Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 1471 - A Multitude of Guests

Chapter 1471: A Multitude of Guests

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Starting from the second day when the mourning hall was well arranged, the old mansion in Golden Light City had started to be boisterous. The head and the elders of Huaiyuan Palace in Yanghe Prefecture came to offer their condolences first, followed by the heads of branches of Huaiyuan Palace. After that, all the representatives of major clans and sects from Gaozhou Province, Mozhou Province, Tongzhou Province, Qiongzhou Province, Yanzhou Province, Huizhou Province and Chaozhou Province within Northeast Military Region poured into Golden Light City. Then, major clans and business partners which cooperated with Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory and Jinwu Business Group across the country arrived one after another.

Additionally, none of them were small figures. Actually, all of them were clan heads, grand elders or regimental commanders. As they all knew that Zhang Tie was in the old mansion of the Zhang family. If they assigned small figures here, they might not even have a chance to meet Zhang Tie, which would be in vain.

Golden Light City had never been so boisterous since it was founded. Now, it was even more boisterous than that when major clans scrambled for the provincial governor of Youzhou Province years ago. The sky above Golden Light City was covered with airboats. The airports outside the city had almost been filled with airboats as those airships in the airports had been transferred to other places by the mayor.

Thankfully, the Zhang family had long predicted that many people would come here to offer their condolences to the old man’s death. Therefore, two walls in the old man had been demolished in the very evening for the sake of the space of the mourning hall.

Besides Zhang Taixuan who left Golden Light City for Youzhou City after offering the condolence due to public affairs, Elder Muyuan, Elder Muyu and Elder Muen just stayed there and greeted moguls from all walks of life. With the help of the three elders, the old mansion didn’t meet any trouble.

Zhang Tie was the grand elder of Huaiyuan Palace. Therefore, the death of his grandpa was a major event for Huaiyuan Palace and it was reasonable for the clan elders of Huaiyuan Palace to stay here for greeting guests.

The best hotels and inns in Golden Light City had long been rented by the Zhang family for the sake of their guests.

Due to the large population, officers and soldiers were maintaining the two streets outside the old mansion.

Zhang Tie put on a mourning dress and started to greet those guests in the old mansion on the second day. After offering their condolences to Zhang Haitian, those clan heads and elders of major clans and sects would be guided to Zhang Tie for a short chat. After that, they would be arranged to take a rest somewhere.

There was an old Hua saying——the poor would be ignored in the boisterous market while the rich would have relatives in deep mountains. That was how things went. Zhang Tie could accept this fact; instead of being cynic and self-assured. Zhang Tie knew his role in the old mansion and the purpose of many guests. Therefore, he just listened to the arrangement of family members tenderly. At this moment, the arrival of these guests represented their sincerity and was the the glory of the old man. Therefore, Zhang Tie treated them politely. As for those who wanted to have a short chat with him, Zhang Tie didn’t put on airs at all; instead, he just talked with them casually and kindly so that they could return satisfactorily.

Disasters and pain would make people mature. After the old man passed away, the future of the Zhang family would be determined by Zhang Tie. Zhang Tie found that he became much more mature overnight.

As more and more guests arrived, the monetary gifts frightened Zhang Tie’s uncles and aunts.


The first night fell soon. After 12 am, according to the rules, nobody would come to the mourning hall any more although the old mansion was brightly lit with an open gate. Those who hadn’t offered condolences could only come here after sunrise. The mourning hall would last for 7 days. After then, they would hold funeral rites such as amnesty, offering sacrifice in each 7 days and burial ceremony. The entire process would last 49 days.

Of course, it was the custom persisted by major clans in Taixia Country. As for small families, the funeral ceremony would only last 3 days or 7 days.

“...Fraternity Palace of Mo Clan in Mozhou Province 17 million gold coins; Qian Clan with the provincial governor of Tongzhou Province 3 million gold coins; Morality Palace of Gu Clan in Gaozhou Province 3 million gold coins; RockEmbracing Palace of Wang Clan in Qiongzhou Province 3 million gold coins; Liu Clan with the provincial governor of Huizhou Province 3 million gold coins; SkyDistant Palace of Xiong Clan in Chaozhou Province 2 million gold coins; SageMiss Palace of Hong Clan in Chaozhou Province 6 million gold coins; Zhu Clan with the provincial governor of Yanzhou Province 4 million gold coins, WoodsPiling Palace of Sun Clan in Yanzhou Province 2 million gold coins and...”

Zhang Tie who had received guests for the whole day was listening to Zhang Su’s father reading a list of gifts in a chair in a room beside the mourning hall.

The thin page of gifts sounded as heavy as Mount Tai for Zhang Tie’s eldest uncle as he kept quivering his hands and his voice.

Hundreds of clans’ names and gifts were recorded on the long list. The total of the monetary gifts was astronomical. It took Zhang Su’s father a few minutes to finish reading them.

However, this list of gifts only contained those clans whose gifts worth over 1 million gold coins. Those below 1 million were not even recorded.

The monetary gift of Fraternity Palace of Mo Clan alone was already several times greater than the total asset of the former Galaxy Shipyard of the old mansion. No wonder Zhang Tie’s eldest uncle became intense.

Besides, Zhang Tie’s other uncles were also in the room in mourning clothing, including Zhang Tie’s father. They were all listening to the report. The figures on the list of monetary gifts made them dazzled and thirsty. Even Zhang Tie’s dad was not interested in money, he was also shocked by such an astronomical figure.

Zhang Yang was also listening to it aside right on a chair beside Zhang Tie. When he drank tea, he glanced over his uncles every now and then.

“A younger cousin said that the old man passed away brightly and received so many monetary gifts; the money should be shared by all of us as the old man’s heritage. Each one could at least get millions of gold coins. All the posterities of the Zhang family would be millionaires and don’t worry about money for ten generations. We could all lead steady lives. I wonder whether the other uncles are also thinking this way?” Zhang Yang put down the teacup as he opened his mouth the moment Zhang Lin finished his words.

Zhang Yang said with a smile; however, it sounded a bit cold.

Zhang Tie threw a glance at his elder brother. Of course, he didn’t doubt Zhang Yang’s intention, but he couldn’t imagine that some disciples on the side of the old man had already lost their mind by the money on the list of monetary gifts only after the old man passed away for one day.

In the following days, there would be more monetary gifts. No wonder someone would think about having this money.

Was it the heritage of the old man? Of course, it was apparently; however, everyone knew what it was as long as he or she was not an idiot. These monetary gifts were more like the sincerity that these major clans and sects expressed to Zhang Tie than their respect to the old man. Without Zhang Tie, even Zhang Taixuan’s death would not be so attractive, not to mention Zhang Haitian.

Under the gaze of Zhang Yang, some uncles remained calm while others looked a bit embarrassed...

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