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“No!” Rubette exclaimed sharply, “Even if he’s the emperor, that doesn’t justify it! What didn’t he like that he had to leave a scar on his grown son’s face?”

“That.” Lark pointed to the marriage proposal that was lying on the desk. “Father sent it without any consultation with me. Don’t misunderstand.”

“I see.” Rubette nodded silently, but her expression still showed her inability to comprehend.

“You must be wondering what’s going on. I’ll explain everything. But first, let’s sit down.”

“Alright, I understand. But before that…”



Rubette shouted toward the study door.


Doesn’t the emperor have any thoughts about preserving this national treasure-like beauty without a single scar? As Rebecca brought the first aid kit and examined Lark’s wound, I continuously sterilized the wound.


“Does it hurt?”

Even though I applied the ointment as gently as possible, he still seemed to be in pain. Unexpectedly, Lark even made a groaning sound. After gently blowing on the wound and applying a bandage, I said, “There, all done.”

As I tried to move away, Lark furrowed his brow and asked, “…Is it already over?”

“Huh? No, it’ll take a few days, but it’s not a major wound, so it’ll be over soon.” As Lark seemed somewhat disappointed, I pulled him closer and said, “So, in the process of pushing that outrageous marriage proposal, you incurred the emperor’s anger, resulting in a scar on this handsome face, is that it? “If that’s all, I won’t be angry. The Diollus Duchy must have been turned upside down right now.” He had mentioned that a marriage proposal was also sent to my house.

“I wanted to head there to explain things, but I might get punched by the duke.”

“Try your best to avoid that.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“No, but…” Looking back, it was absurd. I had been completely unaware of everything that was happening. “While it was excessive to leave a scar, considering what I’ve heard, it seems that even the emperor is feeling frustrated.”

The empire’s marriage law that had been applied to the emperor since the founding of the country.

To abolish it and allow the emperor to have only one spouse, just like any other imperial citizen?

“Changing the law because of me, are you in your right mind?” Feeling frustrated, I gave him a reproachful comment. Lark blinked and tilted his head in confusion.

“Because you have quite an ego… I wanted to change the law because having five wives doesn’t align with your values?”


Lark burst into laughter as I stared blankly. Although it was said playfully, it was clear why Lark had changed his mind since our first meeting when he had been willing to conform to the empire’s marriage law.

Taking a deep breath, I asked, “Do we really have to keep a promise we made when we were young and barely remember?”

“Why indeed? Why should we keep a promise we made as children, as if it were a joke? Didn’t you tell me not to attach any significance to that promise?”

“Well, yes?”

“It’s not because of the promise we made back then.” Avoiding my gaze, Lark shrugged. “I just… want to do it now.”


Oh, the atmosphere suddenly became strange.

It wasn’t because of the promise we made in our childhood. Lark’s words revealed his true intentions: “I want to date you.”

I discreetly turned my head, feeling like I had made a fuss for no reason.


“…” Lark remained silent, just like me. We stayed in silence for quite a while.

‘It’s not something that can be changed overnight. Honestly, isn’t it an entirely unrealistic idea?’ I pondered and questioned myself, ‘With the power of love, can I embrace my husband’s other four wives?’

Love… I still wasn’t sure about that, but the answer was a definite no for now. Absolutely no.

‘Then, would I try dating without marriage?’

That was also a no. If we started dating, desires might arise. If I became desperate for marriage, I might even consider accepting the presence of other wives.

But my life would become pitiful. I lifted my head firmly. Still, no.

“Sigh.” If that’s the case, there’s only one solution. I turned to Lark and said, “Yes. If possible, let’s change the law.”


“Sorry for being selfish, but there are certain values I hold onto and cannot compromise on. I’m sorry.”


“So even though it may seem unlikely, let’s try a bit harder. If we want to graduate from being business partners, I’m willing to help if there’s anything I can do.”

“Wait, Princess.”


Lark leaned closer with an anxious look on his face. “What does that mean?”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you want to date me?”

“Didn’t you ask me a similar question during the festival? You asked if I would consider you as a romantic partner once the issue with the marriage law is resolved, didn’t you?”

