Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 1886 - Two Blackblood Sages

Chapter 1886: Two Blackblood Sages

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Two Black Blood Sages were both crystal clear that they had to promote to immortal emperors if they wanted to further improve their cultivation base and reach their heyday.

If they wanted to promote to immortal emperors, they must drink Nine Heavens Immortal Spring and win the support of a large population.

Two Black Blood Sages were both fierce and ambitious people. They knew that bandits could help them conquer the world; however, bandits couldn’t help them manage the world. Needless to say, all the other immortal generals in Black Blood Alliance were dauntless bandits except for saber sage and sword sage. They could stimulate these people to help them occupy the vast land in the west of Dragon Emperor Big Domain in chaos with extravagant material and sexual support and maintain their high morality in the same means so that they could follow their orders; however after Black Blood Alliance became Black Blood Immortal Palace and Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace was going to perish instead of further competing with them, the overall situation facing Dragon Emperor Big Domain gradually stabilized. Therefore, Two Black Blood Sages got another plan.

After a few months, the core of Mountain Ruins would open. It meant a rare opportunity for all the supreme-level immortal generals and supreme-level demon generals across Motian Realm to promote to immortal emperors that they would have to wait for another 360 years if they missed it. Even supreme-level immortal generals’ life expectancy only contained a few 360 years. Who could guarantee that they could still stay alive for another 360 years? Although supreme-level immortal generals could live a bit longer than those below, even immortal emperors and demon emperors would die in Motian Realm, not to mention the death of supreme-level immortal generals.

Therefore, on this occasion, if their subordinates were still so presumptuous in their own territory and forced all the commoners in their territory to escape away; instead of attracting more population, undoubtedly, it would be a long way for them to promote to immortal emperors even though they could drink Nine Heavens Immortal Spring.

Gradually, those subordinates had already become their obstacles on their way towards immortal emperors. However, without these people’s help, Two Black Blood Sages could barely manage Black Blood Immortal Palace.

This was one reason that Two Black Blood Sages convened the backbones of Blackblood City here. It seemed that Two Black Blood Sages were preparing for a showdown with their subordinates.

It was not their temporary decision but the final decision that Two Blood Sages made after carefully analyzing the current situation and intelligence about Motian Realm and Dragon Emperor Big Domain. 3 years ago, the two people had already got such a plan. However, the situation facing Dragon Emperor Big Domain was not that clear at that time and they still needed these people’s help; therefore, Two Black Blood Sages connived these people’s wanton deeds at that time. But now, it was time for them to make changes.

It was not because Two Black Blood Sages were merciful, but out of their demands.

The atmosphere in the hall cold down at once.

None of those who could promote to immortal generals were idiots. Those who could survive in Brokenstars Sea and take root in Black Blood Alliance were all smart. Although Sword Sage was talking to them with a smile, his tone sounded like venting his grievances. When they recalled the terrifying means that Two Black Blood Sages used in Brokenstars Sea, many dauntless bandits who had followed them for many years felt bone-chilling at once.

Over these years, none of those who were in the way of the two people could survive. They even lived as good as dead. All of them knew the outcome of becoming the steppingstone of Two Black Blood Sages.


“Pah...” A clear and loud clap suddenly sounded in the quiet hall, which attracted everyone’s attention.

The immortal general who said that he would kill the men, and occupy all the women, properties and servants inside the mansion whichever he liked was slapping his face ferociously. Watching the others’ response, he raised his hand and slapped the other cheek forcefully again. At the same time, he started to condemn himself with great hatred and regret.

“I’m a jerk... I’m a jerk... I’m really a jerk. I’m not a human. Over these years, I only thought about enjoying myself; instead of considering the situation facing Your Majesties. I was happy; however, I destroyed Your Majesties’ good reputation of being merciful to people... wuh... wuh... I’ve not imagined that Your Majesties preferred to face troubles yourselves rather than displeasing our brothers... I, Wu Sansi, swear to correct all of my mistakes. I would always consider Your Majesties’ feelings... I will leave that mansion today and enter secluded cultivation for one year... Later on, if I still dare be so wanton and destroy Your Majesties’ reputation, please chop off my head...”

This immortal general called Wu Sansi was really speaking sincerely. As he spoke, he started to burst into tears. After slapping himself, he even hammered his chest by punch. A prodigal became good...

