Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 1521 - Encountering an Understanding Friend

Chapter 1521: Encountering an Understanding Friend

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

“This is my second younger brother Bai Zhengxi, the second elder brother of Suxian...” Bai Zhengnan started to introduce that man behind him to Zhang Tie, “Zheng Xi admires heroes most. After hearing that you’re coming today, he urged to pick you up together with me and have a look at the legendary Qianji Immortal...”

“Hahaha, hopefully, I don’t let second elder brother down!” Zhang Tie greeted Bai Zhengxi with a brilliant smile.

“You deserve that reputation. I know why Suxian doesn’t feel like returning home!” Bai Zhengxi said with a smile after observing Zhang Tie seriously.

Bai Suxian came over here as she hailed them, “We’re a family. Let’s get on the vehicle and talk about it when we reach home...”

They then got on the same vehicle before leaving the airport.

Soon after the vehicle left the airport, Zhang Tie had heard booms above his head as he saw a group of 7 type I air cavalries flying over them in a formation through the window.

“Last year, we’ve established 47 pilots training academies in Yuezhou Province, Hongzhou Province, Kunzhou Province and Zhaozhou Province which helped us train over 300,000 air cavalries within the territory of South Border. By the end of this year, there would be 1 million air cavalries in South Border; the figure would reach 5 million by next year...” Bai Zhengnan sighed with emotion as he watched the airplanes above them and told Zhang Tie, “After the first air battle between air cavalries and wing demons, my second uncle had sent a message to us from Weishui Theater of Operations in which he acclaimed the performance of air cavalries on the battlefield greatly. My father prepares to establish 10 independent air cavalries corps in the territory of Lord Guangnan’s Mansion. Without you, the air cavalry forces in South Border could never realize such rapid development, even leading the country...”

Hearing that the air cavalry force reached such a large scale within one year in South Border, Zhang Tie was really shocked by the wealth and power of Lord Guangnan’s Mansion. As Lord Guangnan’s Mansion owned the four provinces in South Border, the moment he delivered a decree, the entire territory would be in mobilization, including wealth, materials, manpower and like in such an amazing, high efficiency. If it were in other places especially those republican or federal countries in the Western Continent, they could barely reach such high efficiency. One year might not even be enough for the quarrel between those parliamentary members and politicians in those democratic countries.

“It’s all because of the good leadership of Lord Guangnan and the concerted efforts of the people...” Zhang Tie answered modestly at once.

“Come on. Everybody has known that you’re the father of air cavalries, the first human air cavalry and air battle master. You should stay for a few days to give teachings to the training of air cavalries in South Border...”

“Father of air cavalries?” Zhang Tie became dumbfounded.

“Don’t you know that? This reputation aroused from the Western Continent. Your reputation in this aspect could definitely match the reputation of divine dominator. These days, this name has been spread over Xuanyuan Hill by ambassadors who were designated to Xuanyuan Hill from countries in Western Continent!” Bai Zhengnan explained as he pointed at Bai Zhengxi, “Zhengxi has no interest in cultivation since young. He would not cultivate without the monitoring of my father. Therefore, he’s just LV 14 and is far from promoting to a knight. However, he’s very interested in metal machinery and manufacturing. He’s already a great artisan master. All the industries and enterprises under the leadership of Lord Guangnan’s Mansion within the territory of South Border are administered by Zhengxi, including fiery-oil bases, airplane plants and those new arsenals. He’s prepared a lot of questions to learn from you...”

“Hahaha, you’re too polite. We could learn from each other...”

“The structure of dual-drive engine is really delicate. I’ve designed some similar works before; however, none of them could match type I air cavalry in terms of efficiency. It’s said that you have designed and produced dual-drive engine?” Bai Zhengxi asked as he watched Zhang Tie with bright eyes.

“Yes, it’s just a whim; just a whim...”

“If it’s just a whim, what about fiery-oil weapons?” Bai Zhengxi sighed, saying, “Pitifully, I didn’t attend the battle at the bank of Weishui River with my second uncle. It’s said that the first wave of attack of a corps of LV 9 demons were easily destroyed by your fiery-oil mines. That’s...really...” Bai Zhengnan smacked his lip as he continued, “According to my knowledge, all the rune instruments for individuals are just tricks. The ultimate purpose for a rune instruments master is to match weapons of massive destruction which could kill numerous enemies and scare them off on the battlefields.”

It was out of Zhang Tie’s imagination that Bai Zhengnan was a techanical otaku, who was interested in mechanics. His last line aroused Zhang Tie’s resonance. Since he promoted to a runed instrument master, Zhang Tie had almost not used his skills to produce any equipments for the individual purpose; because he felt it was meaningless. What Zhang Tie pursued for was to develop some weapons that could do harm to numerous people on the battlefield.

“Rune instrument master shouldn’t become the subordinate and equipment producer of knights! Instead, they should draw knights off the throne!”

“May you put it simply?” Bai Zhengxi asked and fixed his eyes on Zhang Tie.

“Invent some rune instruments that could kill knights!” Zhang Tie explained calmly.

With a sound “Pah...” Bai Zhengxi slapped his thigh excitedly as he almost sprung up from his seat. He treated Zhang Tie as his understanding friend, saying, “That’s what I was thinking about. I’ve told them about that; but they treated me as a lunatic...”

“It’s not that you’re lunatic, but the rune instrument skills being carried forward are incomplete...”

“Yes, you’re right...” Bai Zhengxi couldn’t stand slapping his thigh again as he started his speech, “The current rune instrument masters have not completely carried forward the runed instrument skills of ancient times. Take tower of time as an instance, aren’t runes in the tower of time masterpieces of runed instrument masters? Whereas, which rune instrument master today could interpret and apply those runes? In the far-ancient times, runed instrument masters must be very very powerful so that they could build a tower of time. If today’s rune instrument master could invent weapons that are fatal to demon knights, the universal game rule of the holy war would be rewritten. That should be the ultimate target of rune instrument masters...”

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