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Rubette broke the silence with a sigh and explained wearily.

[Daddy, I’ll get straight to the point since you’re busy. Starting today, I’m not actually kidnapped, but it will appear as if I have been. A wicked person intends to kidnap me, and the Crown Prince intervened to prevent that.]


[I can’t explain further, but there’s one thing you need to know. Even though my isolation period is over, it’s still dangerous to stay openly in the capital.]

“Did the crown prince say that? Do you trust him?”

[“Yes, I trust him.]


[You saw how more than ten of our family’s knights were easily defeated by just one person, right? Of course, that person is on my side, but someone with that kind of skill is targeting me.]

“What on earth!?”

Although incomprehensible, it seemed like Rubette wasn’t just making empty claims. Furthermore, a skilled individual who single-handedly subdued ten of their family’s knights…

The reason was unclear, but if individuals of that caliber specifically targeted Rubette, the ducal residence would not be safe.

“Who the hell is targeting you?”

[Well, it’s uncertain yet, so I can’t say. But it won’t take long. I just need to hide for a while, pretending to be kidnapped.]


[Until the crown prince deals with the bad people. Just wait a little longer, please.]

“If that’s the case, couldn’t he have informed me beforehand? Are you sure the crown prince doesn’t have any other motives?”

[Oh, the crown prince wanted to apologize for that. He said if he had told you in advance, you wouldn’t have believed him and wouldn’t have cooperated.]


The words were… valid.

With a slight closing of his eyes, Leonard spoke calmly.

“Tell me where you are.”

[I’m inside the capital, not far from the ducal residence. Rebecca and Sienna are with me, so there’s really nothing to worry about.]


[Also, no one should know that this isn’t a real kidnapping but a staged one. I have no choice but to contact you because you’re worried, but please never mention it to Brother Viego.]


[His Highness said he’d stop by the duchy soon. You’ll hear the details then. And…]


[I miss you, Dad.]

Overwhelmed by a sensation that surged up in his chest, Leonard struggled to find words for a while.

[Please wait a little longer. I’ll contact you again. Click!]



After finishing the call to reassure her worried father, Lark appeared. Next to him was Ren.

I immediately apologized while gauging Lark’s reaction, “I’m sorry… Father can be stubborn…”

“Nah, it’s okay. I would’ve reacted the same way. I’ll go talk to him separately.”

“Thank you.”

I’m exactly sure where we are right now… Ren kept changing the carriage multiple times, going back and forth.

What I do know is that we’re on the outskirts of the capital, where commoners reside.

The place consisted of a ground floor and a basement. It wasn’t overly large or small, just an ordinary-looking house from the outside.

“Princess, let me greet you once again. I’m Renevan Seves. Please call me Ren.”

“Oh, it’s the first time I’m hearing your full name. It sounds quite noble. You have a very dignified face. And you’re tall and well-built too.” I took out my business card, which I always carried in my pocket like an entertainment casting agent, and handed it to Ren.

<Blanc de Ruby>

Representative Madame Ruby


“If you’re interested, please contact me.”

As Ren looked at the business card absentmindedly, Lark intervened between us.

“Princess, wasn’t it supposed to be a secret that the two of you are the same person?”

“Huh? It was supposed to be a secret, but didn’t Ren know?”

“This kid doesn’t know anything. I never mentioned anything about you.”

“Wow, really? I thought Ren would know everything.”

“Can I say it?”

“It’s not a matter of whether you can say it or not, of course you should say it. It’s inconvenient not to share at least the basic information with allies. You’re unnecessarily tight-lipped.”

“W-wait!” Surprised, Ren pushed Lark aside and looked at me. “If you’re willing to share information, please let me know about other secrets as well. What exactly is the reason why the 2nd Prince is showing interest in you?”

“Yes, I will do that.”

“I’ve heard that you’ve kept it a secret even from your closest maid and your secretary, but still, I’m a fairly trustworthy guy. I’m very close to His Highness, no, to Lark, and—”

“Yes, yes. I know. And I trust you. It would be more strange not to trust someone like you, who is unnecessarily kind and righteous, almost getting falsely accused and nearly executed.”


Looking at the puzzled expression on Ren’s face, I reached out my hand to shake hands. “I’m the contract of Vista, the spirit who can see the future. You probably didn’t know, but I’m the benefactor who saved you when you were about to die. Nice to meet you.”

Ren froze in place, his mouth hanging open. “What is this…?”

“It’s as you heard. It’s one of the reasons why Nathan is targeting her.” Lark raised Ren’s open jaw with his hand and spoke.

Ren stood there for a while, murmuring to himself.