Watching Wu Sansi’s look, all the others in the hall ‘woke up’ at once.

“Ah, I’m also a jerk. After coming back, I will send back those women whom my subordinates gifted me a few days ago...” Another dauntless bandit started to slap himself.

“Me too. Me too. I won’t take the business group anymore. I won’t take it... I cannot destroy Your Majesties’ good reputation of being merciful to people...” One more bandit condemned himself with a grieved look.

“What we’ve done over these years indeed brought too many troubles to Your Majesties and made Your Majesties disgraced. After coming back, I will order my subordinates to not disturb commoners anymore,” another one said seriously.

“Hmm, we indeed have chopped off too many heads. Sigh, we will try not to do that in the future. We cannot destroy Your Majesties’ good reputation of being merciful to people...” Jia Zhang who showed off how many heads had he chopped off just now also became charitable at this moment.

The hall was in hubbubs at once as all of them determined to correct their mistakes and make a fresh start in life for the sake of the good reputation of His Majesties...

When they almost finished their words, Sword Sage lightly coughed twice, causing them to gradually become quiet.

Sword Sage watched them and said with a smile, “Good, brothers, I’ve borne your words in mind. Just let the bygones be bygones. But from today on, hopefully, you could act on what you said. Brothers, you’ve already got aromatic drinks and beauties, wealth and mansions. You can enjoy them whenever you want at home; however, we have to follow some rules. Even though those cities and regions occupied by demons have to comply with rules. Even demons won’t behave without restraint, not to mention us. Additionally, when Saber Sage and I promote to immortal emperors, brothers, you will have a much brighter future than now. By then, you can have as many element crystals as you want and have female immortal generals serve you easily too...”

“Yea, Your Majesty is wise...”

“Yea, as long as Your Majesties promote to immortal emperors, which immortal palace could defeat us in Motian Realm? Even though Force Emperor Immortal Palace or Star Emperor Immortal Palace couldn’t defeat us. They only have one immortal emperor; however, we have two; haha, by then, the entire Dragon Emperor Big Domain will belong to us. Black Blood Immortal Palace will be the No. 1 immortal palace among humans...”

“Right, I’ve not played a female immortal general yet. It’s said that female immortal generals are pretty special on bed which could never be matched by ordinary women. I will follow Your Majesties only for this reason and wait for Your Majesties to promote to immortal emperors...”

Those dauntless bandits instantly changed their faces and started to look forward to the nice lives in the future...

Sword Sage burst out laughing as he said, “3 days later, Black Blood Immortal Palace will officially deliver 36 disciplines and 72 articles. Brothers, hopefully, you could comply with them strictly. We will enjoy the banquet for another 3 days here. Brothers, you can enjoy everything here like before. But 3 days later, when you leave here, you should follow the rules...”

Sword Sage then clapped his hands twice as two teams of slender beauties in chiffon walked in from the side door of the hall.

After hearing that they could enjoy everything here for another 3 days, all the dauntless bandits’ eyes turned green again. Only after a short while, the entire hall had been foul and filled with women’s exclamations and men’s guffaws...

The secret method that Saber Sage cultivated requested him to remain silent. If he opened his mouth, his secret method would be 30% weaker. He had remained silent for so many years. Therefore, Saber Sage just listened to their talks aside just now.

Sword Sage took his glass as he looked at Saber Sage. Saber Sage then also took his glass. The two people then smiled at each other as if everything was under their control!


If Zhang Tie was already dead, Black Blood Immortal Palace might really become a major force in Motian Realm and the Two Black Blood Sages might really stand in the peak of Motian Realm given the ferocious and powerful means of Saber Sage and Sword Sage. By then, who else could remember what these bandits had done over these years? Who would those innocent souls appeal to? Who could prove the dark and terror facing the western region of Dragon Emperor Big Domain under the control of Black Blood Immortal Palace over these years? Perhaps the good reputation that Two Black Blood Sages were merciful to people might really spread over Motian Realm and numerous people would really admire them by then. Meanwhile, these dauntless bandits gathering here would be promoted quickly in their official career...

In the history, too many powers and overlords had to experience this process. Few of them were clean; none of them were born to be immortal emperors or overlook the others.

Pitifully, Zhang Tie had arrived at Dragonsea City at this moment...

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