Child from the Dungeon

Chapter 141: Elven Meeting Part 4

Chapter 141: Elven Meeting Part 4

As the Forest Elf Queen beats Hector in that place, she was so enraged that Hector's blood just splatters everywhere in that meeting room.

She was so enraged in this scene, for she had been holding her desire for revenge for years but can't be unleashed for the target she vowed to destroy is already dead.

But now, she just found out that the person she wants to get revenge with had a son and possibly that person who killed her husband had spawned many of his descendants throughout time through his very son that is in her hands just now.

Realizing the possibility, she begins to think wildly about capturing those who descended from Rainard Richter, her revengeful psychopathic thoughts begin to work as she imagines capturing Rainard's descendants one by one, torturing them, and executing them publicly.

While she thinks of that as she tortures Hector, the Elf Emperor smirks as he sees that it seems the fires of revenge had been lighted inside the Forest Elf Queen, his smirks widened as this happens.

While the Elf Emperor smirks, the Flame Elf King then looks at the emperor, he sees him, his majesty for he bows his head a bit.

"( It seems things have gone according to his Majesty's very plan, isn't it? )" he thinks to himself for he remembers the time when he and the other Elves of the Flame, the Elves of Fire, attacked the Royal Knights Defense Garrison Fortress*, the time when he abducted Hector per the Elf Emperor's orders.

"( It seems now, that all Elven Leaders of the biggest Elven Regions had all begun to hate the humans. )" he thinks in his mind, now understanding His Majesty's intentions for ordering him to abduct Hector.

He sees that he himself, the Sea Elf Chief, the Star Elf King, and now the Forest Elf Queen had begun to hate the human, legalizing their desire for war per the Elf Emperor's desire on behalf of the Elves, that had held this hatred for ages.

"( We Elves had been patient for the humans for ages. )"

"(At times, we even get swayed by their promises of peace, made by some of them. )"

"( But in the end, like what His Majesty says... )"

"( The humans' very wickedness even corrupts their very pure. )" the Flame Elf King understands what it means now.

"( Now I too understand, why we must end them. )"

"( It's not for our race's own good, but to them also. )" he states for he then gets some flashback of his previous talk with the Elf Emperor before the meeting even started, a talk regarding the benefit of this way against the humans.

( Flashback. )

" Flame Elf King, did you know why I now want to wage the war, against the humans? " the Elf Emperor asks the Flame Elf King, in his very second throne chamber in his very castle.

" No, My Liege and Majesty. "

" I only know that you decided to halt your war because of the treaty you've made with the humans who asked you for an alliance, was it not? " the Flame Elf King asks him back.

" Yes that's the reason you all know, but here I'm asking if you're wondering the main reason I had to halt my desire on purging them from this universe. " the Elf Emperor says to the Flame Elf King, giving him time to think.

The Flame Elf King thinks about this, realizing from that statement that the Elf Emperor must've had his own personal reasons that he didn't announce to the rest of the Elves behind his intention from halting the desire for war against the humans.

" Is it because of mercy? and sympathy? " the Flame Elf King answered with his question, for he too only guessed it on a whim.

Knowing that the Elf Emperor is powerful and merciful at the same time, the Flame Elf King concluded that it must've been the Emperor's sympathy that hold him for years. Hence, why he still keeps the Sky Elf Sage as one of the Elven Elders he could just dispose of him for being passive like the rest of his Elves, always commenting on their desire for war, but still, he keeps him in the passive with respect, as if he wants it for some reason.

" You are correct, my friend. " the Elf Emperor says to the Flame Elf King as he stands up from his throne.

" The reason why I hold this hatred for so long is that I am a sympathetic person, I knew what the innocent feels in the rages of war. "

" Both from our race to the humans, I imagined it each time I want this war. "

" For I too was a survivor, in the fires of Ragnarok, I had to start the Elf Race from the ashes again. "

" If it weren't for my goodwill, patience, sympathy, and collaboration with others..., from our own race or even the other races... "

" I would've not been able to rebuild the Elf Race to the ones you knew and live. " the Elf Emperor tells the Flame Elf King his reason.

" But now, things have changed. "

" For years, I even spied the human lives, even sometimes disguising myself as one in secret, wondering why the humans always survive in every odds. " the Emperor says which made the Flame Elf King surprised.

" As I experienced it, I see the humans' goodwill in their lives, I enjoyed it at first, but... " the Emperor recounts his experience.

" As some of them are wicked, they often inflict pain on others, even the purest of them. "

" And from that pain and suffering the purest of humans begins to awaken their desires of wickedness within them, for the fires of revenge against those who hurt them, even to those who didn't, begins to influence them to be ten times more wicked than the ones before them. " the Elf Emperor recounts it, seeing it during his times of disguise as he blends in the human lives back then.

" That's why I intend to purge them. "

" Not simply because I hate them, but in my deepest heart, I want to end their suffering. " the Elf Emperor says to the Flame Elf King, telling him that this purge is not only good for the Elves but for the humans too, for it means ending their wicked hateful nature, once and for all.


( Back to the present. )

As the Flame Elf King remembers it, the Elf Emperor then claps his hands, asking the Forest Elf Queen to stop doing her thing for Hector's blood had already been splat to every place, he fears that the cleaners might have a hard time on cleaning it after this.

" Forgive me, Elf Emperor! " the Forest Elf Queen says as she stops hurting Hector, while Hector just scoffs as he still managed to stay awake.

The Forest Queen gazed upon Hector sharply, she gazes at his weakened eyes, seeing him still manage to be awake after that amount of pain from her plants.

While she looks at him, the Elf Emperor then calls the cleaners to help clean the mess and some guards to take Hector back to his cell.

" Make sure he stays alive, for the Forest Elf Queen still wants him. " the Elf Emperor says as he sees Hector get taken away.

" Now then, after all of that debacle. " the Elf Emperor claps to spice things up.

" Should we then get to our business, then? " the Elf Emperor says as he tells them that after this, he will tell them exactly his plan for this purging war against the humans.


( Meanwhile. )

A Gate was opened, for an individual comes out from the Gate and look upon the location he was in right now.

< User had arrived in Validur>

< Adding Validur to the Archive >

" We've arrived. " Draven says as he summons Tania out.

" Oh yes, this... " Black Shadow Elite, Tania says as she comes out.

" Yes, Tania... "

" Welcome home. " Draven says to her.

< Location: Validur, Dark Elf Region. >*

" We will start here, to rescue Hector Richter (grandfather). "


* Validur, the Dark Elf's Region.

First Mentioned in Chapter 83: Donovan Raid Day Part 4

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