Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 1692 - Watching Sunrise

Chapter 1692: Watching Sunrise

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem


After taking a deep breath of the fresh air for a few times, Zhang Tie met Ji Yuelan and Jiang Ruoxin who were already well dressed in his courtyard. He greeted them.

“Don’t you remember what you’re going to do today?” Ji Yuelan asked him while blinking her eyes as Jiang Ruoxin gazed at Zhang Tie with her beautiful eyes too.

The longer they stayed with Zhang Tie, the more they felt confused about Zhang Tie. They couldn’t see through him at all. In Heavenly Square City, he drew out his sword and killed so many immortal generals of Star Emperor Immortal Palace out of fury and exterminated Zi Clan in Heavenly Square City. Outside Dragon Emperor City, he renovated a courtyard in Apricot Blossom Village as a rune instrument master, being free from the contradictions between immortal palaces. A few days ago, he flirted with Ji Yuelan like a veteran, being pretty romantic and Bohemian. Lately, although he lived in the same courtyard with them, he became a gentleman and treated the two girls politely; instead of harassing them. He could really understand the demands of women and take care of them well. As a result, Ji Yuelan and Jiang Ruoxin appreciated him pretty much; despite they didn’t say it.

Such a man was like a fog, fire and ice. He was full of irresistible attraction to women. During the short period of time, Ji Yuelan had been fully fascinated by him. Even if Jiang Ruoxin who intended to keep a distance with Zhang Tie gradually became open-minded and treated Zhang Tie as her reliable friend, revealing another side.

“Haha, of course not. Ladies, haven’t you agreed to climb the mountain together with me and experience the marvels in my daily life?” Zhang Tie said with a smile like a waiter in a hotel, adding, “If ladies like it, I could show the way to you. This way please, ladies...”

“Show us the way then. If you’re diligent and take care of us well, I will let this girl on my side give you a big award!” Jiang Ruoxin joked as she took a look at Ji Yuelan.

“That’s great. I’m sure two ladies will enjoy it!” Zhang Tie promised as he hurriedly paced up to open the gate of the courtyard.

The two girls smiled at each other before leaving the courtyard after Zhang Tie.

“As we’re out together, why don’t you give him an award instead?” Ji Yuelan couldn’t stand complaining to Jiang Ruoxin using battle qi behind Zhang Tie.

“Isn’t it what you dream for? You can directly express your love to him. Let’s see whether he would marry you or not.” Jiang Ruoxin answered.

“Humph, if I marry him, buy-one-get-one-free, you’re a gift!”

“Dare you!”

“Humph, let’s see it! Don’t you always dream about having a larger breast? How about letting him knead it for you. Besides being an award, it could also make your breast larger!”

“Nonsense!” Jiang Ruoxin flushed at once as she stealthily pinched Ji Yuelan.

“Ahem ahem...ladies, how do you feel about the scenery outside the courtyard?” Zhang Tie finally couldn’t stand interrupting their “private” talk. If not, he would feel like making a crime.

“Hmm, not bad...” Ji Yuelan said perfunctorily.

“Along this trail, we could go straight into the mountain on the riverside...”


The courtyard was located on the riverside. A ridge unsurfaced rod along the river could lead straight to the depth of the mountain. The road was not broad; however, it was pretty firm. Although the day had not broken, it was fine for immortal generals to walk on it.

These days, Zhang Tie got up early every day to climb the mountain so as to watch the sunrise on the top of it. After that, he would return to the courtyard. Lying on the sling chair beside the pond, he would leisurely read books for 4-5 hours; meanwhile, he practiced the two bizarre energies in the void using his spiritual energy. Not until the others went to bed in the evening did he sit on the bed for cultivation and forming chakra. He was not anxious at all.

If not being leisure and comfortable, one would not sense the pleasure of mountain climbing. As for Zhang Tie, mountain climbing was not for strengthening his body; precisely, it was for improving his state of mind. After coming to Motian Realm for over one month, Zhang Tie had improved his overall strength greatly constantly. Lately, he even promoted to two changes realm higher and lit half of his wind chakra. With five changes realm higher, he would promote to a heavenly knight. This might be ecstatic for others; however, Zhang Tie could always stay calm on this occasion so that he could look everything around and his own cultivation process in a common state of mind.

To improve one’s state of mind was supplementary to the progress of one’s overall strength. Without a strong state of mind, one could barely master a powerful overall strength. Zhang Tie had long realized it before.

