Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 1449 - Fiery Oil! Fiery Oil!

Chapter 1449: Fiery Oil! Fiery Oil!

In the draft of the document, the Rhesa Republic, Barbarian Federation and Frandiland Empire divided their boundaries once again. According to the new plan, two countries would cede some land to establish an economic corridor between the north of Frandiland Empire and Nordinham Federation. Additionally, the two countries invested to build a city in this economic corridor before gifting it to Zerom and Kerlin. Nordinham Commercial Federation then adopted this city as a member of their federation.

After browsing the document and the joint statement, Zhang Tie nodded. Closely after that, he gave them to Zerom and Kerlin. Kerlin immediately shook his head as he gave the document to Zerom. After skimming over it, Zerom nodded as he subdued his excitement...

Now that Zerom nodded, it meant that this thing had been done.

“We need to fix something in this document. You don’t need to pay for this city. I will pay for it. After it is established, the new city would become one of the largest fiery oil production bases on the Western Continent!” Zhang Tie said as he flicked at the map. As of now, Zhang Tie didn’t care about the cost of a city anymore. What Zhang Tie wanted was the peaceful and modest attitude of the Rhesa Republic and Barbarian Federation. After the opponents showed their sincerity, Zhang Tie didn’t want to gain any extra advantage from them at all. He then added, “Haven’t the Rhesa Republic and Barbarian Federation started to build fiery oil production bases in their countries since the end of last year?”

Mayers and Gula exchanged a glance with each other.

“Erm...let me explain it for you. Countries on Western Continent are actually focusing on the battle situation facing the Western Theater of Operations of Taixia Country; especially the usage of fiery oil weapons on the battlefield!” Mayers pretended to cough twice as he added, “It’s also one of my major works in Taixia Country. After receiving the intelligence through legit channels that Taixia Country wiped out the army of 200,000 demons at the bank of Weishui River and the great meritorious services that the air cavalries troops of Taixia Country made in the air, I sent the intelligence back to my superior. After that, I got a command——get the design drawing of the fiery oil production base in Taixia Country. Ahem...ahem...General Mushen, you know that the fiery oil production bases in Taixia Country adopt mature alcohol production skills. There’s almost no difference between the main production procedures of fiery oil and that of alcohol production. There’s actually no confidence in production engineering across bases. As long as an insider takes a round in the base, he would master it and provide the design drawing. The key in the base is actually the enzyme inside the core fermentation device. There’re so many fiery oil production bases and attendants across Taixia Country, we could barely keep confidence for the design drawing of fiery oil production base at all. In the latter half of last year, we could already buy it through some semi-open channels in the circle of diplomats in Xuanyuan Hill. In the beginning, the price for one set of design drawing was 500,000 gold coins; later on, it dropped to 20,000 gold coins. I only spent 50,000 gold coins for a fiery oil production base which could produce 100 tons of fiery oil annually. I’ve already sent it back to my country...”

“Actually, countries on the Western Continent hold the same opinion!” Gula the diplomatic ambassador of Barbarian Federation said, “As for fiery oil, a strategic resource that could determine the overall situation facing humans in the holy war, we prefer to build a fiery oil production base in advance and wait for core fermentation device. The earlier we could produce fiery oil, the earlier fiery oil weapons would appear on the battlefield on Western Continent. The earlier fiery oil weapons we could produce, the more human fighters would be saved. I believe that General Mushen could understand it well. Those who most need fiery oil weapons are numerous low-level human fighters. Fiery oil weapons are their support in fighting demons. As for fighters of Barbarian Federation, as long as those fighters could have an incendiary grenade, any of them would dare pose a challenge to an army of LV 9 demons. Because our fighters know that they might kill a demon with that incendiary grenade. With this support, they would not be afraid of death...”

Zhang Tie let out a sigh inside. Last night, Cecilia had told him that the Western Continent had started to build fiery oil production bases. Actually, besides the Rhesa Republic and Barbarian Federation, Francia Empire, Sacred Light Empire and almost all the other middle- and large-sized countries on the Western Continent were building fiery oil production bases. All the powers were trying building fiery oil production bases even though these bases might get rusty due to a shortage of enzyme. In addition, many foreign countries had already bought I and II air cavalries and their dual-drive engines, of course, for reverse development, revamping and planning their layout on airplanes production capacity as soon as possible.

Compared to fiery oil production, plane production was much easier; because plane production could almost be completed based on the existing industrial production conditions. Basically, any country which was able to produce buses could produce planes.

