Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 1747 - The Nest of Yin-Yang Sect

Chapter 1747: The Nest of Yin-Yang Sect

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The northeast region of Nine Heavenly Big Domain belonged to Force Emperor Immortal Palace. Force Emperor Immortal Palace had hundreds of cities and over 2 billion population here. Therefore, this region was very prosperous.

Among these cities, given the size of the population, Redmountain City was only a very inconspicuous city.

Being almost in the northernmost edge of Nine Heavenly Big Domain, it was surrounded by mountains. There was no big city nearby. Redmountain City only had a bit more than 1 million people. It didn’t have local specialties; nor did it have a developed business. The entire city was predominated by agriculture, aided by minor iron ores and workshops. Like the other small cities that were affiliated to immortal palaces across Motian Realm, Redmountain City was self-sufficient. In this region, Force Emperor Immortal Palace was paramount while all the urban citizens were the followers of this immortal palace. Everything went in order here. If there was no major event in this city, it might still be strange to people outside after hundreds of years.

The destination of Ji Yuelan and Jiang Ruoxin was Redmountain City.

After a few hours’ night flight, when the airboat arrived at Redmountain City, the day had just broken.

At the airport outside Redmountain City, Ji Yuelan and Jiang Ruoxin followed the others off the airboat as they headed for the downtown. After detouring quite a while in the city, they covered each other and took action independently. After confirming that they were not followed, they converged and came to a luxurious castle outside the city, which leaned against mountains and faced a river.

This castle was only about 15 miles away from Force Emperor Immortal Palace’s branch in Redmountain City. As the largest and most brilliant castle in the city, this castle occupied the most beautiful region outside Redmountain City. Everyone across Redmountain City knew that this castle belonged to Ying Clan of Redmountain City. More than that, even the greater part of Redmountain City belonged to Ying Clan.

Ying Clan’s forebears rooted in here and founded the Redmountain City at the beginning. Later on, Ying Can bound Force Emperor Immortal Palace close together with the entire Redmountain City and over 1 million people in the city. They built many sacred churches of Force Emperor Immortal Palace in Redmountain City. All the heads of the branch of Force Emperor Immortal Palace in Redmountain City came from Ying Clan.

The relationship between Ying Clan, Redmountain City and Force Emperor Immortal Palace could be described in the following: Redmountain City belonged to Force Emperor Immortal Palace while the branch of Force Emperor Immortal Palace in Redmountain City belonged to Ying Clan.

This mode was usually seen in Motian Realm. After those small clans owning immortal generals and cities were annexed by immortal palaces or joined some immortal palaces, the immortal palaces and these small clans could always find a way of coexistence which satisfied both parties.

Immortal palaces urgently needed population and sacred churches. Those small clans and immortal generals urgently needed a powerful reliance and element crystals. Therefore, they could easily give compromise to each other.

However, nobody knew that Ying Clan in Redmountain City was the nest of Yin-Yang Sect being chased by Force Emperor Immortal Palace.

Over hundreds of years, those people of Yin-Yang Sect already had their undertakings in the border of Nine Heavens Big Domain in a new identity, and joined Force Emperor Immortal Palace aboveboard, turning the most perilous place into the safest place.

How could the immortal generals of Force Emperor Immortal Palace know that the sect that they were chasing had already become a part of themselves? They couldn’t even investigate it at all.

The head of Ying Clan was an immortal general and the head of the branch of Force Emperor Immortal Palace in Redmountain City. The head of Ying Clan was erotic as he had a lot of wives and concubines. Therefore, Ying Clan’s castle outside Redmountain City contained a lot of women. In the latest two months, Ying Clan’s castle outside Redmountain City had just recruited another batch of beautiful maidens.

Ji Yuelan and Jiang Ruoxin had heard about this news the moment they arrived at Redmountain City.

Actually, it was not a shortcoming for immortal generals to be erotic. In Motian Realm, as women could barely get pregnant, many immortal generals had a lot of wives and concubines so as to have more children. Because the branch of Force Emperor Immortal Palace in Redmountain City was always free, everyone across Redmountain City knew that the head of Ying Clan spent most of his time in his private castle with his women. He rarely went to the branch of Force Emperor Immortal Palace. It was already a public secret.

Everything had been arranged perfectly.


After Ji Yuelan and Jiang Ruoxin told one guard at the side gate of the castle about the name of a butler inside the castle, a slightly fat woman in a decent dress walked out of the side gate two minutes later as she took a look at them seriously.

“You are...” The woman glanced at Ji Yuelan and Jiang Ruoxin who had disguised as men skeptically.

“Aunt Tang, don’t you remember us? We’re from Brightmoon Valley, Largesquare City. We’re relatives. I’m Tang Yi. He’s Tang An. A few years ago, Aunt Tang even visited our family and had a chat with my eldest uncle and his wife. Aunt Tang, you told us that you needed helpers here and told us to look for you if we want a job...” Ji Yuelan replied with a humble smile as she bowed towards her, which looked pretty real, “And here we are. These days, we two are free at home. Therefore, our eldest uncle managed some traveling expense for us and sent us here for you...”

