Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 1770 - The Coming Sacred Sacrifice

Chapter 1770: The Coming Sacred Sacrifice

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The immortal generals of Yin-Yang Sect were going to receive the sacred sacrifice on March 23rd, the 3586th year of Emperor NvWa’s calendar.

Soon after the sun came out, Zhang Tie had left “his” courtyard, when he saw two attendants of General Manager Si and an immortal general in black robe being subject to Qian Changqin waiting for him outside the courtyard with full respects.

“General Manager Si, Grand Justice Qian sent me to ask you whether you’ve prepared well for the sacred sacrifice!”

The immortal general in black robe treated “General Manager Si” very politely. Although General Manager Si was not an immortal general, everyone across the castle knew that he would definitely promote to an immortal general in the future. Additionally, General Manager Si deeply won the favor of His Honor. Such a person would definitely have a bright future in Cyan Dragon Palace. Of course, nobody in the palace dared neglect him.

Zhang Tie revealed a smile as he said in the voice of General Manager Si, “Please tell Grand Justice Qian, I’ve already prepared well the sacrificial altar. We can hold the sacred sacrifice in the sacrificial altar in 1 hour!”

“Okay, I will report to Grand Justice Qian right now!”

The immortal general in black robe then left.

After being silent for a second at the door of the courtyard, Zhang Tie told an attendant on his side, “Tell Elder Xue that we will hold the sacred sacrifice in the sacrificial altar in 1 hour!”

“Yes, sir!” that attendant replied as he trotted away under Zhang Tie’s gaze.

Zhang Tie then took in a deep breath as he looked up at the sky. Today, the weather in Cyan Lotus City of Woods Medium-sized Domain was pretty fine. In the early morning, it had been cloudless over the sky. The entire castle was as normal as usual.

‘Hope it stays like this even after an hour!’

Zhang Tie mumbled inside as he walked towards the dungeon in the hinterland of the mountain.

As Grand Justice Qian was worried about having more troubles if it lasted long, he dispatched people here to ask “General Manager Si” in the early morning. This was what Zhang Tie expected. In fact, Zhang Tie wished to hold the sacred sacrifice as soon as possible so that he could save the captives of Yin-Yang Sect a bit earlier. Over these two days when he was in the castle, everything was smooth. Nobody had found that he was fake General Manager Si. However, he would have loopholes sooner or later which would cause more problems.

Cyan Dragon City was definitely full of elites and powers. Zhang Tie shouldn’t stay here too long. He preferred to deal with it when the most part of the top powers of Cyan Dragon Palace was absent.

Of course, Zhang Tie didn’t behave perfectly over the past 3 days.

Take the two maids in the courtyard of General Manager Si as an instance, although they continued to serve him under his control over the past 2 days, Zhang Tie didn’t touch them at all. When Zhang Tie was taking a bath, the two maids were just under hypnosis. They thought that General Manager Si was touching them; actually, they were wrong.

Zhang Tie had no other means but do that. He was not hypocritical or kept his integrity; instead, the two maids were destined to serve men with their sex. They were probably forced to do that here at the beginning; later on, they gradually admitted that they were destined to do that.

On this occasion, of course, Zhang Tie would not tell them the truth; otherwise, Zhang Tie himself and the captives of Yin-Yang Sect would face greater risks. Additionally, he couldn’t escape with the two common women or bring them back to Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace which would bring trouble to Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace. Neither could he teleport them into Castle of Black Iron and let them start a new life there for the time being. He would never “consume” and “bully” the two poor women with the current identity as it was his bottom line. Therefore, Zhang Tie could only not have them involved in this event.

There were a lot of servants, maids, handymen, hired men, gardeners and some guards that were recruited from areas nearby Cyan Lotus City who didn’t know anything about Dark Emperor Immortal Palace and the background of Si Clan like the two women in the castle. They didn’t know the dark side of this castle at all. As for these people, they only knew that the castle was severely controlled. Everyone’s whereabouts, jobs and words should comply with regulations. If they didn’t follow the rules, they would receive severe punishment. All of them were behaving meticulously in the castle and dared not make a single mistake.

As for Si Clan, these people were decorations for outsiders. One of the duties of General Manager Si was to keep an eye on these people. If any one of them knew something that they shouldn’t know, General Manager Si would let them disappear from this world silently whenever he wanted. Over these years, some servants had already disappeared from the castle after knowing something that they shouldn’t have known.

After becoming General Manager Si, nobody knew clearer than Zhang Tie that not everyone in the castle deserved death. Actually, there were a lot of innocent people in this castle.

Because of these innocent people, Zhang Tie was not as relaxed as how he looked today. Actually, he felt pretty complex and contradictory.

As long as he saved the immortal generals of Yin-Yang Sect, the secret of this castle would be exposed to the public. Even if Zhang Tie didn’t expose it to the public, he couldn’t prevent the immortal generals of Yin-Yang Sect from doing that. Additionally, this battle might affect a wide area while many innocent people inside the castle would be involved. After that, the members of Dark Emperor Immortal Palace would not think these innocent people as reliable anymore. However, outsiders would think that these innocent people belonged to Dark Emperor Immortal Palace. If these innocent people continued to stay here after today, they were destined to die.

‘Both the immortal generals of Yin-Yang Sect and the innocent people in the castle are humans. When I save the 27 immortal generals of Yin-Yang Sect, I might cause the death of more innocent people in the castle. However, each human has the same life value and personality as they are all delivered and raised up by their parents. Nobody is more precious than the other. Although knights are more powerful than commoners, they are not more advanced than commoners. I don’t have the right to determine the value of a person.’

As Zhang Tie was growing up in Blackhot City in grassroots class and had received a good education from his parents, plus his personal belief, he sympathized those innocent commoners in the castle pretty much. However, Ji Yuelan and Jiang Ruoxin were his friends who treated him well and loved him. He had to save them. Here came the paradox!

Zhang Tie was in a dilemma.

However, people had to face a similar situation in their lives. No matter how difficult and helpless it was, they had to make a decision. They had to try their utmost to do that so as to not feel regretful...

With such a paradox, Zhang Tie came to the dungeon. Unimaginably, the moment he entered the dungeon, he had been told that his “acquaintance” Zhou Baifei was already here who were interrogating two female immortal generals, Ji Yuelan and Jiang Ruoxin...

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