“That was just asking if there was a possibility. This time it’s different. So, um…” Lark hesitated momentarily before adding, “Wait, what you just said, Princess, was it not ‘we can possibly date’ but ‘let’s date’ if the law is changed?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Oh, um, I’m not pressuring you or anything. I’m sorry if I assumed wrong just because the law might change…”

“After all this time, don’t you know my personality? Would I really pretend to be in a relationship if I didn’t want to, even if the law changed?”

Lark blinked and cautiously asked, “So, you mean… you have some feelings for me as a romantic partner?”

“What? Is it not obvious?”

“…” Lark slowly lifted his face that was pressed close to mine, turned to face me directly, and murmured, “You’re right.”

“Well, then. That settles it.”

Another long silence fell between us.

I leaned back and forth, fidgeting with my toes, and stole a quick glance at Lark’s profile.

‘Why is he feeling embarrassed?’

From his reddening ears, it was clear that something was definitely wrong. Lark, who was usually cheerful, looked fresh and different.

“Ah, damn it! This is not the right time for this!”


“Uh, sorry, sorry. Actually, there’s a more important issue than explaining about the proposal. I came running to you first because of this.”

“What is it?”

Lark’s gaze, as he grabbed my shoulder, was serious. “Listen carefully from now on.”


Four days later.

After the isolation was lifted, I received a notice regarding my return home. The investigators, who had received the withdrawal order, returned first, and it took me about two days to organize my life in Lubon.

‘I’ve only been here for about six months, and it’s a little sad to leave.’

In the early morning, I stopped by the workshop on a carriage sent from home for the last time.

The workshop owner, Mr. Charlie Works, said, “Thank you so much for everything, Princess. Thanks to you, we were able to work in a great environment.” It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that he became the wealthiest man in Lubon after the collaboration with <Blanc de Ruby> on wristwatch.

“Will you come visit often?”

“Of course.”

“We should go, Father. It’s not that far from here anyway.”

Standing next to Mr. Charlie, Jeremy handed me a music box he had personally made as a farewell gift, hiding his disappointment. “A present.”

“Oh, are you giving this to me? It’s really beautiful. Thank you.”


“Hey, kid. We may have seen the princess in Lubon, but she’s Princess Diollus. Not someone we can just meet and greet when we visit the capital.”


“Oh, no, it’s not like that. Jeremy, you and the workshop family can come visit anytime. I’ll treat you to delicious food. Let’s explore the capital together.”


“Of course.”

The shining top seller of <Blanc de Ruby> accessories, the son of Lubon workshop’s owner… What can’t I do for you?

“Well then, take care, everyone. See you later.”

With mixed feelings, I waved my hand and boarded the carriage.


On the way back to the carriage.

The knights who had accompanied me from home marched alongside the creaking carriage.

‘I’m feeling nervous about this.’

Swallowing my dry saliva with tension, I glanced at the stern side profiles of the guards visible through the window. As I shifted my gaze and surveyed the carriage inside, I saw Rebecca and Sienna sitting with equally tense expressions.

And then…

“What the hell are you doing!?” a sharp voice of a guard rang out, and the three of us froze simultaneously.

“Wh-what’s going on?” I quickly pulled open the carriage window connected to the coachman’s side.

As we descended the mountain road, someone was blocking our path, standing before us.

Gorgeous blonde hair, eyes shining red in the light. However, a mask covered the nose and mouth, making it impossible to recognize the face. It was clear to anyone that the suspicious figure was a villain.

The villain drew a small dagger from the sheath on their hip, held it up, and spun it once in a circle. Then, they issued a warning.

“I don’t want to shed blood. Hand over the carriage to me and disperse quickly.”

“What are you talking about, you lunatic?” One of the guards in the front row chuckled sarcastically.

Our household guards, who protected the carriage, amounted to ten people. They were even skilled fighters, armed and ready. On the other hand, the villain had nothing more than a single dagger that could barely peel an apple. It was hardly a terrifying sight to provoke laughter.

Nevertheless, the villain remained incredibly self-assured and spewed villainous lines, “Hand over the carriage peacefully. Ah, and the women inside too!”

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