Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 1377 - Great Casualties Facing Demons

Chapter 1377: Great Casualties Facing Demons

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After over 120 miles’ gallop, fewer than 100,000 of over 200,000 iron-armored demons finally survived the west bank of Weishui River...

Such great casualties shocked Sagus the Monarch Abyss of demons greatly.

Since the demon’s army appeared in the periphery of the Realm of Disaster, they had been taking cities and seizing territory over the past 2 years. The demon knights and wing demons might suffer a bit loss; however, the ground forces had always been carrying all before one while Taixia’s army had been evacuating. Actually, the two parties rarely had any positive contact. In Wuzhou Province, Zhuzhou Province and Yinzhou Province, ground forces of humans and demons rarely collided with each other. Even if they did, they must be small-scale. Additionally, all the human forces that confronted with demon corps on the ground were easily shattered by the latter.

Purely given the battle strength, the demon corps being composed of LV 9 demons had already completely surpassed any existing corps of Taixia Country. Even the corps among the top 4 armies of Taixia country couldn’t establish such a powerful troop.

Therefore, Sagus the Monarch Abyss of demons had been full of ambition on the way here. In its eyes, besides knights, no other forces in Taixia Country could prevent the attack of the demon army. Additionally, as long as the demon army could gain an absolute advantage on the ground, even though human knights could defend the attack of demon army for the time being, their threat would finally diffuse with the failure of ground forces, loss of a great amount of population and cities.

As knights derived from the large population of Taixia Country. The reason why Taixia feared demons was not because of its existing battle strength, but its constant war potential, which came from its large population.

As long as demon’s ground forces balanced Taixia’s advantage on population, the knights in Taixia Country would finally lose its root and couldn’t provide constant war potential anymore. Finally, the entire Taixia Country would be destroyed by demons in this holy war. By then, the wholly new world that demons had been expecting for would come.

It was the strategy that demon powers adopted for dealing with Taixia Country and the importance of the existence of the LV 9 demon corps, namely, balancing Taixia’s advantage in population as fast as possible so as to completely destroy the foundation for producing human knights.

Before this holy war, the demon powers had made a conclusion through a precise reckoning. As long as demons could reduce the population of Taixia Country to its half, the speed of the appearance of new human knights would not catch up with the consumption speed of human knights on the battlefield. By then, the entire country would gradually decline as its the number of human knights would gradually decrease. Finally, the entire country would be exterminated by demons.

The situation facing Yezhou Province, Wuzhou Province, Zhuzhou Province and Yinzhou Province had fully verified the speculation of demon powers about this holy war. As long as demon knights could counterbalance human knights in Taixia Country, the demon corps of LV 9 demons would accomplish its attack and occupation about the population and cities in Taixia Country. As demons had plundered a large number of Hua people and cities, the Heavens Reaching Empire was soon established on the Eastern Continent in such a short period since demons launched a strike towards Taixia Country and gradually had the power to oppose the imperial court of Taixia Country as a part of demon forces.

Sagus thought that demon’s ground forces could absolutely become irresistible in this holy war. However, it was out of its imagination that the demon’s ground force was severely damaged by Taixia’s ground force near the bank of Weishui River after the demon army occupied the 4 provinces of Taixia Country.

In about 120 miles, half of the unrivaled corps of 200,000 iron-armored demons fell down when they didn’t even see their enemy at all.

Before the holy war, the demon powers had already assessed the influence that the industrial strength and new weapons of Taixia country might pose to this holy war. At that time, all the demon powers thought that the biggest threat that Taixia Country posed to the demon’s ground forces based on their industrial strength was white phosphorous gel combustible bomb. In the fights between demons and humans, Taixia Country had already put portable white phosphorous gel bombs into use. In the future, Taixia Country might match its troops with such portable weapons on a large scale.

However, the so-called “large scale” was just relative to the former use of white phosphorous gel bombs. In the last holy war, the white phosphorous gel bombs produced by Taixia Country were mainly for airships. Ground forces barely used it. After making a serious assessment about the production procedures of white phosphorous gel bombs and the small amount of portable white phosphorous gel bombs that they acquired from earth elements realm, they all thought that Taixia’s ground forces couldn’t be matched with such a portable weapon on a large scale being limited to the manufacturing technologies, raw materials and cost. Only officials of Taixia’s ground forces could be matched with such portable weapons. Given the scale of Taixia troops, each official above LV 6 of Taixia ground forces could at most be matched with 2 portable white phosphorous gel bombs.

The white phosphorous gel bombs would bring troubles to demon’s ground forces; however, it was nothing serious compared to such a large corps of LV 9 demon knights.

As Fiery Oil appeared after the holy war broke out, the demon powers and elites had not imagined that the new Fiery Oil weapons could cause such a heavy loss to their ground forces.

Watching the flames that spurted out of the ground from time to time, Sagus instantly understand that these new weapons of Taixia Country were far more destructive than they had imagined. Additionally, it seemed that Taixia troops could be easily matched with such new weapons on a large scale.

Being driven mad, Sagus crumbled the handle of his throne...

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The fight in the sky and on the ground continued as the first positive collision between demons and Taixia army would not stop so fast. After surviving the “explosions and flames”, those iron-armored demons immediately dove into the icy river and swam towards the opposite bank.

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‘Is that the only trump card of Taixia Country?’

The small frustration facing the ground troops didn’t scare the demon general away. Under his pitch-dark metal mask, Sagus’ gloomy eye light jumped while over 20,000 wing demon fighters flew towards Weishui River from the demon army like a cloud...

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