“I, I, I die by being beheaded…?”

“That won’t happen anymore. I’ve already removed the trap that Nathan had set up to harm you.”

“Wow, so when you said you trust me back then without questioning is because-” Lark nodded, and after Ren took a deep breath, he greeted me, “Thank you, Princess. I’m alive thanks to you.”

“Oh, don’t mention it.”

“But how on earth does the 2nd Prince not know about your secret?”

“Ah, that.” Lark rubbed his forehead with a tired expression. “It’s just a guess, but it seems like Nathan’s spirit, Pose, might have broken the taboo. He must have revealed the secret that only spirits should know to Nathan as the contract holder.”

“Is that even possible?”

“If you pay the price.”

“What’s the price?”

“Usually, the summoning is restricted. You can’t call upon spirits.”

Ren’s eyes widened. “That’s too extreme, isn’t it? It’s like giving up on being a summoner altogether. Isn’t it meaningless to go to such lengths and break the taboo?”

“It’s not permanently restricted. Depending on the severity of the taboo broken, it could be limited to a few hours or even several decades.”


“I’ve also broken a taboo that required paying a price for a day or two.”

This was something Lark had already told me. He suspected the 2nd Prince had broken a taboo and forcefully discovered my secret. Since I had already deduced that, his speculation didn’t surprise me.

“Anyway, I think I’m going to get busy from now on. We have a meeting at two o’clock, so let’s do some work before that.”

Lark pulled on his mask to cover his face. For some reason, he was dressed as a menacing villain, similar to Ren’s attire.

Leaving me standing still, Lark and Ren began to check the dangerous weapons they were carrying within their bodies.

“Ren, how many hours did you sleep yesterday?”

“Two hours.”

“Oh, poor you. You’ve been through a lot. Do a quick job and get some rest.”


“Excuse me, wait a moment, wait a moment.” Interrupting their conversation, I interjected. “Where are you going right now?”

“I’m going to catch the assassins Nathan sent.”

“Do you… Your Highness, are you doing it yourself?”

“Of course. If we want to finish as quickly as possible, I have to move too. I’ve been hunting with Ren even outside of working hours.”

“I see.

“Sorry.” Lark gave a bittersweet smile and rested his hand on my head. “It might be uncomfortable, but please bear it a little longer. I’ll make sure you can safely move around in the capital.”

“No, I’m really fine. I should be the one apologizing.”

I had simply decided to help Lark and assist his younger sister, Elisabeth. As a result, I had caught the attention of the 2nd Prince and became a target, ultimately becoming a “burden” to Lark!

I had intended to reveal the future with good intentions, but what kind of butterfly effect was this…

“Do we need to eliminate each assassin individually? Since we already know the culprit, can’t we just take care of the 2nd Prince?”



At my harsh remark, Lark and Ren exchanged glances without saying a word.

“Well, it’s a good idea, but in reality, it’s difficult to approach Nathan due to the power of the spirit he possesses.”

I nodded. After all, there’s no point in rushing in only to be paused right in front of his face.

As I nodded, Ren said, “And even if we somehow eliminate the 2nd Prince, it poses too much risk for us. His Highness and the 2nd Prince are in a delicate balance for the next succession. Even if we succeed in the assassination, without evidence—”

“The public opinion wouldn’t be favorable.”

“That’s right.”

“Don’t worry. We’re collecting evidence of Nathan’s wrongdoing. Once we gather enough evidence to execute him legally, we’ll expose it.”

“I see.”

Lark seems to have thought it through…

Seeing Lark and Ren, who only had two hours of sleep, ready to go out and work again, I couldn’t help but feel sorry.

I scratched my cheek and spoke.

“I’m sorry. It’s all my fault that you couldn’t sleep properly and your hands got stained with blood for no reason…”

Lark’s eyes widened. “Why are you apologizing? It’s entirely my fault that you’re in this much danger.”

“That’s right. Don’t worry about it. Besides, dealing with the assassins is just part of our job, as they’re members of an illegal guild who would do anything for money.”

“But still…”

“Don’t worry, we have discreet security placed around you. But I know it’s more reassuring to have someone personally watching over you. After work, I’ll always come back here.”


“Then I’ll be going.” Lark smiled softly and quickly left the room, not wasting a moment.

…What should I do with this feeling of guilt and burden?

As Ren, who was about to follow Lark, stylishly drew two daggers from his back, he looked at me with unwavering loyalty and spoke, “This life that Princess saved! I will dedicate it to your service! Thank you!”

“No, hey!”

And just like that, he disappeared without a trace.


Feeling a mixture of emotions, I could only let out a sigh and slump my shoulders.

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