Cecilia also told him that some countries on the Western Continent had long produced planes and many dual-drive engines. They were all waiting for fiery oil. According to the latest intelligence from Western Theater of Operations, countries on the Western Continent had already had volunteers accept training of air cavalries in Western Theater of Operations, Taixia Country. After receiving training, most of them would establish air cavalry regiments on behalf of their own countries in the Western Theater of Operations so as to help Taixia Country defend demons while the rest would return to their own countries on the Western Continent.

It was a trade. Taixia Country helped countries on Western Continent cultivate air cavalries as the latter had their students help Taixia Country fight demons.

Fiery oil and fiery oil weapons were spreading over the human world in an overwhelming way. At the same time, they would cause a series of revolutions. Those countries and powers which missed this round of revolutions might be lagged behind by the train of development and become the pronoun of annihilation in this holy war.

After being silent for a second, Zhang Tie watched the two diplomatic ambassadors as he said, “I know that the Rhesa Republic and Barbarian Federation have already started to build fiery oil production bases domestically since last year. As a return, I would provide each of you core fermentation devices that could produce 1 million tons of fiery oil annually in the early stage so that you could produce fiery oil this year. As for the mode of cooperation, we could refer to that between Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory and the other major sects in Taixia Country. It’s the most preferential condition that I could promise for Western Continent. Furthermore, I’ve got a hard requirement for you. All the fiery oil weaponry that you produce could only be used to fight demons; instead of fighting hostile human forces in your countries or other human countries. Bear it in mind! If I found that you’ve violated this rule, I would stop the cooperation right away forever!”

Hearing that Zhang Tie was going to build the city and make it the largest fiery oil production base on the Western Continent in the future, Mayers and Gula exchanged a glance out of excitement. When they heard Zhang Tie’s compensation, they bowed deeply towards Zhang Tie sincerely at the same time as they subdued their excitement.

“Our Barbarian Federation will never forget our friend who provided us assistance at the critical moment. Such a friend is more like our brother and blood-tied relative in our eyes!” Gula said as he hammered his own chest by the right hand, which was the most official etiquette for Barbarian Federation.

“This friendship is irresistible. Our Rhesa Republic would maintain it forever!” Mayers also said seriously.

Zhang Tie nodded at them. After that, he fixated onto Milton the deputy speaker of Nordinham Commercial Federation as he said with a smile, “In order to extend my thanks to your care of my two teachers, you could gain a quota of 100,000 tons fiery oil each year after the fiery oil production base in the new city is put into operation!”

After being silent for a second, Milton became thrilled. If 100,000 tons of fiery oil were used to produce weapons, he could also make a lot by selling them. Importantly, he could contact Zhang Tie, who would bring him a constant profit.

“Your generosity and mercy could match the brilliance of sunlight and moonlight!” Milton said as he bowed deeply towards Zhang Tie. At the same time, he cleaned the dust off Zhang Tie’s shoes using his own sleeve——the largest veneration that a businessman could give to the others in Nordinham Commercial Federation.

Everyone in the room was very happy, including Zhang Tie; especially when he saw Zerom’s and Captain Kerlin’s smiles, Zhang Tie felt that what he had done was worthwhile.

Actually, Zhang Tie was compensating Zerom and Captain Kerlin instead of investing them except for the significance of fiery oil. Zhang Tie expected to make everyone who had helped him realize their dreams and live more meaningful and splendid lives; he hoped them to succeed and enjoy wealth, position and a great honor as early as possible.

If they couldn’t, Zhang Tie would feel meaningless about his success and efforts.

In Zhang Tie’s heart, if a person became a king atop a mountain and all the others that he knew knelt down at the foot of the mountain as his slaves, it was not a success; instead, it was the humbler ambition of a humble person.

Zhang Tie would despise such a person even if he was a deity, not to mention a king.

“Mayers, bring us your wine. It’s time for us to enjoy your wine...”

“As you wish...” Mayers replied in a witty way.


As Zhang Tie sipped the wine, his thought had already flown to Fiery-Dragon Bounty Territory! It had been too long since he was at home last time, including the 6 decades that he spent in the tower of time.

It was also the start for fiery oil to board on Western Continent. With two good models, the Rhesa Republic and Barbarian Federation, Zhang Tie believed that it would be easier to solve latter problems.


After the two ambassadors of the Rhesa Republic and Barbarian Federation, Zerom and Captain Kerlin left Qianji Manor in the morning, Cecilia and the plenipotentiary of Francia Empire paid a visit to Qianji Manor together in the afternoon.

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