Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 1618 - The Stimulative of Xuanyuan Wujis Death

Chapter 1618: The Stimulative of Xuanyuan Wuji’s Death

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang Tie had soon stayed in secluded cultivation for over one month.

During this period, the three black invitation cards constantly fermented, causing greater popularity across the forum of Mountain of Brightness and a hot discussion among the people. Even the censorate in Xuanyuan Hill was condemning the three top sects for neglecting the righteousness and the crisis from demons for the sake of their own interests. In this case, the black invitation cards became the accomplice of demons for real. That was too shameless! Some leftish imperial censors even requested His Majesty Xuanyuan Changying to go on a punitive expedition against the three top sects.

All the people, the knights and the officialdom of Taixia Country were rooting for Zhang Tie. As a result, the three top sects had to bear great stress from them.

In the same month, the mountain gate of Iron-Dragon Sect was always crowded with knights and major clans. After knowing that Zhang Tie was in secluded cultivation, all of them left messages that they would cheer for Zhang Tie in the Yinghai Region, Gobi Desert on next January 29. Additionally, they left some gifts or contact information before leaving.

At the critical moment, someone would sail with the wind and despise the future of Iron-Dragon Sect; some righteous and faithful ones who befriended and cooperated with Zhang Tie and Zhang family would stand on Zhang Tie’s side.

The broad human relationship that Zhang Tie and Jinwu Business Group had established these years started to play its role.

Guan Clan, Heavenly Fortune Sect, Lord Guangnan’s Mansion, Zuoqiu Clan of Biyong Palace, Demons-kill Valley, major clans within Northeast Military Region, provincial governors’ clans and sects, over 10 billion soldiers and officers within the territory of west theater of operations, even knights in the Earth-elements Realm, the censorate of Xuanyuan Hill, the officers of the top four armies and the barbarians in the South Border propped for Zhang Tie as they condemned Taiyi Fantasy Sect, Heavens Holding Pavilion and Qionglou Pavilion severely.

Furthermore, due to the black invitation cards, Zhang Su and Zhang Tie’s old mansion suspended the chakra rotating ceremony for Zhang Su. These days, Zhang Su had already left his troop, which didn’t arouse any chaos in the troop.

Nevertheless, Zhang Tie didn’t know anything about all these; instead, he just stayed in Castle of Black Iron and enjoyed his fiery lotus roots, fruits and gradually improved his overall strength. Nobody would disturb him at this critical moment.


The first snow in Youzhou Province fell on December 4. After the heavy snow, the entire ground of Youzhou Province, including Iron-Dragon Sect’s territory was snow-white.

On the evening of December 5, heavy snowflakes were falling in the wind, covering starlights and moonlights. As a result, it was dark all over. Nobody could be seen in the Wild Duck Lake over 60 miles away from Xuantian Peak. There were only reeds covering over 6 million square meters on the bank of the lake. Swaying in the desolate and cold wind, those reeds were wailing like ghosts.

It had already become frozen near the bank. Of course, nobody would come here at this moment, except for one person.

Right then, the water in the middle of the lake suddenly rippled and separated into two halves as Zhang Tie walked out of the lake.

It was one of the three exits leading to the backroom of Iron-Dragon Sect. This lake connected to a subterranean stream through which Zhang Tie came all the way here.

As Iron-Dragon Sect was eye-catching, Zhang Tie didn’t want others to know his trace; therefore, he chose to leave there through a secret tunnel when everybody else thought he was still in secluded cultivation.

The cold wind and the dark didn’t influence Zhang Tie at all. After looking around, Zhang Tie instantly rushed into the sky and entered clouds. In the wuthering north wind, he flew towards south at a speed of almost 30 times that of sound wind.

In the air, Zhang Tie activated his super hiding skill as he turned looming like mist, leaving no sound in the flight at all.

When he was at the bank of Weishui River, he could already reach above 8221 m per second after promoting to a shadow knight; after full recovery; especially after promoting to three change realm of shadow knight in the tower of time, Zhang Tie had gained an overall improvement greatly.

Each round of overall strengthening would mean a pretty sharp increase in his flight ability as a divine dominator. Actually, his flight ability would strengthen by almost 13% in each round of overall strengthening. Zhang Tie had not imagined such a high increase.

According to his guess, perhaps shadow knight had formed a complete water chakra while the air was full of vapor which would be helpful to flight. What was more, shadow knight should form his wind chakra if he wanted to promote to a heavenly knight while wind chakra was related to speed. Therefore, whenever he formed 36 scales of wind chakra, he might get a great sharp increase in flight ability.

