Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 1518 - Zhang Ties Overall Plan

Chapter 1518: Zhang Tie’s Overall Plan

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

“The first palace of seven internal palaces of Iron-Dragon Sect is Heavens Palace. Being ruled by the deputy head, the “Heavens” Palace was in charge of general affairs across the sect. The second palace of seven internal palaces is Personnel Affairs Palace, which is in charge of the personnel promotion, rewards and punishments of the sect. The third palace of seven internal palaces is Ground Palace, which is responsible for the administrative affairs and construction of the sect. The fourth palace of seven internal palaces is Ritual Palace, which accounts for rites and sacrifices. The fifth palace of seven internal palaces is Criminal Penalty Palace, which, literally, takes in charge of the execution of criminal laws. The sixth palace is Safety Palace, which will guard and patrol the territory of Iron-Dragon Sect and clear out the moles. The seventh palace is Methods Palace which is responsible for managing and imparting secret methods to disciples.”

“The first palace of the seven external palaces is Counseling Palace, which works as the counselors and think tank for Iron-Dragon Sect. The second palace of the seven external palaces is Stockpile Palace, which, literally, refers to the management of wealth, grains and the undertakings of the second. The third palace is Intelligence Palace, which will collect intelligence for the sect. The fourth palace is Military Palace, which accounts for the expedition, crackdown and assassination and like. The fifth palace is Craftsmanship Palace, which is for studying and producing weapons, pills, rune and alchemist’s equipment. The sixth palace is Talents Selecting Palace, which is for recruiting and selecting talented disciples across the country. The seventh palace is Treasures Seeking Palace, which, literally, is looking for pre-historical relics and secret treasures like the tower of time in the underground world...”

“Above seven internal palaces and seven external palaces is Elders Council, which is responsible for negotiating major events in Iron-Dragon Sect!”

After putting out his idea about the reform of Iron-Dragon Sect, Zhang Tie asked, “I wonder whether there’s any dissent.”

After exchanging a glance with each other, all the elders at present shook their heads which denoted that they fully agreed with Zhang Tie’s idea.

“Now that you all root for it, I will nominate some people for ruling seven internal palaces and seven external palaces. Donder...”

“Aah...” Donder responded at a stroke.

“You will be responsible for Stockpile Palace in the seven external palaces!”

“Zhang Su!”

“Here!” Zhang Su hurriedly sprung up.

“You will account for Treasures Seeking Palace for the time being!”

“Yes, sir!” Zhang Su understood that it was just a provisional position. As the Treasures Seeking Palace should comprise of professional underground exploration teams, which didn’t need knights for the time being. Therefore, Zhang Su fit this position well!

“Mountain Lifting Hermit, you’re in charge of Criminal Penalty Palace as usual!”

Mountain Lifting Hermit nodded.

“Elder Brother Lu and Sister Huanxi will be responsible for Safety Palace. Safety counts most in our sect. It’s a bit hard for merely one knight to maintain it in the current stage. I will be reassured if it’s jointly managed by a good couple. From then on, the Iron-Dragon Sect should be free from danger at least inside!”

Lu Zhongming and Lin Huanxi nodded in unison as they thought that Zhang Tie’s arrangement was proper.

“As the head of Guo Clan, Hongyi has been ruling Guo Clan for many years. The prosperity of Guo Clan implies your shrewd ability to identify talents. You will be responsible for Personnel Affairs Palace!”

After hearing Zhang Tie’s extolment, Guo Hongyi became delighted as she revealed a brilliant smile towards Zhang Tie.

“As Suxian grew up in Lord Guangnan’s Mansion, you must be deeply intoxicated by the atmosphere of the mansion and seen the world. You will account for the Ritual Palace!”

Bai Suxian nodded too.

Ritual Palace was the most relaxed palace in Iron-Dragon Sect. However, it was very important on occasions. Given Bai Suxian’s personality as a princess, she must feel pretty bored managing Ground Palace or Methods Palace. Therefore, she suited the position of the head of the Ritual Palace.

“All the other directors could be in vacancy for the time being. During the period when I leave for South Border, you could negotiate about that. We will list the leaders of all the palaces first and promote some able deputy directors. Take Craftsmanship Palace as an instance, we could promote a couple of deputy directors so as to make it run. A few days ago, I’ve already had Donder search for exceptional talents across the Northeast Military Region. They could run the agency first. As for the other vacancies, we will make further arrangement when more knights join Iron-Dragon Sect. In addition, Mountain Lifting Hermit could absolutely serve as an elder teacher in the Methods Palace provisionally at the same time...”