After hearing Ji Yuelan’s words, the woman instantly revealed a faint smile as a hidden bizarre look flashed across, saying, “Oh, you still remember that. As Ying Clan has large undertakings, we need a lot of workers. But if you want to work in Ying Clan, you should be obedient and work hard. If not, you could stay longer in Ying Clan...”

“We know that. We will never make you embarrassed, Aunt Tang!”

“Hmm, follow me in. I will find a residence for you!”

“Hmm, hmm!” Ji Yuelan and Jiang Ruoxin hurriedly nodded.

“In here, don’t look around or ask around. Don’t run about. You have to follow me no matter what you do!” As she warned them, the woman took Ji Yuelan and Jiang Ruoxin into the door. As they walked forward, she kept talking, “We need two gardeners and two doorkeepers of the rice mill. The latter two jobs are a bit relaxed with higher compensation. However, the doorkeepers should know mathematical calculations and be clever. I cannot assure you that Butler Ying would look good upon you...”

“We know. We know. As we’re new here, we would like to do any job we could. After we’re familiar with the environment, we might do something else...”

“Hmm, understanding boys. But you’d better call me Butler Tang in the castle instead of aunt!”

“Okay, okay...”

At this moment, even though some immortal generals were eavesdropping their talk, they would never doubt their contents.

It was a high tall outside the castle. After passing this high wall, they saw a slightly shorter wall. There was a road that could allow two flying uran carriages to go shoulder to shoulder between the two walls. After a few more steps, they entered another gate where they came to the real inner court of the castle of Ying Clan.

Yin Clan had been prosperous for many generals in Redmountain City; therefore, many designs in its castle were like that of the other major clans. For instance, Ying Clan had set preventive facilities against immortal generals in the shorter wall.

After reaching the inner court of the castle, they passed by a vestibule. Then, Ji Yuelan and Jiang Ruoxin became relaxed. However, Butler Tang in front of them became a bit more meticulous.

“Tang Ling, tell those grand elders and head of our sect that we’re back. We’ve got something important to tell them. We’re waiting for them in the Sun and Moon Hall...” Jiang Ruoxin told Butler Tang secretly in front of them.

Butler Tang didn’t look back. She even didn’t change her stride frequency. She just slightly nodded.

After a short while, Butler Tang led Ji Yuelan and Jiang Ruoxin to a remotely unpopulated, small courtyard.

“You two will live here for the time being. Take a good rest. I will come here for you tomorrow...”


After leaving some words to them seriously, Butler Tang trotted away from the small courtyard. Ji Yuelan and Jiang Ruoxin then entered a room and closed the door from inside.

Even though the two people knew that everyone in this castle belonged to Yin-Yang Sect including the entire Ying family, the guards, gardeners, even cooks and maidens. However, they had to follow the rules. The reason that Yin-Yang Sect could survive the chase of Force Emperor Immortal Palace lay in that they were always conscientious.

Upon entering the room and looking around for a short while, Ji Yuelan and Jiang Ruoxin finally let out a deep sigh.

“We’re finally back. As we have to avoid from being followed, we’ve traveled a few more times longer. That almost killed me!” Ji Yuelan complained as she tore off her mask, revealing her beautiful look. Meanwhile, she restored her original voice.

Jiang Ruoxin also turned into her original look in the blink of an eye as she put away her mask, saying, “Given the current situation, we have to be careful!”

“What reward do you think we could receive after accomplishing this mission in such a short period of time?”

“Do you really care about that bit of reward?”

“Of course not!”

“I’ve not imagined that a new batch of female disciples has just been recruited...”

“Given the limited territory, we will meet a bottleneck in development. It’s not easy for us to cultivate more disciples. I think we should really consider about Zhang Tie’s suggestion. I mean, Yin-Yang Sect could have a try in Dragon Emperor Big Domain...”

“We couldn’t decide that. It depends on our masters!”

As the two girls talked, they casually cleaned up their room. After that, they fiddled somewhere in a wardrobe for a short while, causing the wardrobe to move away silently, exposing an entrance. Closely after that, the two girls entered the cave.

There was a secret tunnel inside the cave which led all the way to a spacious space underground with some passes and blank doors on the way.

Ji Yuelan and Jiang Ruoxin then came into the spacious underground space where there was a grand palace marked as “Sun and Moon Hall” above its gate.

This was the core region of Yin-Yang Sect. Right inside there, the memorial tablets of the forebears of Yin-Yang Sect were placed in an order.

After lighting some incense for those memorial tablets, Ji Yuelan and Jiang Ruoxin started to wait quietly in Sun and Moon Hall. Not until 1 hour later did 4 women and 1 man enter the hall.

At the sight of them, Ji Yuelan and Jiang Ruoxin hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed towards them.

“Masters, grand elders and head, we’re back...”


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