Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3267: A Century of Mortal Life (2)

Chapter 3267: A Century of Mortal Life (2)

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Zhen helped Chen put on the clothes she had just patched. Chen moved his arms and legs around out of habit and let out a simple but happy smile. “Whether it’s the clothes you weave or the clothes you patch, they just feel the best when I wear them, like they’re completely a part of me.”

“For some reason, when I wear the clothes you’ve made for me, I feel like you’re always with me no matter where I am.”

Zhen smiled sweetly and grumbled flirtatiously, “Stop running your mouth already. Why don’t you butcher this pig instead?”

Afterwards, Chen carved up the boar he had caught, while Zhen personally took to the kitchen.

The two of them worked well together, each making their own contributions and supporting this happy little family together. Some of the days were dull, but it was still filled with happiness.

In the blink of an eye, several years had passed. During those years, Chen and Zhen had always lived happily and in satisfaction, living a life without any conflict. They loved each other deeply. They never argued or disputed over anything.

However, the only imperfection was when the other people in the village the same age as them became parents, they were still without children.

On this day, on a small hill, Chen sat on the ground, dazing out as he stared at the familiar hamlet at the foot of the hill.

Zhen was right beside him, holding onto his arm intimately with her eyes shut, resting her head against Chen’s shoulder as if she was carefully savouring this rare moment of peace.

“Zhen, do you know that I’ve actually always had a very strange feeling? I’ve always felt like I’ve forgotten a lot of things, but I just can’t recall these memories no matter how I try,” Chen said gently at this moment.

Zhen, who rested her head against his shoulder gently, immediately snapped open her eyes when she heard that. A smear of panic and uneasiness appeared in her eyes.

“The endless sea of stars… the sky is full of stars… I just feel like I’ve wandered through them before…” Chen murmured. His eyebrows were firmly furrowed as he tried his best to recall it, wanting to remember everything he had forgotten.

The panic in Zhen’s eyes grew heavier. She hugged Jian Chen all of a sudden and said softly, “Chen, stop thinking about it. Stop thinking about it, okay? Promise me. Don’t think about those things. Let’s just finish this life peacefully and quietly like this, alright?”

Chen’s eyes narrowed. He looked towards Zhen in suspicion and doubt. This was the first time he had seen Zhen with an expression like that despite all these years of being married to her.

He fell silent for a moment before saying, “Zhen, will our peaceful days be destroyed if I remember everything I’ve forgotten?”

Zhen nodded. She seemed like a timid girl, extremely terrified. She said softly, “This life, we’ve distanced ourselves from the ties of the secular world. We’ve distanced ourselves from the conflict, the scheming, and the various favours and grievances. We’re not tied down by anything, but we have to forget everything and abandon everything, spending the rest of our lives in this ordinary little village separated from the world. I’ll accompany you, and you’ll accompany me. We’ll accompany each other, until death do us part, alright?”

“In this life, we’re both mortals. Mortals age, fall sick, and die. Mortals go through joys and sorrows of meetings and partings. In this short century, I only hope we can accompany each other, to rely on one another and approach our end happily and without worry.”

“Promise me, Chen.”

Zhen gazed at Jian Chen affectionately. She was extremely beautiful, like she was a work of nature. She possessed a very special aura about her. Even describing her as alluring enough to topple cities was not enough for her beauty.

However, in the depths of her eyes was a light that Chen was completely incapable of reading. It seemed to be grief and sorrow, yet it also seemed like a sense of powerlessness over fate.

“Alright, I promise you!” For some reason, Jian Chen was deeply touched. He embraced Zhen’s slender body gently and kissed her on the lips softly. He stopped thinking about those seemingly-forgotten memories, maintaining a calm mind to enjoy this mortal life that was plain and simple yet devoid of any worries.

The two of them embraced one another in joy and happiness.

After a while of silence, Chen suddenly said, “Zhen, do you feel like our family is still not whole enough?”

“Really?” Zhen raised her pure-white chin in confusion.

“We’re still missing a child!” Chen said seriously. “Look at everyone else in the village. Their children are even old enough to work in the fields, yet we’re still without a child.”

“Zhen, we need to make a child.”

Zhen stiffened. She blanked out, unable to return to her senses for quite a while.

Three months later, Chen finally got what he wanted. Zhen fell pregnant!

After ten months of pregnancy, Chen and Zhen’s children were finally born. They were a pair of twins, a boy and a girl. The boy was the older brother, while the girl was the younger sister.

Under Zhen’s suggestion, the boy was named Wuyou!

The girl was named Wuhui!

TL: Wuyou means without worries. Wuhui means without regrets.

On that day, the entire village came to celebrate, holding a great banquet to congratulate Zhen and Chen on their children.

Zhen held her newly-born children and smiled gently. She gave off a motherly glow.

Chen was also so happy that he was unable to stop smiling.

The birth of the children added some more joy and laughter to Zhen and Chen’s plain and simple little family. It became a little more lively, and it also made the little family a little more whole.

Under Chen and Zhen’s care, Wuyou and Wuhui grew up healthily and happily, without any worry, away from all conflict.

Time flew like an arrow. In the blink of an eye, two decades had passed, and the two children had turned twenty. They had each found the other half to their lives.

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As for Zhen and Chen, they entered their middle ages as well, no longer possessing the vigour of their youth.

The two of them loved one another dearly. Over twenty years of marriage without a single argument. Not a single thing that displeased them occurred. Their feelings for one another was extremely deep. The days were happy and content.

On this day, Chen and Zhen’s little home was decorated with lanterns and streamers. The character for happiness was hung up everywhere because today was Wuyou and Wuhui’s marriage.

Wuyou had fallen in love with a lady from a neighbouring village, while Wuhui was married off to an outstanding young man from their village.

The two siblings chose to get married on the same day.

On this day, Zhen and Chen sat in the seat of honour. They smiled peacefully, accepting the bows and tea of respect served up by their son-in-law. The ceremony came to a close. Now, the older brother Wuyou and the younger sister Wuhui both possessed a small family of their own.

Very soon, Wuyou and Wuhui had children of their own, and Zhen and Chen had grandchildren. They were a grandfather and grandmother now.

However, as time went on, Zhen and Chen became older. They had already been married for half a century now. Their black hair gradually greyed as their conditions declined with each passing day.

As mortals, they aged, fell sick, and died. They went through the joys and sorrows of meetings and partings. Very soon, Chen faced the first tragedy in his life.

His father Changyang Ba and mother Bi Yuntian had reached the end of their lives, leaving this world together.

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