The tender grasses on the riverside were exuberant with some dew on them. After a short while, their garment corners and hemlines had been wet partly. Listening to frog croaks among grasses and water flows and sensing the great vigor of everything in the early morning, they gained a special taste like commoners, step and step forward.

As for Zhang Tie, he was not lonely on the way, not to mention that two beauties kept him company.

The mountain beside Apricot Blossom Village was called Flyingdragon Mountain. Being not dangerously steep, Flyingdragon Mountain had gorgeous scenery. With dense woods, it was pretty tranquil. Besides farming work, villagers at the bottom of the mountain always herded sheep, collected traditional Chinese herbal medicines or hunt on the mountain. For many years, many trails had been created that led straight to the depth of the mountain from the foot of the mountain. After coming here for a few times, Zhang Tie had been familiar with this terrain. Therefore, it took them less than one hour to arrive at the location where Zhang Tie usually watched the sunrise while talking and laughing with each other.

When they arrived at the top of the mountain, the gloomy skyline had been broken while the sun was going to come out.

It was on the top of a peak behind the peak where Flyingdragon Manor leaned against. It was higher than 1,000 m, from where people could get a bird’s-eye view of Flyingdragon Manor and Apricot Blossom Village. In the distance, it was Dragon Emperor City. This place rightly faced the east while undulating hills could be seen. A pile of boulders formed a disorderly and open platform here, which was surrounded by natural pits, holes and cracks between boulders. It was a nice place to watch the sunrise here. Zhang Tie took the two girls to a small platform connecting two boulders.

“Ah, do you always come here to watch the sunrise?” Ji Yuelan asked as she looked around and nodded, “You’re really smart. It seems that very few people come here!”

“Hahaha, few villagers at the foot of the mountain feel like watching the sunrise every day. As for the immortal generals in Flyingdragon Manor, all of them think they’re something. They are only interested in element crystals, cultivation methods and greater overall strength or being outstanding in Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace. Very few of them would like to waste time watching the scenery which they could actually see every day.” Zhang Tie explained with a smile.

“Why are you here then?” Jiang Ruoxin fixated onto Zhang Tie from afar as she asked sharply, “Don’t you like element crystals, cultivation methods and greater overall strength? Don’t you want to be the most popular and the most powerful one in the immortal palace?”

“Yup, don’t you want them?” Ji Yuelan asked too.

“You bet!” Zhang Tie nodded without demur.

“If so, why do you feel free traveling mountains and rivers and watching the sunrise here every day? Don’t you know that many immortal generals in Flyingdragon Manor are finding reliance in Dragon Emperor City these days for their future? Even immortal generals couldn’t be otherworldly in some aspects!” Jiang Ruoxin continued.

Although it sounded like a question, Jiang Ruoxin was actually “warning” Zhang Tie euphemistically. There was one immortal general that met Jiang Ruoxin’s description beside them——Zhou Baifei. Zhou Baifei was pretty active these days. He didn’t stay in Flyingdragon Manor all day long; instead, he roped in people and found his reliance in Dragon Emperor City every day. Nobody knew what he was busy doing. According to Zhou Baifei, he knew someone in the city.

“Because I’m not like them.”


Zhang Tie made a face at once, saying, “Because, even if I don’t find those things, they would come for me. I could choose them. I don’t need to worry about that!”

After hearing Zhang Tie’s words, the two girls became slightly stunned. Watching Zhang Tie smiling at them, they thought Zhang Tie was joking about his future; for a time, they felt like beating him fiercely.

Ji Yuelan finally couldn’t stand it as she said, “Don’t you know that over 10 water immortal generals join Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace this time. Additionally, the elder sand grand justices of the immortal palace are not harmonious with each other. Even though being a water immortal general, you might not get any benefit in the end...”

“It’s fine. I feel good now...” Zhang Tie shrugged.


Zhang Tie suddenly made a “hush” gesture. Closely after that, he pointed at east. The two girls turned around as they saw a fiery arch in the eastern skyline while the morning glow tinted the entire sky as if it caught fire.

For a time, the wind blew by; the three people became quiet as they were immersed in such fabulous scenery...


When the sun fully rose, the three people were all bathing the first wisp of sunlight. At that time, even though they wanted to continue the former topic, they had lost the atmosphere. When Zhang Tie wanted to say something, he suddenly felt a vibration on his crystal plate. It was Huang Baimei who was calling for them. Ji Yuelan and Jiang Ruoxin received the notice at the same time...

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