice and Snow Wilderness...

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