After lighting 108 scales, Zhang Tie’s flight speed had easily broken 10,000 m per second.

These days, Zhang Tie had taken a lot of fruits of redemption in Castle of Black Iron. As a result, he had gained a further improvement in his strength, resilience and his resistance in extreme situations. It could be said that Zhang Tie reached a new height and was full of confidence about the future.

Heller’s words in Castle of Black Iron warned Zhang Tie. As he was taking fruits and adapting to the new strength brought by those fruits and fiery lotus roots, he continued to think about this question these days.

To put it simply, the relationship between strength and explosiveness was like that between gunpowder and the burst time of gunpowder after being lit. The greater one’s strength was, the more “gunpowder” he would carry. The shorter the chemical reaction was after gunpowder of the same mass was lit, the greater the explosiveness of the gunpowder would be. The destructive effect for one barrel of 100 kg gunpowder to explode in one day after being lit was completely different than that of being exploded within 0.1 seconds. The so-called explosiveness referred to the release of one’s greater power within the shortest period. Although the golden uangs had great strength, they didn’t have great explosiveness. Similarly, although elephants had great strength, they didn’t have great explosiveness either.

Theoretically, if Zhang Tie could increase his explosiveness by two times, he would increase the destructive effect of his kinetic strike by two more times even if he didn’t increase his strength anymore...

Zhang Tie knew that many animals had great explosiveness, such a flea or mantis. Pitifully, flea or mantis was not sold in the market in Taixia Country. Even though pharmacists didn’t make pills using the two animals. At least now Zhang Tie couldn’t find anything that could cater to his condition of redemption and carry great explosiveness. Therefore, he could only imagine the fruit of redemption from the gratitude of an animal which could increase his explosiveness. Perhaps, it was a matter of karma.

Heller’s words broadened Zhang Tie’s vision greatly. Now that the fruit of redemption could increase his strength and explosiveness, it would also increase his defensive capability. In other words, the fruit of redemption from the gratitude of an animal which could increase his defensive capability would definitely serve as new iron-body fruit. As long as the small tree could continue to produce the fruit of redemption, Zhang Tie would blaze a new trail and find another special route to improve his overall strength.

Although Zhang Tie was really thrilled about this discovery, he couldn’t get those fruits easily.

However, it was just an imagination. As for some things, they wouldn’t happen no matter how many times you imagined about them. For instance, if you wanted to kill someone; even if you had imagined about his death for 10,000 times, he would still not lose a fine hair in reality; instead, he might live better. If you insisted on waiting for karma, you might have to wait for hundreds of years before knowing that your opponent was dead.

Even though you cursed your opponent to die for 10,000 times, it couldn’t be as effective as directly slaying him over his neck by a saber.

Therefore, Zhang Tie silently left the backroom where he entered secluded cultivation and flashed southwards in the heavy wind and snow.

The cold wind was bone-piercing in the high altitude; however, Zhang Tie felt his blood boiling as he was full of killing intent.

Since the beginning, Zhang Tie had not seen his enemy.

As for Zhang Tie, it was his first time to kill someone tentatively whom he had not even seen before. However, this person had to die. If not, Zhang Tie would be sleepless. Additionally, he would feel sorry about himself and Huaiyuan Palace as a whole.

The one that Zhang Tie intended to kill was one son of Emperor Xuanyuan, the younger brother of His Majesty, the key figure of Imperial Alliance and the third prince of Taixia Country——Xuanyuan Wuji!

After the event of Zhang Taixuan, Zhang Tie had known that Xuanyuan Wuji was framing him by arranging a mole on his elder brother’s side. From then on, Zhang Tie had intended to kill the third prince. However, Zhang Tie didn’t fully recover at that time; therefore, he could only stand it for the time being.

After returning to Iron-Dragon Sect from South Border, Zhang Tie had fully recovered. Therefore, when he received the three black invitation cards, he had determined to kill Xuanyuan Wuji.

Xuanyuan Wuji thought that Zhang Tie didn’t know the relationship between him and the three top sects as he was hiding behind Imperial Alliance and the three top sects. Therefore, he held that he could make Zhang Tie his steppingstone towards his ascension to the throne by playing his tricks presumptuously. However, he couldn’t imagine that Zhang Tie had long known his existence and those tricks he had played. In Zhang Tie’s eyes, the three black invitation cards were stimulating his death for real.

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