“Actually, Iron-Dragon Sect wouldn’t lack knights. When the head’s military exploits at the bank of Weishui River spread over, we’ve already received a lot of inquiries. Many knights admire head’s reputation and would like to join Iron-Dragon Sect, many of which come from the Northeast Military Region. Whereas, head, we’ve not formulated a charter for that. Therefore, we turned them down kindly for the time being!” Mountain Lifting Hermit said.

“We will talk about it later. We should take the event in Jinwu City as a mirror. As we’re not clear about the background of new attendants, once someone among them wants to screw us, it would pose a great threat to Iron-Dragon Sect. Therefore, we prefer completely trusted ones!” Zhang Tie said resolutely.


Zhang Tie’s new regulations spread over Iron-Dragon Sect on the same day and aroused a great shock among those disciples.

According to the new regulations, even though two of his nephews were taught directly by him, they had to follow the standard of outdoor disciples as they were not even qualified to access to the mountain gate of Iron-Dragon Sect. They had to hone themselves in Jinwu Corps. Only after reaching LV 9 could they enter the mountain gate and become indoor disciples, lest disappointing other disciples.

Meanwhile, these new rules showed a golden road to many people. Every disciple of Iron-Dragon Sect would have their heyday as long as they would like to ascend.

Each one’s effort and contribution to the sect would not be a waste.

Although the new regulations had not been delivered yet, the entire sect had become vigorous as it started to display strong cohesiveness.

On the same day, Zhang Tie did three more things.

First, he had Zhang Yang release news to those clans and sects who had deep cooperation with Zhang’s Jinwu Palace that Zhang’s Jinwu Palace would like to enter deep cooperation with clans and sect which had the tower of time by exchanging the access of tower of time with fiery oil and all-purpose medicament.

Every resource had a price, including the tower of time, not to mention fiery-oil and all-purpose medicament. As long as conditions were met, such resources would be available for exchange. Each took what needed pleasantly. Everybody was happy.

When this news was released on the same day when Zhang’s Jinwu Palace was founded, it also aroused a great shock across the country.

On the same day, Zhang Tie left 49 footsteps, each of which was as deep as 6 cm, on a huge rock as large as a house on the verge of the cliff behind Xuantian Peak. Additionally, he recorded the method of “Vigorous Grass Gait” into a piece of crystal and handed it to Mountain Lifting Hermit. From today on, all the disciples could have a chance to sense the “Vigorous Grass Gait” on the verge of the cliff as long as his or her credit points reached 3,000 in the sect.

After knowing that “Vigorous Grass Gait” was comprehended and concluded by Zhang Tie himself and learning it and experiencing its power, Mountain Lifting Hermit admired Zhang Tie so much that he told Zhang Tie such a gait was absolutely on the top of ground ranks and was close to the power of heavenly rank. Very few people across the country could create such a great battle skill.

Zhang Tie didn’t tell Mountain Lifting Hermit that the “Vigorous Grass Gait” was just his comprehension of some rules adopted by the grass based on his LV 1 consciousness of universal laws, which was not difficult for him at all.

The third thing was that Zhang Tie entered Castle of Black Iron in the name of secluded cultivation to meet White Bones Immortal again on the same evening.

White Bones Immortal’s obstinacy was out of Zhang Tie’s imagination. Since he was captured and thrown into Castle of Black Iron, this guy had been in hibernation like an animal. He cut off all the senses of the outside world. In this sense, even if he was chopped, he would not feel any pain or fear; nor would he wake up.

These days, Zhang Tie neglected him. Therefore, he just pretended to die for over one month as he thought that Zhang Tie couldn’t get any information from him.

Whereas, before leaving for South Border, Zhang Tie didn’t feel like playing hide-and-seek with him any longer...


In the evening, after entering Castle of Black Iron, Zhang Tie directly came to the underground cell where White Bones Immortal was locked up without the guidance of Agan and Heller.

Too many knights had been locked here. However, most of them had been sh*t and fertilizers, except the timid demon knight Akino of Augusto Clan who was captured by Zhang Tie from Earth-elements Realm.

Watching Zhang Tie passing by his door, Akino was so scared that he immediately shrunk himself into the shadow at the corner of the cell like seeing a man-eater beast, head down.

Zhang Tie just threw a glance at Akino as he directly came to the front of the cell where White Bones Immortal was locked up.

In the cell, White Bones Immortal was crumbling like a snake while completely hiding his qi and temperature. He was stiff as dead and appeared not waking up no matter how one tortured him.

This guy had already maintained this gesture for over one month. Since he woke up and found that he was locked up here, he had been maintaining this gesture as if he was going to test Zhang Tie’s patience...

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